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MISINFORMATION vs The TRUTH - To the Old Fogies with a Good Memory!!

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posted on May, 16 2017 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

This country is headed towards a civil war

Not even sure how the left is planning
To fight with words, phones and computers

But the right has guns, the CONSTITUTION

And anyone able to see the Pysop

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: iWontGiveUP

Can't wait for misinformation meets hard stone law

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

I was a child but the first president I recall was Eisenhower. I recall he was named the 'do nothing president'. The korean war ended under him and as I recall there wasn't another war til Vietnam under Johnson. There was much excitement about Kennedy and he bucked the system like Trump is trying to do.

My skepticism began somewhere between George W Bush, Clinton and Bush Jr. or should I say the skepticism blossomed in those years and it was rare I voted for a traditional candidate.

Much of this if from MSM. I got a clue about that with the treatment of Dan Rather after his report on Bush jr. Less an less investigative journalism. No one ever said anything bad about the president. Everyone toed the white house line. Oh then their was Connie Chung who when asked where they got their news from, honestly answered, the white house. She took leave the next day to concentrate on having a baby. Last real MSM investigative journalist was Sharyl Attkisson.

It has gotten progressively worse until now you have to question why anyone would call anything news. Much more political the last 10 or so years.

All this to say No, I have never seen anything like what is going on with the bashing of this president in my years.

Would like to mention, that the fact some of us remember is the exact reason they are reaching out to young people who lack the experience and involvement to remember. When they do, it will be an entirely different era.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

I was a child but the first president I recall was Eisenhower. I recall he was named the 'do nothing president'. The korean war ended under him and as I recall there wasn't another war til Vietnam under Johnson. There was much excitement about Kennedy and he bucked the system like Trump is trying to do.

My skepticism began somewhere between George W Bush, Clinton and Bush Jr. or should I say the skepticism blossomed in those years and it was rare I voted for a traditional candidate.

Much of this if from MSM. I got a clue about that with the treatment of Dan Rather after his report on Bush jr. Less an less investigative journalism. No one ever said anything bad about the president. Everyone toed the white house line. Oh then their was Connie Chung who when asked where they got their news from, honestly answered, the white house. She took leave the next day to concentrate on having a baby. Last real MSM investigative journalist was Sharyl Attkisson.

It has gotten progressively worse until now you have to question why anyone would call anything news. Much more political the last 10 or so years.

All this to say No, I have never seen anything like what is going on with the bashing of this president in my years.

Would like to mention, that the fact some of us remember is the exact reason they are reaching out to young people who lack the experience and involvement to remember. When they do, it will be an entirely different era.

Bravo! Thank you for being you

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

yes! the media, I judge all media today based on how the media acted during the Nixon scandal.

The Washington post, that broke the story and basically forced the government to start an investigation, would NOT report anything about the Nixon scandal unless they had 3 named verifiable sources for that particular information.
back then if wapo reported it you could trust that it was true.

now the media will report ANYTHING as fact based on one anonymous and unverified source.

back the then the media was scared of being sued so they made sure that they had verifiable sources to back up their reports, but now propaganda is legal so the media will report anything as being true and if they are sued will use the defense that they were just spreading government authorized propaganda.

edit on 16-5-2017 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:16 PM
The tide started in 1974 when president Nixon was forced to resign. We then had Ford and Carter. Reagan came along and I honestly believed our government will change for the better. However, George H. W. Bush had eyes on the presidency and MK ultra-ed Hinkley Jr. to do the nasty. It almost worked, but after that, Reagan was a changed man. 4 years of Bush 1 made me realize that Globalism is a nice word for Communism.

We then had the Clintons, a package deal. The most dangerous couple to ever grace the Potomac. They managed to change it from Globalism to plain Jane communism. Deals were made and Dubyah 2 was installed. Twice. He had to save his Poppy so the middle east became inflamed. This paved the way for the greatest communist-er-Black man to settle into the white house. Luckily, he didn't get much done so he bankrupted the treasury which wasn't too big to fail. We also found out everyone in his congress was racist. Especially when he couldn't get his way. Some have called his regime the Lead (Pb) Legacy.

By some extraterrestrial or multidimensional or OOHGA BOOGA way, we somehow got Trump. He was great with his speeches and rhetoric to begin with, but, something happened right after he was made president. From no wars to all war. From tax cuts to taxes and more of them. From daughter Ivanka to Co President Ivanka and Jarred. Trump got read the riot act and had to comply. Unless Trump effects a bait and switch with the powers that be or not, get the popcorn ready!

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

3 named sources and we would now be blessed with just one.

Like I said in another thread. Just get the info out there, let other media pick it up and it becomes truth. No one notices the 4th page correction in small print.

