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How Are Ya Now? ....Papers?

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posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:21 PM
No real topic, just a little back porch weather talk.

I think we as a whole view this virus from just a few major sides, just as we do with everything political over the last years. It's beyond political. Media. Hollywood. Reality TV. Dems. Reps. Trump. You get the picture. Now we have the virus. Is it the one or isn't it? Did Dems overreact? Did Trump overreact? Is the world over reacting? Are we?

It's funny how once the results from one major fiasco barely makes it to light before the next major fiasco begins in force. Once it begins, no one seems to care about the mess we just simply walked away from without another thought. It's baffling, isn't it? They just keep on coming and we just keep pushing them right on down the line. Stamp of approval X right there. As always, I didn't get the memo. Story of my life.

I realize, none of that matters anymore. Face it. We as a people have given up all but words and we go gently into that good night.

What I know...

I know that whether we were for Team Corona or Team Whatever, the hard fact is.. it doesn't matter. We have a map that shows us that suddenly, we went from first known cases of people catching and some dying in the US only a few days ago. Today, every state had infected. It was like waking up to a slightly cool, misty morning where your yard is covered in whitecaps.

It's here. It's done. No, not the virus...

We have one governor after another declaring some semblance of martial law. Every day something here in the US is closing and it's affecting everyone.


I see the economy tanking because this shut down is only the beginning. Everything is coming to a screeching halt, I know I've said this before. Everything turned from talking about a virus to "STAY IN YOUR HOME" all in one very short period of time. Hell, we didn't even have time to figure out if the virus was even real or just some overblown windbag ploy to get all of us willingly to submit. What's next? They'll send us cake and ask again nicely? You can say something is unconstitutional and or highly illegal and yet it's all being done in our faces for all to see, without consequence.

It's just you and your Charmin filled, seaweed running eco-couch-on-wheels and it's just about nap time. It's ok. Officer Bob and his boys will make sure you go straight home. Who cares if it's steps on your freedoms and it makes you feel like a criminal. No one beer at the bar before home. If you don't like it, Officer Bob keeps that billy club handy. He'll make home sound so wonderful... It's ok.. Someone on the street will catch this MoFo and put him on the inter... uhhh nobody cares. Caring is no longer cool. You know what is cool? Everyone suddenly delivers.

STOCK PROPHECY - Buy the hell out of Charmin and GrubHub stock! NOW!

If the government says do it, we the people will do it. They'll be stragglers here and there but those are the ones that either comply or be made example of. Has Hitler not taught us anything?

Martial Law... Are we about to find out? How bad could it be?

You know in the back your mind... You know...

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Failed to add...

What's next?

Martial Law
Required Papers
Proof you were immunized from this flu before you can walk among society? Before you can buy food?
Weapon grab?

I dunno about you guys but I don't think I'd taste good in green.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Hell, we didn't even have time to figure out if the virus was even real or just some overblown windbag ploy to get all of us willingly to submit.

Actually we did. The data was there. And the government knew exactly what this was. Which begs the question, was their initial lack of a response because they were hoping to soothe the economy as long as possible or did they knowingly let this spread so they could eventually initiate martial law?

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Throwing one more log on that fire...

Looks like the word is to sell off the US dollar for Euros. Could this mean since we'll obviously have a global market meltdown should these shut downs continue, that we'll have to find a new global currency?

Hmm... Who's going to step in and be the savior from all of these disasters falling upon our poor little, toxic-blue marble?

All joking aside... If the virus doesn't get us, the world stopping around us will. Does the US even have the ability to feed a nation full of people? What about other countries?

At some point, people are going to say screw the barriers and it'll be April 29, 1992 all over again. This time, over a much larger area. Global even.

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 10:44 PM
My company offered to pay me base wages if Im quarantined , or sick.

I wouldn't mind 6 weeks off.... For quarantine that is

posted on Mar, 16 2020 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
My company offered to pay me base wages if Im quarantined , or sick.

I wouldn't mind 6 weeks off.... For quarantine that is

-cough cough- of course. of course.

Ill have some of that.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

STOCK PROPHECY - Buy the hell out of Charmin and GrubHub stock! NOW!

Add Chlorox to that list, and the time to have bought it was before this all started.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: underwerks
Martial Law? No, you're just blowin in the wind. The Martial bit, police, army etc.. The rest, the population.
Now this covid bit does not let anyone have a get out of jail free card, so what makes you think the Martial bit is going to be immune to the virus? They can come down with it as well. In fact they are more prevalent to catch it because of the nature of their jobs, mass meeting of people.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: crayzeed

It's already happening. People are getting curfews all over. We don't usually hear much about it until the cities start doing it. My hometown Parish has a curfew now and all officers are on the streets to enforce it.

Your servicemen and women will be the last ones to quarantine in a situation such as this. Only the private/citizen sector will be shut down.

From what I'm seeing from friends here locally, it's kind of hard to find an open bar right now and getting worse. Though on the bright side... delivery is pretty much free everywhere and it's on the upside.


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