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There is a Civil War....

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posted on Jan, 4 2019 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Defn: sovereign nation

Sovereignty is the power of a state to do everything necessary to govern itself, such as making, executing, and applying laws; imposing and collecting taxes; making war and peace; and forming treaties or engaging in commerce with foreign nations.

According to the definition you haven't lost sovereignty yet; the question becomes whose agenda is the Nation following, certainly not the common wealth of the common Man.

The endless foreign wars for profit, the Smith-Mundt act as mentioned above, seems the Oligarchy have won. The question really is simple: How do the people reclaim their out of control Politicians and reign in the powers they have given the "Police State".

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22
Maybe this will help, sorry... a rant from me flows and I see no breaks... my apologies...

Whether it be a 'Soft' Civil War, a 'Quasi' Civil War, or even a 'Psuedo' Civil War... our country is in an internal conflict with itself like I have never seen in my life time. The middle seems to have fallen out... the "I really don't care what you do, just leave me alone to do my thing" mentality and freedom, is no longer valid. You are either this... or your that. Left, Right... Faith, Non-Faith, Racist, Non Racist, Liberal, Conservative, etc. etc. Apparently if you do not support transgendered, transhumanism, 11 year old drag queens, CELINUNUNU Dion clothing... or, you do not accept or agree with Sharia law and are not tolerant of Millions (not thousands) of 'Illegal' immigrants coming across your NOT SO SOVEREIGN borders, then you are a homophobic, racist, nazi whose probably white, stupid, drunk and smokes, believes in the Bible, prayer and loves the US flag... or at least something like that.

If you still fall in the middle of all the above, and are a centralist, realist, maybe agnostic, possibly an independent voter, logical as best you can be and still tolerant of others values and respect others rights... you are a dying breed. The 'war' I speak of is apparently out to 'divide' the country, literally re-write culture, values, ethics, reason, and FREEDOM. Let's all watch Braveheart ending one more time. And, whoever or whatever is doing this dividing is winning. It's working big time and I truly believe 2019-2020 will be at some point full blown chaos, here in our beloved country. This is not Lebanon, Libya, Venezuela, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, South Africa... No this 'was' the United States of America... which now almost seems like a real problem to say. "United" NOT. To me still the greatest nation on the planet, I still get chills when a 'good' national anthem rendition is sung... I still love my land, my home.... BUT, I am almost embarrassed at being an Independent, centralist leaning American. Not Republican, Not Democrat, but free to decide. They, whoever 'they are', are trying to destroy me and people like me it seems.

Does anyone else feel this, or am I just a soft hearted Patriot type who needs to shut the f&^% up? Oh, oops... I said Patriot, probably get banned for that. I am an Air Force veteran, my son, his fiancé' and my nephew are vets, or are currently deployed. Can I ask Why are they deployed? For what reasons are they over seas? I am also a proud First Nations Cherokee individual who has no land to go to... this is my land. For those who may discard this thread as coming from some 'newbie because I didn't join until 2018... I've been following ATS since 2005 as one of my favorite sites, because I felt like you could find some truth here. Unfortunately politics and fear have become the source of most forums and threads, I say fear because fearful people lash out and accuse, retaliate, or maybe even rant as I am.

I am fearful, fearful that the country I love is being destroyed by a war that's only invisible if you bury your head, disregard or simply deny. The frog in the pan of warm water doesn't even know he's about to be boiled alive, until it's too late.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: projectvxn
My apologies...

Whether it be a 'Soft' Civil War, a 'Quasi' Civil War, or even a 'Psuedo' Civil War... our country is in an internal conflict with itself like I have never seen in my life time. The middle seems to have fallen out... the "I really don't care what you do, just leave me alone to do my thing" mentality and freedom, is no longer valid. You are either this... or your that. Left, Right... Faith, Non-Faith, Racist, Non Racist, Liberal, Conservative, etc. etc. Apparently if you do not support transgendered, transhumanism, 11 year old drag queens, CELINUNUNU Dion clothing... or, you do not accept or agree with Sharia law and are not tolerant of Millions (not thousands) of 'Illegal' immigrants coming across your NOT SO SOVEREIGN borders, then you are a homophobic, racist, nazi whose probably white, stupid, drunk and smokes, believes in the Bible, prayer and loves the US flag... or at least something like that.

If you still fall in the middle of all the above, and are a centralist, realist, maybe agnostic, possibly an independent voter, logical as best you can be and still tolerant of others values and respect others rights... you are a dying breed. The 'war' I speak of is apparently out to 'divide' the country, literally re-write culture, values, ethics, reason, and FREEDOM. Let's all watch Braveheart ending one more time. And, whoever or whatever is doing this dividing is winning. It's working big time and I truly believe 2019-2020 will be at some point full blown chaos, here in our beloved country. This is not Lebanon, Libya, Venezuela, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, South Africa... No this 'was' the United States of America... which now almost seems like a real problem to say. "United" NOT. To me still the greatest nation on the planet, I still get chills when a 'good' national anthem rendition is sung... I still love my land, my home.... BUT, I am almost embarrassed at being an Independent, centralist leaning American. Not Republican, Not Democrat, but free to decide. They, whoever 'they are', are trying to destroy me and people like me it seems.

Does anyone else feel this, or am I just a soft hearted Patriot type who needs to shut the f&^% up? Oh, oops... I said Patriot, probably get banned for that. I am an Air Force veteran, my son, his fiancé' and my nephew are vets, or are currently deployed. Can I ask Why are they deployed? For what reasons are they over seas? I am also a proud First Nations Cherokee individual who has no land to go to... this is my land. For those who may discard this thread as coming from some 'newbie because I didn't join until 2018... I've been following ATS since 2005 as one of my favorite sites, because I felt like you could find some truth here. Unfortunately politics and fear have become the source of most forums and threads, I say fear because fearful people lash out and accuse, retaliate, or maybe even rant as I am.

