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A UFO tale (What happened to my mom and her friend in the 60s.)

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posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 04:51 PM
I love these vintage UFO stories great story. Been a while Mr Mask good to see you still around.

I had my UFO sighting in the mid 90's. Was a red orb like thing and it followed our vehicle driving home from another town. It was floating just above these corn fields to our right for several minutes then suddenly shot straight up in to the sky. The whole car load seen it. I'll never forget.

And that's what prompted me to join ATS and peeked my curiosity on this topic in particular. I have an entire library of UFO books to fuel this obsession of mine. And still I have no idea what it all means.
edit on 24-4-2016 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Wolfenz

You realize you just proved that science fiction magazines existed that directed what people think they would see with a UFO right? You did not prove what you think you did.

you do realize of what you mentioned is meaningless right ??

No what I Proved is those Shapes were around way before 1947 way before Kenneth Arnold mentiond
of a Disk Shaped Object Arnold Flying Saucer Coin was his Mentioning of the Movement of the UFO not the Shape

Like Skipping a Saucer ( more less like a Zig Zag ) but the Saucer Shape Stuck .. his Description was like a beveled half moon shape of the UFO..

My Point is that of All the Descriptions of Witness During WW2 and Though
the 1950s of what these Object looked Like the main three types
Sphere Disk and Ballistic where in Science fiction Magazines 20 years before 1947

So where did the Ideas come from ??? That the Artist Drew From ..
There Own Imagination ? Someone Told them Descriptions of out of this World Space Craft?
or the Writer / Artist ( illustrator ) Actually had Seen them?

Point Blank There Were Shown SCI FI Pulp Mags before 1947
either were Seen as Fictional Or not.

Prove what I think Explain to me what you thought ?

Care to Look at these Pulp Mags ... Check Out
and see for your self there in PDF format ..

I Have Some of the Real Deal Pulps !
and it not only the Cover its in the Illustrated Pages

Not Only the 3 type UFO Shapes but the Aliens as well
you know large eyes, large head, tiny thin weak looking body's, tiny noses, thin lips
like an alien Gray hell some Look Gray..

ohh better yet here is my link of my Thread !

Ufos & Foo Fighters in Pulp Mags before 1950s

Its all in the Eye of what you See
either People see them or see them in as Magazine and made the Story ..

anyhow they do exist in Pulp Magazines

Hell even the Sci Fi Authors have a similar Description of them

but seeing a Alien Spacecraft in PULP MAGS from the 1930s and 1940s looking like
the Modern 1950s Description of an UFO is Something isn't ?

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: Mr Mask

Out of curiosity after the sighting occured was there a period of time that past where they didn't recall or talk about the sighting. Like years in between than it came back to them?

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: Wolfenz

Sorry fella. You are relying on a logical fallacy to prove your point. You haven't proven anything no matter how much you think you have.

You are misguided.

I give you a real patent for a flying saucer, FROM 1898

Notice the design is from a German scientist.

Early in the history of flight many engineers though the best design was a flat circular design. Science fiction writers picked up on that and assumed that is how aliens would have traveled.

Feel free to go through this list of air ships from the turn of the century. MANY of them were saucer shaped in design.

Source, IUP

Those designs got into science fiction, science fiction got into the subconscious, subconscious got to work.
edit on 25-4-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Wolfenz

Sorry fella. You are relying on a logical fallacy to prove your point. You haven't proven anything no matter how much you think you have.

You are misguided.

I give you a real patent for a flying saucer, FROM 1898

Notice the design is from a German scientist.

Early in the history of flight many engineers though the best design was a flat circular design. Science fiction writers picked up on that and assumed that is how aliens would have traveled.

Feel free to go through this list of air ships from the turn of the century. MANY of them were saucer shaped in design.

Source, IUP

Those designs got into science fiction, science fiction got into the subconscious, subconscious got to work.

What Point am i Proving ?

I pointed out those Shapes of supposed a out of this World Spacecraft
existed before the Media took hold of it in the 1950s In Pulp mags ..

Tell you what Nice Patent .. yeah surprising to you,
That i know all about the crazy flying contraptions
back in the 1880s ..

