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Over 1 Million New Yorkers are moving away from NYC

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posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: Fools
NY has a population of over 19 million people. 1 million isn't going to change much,

Depends on which ones are leaving. If it is all the big tax payers, then that 5% could be more like a 50% or worse hit on their tax revenues.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:13 AM
it seems people, especially politicians need to study history. after all it's not like this hasn't happened before. this is exactly how cities like Detroit and Chicago became the hell holes they are today, and how new york city was. because people who could afford to move to the suburbs, because of far better living conditions, the cities increased the taxes to cover those taxes lost. because of course they still had to pay for all those wonderful social programs they promise to keep the poor and minorities in line and voting for them. which caused even more people who could afford it to leave to places where they were not taxed as much. which in the end left primarily those who could not afford to move to be left. those of course who paid the least taxes, if they were not on things like welfare, which eat up taxes. and due to the crime caused by the loss of tax money and the cuts that had to be done, even more that could find a way to move did. which in the end left so many cities to criminals like gangs who pretty much took over.

if New York city doesn't fix the problem, such as lowering taxes they will likely loose all the ground regained over the last several years, and again become a hell hole such as gotham city which was based on New York. a place where crime runs rampant, and gangs rule, as the city goes further and further into debt.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened
A lot of people like you in CT really. My doctor's practice was in BX, but his mansion was in CT. Probably half of the mcmansions I did were in like new cannan(probably butchered spelling), greenwich type areas of CT.

New Canaan is a really nice town; very great school system. Greenwich as well. The crazy thing is, even being in the category Edumukated outlined in his post ("upper middle class"), buying property in towns like that is practically out of reach. If you drop a pin in a map that represents NYC, as you draw closer to that point from every direction, Connecticut, NJ, Westchester, Long Island, the home prices leap up in value. I suspect it's like that in every suburban location, but in my experience this is skewed even more so in NYC's suburbs. We could afford to live much closer to the New York border in places like New Canaan, but my wife feels pretty comfortable where we're at and is sensitive to the snobiness that accompanies areas such as that.

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