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Breaking: French Court Rules Mayors Cannot Ban Burkini

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posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: KarmaComa
a reply to: 23432

Burkini will not destroy Western/freedom values.

The issue with the burkini in France is what it represents, what is behind it.

The other issue with the burkini, same as the burka (and other ninja attire), if nothing is done, their numbers grow in some areas (communities...) then people supporting these will then slowly impose their views and drive other people away.
E.g. Sharia for Belgium, was a political party in Belgium. Some areas of London where some people are now asking for the sharia.
note: I heard of an area where the "soft" sharia was applied, tolerated by UK gov, but this is only an earsay, I did not see evidence of this claim.
In Wuppertal, some young guys claiming to be the muslim police and directing the muslims in the street how to behave (e.g. when they saw one with a beer they would tell him not to do so).
In Nizza, some guys attacking a waitress because she was from Morocco - therefore assumed as being muslim - and serving alcohol.
A (public) swimming pool in Lille was regularly reserved by the town for muslim women, all men driven out, all windows covered...
When Charlie Hebdo murders took place, the head of muslim representation in France (CFCM) totally condemned the attacks, but mentioned that the Charlie people had been "looking/calling for it".
One hears more and more of women wearing short dresses and being insulted, in cities, for wearing these dresses.

Slowly, this is happening. Burkini is part of it.

Western countries have to stand their ground, defend their values.

Now, I agree, ban is never a solution. Where does it stop?

But then, what should we do?
Problem is, I do not have any solution.

Lovely post , thank you very much for the input .

The solution is more freedom for everyone I would say .

from left to right :

1st picture caption reads " I am the real muslim "
2nd picture caption reads " No , I am the real muslim "
3rd picture caption reads " No , I am the real muslim "
4th picture caption reads " Of course it is me who is the real muslim "
5th picture caption reads " all of you can f... off "

This problem is not exclusively an integration problem to Western Societies & Cultures .

Government Oppression of Women will result in more Women dressing up like photo number 5 .

If muslim Women are oppressed ; one doesn't get to save them from oppression by piling up more oppression on them .

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