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Mutiple explosions reported in Gaza City

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posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 10:49 PM

Gazan civilians were reporting on Twitter that the Israeli navy fired several shells after Hamas members launched a round of “experimental” rockets off the Gaza coast. These accounts have not been confirmed.

According to Israeli news site Walla, the IDF’s spokesperson’s office said Israel was not involved in the explosions and the incidents seemed to be “internal.”

There were initial reports that at least four Hamas members were injured in the rocket launching.

Mutiple explosions reported in Gaza City

Boy I hate to read of further troubles in Gaza. It always leads me to wonder how bad will things get this time.

Another tweet gives an added slant on things:

Gaza is now urgent
Israel is bombed several areas in Gaza and the news about the number of injuries
6:32 PM - 9 Mar 2015

@DaraDeBrun tweets:
This attack by #Israel from both land & sea, is allegedly due to Hamas firing experimental rockets within #Gaza. They'll blame tunnels next.
6:47 PM - 9 Mar 2015

It always alarms people when such reports come out. Perhaps it is over, perhaps it is not, we don't always know what to think, but it bears further watching in the upcoming hours.

Two days ago the Israeli navy fired on fishing boats that strayed out of the fishing area. One fisherman killed, two arrested.

Hamas authorities decided on Sunday to close the Gaza port for three days, following the killing Saturday of a Palestinian fisherman off the Gazan coast.

If someone has further news, please post. Thanks.
edit on 9-3-2015 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 11:23 PM
The people of those areas always being under the threat of bombs falling on their families seems so far away to me. I can not truly comprehend how it would feel, some of them have been used to stuff like that all their life and I have never experienced a situation like that.

Why do people always have to fight? Why do innocent people seem to get hurt so often in war? Noone except the people on top win a war.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

It's only a handful that turn it violent.

The people suffering do so because they allow for the existence of those who act out violently.

As long as there is a Hamas, or a PLO, or a whatever ... Israel (Zionists proper) will respond with overwhelming violence.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:33 AM
I can't find any sources saying Israel caused this. We have 2 possible scenarios.

1.) Hamas launched "experimental" rockets at the IDF Navy, who responded by shelling the location. Hamas is responsible.
2.) Hamas launched "experimental" rockets at the IDF Navy, the experiment did not go as planned and they exploded at launch. Hamas is responsible.

So while there is no evidence Israel shelled the area, either way they did nothing wrong.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 02:41 AM
Latest: Twenty-one Palestinians were detained early on Tuesday during an IDF operation in the West Bank.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Snarl

May I ask you a question Snarl?

Let's suppose that you live in a location, where it is perfectly possible that if you show yourself to be capable of fighting an oppressive guerrilla organisation, that you automatically become a target for both the organisation against whom you act, AND another faction from across the border which fears any person of your faith who displays capability in that regard.

What if ANY pseudo military action in your neighbourhood, no matter who the target is, will see your location pounded to ruin by a neighbouring government. What do you do then? Do you risk your neighbourhood by lighting up the enemy in your midst, and attract the attention of TWO hyper violent, insane regimes, or do you simply pray like crazy and hold your family close every night, just in case, for no fault of your own, this turns out to be the last night you get to do so?

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

May I ask you a question Snarl?

If it is intellectually honest, of course.

If I were a Palestinian, I don't think you would find me willingly living in either the West Bank or the Gaza strip. You would see me declare allegiance to my country (Israel ... not Zion) and you would find me in opposition (peacefully, if possible) to those forces who would change its state of being through violent means ... both sides (as in this case).

Now, let me ask you a question. If I were a Palestinian, and I did not have the means of moving elsewhere, who do you think would be responsible for harm which befalls my family ... Hamas operatives who fire rockets from my neighborhood (because they don't want to invite a violent Zionist response on theirs), or Hamas operatives using violent coercion to recruit me to 'their cause'? I say Hamas operative, because I've just failed to ever find anyone (private law abiding citizen) who keeps a batch of rockets in their basement ... just because.