Nothing else to say. Our youth are learning from this so we are doomed.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

In my 58 years, I honestly have never seen a president put his foot in his mouth almost on a daily basis. I've seen presidents caught in lies, but not as blatant and provable with so many video recordings. Hands down, I've never seen a president so egotistical and not learning from his mistakes. (It doesn't take a genius to figure out his tweeting is causing a lot of media attention, but he can't stop himself!!!) He's so self-centered, thin skinned and so narcissistic it makes you sick. He can't take criticism and acts like a child when he doesn't get the attention he wants. The things he says, and the way he says them are just plain STUPID! The guy is a pathological liar and his word can't be trusted.

Many presidents had to deal with reporters who asked tough questions like Helen Thomas and Sam Donaldson. Past presidents didn't scold reporters like Trump has or belittled them like Spicer. No president ever walked away during a private interview. A president who has attacked the media as fake news... NEVER seen it in my lifetime until now!

No past president has ever said they would release their taxes, but than reneges on it. It's Trump's own fault he has garnered so much media attention. To say any other president who would continue to spew outrageous rhetoric and lies wouldn't be attacked by the media is just plain ignorant.

I honestly wanted to see someone who wasn't a career politician become president. I and many others who were tired of seeing gridlock and political divisiveness in government, wanted someone to shake-up Washington. However during the campaign, Trump showed himself as incompetent, and said some outrageous and questionable things. His comments about women surprised the hell out of me and I was surprised some women still supported him! I know if a women candidate attacked men the way Trump did women, men everywhere would have been ridiculing her and she would have been lucky to get 2% of the vote! Trump was not a competent outsider, that could relate to the average American. Many of his campaign promises were just hype, and he's surrounded himself with billionaires. It certainly doesn't sound like someone who truly wants the ear of hard working Americans.

So looking back, this is definitely unprecedented.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 11:40 PM
Growing up poor and riding bus to school on other side city due desegregation and passing 6 block long projects where majority had newer luxury automobiles parked while parents barely could afford 10-15 year old clunkers even though they worked hard kind of did me in for liberal causes and democrat party. That was early seventies.

Not much has changed on gimmedat professionals

The particular city had dubious distinction of highest gang membership per capita for awhile as well as being bluest of blue democrat bastion.

I escaped at 18.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

I cannot talk much about the sbuject matter of your post because i know little of what goes on in the US in terms of the details. However what I can tell you is that I have had an interest in US politics since i was a teenager in the late 1960's and on into the 1970s from a far off land

I can tell you at no time have I seen the world in a such a dangerous situation as it is now.

I fear the for the youger people of my own generation and the next generation and beyond because I see a great big steel trap being being sprung on the American, Canadian, British, Australian and New Zealand, and other people, in slow motion but which is getting faster and faster by the day.

Read "Dr Day everything is in place and nobody can stop us now"

Notes by Dr Lawrence Dunegan, of a speech given on March 20, 1969 by Dr Richard Day (1905-89), an insider of the "Order,"


posted on May, 17 2017 @ 05:21 AM
I'm 64 and I have never seen such lies being perpetrated,what is scary are these fools who are promoting this,when I was a teen in 60's,at least a hippy would know why he is protesting,and they didn't always use violence,so what I have witnessed is the dumbing down of society,common sense need not apply

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 06:00 AM

Would like to mention, that the fact some of us remember is the exact reason they are reaching out to young people who lack the experience and involvement to remember. When they do, it will be an entirely different era.
user: liveandlearn @ ats

Media in the Uk being pro -EU almost in the extreme do this too . And people in the Uk who are older that remember the days of Britain before too much European integration , are mainly anti -EU in their stances, not just pro-Brexit .
There was a time when this country belonged to itself and to it's own historical inhabitants . Britons were almost chopped away from this fact of their history . The large majority of youths still don't realise they'll be getting it back , or really , what goes with that . Or that the job is still not finished yet and rests in peril.
There has been a radical change both sides of the pond , there being ruminations that both brexit and trump were orchestrated by the same 'group' , Perhaps by a new , new global order emergent presently and rolling secretly.
Or perhaps, more hopefully by patriots who have seen eye to eye , as the former described and including the stealth by necessity. So you might not notice it, or even the olduns might not op. The EU didnt quite spot or stop Brexit , they were caught by surprises .
I'm not old but have studied history and politics and I am impressed with Trump , very much so . The climate in the world has changed because of him and for the better , actual improvements , because truth is being spoken by him , and its been a long time since proper honesty and that player is now in the WH . Given his location he should be allowed his judgement , and time will tell if he's just there as a puppet or to line his and other pockets , or to play in with orgs like the UN , OECD , Bilderberg , or if he had to meet his new masters on inauguration which is also possible . Who was the guy direct to his right/our left who looked so maniacially happy on completion of his speech there.? As time tells then a good op

edit on 17-5-2017 by ZIPMATT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 08:11 AM
Wow! I'm sitting here with my coffee and Cheerios reading all the replies!

Thank you for the insight! Excellent we can all communicate calmly and compare experience!

I was kind of hoping everyone would say there was nothing to worry about and it was just the same 'ole $h1t.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 08:59 AM
I love reading how people in their 30's and 40's think they have 'perspective' on the current state of affairs. I'm in my mid sixties. I've seen some stuff. It's hard to say what was actually going on back in the day. There was far less information available and that information was always filtered through news outlets. Granted, news outlets were WAY more responsible and honest back then. Their survival depended upon it. But politicians? Same old same old.

