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YouTuber makes strange post of impending chaos.

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posted on Oct, 20 2018 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
a reply to: SatansPride
Fortunately, I have the knowledge---gained over my almost 65 years of life---to hunt, to fish and to grow or collect food. My children have that same knowledge passed from my grandparents and parents. We have advantages that our ancestors didn't have, like propane generators, solar power and water filters. I spent a goodly number of years sitting on "readiness" committees and coordinating plans for various disaster scenarios. Knowing your local community is a big part of survival in a disaster situation.

Our plans have only been put to the test once in recent years and only for a short time when an ice storm hit the area and knocked out all power to the county for about two weeks. As a result I'm very aware that a lot of people won't be prepared because I fed a lot of those people during that storm. Fire/rescue and sheriff's personnel knew that if they were in my neighborhood they could get something hot to eat and get their thermos refilled at my house. They could also charge up their phones if they needed it.

I'm not deluding myself that I can make a one-woman stand against the world but I can be prepared to help myself and some other folks who may not have the advantages I've had. Survival during disasters is a community effort when you live in a community. If you live in a bunker in the woods it may be a different story but my choice is to be a part of the community and to help my fellow citizens if it is within my power to do so. I can tell you from experience that people do not forget and most of them learn some valuable lessons from surviving such disasters. There were certain members of my family who thought we were just a bit on the nutso side of life when they were hauling in the huge cabinets I bought to hold my supplies. Their minds were changed when they were able to come here and have a hot meal and get their e-gadgets charged up because we were the only house in the neighborhood who had water, power and a working landline. (Yeah, the back-up batteries in the cell towers only last about 48 hours so there was no cell service.)

As I said in the earlier post, to me being prepared, having at least six months to a year's worth of food is just a way of life for those of us who were raised by parents who endured the Great Depression. We grow gardens and collect wild food and preserve and store it. We go to the Amish store and buy our staples in bulk and store them for that certain "rainy day" that we know will appear. We do this so we don't have to eat dehydrated food when those days come. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

Please be prepared to take your show on the advice is to follow the LDSers...maybe plan to infiltrate their groups and stick with the larger group.....the LDSers don't know it but their boss was buddies with the JWs boss who was a relative of mine.....the reason they will be living in tent cities is because when Nibiru arrives there will be a unique devastating moment when our rotation stops....everything not buried and secured will be MOVED like 40 feet in a millisecond....yes...if yo are inside you likely doomed...…...if you are outside under open skies in tents sans big heavy furniture and other potential killers and spaced away from each other properly your chances of surviving this stage of the event are better....and nope I don't think they tell the LDSers WHY THEY DO THESE now you know right?...any LDSers out there who want to survive can PM are readymade and we need at least 300 in each cell or group.
edit on 20-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2018 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Cornczech

Indeed. I was called everything from a "prepper" (said in a snarky tone) to other less complimentary names when I was putting together the space that houses my supplies. Some of the younger folk had a few giggles at my expense---until we were hit with an ice storm and people lost power for up to a month. Then, these old folks looked like geniuses who had hot food, coffee, tea and hot cocoa. Granted that I used up about 3 months worth of my coffee supply during that two week period but the first responders knew they could get a hot meal and a hot drink, even a hot shower if they needed it. They also knew they could pick up a hot meal for the people in the neighborhood who depended on Meals on Wheels for their lunch. And you know what? People don't forget that kind of thing.

posted on Oct, 20 2018 @ 07:31 PM
Okay, so the guy on the youtube plays out the trailer for the upcoming film 'How It Ends'. In the film, some kind of apocalyptic event occurs and everything turns to chaos. He's probably seen the film and it has probably made quite an impression on him and turned him more paranoid than usual.

