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My journey away from politics

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:40 PM
Of course I will still vote, but since disengaging from the usual waste of time political discourse I happy to report a 40 point drop in my average systolic blood pressure. Whenever I Felt the urge to get online and do some arguing, I "just said no" Was well on my way to early grave, cutting back on blood pressure meds to stockpile, etc

My numbers are actually looking fairly normal, today's readings: AM-136/84, Noon-128/80, PM 130/80. All were taken after mild-moderate physical exertion

Spent today enjoying the sights of early Spring, watched the grass grow and then decided to cut it.

I know very few will care to read this, but that is whats going on for me
Life and ATS has so much more to offer than being a place to beat our heads against a brick wall while arguing irrelevant topics with our ideological adversaries

Anybody else on a politics related hiatus? Enjoying life more as a result? I sure am
edit on 4/4/2020 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:54 PM
It's always been an interest of mine, regardless of how infuriating it can be. I've got other interests but talking about sports, movies, the weather and social distancing isn't among them. I'd much rather be pissed off than lost in the insignificant bull#.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: JBurns

I don't think that other topics are immune from dissension.

It is the human condition and probably a necessary survival trait to speculate and form models of the world around us (opinions) against which we evaluate our environment.

It takes a strong person to step away from that, because little of the angst will ever eventuate.

As for me, I still seek valid debate. Perhaps I am not strong or independent enough to step away from my 'crusades'.

Cheers to your health

edit on 5/4/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Thank you

I love a good debate, the kind where two parties tackle a topic, present objective evidence and pursuasive opinions/arguments in an effort to convince one or more rational parties to come to the other side

Sadly there is about a 1% chance that will happen in our current state of politics. I can safely say there are no words that will pursuade my own vote (I suspect this is the case with others) so it seemed a little disingenous to continue flinging crap at others

Anyhow looking forward to pursuing some of the more topical content here, ATS has so much more to offer

Take care Chrono, hope to see you around these parts again!

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: IredBafi

Totally understandable

I would say the same, but I think concerted debate has always been my own overriding interest. I remember when I was around 9 or 10 Mom always debated anything under the sun with us kids, never let us off easy either. She was as sharp as she was well informed

It is always something I carried on, something my own relatives remember fondly of her

Take care IredBafi, hope to see you around these parts also

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: JBurns

That is good but beware and keep on checking your blood pressure. Did the same some years back and stopped checking after some months.
Did burst and artery a year later, luckily behind the knee

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
cutting back on blood pressure meds to stockpile, etc

I suggest you check your BP meds: their origin (some of what was imported from China are known carcinogens); long-term efficacy (and what you must be doing to extend that); 2d & 3d order effects

You're one of the ATSers whose posts I always stop to read.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: IredBafi
Mom always debated anything under the sun with us kids

Smart mother.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: JBurns
Of course I will still vote, but since disengaging from the usual waste of time political discourse I happy to report a 40 point drop in my average systolic blood pressure. Whenever I Felt the urge to get online and do some arguing, I "just said no" Was well on my way to early grave, cutting back on blood pressure meds to stockpile, etc

My numbers are actually looking fairly normal, today's readings: AM-136/84, Noon-128/80, PM 130/80. All were taken after mild-moderate physical exertion

Spent today enjoying the sights of early Spring, watched the grass grow and then decided to cut it.

I know very few will care to read this, but that is whats going on for me
Life and ATS has so much more to offer than being a place to beat our heads against a brick wall while arguing irrelevant topics with our ideological adversaries

Anybody else on a politics related hiatus? Enjoying life more as a result? I sure am

I try and pay as little attention to it as possible... but that goes in waves. Right now I’ve been preoccupied with The Vid and a lot of reading on the subject that isn’t specifically political. I still tend to check in at least daily to see what’s going on.

Politics has turned into a drama filled soap opera - that sadly carries real-life implications. Toooo much drama for me.

This is also why I have ditched social media with the exception of a few forums.

For those of you heavy Twitter users, take a month off of it and then go back and start reading comments - most of what’s said on there is hyperbolic garbage trying to bait people into arguments/rip people apart. It’s gross.

I fully agree though that I’m happier when I spend less time reading about politics. I’m not surprised it helped your health and I’m glad to hear it!

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: EnigmaChaser

Me too Enigma

I have been trying to stay busy by preparing for the next thing that happens, planning to restock critical supplies when they become available again and figuring out what parts of our emergency action plan worked and what parts need improvement

We have plenty of TP, but, I didn't anticipate it selling out how it did and leaving a lot of neighbors and friends in a tough instead of having 5-6 years worth, my own supply is down to about 7 months not counting paper towels and all that

Another thing is drug stockpile, I have years worth of antibiotics and other meds but about 25% are expired and I need a way to know if they're still safe and at least 50% effective

Just things to think of other things we did well, food, MREs, chlorine, PPE, ammo and weapons some of which were also distributed to family and friends, donated an AR-10 and a few plate carriers to local cops I am good friends with bit still have plenty

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

Ouch, thanks for the good wishes ICycle2

Hope your own medical situation is in good shape!

I keep a good log on my BP and lately it was getting concerning, numbers today looking great.. my diastolic has never been this low from what I can remember, been steadily in the 70s and 80s, real happy about that

Take care buddy 👍

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Thanks for that Snarl, it means a lot to me

I do always try to get brands I stockpile from US manufacturers, I'm lucky to have a good Doc who works with me on this kind of stuff, heck I wouldn't have 1/10th the stock I do

How are you and yours holding up? Stay safe my friend
edit on 4/5/2020 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: IredBafi

Oh yeah, my girls never got to know her but I still try to carry on that tradition, always tell them no matter what side of something they come down on to support their position with facts and strong arguments, don't be afraid to be wrong and it isn't weak to change your own POV if somebody proves them wrong

She is very dear to me and had a big impact on the person I turned out to be

Stay safe and healthy

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
How are you and yours holding up? Stay safe my friend

Back from the abyss (permanently it would seem). I'm lovin' it. Not sure if my wife can put up with me 24/7 -haha- but, this is good. Son was moving out, but got trapped here for 'the event'. Daughter and new S-I-L might be going home tomorrow a.m.

Had the AR-15 and the ol' 1911 out on the range yesterday for familiarization. S-I-L shooting a Glock 23 I handed down to him. For us ... this social distancing seems to be bringing the ones who mean the most closer. Interesting times, JB. Interesting times.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
Of course I will still vote, but since disengaging from the usual waste of time political discourse I happy to report a 40 point drop in my average systolic blood pressure. Whenever I Felt the urge to get online and do some arguing, I "just said no" Was well on my way to early grave, cutting back on blood pressure meds to stockpile, etc

My numbers are actually looking fairly normal, today's readings: AM-136/84, Noon-128/80, PM 130/80. All were taken after mild-moderate physical exertion

Spent today enjoying the sights of early Spring, watched the grass grow and then decided to cut it.

I know very few will care to read this, but that is whats going on for me
Life and ATS has so much more to offer than being a place to beat our heads against a brick wall while arguing irrelevant topics with our ideological adversaries

Anybody else on a politics related hiatus? Enjoying life more as a result? I sure am
I know my comments on websites are utterly meaningless. No one cares about my opinion and I’m not gonna change anyone’s mind. And yet I still waste time writing useless opinion pieces. They help me clarify my positions on various issues. Also, I learn a lot while doing quick and dirty research to (hopefully) ensure I know what I’m talking about. It’s just a way to pass time in my retirement. And I’m often compelled to defend America when it’s being maligned, not because I think it’s perfect, but because its critics often forget the good it’s done.

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