Now, I haven't been to Israel, so I can't claim first-hand knowledge of what's going on there. I have spent my fair share of time in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. I've been on an excursion in Egypt. My skin tone probably allowed for a less than a fair understanding of regional disputes. But, I couldn't help walking away with certain knowledge all Jews are perceived through a veil of contempt and hatred. I doubt the odds would be better than one in ten if any Muslim could push a button and make them all vanish from the Earth.

If you had access to the button, would you push it?

Did you note the distinction in my use of words? Why do you think I differentiate between Jews and Zionists? Are they easier to distinguish between than ... say ... Muslims and Islamists?

Never have figured out why people hate Jews so much. They never did any harm to me or anyone else I know.

I wonder if there's anyone on these boards who can attest that a Jew harmed them, just because that person was a Jew and they were not.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Your post is a logical fallacy. It assumes facts that are in fact .. not facts. Can you show me where Israel has attacked groups that fought against terrorist in order to achieve lasting peace with Israel? If not, then your scenario has no basis in reality and should be ignored until you produce one that does.

Here is my scenario. Let's assume you live among terrorists that put your family in constant danger. There is a powerful group who is fighting them you can ally yourself with and in the process defeat terrorists and achieve peace.

Do you fight the terrorists, or do you ignore them and complain about your family being in danger because of them?

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Well, I do not understand hatred based on religious grounds, or any of the other traditionally known biases which affect human beings, however, what I also fail to understand is how apparently reasonable people, cannot accept that a person is only, exclusively, responsible for THEIR actions, not the actions of their fellow man. I am not responsible for the activities of my neighbours. Neither is a Palestinian moderate who has nothing to do with terrorism, refuses to engage with Hamas, AND disagrees with Israeli occupations, bombing runs, and so on, not to mention the ghettoisation of Gaza, which despite all possible protestations to the contrary, IS punishing a large number of people for the actions of a relative few.

Now you stated above that if you were a Palestinian, you would not want to live in either Gaza, or the West Bank... You then stated that you would swear allegiance to your country, and then mentioned Israel in the same breath... Do you understand that a Palestinian should not be swearing allegiance to Israel unless they feel that they are being fairly treated by Israel? What if they are aware that Gaza should be free, and Palestinian, but are not interested in violence, what then? How can they swear allegiance to a nation which used blockades and pickets to prevent medical supplies reaching their city? How can they swear alliegance to a nation which cannot understand that bombing a district to remove five terrorists is not appropriate when it costs the lives of hundreds?

I think it is unreasonable to ask these people to do as you suggest, when both the Israelis and the terrorists are behaving like bastards toward them.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yes, brilliant, so you ally yourself with a nation which has considered it worth the lives of thousands of your fellow Palestinians, to retaliate in the name of pathetic and petty vengeance against a minority of evil doers within their number. Fantastic.

I am glad that I have better neighbours than that.

Fascist ideology on both sides is wrong, but forcing Palestinians to accept Israeli fascism is no more sensible than to ask Israel to accept the fascism of Hamas.
edit on 10-3-2015 by TrueBrit because: Added clarification

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Snarl

I am not responsible for the activities of my neighbours.

I wouldn't hold you personally responsible for your neighbors building rockets ... but, I would expect you to take some kind of action or accept the consequences. If your neighbors fired their rockets into my neighborhood, would you not expect me to fire back until they stopped?

If you cannot understand my POV, there's no need for further discussion. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Snarl

No. I would expect whatever passed for the law enforcement in my area, who ever was responsible for it, to remove such terrorists as were present without innocent people being harmed in the process. In the UK, I do not expect my home to be blown up if my neighbour is a drug dealer or a white supremacist, and by the same token, I do not expect to see Palestinians being blown all to hell over the actions of a tiny minority.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

You do realize that Yasserr Arafatt and the PLo have said before that they were not really palestinians correct? And they also had said at one time the thing is a land grab going. on. I have no sympathy for the people who perpetuate the lie of the PLO and arafatt. If they own up to it and then ask for their own country they would prolly get it but instead are too subborn to do so.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Snarl

No. I would expect whatever passed for the law enforcement in my area, who ever was responsible for it, to remove such terrorists as were present without innocent people being harmed in the process. In the UK, I do not expect my home to be blown up if my neighbour is a drug dealer or a white supremacist, and by the same token, I do not expect to see Palestinians being blown all to hell over the actions of a tiny minority.