I am fearful, fearful that the country I love is being destroyed by a war that's only invisible if you bury your head, disregard or simply deny. The frog in the pan of warm water doesn't even know he's about to be boiled alive, until it's too late.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: SocratesJohnson

I agree with the looking back years ago... things have shifted dramatically.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

So, time to be held accountable for blindly following orders?

Really? You're questioning my service to this country with that? Do you work? Do you have a job? Customers? Clients?
Do you follow orders at all? Blindly is suggesting I am stupid and without sight, conscience or thought. Sometimes in this world, you follow orders based on where, when and what you are... not blindly because you're freaking stupid.
You are attacking my children as well? Incredible. Unfortunately YOU follow orders everyday... Or maybe you're just an order giver and look down at all others below you.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: jonsnow

you did say this is not...

This is not Lebanon, Libya, Venezuela, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, South Africa

Funny how some of those countries were invaded for the simple reason that they didnt play ball and threatened to go on a gold standard.

You claim your country is torn apart and yet you take no responsibility for doing the same in other countries for corporate interests?

The frog in the pan of warm water doesn't even know he's about to be boiled alive,

Whats changed since the Kent St massacre of anti-war protesters?,_after_the_shootings

"The 82nd Airborne was in the basement of the executive office building, so I went down just to talk to some of the guys and walk among them, and they're lying on the floor leaning on their packs and their helmets and their cartridge belts and their rifles cocked and you're thinking,

'This can't be the United States of America. This is not the greatest free democracy in the world. This is a nation at war with itself.'"[10] President Nixon and his administration's public reaction to the shootings was perceived by many in the anti-war movement as callous.

Seems nothings been learn't in 50 years - maybe only how to quell rebellion more effectively?

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:41 AM

Seems nothings been learn't in 50 years - maybe only how to quell rebellion more effectively?
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

As I said, this is not Lebanon, Libya, Venezuela, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, or South Africa and you have benefited from the presence and or actions of the United States military every day of your obviously pissed off and disappointed life. Disappointed in this United States, where unlike Lebanon and the above mentioned countries, truck bombs, suicide bombers, military dictatorships and lack of freedom has been the rule... Had you paid attention to what I wrote, instead of applying your military/US anger to my post you would have seen I'M NOT HAPPY EITHER. This IS the direction we're headed. So to throw the entire military and all of the 'GOOD' the US has done into the septic tank of mistakes and corruption... you only show your agenda and anger. Good luck with that, I'm sure everyone around you is tickled to death to be in your company.

I too protested and was actually alive when the Kent State (as you say) massacre happened. By the way, that was the Ohio National Guard and if you had ANY military intelligence, you would know the difference, and yes I know what bombings they were protesting. You have any idea what it's like to be a Native American during the Wounded Knee occupation and subsequent shootings by our military? Of course you don't. Read the post without drinking the koolaid and do your homework. You wanna group everyone in the military together? You wanna group all native Americans together too? HUH? How about we group all the ANGRY Americans together, how will that achieve anything?

Grow up.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: jonsnow

I said

You claim your country is torn apart and yet you take no responsibility for doing the same in other countries for corporate interests?

Can you name what good the US military has done - has it staid true to its function? Defending the US?

All I see is the military being the lapdog of Globalists who loot for profit.

We could go through the last 30-40 wars/military actions that the US has been involved with if you like.

No one is denying there are good people in the forces. Show me one military theater/action in the last 40 years where it was for the defence of the US?

Since declass its known that Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag.

you have benefited from the presence and or actions of the United States military every day of your obviously pissed off and disappointed life

As a matter of fact I have been worse off since the Saudi/US recycling of petrodollars and the monopoly on how crude oil is traded in US $'s.

Educate yourself. Its all out there.

Grow up.

Er this is an international site. Not your personal soapbox. If you dont like discussion perhaps look for another site?
You dont get to set the rules.

posted on Jan, 9 2019 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Er this is an international site. Not your personal soapbox. If you dont like discussion perhaps look for another site?
You dont get to set the rules.

Not my personal soapbox? I do not like discussion? International site? Go somewhere else? Hah... did I hurt your little feelings DarkLiGHt. Your a hater, pure and simple. Your also a sitting troll who forgot this Forum is called 'Rant'. Nothing personal about it and we were in a discussion. But it seems discussion to YOU is to attack and make us all aware of what you hate. Why don't YOU go to another site where one-sided hatred is embraced? Hello. This Forum was previously shut down by people like yourself! Excuse me if you're an international poster and you're not a citizen of this United States, voice your hatred for this country, that's the freedom you enjoy wherever you are. But attacking my family, my job and what's left of my country... All you're doing is continuing the divide... and as this 'Rant' started, that's exactly what I was talking/Ranting about. Thank you for the affirmation. I set no rules young one, but your hatred does not "set the rules" either. Lay down in a field somewhere on a clear night and just look up at the stars and ask yourself, "Why do I hate so much?" "What is the big picture?" "Why am I even here?" Help humanity for a change and take a break from your computer. Oh, and I'm sorry daRKliGhT , I didn't mean to upset you with my rant. LOL I'm sure you'll get another opportunity with someone else who has served their country so 'Blindly' as I have.

'Donadagohvi uninodena'.

posted on Jan, 10 2019 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: jonsnow

So you can't stick to refuting or even considering other viewpoints.

Good luck with your close mindedness.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 07:56 AM
There is a civil war coming because the population of people in the u.s. who has ties elsewhere besides the u.s. is growing.

There is a growing population of people who want to help the world before the country.

And why, it's because they have stronger ties and family elsewhere.

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