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Trump Akron, OH rally with women, blacks, Latinos, Democrats, Independents

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posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: UnBreakable

Are you telling me that a reporter found Trump supporters at a Trump rally?

Well, that's it boys...pack it up...Trump has won this election.

Black? Women? Latinos? They must've strayed from the pack at a Clinton rally. Because the leftist MSM would have everyone believe Trump absolutely couldn't get those kind of supporters.

Sure, he has supporters in those demographics...just in very low percentages.

The video seems to confirm that if you look at people in the background of the video.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: UnBreakable

Are you telling me that a reporter found Trump supporters at a Trump rally?

Well, that's it boys...pack it up...Trump has won this election.

Black? Women? Latinos? They must've strayed from the pack at a Clinton rally. Because the leftist MSM would have everyone believe Trump absolutely couldn't get those kind of supporters.

Oh...they exist...just in numbers so low that compilation videos that have no statistical significance is the only way to sell the idea.

African American support by candidate:

Clinton 83%
Trump 2%
edit on 29-8-2016 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 02:56 PM

That video was hillarious

Ill tell you why

Im from Cleveland Ohio (I just moved to PHX AZ)

I went to the University of Akron for 4 years and loved there. That was filmed at the University of Akron...

I have met 2 of those people in the video. I was in Akron from 2007-2011

and I can most assuredly tell you that 2 of them were 100% Republican and urging student to vote red.

Clearly the camera ppl told them to say they were ex dems to forward an agenda lol.

Not only that, but didnt Trump lose in Ohio to Kasich? Which is funny because half of Ohio hates Kasich because he CUT FUNDING TO HIGHER EDUCATION

There is so much BS in this video its crazy

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

But this is an Infowars video, so I'm sure it's doctored and faked.

Well, yeah? It's Infowars, a site no one here should take seriously but since Jones is an avid Trump supporter all the sudden Infowars is cool on ATS.

Guys, come November Trump will not be president. He does not have the support except for conservatives. Sure a small minority of all groups will also be voting for him because statistics but it's not gonna give him the election.

At this point, Trump and his supporters are embracing so much ignorance with delusions of Winning So Big that I fear for election day when he loses so big and how they're all gonna take it.

That or, they'll say they won and cry election fraud which that really pisses me off because it cheapens the actual election fraud committed for every election every where.

If anything, Clinton doesn't have to work so hard with election fraud because Trump is making this win so easy for her.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 09:47 PM
OP, I admire that you are trying to show a tiny bit of diversity in the otherwise pasty white sea of trump supporters.

I don't know if you know it, but Trump's biggest problem isn't with blacks, or Latinos, women or the college educated.
His biggest problem demographic block?


In 2012, exit polls showed 25% of all voters were Catholic. This group of voters is nearly as large as the entire non-white voting population (28%).

In 2012, Romney lost the Catholic vote by only 2 points, Obama 50-Romney 48. The latest polls show Trump losing in a tsunami.
A new Public Religion Research Institute poll shows Trump trailing by -23
Hillary 55
Trump 32
An ABC/WaPo poll has him down by -27.
If the expected voter turnout is 130 million, then Catholics number some 32.5 million voters. And he only has the support of of less than 1/3 of those people.

All of the poll numbers and voter statistics are from this WaPo article published Aug 28th.

If you couple his poor Catholic support with this map of Catholic voters by voting district, his predicament gets worse.

If the election comes down to the swing states of Ohio, PA, and Florida, or even more specifically, 20 or so swing counties, Trump finds heavy Catholic populations.

Around Cincinnati, Catholics. Western Pennsylvania, more Catholics. Tampa Bay, a pocket of Catholics. And on it goes, battleground-county-by-county....

Couple this polling data with his abyssmal support among people with non-white backgrounds, and I find it unlikely Donald will be hiring Trump movers to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: UnBreakable

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: TheBulk

Deeming to speak for me again? Meh. Not worth it. Whatever you say guy. We'll see how your rhetoric works out for you in two months.

I have no doubt Hillary will win, but I'd love to see the anti-Trumper's excuses and teeth-knashing if he pulls it out. I've never seen someone's head explode, except in a pixelated ISIS video.

When I see posts like this it reminds me when Trump first started running for President. I was with him from the beginning. Everyone said he didn't stand a chance of getting the Republican nomination. he could never get to 1237 delegates. I watched as the poll numbers were favoring Cruz, I watched what happened in Iowa, I watched all the TV pundits say he didn't stand a chance..and then...Trump did what they said couldn't be done. And here we are. I love it. Trump is great at being the underdog. When he gets closer to election time he is going to run the table. Mark my words.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Olivine
OP, I admire that you are trying to show a tiny bit of diversity in the otherwise pasty white sea of trump supporters.

I don't know if you know it, but Trump's biggest problem isn't with blacks, or Latinos, women or the college educated.
His biggest problem demographic block?


In 2012, exit polls showed 25% of all voters were Catholic. This group of voters is nearly as large as the entire non-white voting population (28%).

In 2012, Romney lost the Catholic vote by only 2 points, Obama 50-Romney 48. The latest polls show Trump losing in a tsunami.
A new Public Religion Research Institute poll shows Trump trailing by -23
Hillary 55
Trump 32
An ABC/WaPo poll has him down by -27.
If the expected voter turnout is 130 million, then Catholics number some 32.5 million voters. And he only has the support of of less than 1/3 of those people.

All of the poll numbers and voter statistics are from this WaPo article published Aug 28th.

If you couple his poor Catholic support with this map of Catholic voters by voting district, his predicament gets worse.

If the election comes down to the swing states of Ohio, PA, and Florida, or even more specifically, 20 or so swing counties, Trump finds heavy Catholic populations.

Around Cincinnati, Catholics. Western Pennsylvania, more Catholics. Tampa Bay, a pocket of Catholics. And on it goes, battleground-county-by-county....

Couple this polling data with his abyssmal support among people with non-white backgrounds, and I find it unlikely Donald will be hiring Trump movers to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Funny you should mention Catholics. I was walking home from the store last night. I passed by the Catholic church. There were many cars parked there. I was looking for any bumper stickers. I couldn't find ANY Hillary bumper stickers. I did see ONE bumper sticker though, proudly displayed in the back window. It read..."Vote Democrat - Kill Babies, Save Whales". I almost took a picture of it.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable If Hillary had it in the bag ,the media wouldn't be begging us not to vote Trump. Trump is going to make deals with the right people behind closed doors and take her out. Trump will be the next president.

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

When he said... "You may not like the vessel" that really caught my attention.

Typically if I recall that's a biblical term used in Christianity.

Could he be thinking this has something to do with prophecy or something???

posted on Aug, 29 2016 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: beeyotch

He funds campaigns which is what the politicans do all day long and it seems like the one who gets the most funds rises to the top.

Like a little game to them the policies they implement are meaningless to them they are above the law.

So when one of them who they usually look towards for funding turns on them what do they do?

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