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(Dream) My reflection ran away!?

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posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 09:07 PM
Mirrors are quite symbolic in dream interpretation.

Seeing your reflection in a mirror can represent a period of self reflection.

Not seeing your reflection can mean loss of self identity.

In my dream I kept seeing my reflection either walk or run away. Has this happened to anyone else? What does it mean?

posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: frostie

Never happened to me, but it sounds interesting. Are you going through hard times right now?

posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 10:56 PM
What does the mirror look like?

Are you having issues with your self identity?

In your case start a journal about daily goings on. Also, start a dream journal to chart down if there are changes and top compare and contrast.

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: frostie

It’s been a while since I kept up with my own dream journal, but my best guess is that it means you are having trouble facing yourself (or probably some aspect of yourself or some behavior that you don’t want to admit you have). It can sometimes be exceedingly difficult to identify this sort of thing, but meditation and journaling and quiet self-reflection can help quite a bit. Also, paying close attention to other people’s reactions to you, especially oeople who don’t like you, can offer clues to some subconscious behaviors.

Have you been feeling any guilt or shame about anything? Have you done anything shameful or experienced anything traumatic recently? If you can identify the source of shame right away, you’re quite lucky, it may be from a relatively recent event that you just need to work through. (It’s important to note that the emotions can be disproportionate to the behavior, you might subconsciously feel like a terrible person just because you have trouble keeping promises or something, and also, feeling shame is a sign you are a good person who cares, not a sign that you are a bad person).

Do you remember any changes from right before the dreams started? It could also be related to deep-seated behaviors that originate in childhood, so bear that in mind if you really can’t think of any changes.

When I went through somthing similar, I had recurring dreams that I was stealing pens and pencils and markers (basically school supplies) from other people. It turns out I’m one of those jerks that always has to be right all the time (so sorry!!) but it took about a year of work to identify the know-it-all behavior existed and to realize this was what the dreams were about.

As self-therapy I made myself call people to tell them I was wrong ANY time I found out I waa even a little wrong until being wrong didn’t feel debilitatingly shameful anymore (I’m still irritating, but I’m less irritating now... also, all those “sorry I’m wrong” phone calls were probably weird and annoying too lol). Now it feels normal to be wrong about things, which is a nice change.

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