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Mosque goes high tech but not far enough

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posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 01:41 PM
I think it is great that mosques go high tech to determine the correct time of day but fail to go further in using phone apps to call their faithful to prayer.

One of the most annoying things about Muslim call to prayer is it is to loud. Not to mention the reaction of a the dogs that howl because the dB's are way to loud. You and I will have the cops called on us if our music at 4 am that is above 7dB's but the dBs of the Muslim call to prayer in the same area is well over 15dB's and we are told to just bear with it.

The answer is High tech, just create a free app for their cell phones that calls them to prayer in their homes or businesses. It is the best for both worlds they get their call and we get peace and quiet five times a day.

edit on 9-11-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 07:37 PM
They have several phone apps for prayer times . Seen people use them in singapore and malaysia .

posted on Nov, 9 2016 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
The answer is High tech, just create a free app for their cell phones that calls them to prayer in their homes or businesses. It is the best for both worlds they get their call and we get peace and quiet five times a day.
The answer doesn't seem high tech to me. They are trying to apply science to arbitrary and ambiguous definitions like this:

when the light “spreads horizontally” 2 and not when the light “looks like the tail of a wolf” 3 or is “vertical” 4 [which is the false fajr].
So how do you scientifically define when the morning light no longer looks like the "tail of a wolf"? I don't see how you can since it's not a scientific description, so they resort to asking a lot of people for their opinions. Science is supposed to be based on independently verifiable measurements, not opinions. Apparently a lot of mosques just used 1 hour and 40 minutes before sunrise and it seems life would be a lot simpler to just do that instead of figuring out when the sky looks like part of a wolf in the opinions of many different people, many who may have never even seen a wolf.

There can't be any passage in the Koran saying to use electronic amplifiers for the call to prayer. The original call to prayer was just a human voice, wasn't it? I think that would be a lot less annoying than electronic amplification. They also make these portable electronic call to prayer boxes as seen near the end of this video, which would also be less annoying than broadcasting an amplified call to the entire neighborhood. You can hear it at about 3 minutes in the video.

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