Today any asshat can get on the internet and claim anything and some faction of people will believe it.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 12:04 PM
I remember Nixon. Bout as far back as I go being aware wise.

As best as I could always tell they have had the American people either by the leash or by the throat all along. The collie dog barks and the sheep predictably move in the desired direction.

The people always want some savior to make it all right and you get fed some new flavor of salvation over and over. As a comparison, a young woman wants to get ravished but she just wants to hear the correct lies before she surrenders. So go the voters of any nation. So the people end up with the responsibility of an unwanted baby born from temporary passions.

So what is new? What has changed? Far as I can tell some infighting within the masters of the universe club. They are probably infected with the same disease of division, hate, ignorance and judgment as the people they used these same tools on. Who knew it was contagious?
Hah hah hah...

Problem here is that these guys act and regularly do vicious stuff.

I'm kinda like Charlie Frost "It's so beautiful...". Waited a long time for this level of melt down. Others may want to review the nuke targets map and especially the areas where they will "walk" the nukes and not be anywhere east of that. Good chance before long WW III is going to be on like donkey kong.

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: derfreebie
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

Good Op and bumped. I went official fogey last Nov: no offense taken.

For the political disinfo-- I can recall no time in my life when open
rioting by losers and subsequent destruction of public and private
property was call "demonstrating" by the MSM. Where were the cops...
it was Inauguration Day! Ever since, collective meltdown on every front.

I can also recall no unrelenting wall of vicious BS by that media and
other establishment embedded ticks against a legally elected POTUS.
It looks like a large area of the country wanted Trump. If the truth
is sufficiently toxic to the status quo (with all the big guns) we're toast.

PS: Fox talking point:
"SNL Ratings Surge on Trump Ridicule." The offense never rests.

Well, whippersnappers, I was born in '43 and I agree with everything derfreebie says. There have been scandals in the past -- politicians will be politicians -- but nothing in my memory matches what's going on today. A large part of the problem is the interwebs, a place where "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." (Attributed to various authors.) along with that comes a gullible public all too willing to accept whatever is placed in front of them, with no inclination to do their own fact-checking.

Another large problem is the media, mainstream or otherwise. It used to be that journalists reported what was happening (the facts) and let the audience judge. Today self-styled "journalists" have no qualms about sensationalizing issues or editorializing about them. (See above re: gullible public.)

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Cohen the Barbarian

AS another guy who is even old enough to remember Korea
up close and first- person, thanks for the support.

As the government unravels from its own malady (I'll
stay simple and call it GREED) the camera has no choice.
But 'they' said a long time ago Cohen-- If you see something
terrible on the screen, and somebody OFF-camera is telling
you what it is you're seeing: it's called a psyop.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all
of the people some of the time--
but if you try to fool that sour old bastard in the corner
he may just get pissed off and shoot you. not Lincoln

posted on May, 17 2017 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: MarkOfTheV

I am going to take a shot for the film.

V for Vendetta.

As long as I have been around I have not seen our government and mainstream media colluding together to outs a new sitting President.

I do not believe there has ever been a President that wasn't bought and paid for by the biggest corporate lobbyist in the 20th century.

However Trump is the first President in my lifetime beside JFK, who really wants to serve the people in my "opinion".

The corrupt establishment and the DNC are outraged to the fact that they cannot control this man, I believe they are afraid of him.

Trump is not going to tow the line so to speak, no sir, Trump has his own idea how he wants to get things done. I am sure before he ran for the Presidency he was well informed he had a big battle against him from the start, this was a great challenge, to him in my opinion.

However, Trump was in for a big fat surprise once he won the election, There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Trump was briefed by the CIA.

It is my "opinion" that the CIA told Trump how things were going to be run, and things that Trump could never talk about, such things as 911, UFO's and I am sure many recent events that have been well covered up.

I believe on that day when he was briefed he was told that he will never be able to build the wall, lower taxes, start a new healthcare system, make the economy great, and many other things that Trump ran on his platform to become President.

In my opinion, there is a much greater picture here that most people are not aware of. Our politions are nothing more than puppets pulling strings to get things done for a higher power.

This higher power controls most of the world, and most of all politics, and politions, all politicians must play by the rules of this power.

This Power sits on the Federal Reserve Board of directors. Can anyone on ATS tell me who this powerful person is?

The CIA takes it's orders from this person, and runs world wide operations around the world, in overthrown countries.

The corruption in Washington is a rampart that no one really cares anymore, and corruption has now been widely accepted as the new norm.
edit on 17-5-2017 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2017 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Informer1958

On April 12, 2017, amidst speculation about whether Yellen would be reappointed as the Fed Chair in early 2018, Trump had the following exchange with a WSJ reporter. Asked if Ms. Yellen was "toast" when her term ends in 2018, Mr. Trump said, "No, not toast."[32]

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