Ok. You're a Palestinian, bent on reporting to the Palestinian authorities the stockpile of weapons your Hamas affiliated neighbor has. And in return, you get crickets or retaliation for so much as thinking of ratting them out.

Do you not see the problem? That's like saying an Afghani living next door to the Taliban guy is going to report the neighbor to...the Taliban on the hopes that the neighbor eases up on the whippings of females for exposed ankles. You really expect it to do any good to complain to the very people putting the bullseye on your neighborhood to begin with?

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

1.) Hamas launched "experimental" rockets at the IDF Navy, who responded by shelling the location. Hamas is responsible.
2.) Hamas launched "experimental" rockets at the IDF Navy, the experiment did not go as planned and they exploded at launch. Hamas is responsible.

Rephrase that "Iran launsched experimental rocket" and you'll be somewhere nearer that facts.

Irans is the real enemy for both Israel and Gaza.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:15 PM
Posted from Gaza at 23:15 (GMT), with no further update since...

Internal explosion close to one of Hamas's resistance sites, eyewitnesses say that 4 people were injured, medical sources say only one person arrived to the hospital.

Israeli Navy shelled Gaza's shores heavily, saying that it comes after Hamas's resistance brigades launched 2 experimental rockets towards the sea this evening.

Several explosions heard in middle Gaza - east Alburyj camp, it's most likely an Israeli force's training close to the borders with Gaza.

All of these incidents happened in a short period of time, probably less than an hour with consecutive explosions, spreading fear in Gaza that it is a new Israeli escalation on the coastal enclave.

~ Noor Harazeen

edit on 10-3-2015 by VigiliaProcuratio because:  

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Well, arguably the closest that anyone gets out there to an organised effort law enforcement wise, is NOT the Palestinian authorities, as permeated as they are by Hamas sympathisers and members. However, if all that happens when the Israelis get word that there is a terror cell launching rockets from a location, is that the entire location gets blown all to hell, then what use is that? It creates more terrorists, as does any act which devastates more lives than necessary.

Israel has one of the most effective, and dangerous secret services in the world, not to mention some of the most advanced and precise weapons systems ever devised by the hand of mankind, being built inside of its territories. Therefore, one has to assume that any collateral damge they cause, is through either negligence or a lack of care, rather than being an unfortunate cost of "protecting" themselves. I should add, that the rockets that get launched from Gaza, are hardly a threat, because Israel has Iron Dome technology, which if properly implemented across their entire border, could make Israel proof against all manner of projectile assault.

The only rockets that get through their cordons these days, do so because it is politically expedient for the leaders of Israel to have a threat to face. If not for that, the rockets could rain all day, and not a single civilian Israeli would have to concern themselves with it.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Yes, brilliant, so you ally yourself with a nation which has considered it worth the lives of thousands of your fellow Palestinians, to retaliate in the name of pathetic and petty vengeance against a minority of evil doers within their number. Fantastic.

I am glad that I have better neighbours than that.

Fascist ideology on both sides is wrong, but forcing Palestinians to accept Israeli fascism is no more sensible than to ask Israel to accept the fascism of Hamas.

No one is asking them to accept Israeli anything ... other than peace. Something the Palestinians/Arabs have refused to do for almost 100 years.

Defeat the terrorists, take back their country, form an actual recognized country, stop waging war on Israel .. live in peace. It will happen the day the Palestinian people choose peace over terrorism.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Why would Palestinians believe in a peaceful solution when their children are kidnapped as they go to or from school and on a daily basis? How could they form a state when Israel repeatedly refuses to recognise that Palestinians even exist? How can they maintain a legitimate armed force when any attempt to import conventional weapons is regarded as 'terrorist' activity? Why would they not seek weaponry when JDAMs are destroying their hospitals? Why would Palestinians be reasonable while they are under constant embargo, and cannot maintain sufficient levels of clean water? Why, oh why would they give a single hoot about Israel when their fishing boats are harassed by frigates? Seriously...

edit on 13-3-2015 by VigiliaProcuratio because:  

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