The First of a Flying Ballistic Cigar Shape Anti Gravity Space Craft
that I know Of was Shown in a Newspaper ( Serial ) back in the late 1800s

Edison Conquest of Mars ::

Edison's Conquest of Mars's_Conquest_of_Mars

Edison's Conquest of Mars is an 1898 science fiction novel by American astronomer and writer Garrett P. Serviss. It was written as a sequel to Fighters from Mars, an unauthorized and heavily altered version of H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds. It has a place in the history of science fiction for its early employment of themes and motifs that later became staples of the genre.

a Reverse War of the Worlds ..

See images" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

Those designs got into science fiction, science fiction got into the subconscious, subconscious got to work

Thats the Point im Making
either made up Fiction or Someone has seen them

were in the Hell do you think im going at here !!

Misguided My Ass!

Art imitates Life Life imitates Art ..

prime example is Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon

and that Became a Reality .. by Rocket Scientist that were influenced

Most of these Stories and Illustrations from early Pulp Magazines from the Start
were from Engineers ..

edit on 12016MondayfAmerica/Chicago4115 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

Jules Verne did not inspire rocket scientists. It was the other way around and he was wrong. He did inspire those who wish to see whats beyond our skies and is given due credit for that.

From the Earth to the Moon involved a CANNON, not a rocket. He based his technical writing on ballistics (specifically those of a gun or cannon), not rocket propulsion. Jules Vern was an EXCELLENT science fiction writer because he followed science. A modern version of him would be Michael Chricton IMO. Nothing he wrote about was unknown at the time.

Maybe I am confused but I think you are trying to say that Flying Saucers are real because artists got their ideas from somewhere. I agree with that. They came from the human mind when humans were trying to figure out the best way to fly. They did NOT come from aliens. Based on your post history it seems you think it was aliens.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

She replies to me- Hey Brian. I remember you when you were just a kid! You guys visited us at my parent's house.

So, was this also in the 60's? Because earlier you said:

Now, I never talked to her friend because they have not spoken since the 60s.

Just wondering.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Wolfenz

Jules Verne did not inspire rocket scientists. It was the other way around and he was wrong. He did inspire those who wish to see whats beyond our skies and is given due credit for that.

From the Earth to the Moon involved a CANNON, not a rocket. He based his technical writing on ballistics (specifically those of a gun or cannon), not rocket propulsion. Jules Vern was an EXCELLENT science fiction writer because he followed science. A modern version of him would be Michael Chricton IMO. Nothing he wrote about was unknown at the time.

Maybe I am confused but I think you are trying to say that Flying Saucers are real because artists got their ideas from somewhere. I agree with that. They came from the human mind when humans were trying to figure out the best way to fly. They did NOT come from aliens. Based on your post history it seems you think it was aliens.

No Rocket Scientist like Goddard and Braun were influenced by the Book .. and they Actually made the Game Change of a Rocket instead of a Cannon .. that the only major difference a lot of things in the book were accurate size, dimensions, locations, theory's hell even the locations were right .. just switched from launching pad Florida and Station Houston even had the landing in ocean right.. go check the NASA Site about Jules Verne and see what they say .. what Braun dream of as a little boy after reading From Earth to Moon .

NO IM NOT SAYING SAUCERS ARE REAL!!! you got that wrong right from the Beginning.
but there is a Possibility they are. as so many people around the world had seen them
the exactly the 3 type shapes Im referring to ..

Its all Where you Believe: if they are Made from
Earth MAN or Alien ( Out of this World Made )
and who built them ... you say MAN from human Minds.
ok .. I can Buy that No problem .. WHO where and
im speaking lightly here from those WW2 Pilots from Both Sides of WW2
saying the same dam description of what they saw. Illuminated Sphere or
Flying Disk , and Fighter Pilots Couldn't Catch them with fastest plane they had
Bomber Pilots Saying These UFOS going around them in Circles like the Bomber Plane was Standing Still

Rumors of The Germans ( Nazis ) having the a Flying Object called a Vrill
running an Anti Gravity Field .. running on 3 BMW motors to create it

you may of heard the Story too..

We have NASA Former Workers and Retired Military officers on Video
Telling that those Saucers are Real or ((( should ))) i say are in existence
just the NASA Workers , Pilots , Radar Techs, etc.. are not sure who is flying them
or controlling them..

but for you saying finding the right shape to control and Fly ( The Best Way )
perhaps .. but i can tell you its the excellent way for an
Anti Gravity Field Movement inside and outside the craft
that dont have to turn in any way . can shoot off in any direction in a split second
no friction what so ever in the shape of a Round Disk .. Saucer Shape Kudos for the Engineers
and That what One German Scientist twas Attempting to do ..