He probably thinks the film is telling him something so he's trying to reach out to like-minded (ie, paranoid) people and hoping to cause a pseudo doom scare. Somebody needs to tell the loony tune warrior (he's not a thinker) that it's only a movie.
edit on 20/10/18 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2018 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being prepared for such an event.
But his source material is a movie made in Hollywood.
Mental illness has struck again.
Unless of course he really was asked to be flown across the country and what ever else he said.
But with all the vagueness and little hints, I think it’s more paranoia than inside knowledge

posted on Oct, 20 2018 @ 08:45 PM
So, someone in the know came to this niche youtuber and told him about an upcoming attack. Plus, he is so important that he was offered a ride on a plane across the country? Why would they fly him across the country, what could he do?

Also, it was generous of him to offer to demonetize one video.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 07:35 AM
Well, it's just as I suspected, now jonxarmy is all happy, no mention of his previous video of that particular doom.
Now he's rambling on about an alien invasion and mars having a volcano!

What I am saying is, NOBODY in the comments below of his new video is even bringing up the fact of his stupid video the other night. He is even talking about Patreon and how much he LOVES his viewers!

Step right up, see his stupidity here! (I am unable to post videos)

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: elysiumfire

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being prepared for such an event.
But his source material is a movie made in Hollywood.
Mental illness has struck again.
Unless of course he really was asked to be flown across the country and what ever else he said.
But with all the vagueness and little hints, I think it’s more paranoia than inside knowledge

If some Hollywood insiders have knowledge about massive society collapsing event and they DON'T make a movie detailing the exact specifics of it. ..AND people actively aggressively defy that potentiality...
Then I'm going to have do seriously do a double take on who's the one with the mental illness.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:40 AM
I don't doubt something streaked across space inexplicably (at least at first.) There are multiple videos of things floating fast or slow in space. It seems like a stretch of correlation with youtube being down. There was no video of the moon. The guy also says in his video that people watching his stream were still viewing it when youtube went down. That makes complete sense since they are connected to the IP address and streaming it, whereas new connecting users are not able to resolve the DNS given IP address.

Overall I'd say it's best to be prepared but not panic until there is a credible, provable and verifiable reason.
edit on 21-10-2018 by Philippines because: added a word

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 10:42 AM
This guy does not know the difference between reality and a movie. He watches something, and acts it out. His channel is strange, has Nirubu, end of the world stuff all over. Doom porn is what it is. Nothing will happen, don't go get rice and all. Don't fall for it.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: darkuniverse
Well unless you were planning on making rice with dinner of course lol.
But ya, don’t go load up the back of the 4x4 with fema style rice bags.

posted on Oct, 21 2018 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: prevenge

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: elysiumfire

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being prepared for such an event.
But his source material is a movie made in Hollywood.
Mental illness has struck again.
Unless of course he really was asked to be flown across the country and what ever else he said.
But with all the vagueness and little hints, I think it’s more paranoia than inside knowledge

If some Hollywood insiders have knowledge about massive society collapsing event and they DON'T make a movie detailing the exact specifics of it. ..AND people actively aggressively defy that potentiality...
Then I'm going to have do seriously do a double take on who's the one with the mental illness.

ROFLMAO....for the umpteenth time here on ATS the Mother of all Conspiracy sites....the freaking movie 2012 is telling us everything that is coming in...YOU GUESSED IT BOYS AND GIRLS....2021.

The question is...a question which I have ALL THE PIECES OF THE ANSWER do you survive what happens in the movie 2012????? .....if you cant be on one of their ARKS....what DO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES DO????.......FYI the ARKS are not the only nor highest % survival options even if they are very much like the ones we see in this movie.

It is CLEARLY to late to teach anyone who isnt already indoctrinated and 1/2 way onboard...even the tiniest slightest bit of oppositional defiance...which is how 4 generations have been brainwashed to think ...will get you killed and turned into time for poop disturbers now...only time for earnest learners.

edit on 21-10-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2018 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: recrisp

originally posted by: fightzone58
i went to earthly patriot channel and checked to see what he posts. he has been talking about nibiru and the end of the world for over a year

"Earthly Patriot" is not the maker of the video, she only has it on her YouTube Channel.
"JONXARMY " is the guy that made the video.

he has quite a bit of conspiracy and ufo videos as well

posted on Nov, 8 2018 @ 06:07 AM
And those are nice

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