Sadly no one came up to the plate for
Admitting that they discovered in creating a long term Anti Gravity Field ..

and if anyone did say like 69 years ago ( 1947 )
Me and you would not have this Discussion ..

Aliens? perhaps it was US all Along ..
Ancient Past Lost Technology or Us coming back from the Future.

but as MR MASK Story of his Mother and her Best Friend
Seeing an UFO with the Description as much as they remember
sound like the description many that had reported..
of a typical UFO ..

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

Hello There MR Mask ...

When... I read this part of your post ...

I was Seeking to find Something what ive seen of the similar description
in a Pulp / Digest Magazine I looked at ...

then eventually came across this ...

as on my Thread ...
There has been this descriptions of the a Saucer looking Objects around in the Sky
since the 1930s! ... besides being in PULP MAGS ..
So my Guess The Artist / Illustrator or even the Writers/Authors of these Stories had seen these
Objects or were Told about these Objects ( Possible )
or They were Made up and the Public ( civilians ) ran with it ..
what most dont know as i said before ..
Most of the Writers and Illustrators at the START of Pulp Science Fiction
Were Engineers and Scientist or had the Degrees of it ..
so its Either Man Made or Out of this World..
...another thing...
talks Antigravity has been in Pulp Fiction Mags since the 1920s
let alone those 3 main Shapes of U F Os Sphere -Cylinder- Disk
from all of the Pulp SC FI Covers Ive Seen and the Ones I Own ( Have in my Hand )
it makes you wonder If there something more to it ...
Hell Perhaps Man indeed Discovered Anti Gravity back then and the Best Way
to Travel in in a Disk form Multiple instant direction..
( Layman Terms - just think of playing Air Hockey )

Any How :

Ive Seen this and thought of you mothers friends Description

Super Science Stories June 1951

what could have been 'window's all around the sides. They were like set into the metal.

I was sitting with my back to the passenger door (before seat belts) talking away to your Mom when suddenly we just saw this very large, metalic hovering object with crisscross bars on the under belly and yes it was saucer shaped with what could have been 'window's all around the sides. They were like set into the metal. There was no noise at all. It just was there.

edit on 02016SundayfAmerica/Chicago5128 by Wolfenz because: year of pulp cover

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Mr Mask
I swear I know exactly what that was (goosebumps).

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: servober
a reply to: Mr Mask

She replies to me- Hey Brian. I remember you when you were just a kid! You guys visited us at my parent's house.

So, was this also in the 60's? Because earlier you said:

Now, I never talked to her friend because they have not spoken since the 60s.

Just wondering.

The last they spoke was the 70s, not 60s. I got that detail wrong. I'm in my 40s, so I'm assuming it was mid 70s by time they stopped talking. Alas, I was too young to know the exact year they parted.


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: terraconcidi
a reply to: Mr Mask
I swear I know exactly what that was (goosebumps).

Mind telling me? I'd like to know.


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 03:49 PM
Another tale, amongst numerous of somebody seeing a UFO or aliens.

Something to believe or not believe

I wonder is it really all about belief and disbelief

posted on May, 9 2016 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Another tale, amongst numerous of somebody seeing a UFO or aliens.

Something to believe or not believe

I wonder is it really all about belief and disbelief

Alls I can say is that my mom told this story my whole life. many folks in this area saw the same thing in the 60s. We can assume drug use and 60s minded fun...but I can't take that as an answer.

As I stated above- I've personally spoken to people in this town many times where they speak of seeing UFOs up close in this area at that time.

My mom isn't a story teller. She never has crazy things to say. Very level headed person and down to earth. Talking with her friend on FB just added more interest for me on the subject.

Take it or leave it of course.


posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Mr Mask

Nice to have you back MM been a while old friend

posted on Nov, 26 2016 @ 09:31 PM
My mom also saw a spaceship landing on her farm when she was a 12 years old golden-hair girl. Perhaps I might make a topic about it with her statement in video or audio, idk...

Interesting thing is that she's VERY religious, hopes Jesus will come back for her, etc... This makes me think she had no reason to make this up.

It's the strongest proof of alien life for me!

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