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Speaking of the Devil....

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posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: Utnapisjtim

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

Dont forget the many Fasces in US buildings. House of Reps and Senate, the Great seal of the US dollar bill to name a few.

Indeed. Most cops have a fasces or baton in their armory, and while many cops work for decades without ever using it and would hate to use it when they must, other cops just love the feeling of beating the daylights out of people with it left and right as often as they can, they are fascists or lit. fasce-ists, get it?

What's all this about? Cops have fasces/batons? They also actually carry a 9mm as well. Work for decades without using the fasces (this other more useful item exists at their disposal, used with utmost discretion I expect). What does the 'they are 'fasce-ists' get it? 'or lit' phrase mean, using the terms 'left and right' "as often as they can love beating the daylights out of people". Are you referencing/alluding to spirited left and right wing political debates? The arguments can get heated I agree.

edit on 3-2-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

The fasces is an ancient symbol of police an law enforcement. If you are a dictator and send police out patrolling and shooting citizens at random, make random razzias and force every other citizen to become informants, imprison people without trial, use torture and keep everyone under full surveillance, tapping every phone and all correspondence -- that is a police state. A fascist state. 1984. Fascism -- policeism. Gestapo.
edit on 3-2-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: ..........

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: Utnapisjtim
a reply to: vethumanbeing

The fasces is an ancient symbol of police an law enforcement. If you are a dictator and send police out patrolling and shooting citizens at random, make random razzias and force every other citizen to become informants, imprison people without trial, use torture and keep everyone under full surveillance, tapping every phone and all correspondence -- that is a police state. A fascist state. 1984. Fascism -- policeism. Gestapo.

Yes; I knew that, I know my history and definitions; answer my last two posts. You were NOT speaking of a fictional 'Brave New World" Aldous Huxley scenario; you were commenting on real time non-fiction you observe and re-interpret to fit your '1984' belief systems (different author George Orwell). What is your problem with law enforcement unless you perceive them all to be fasces-its; Get It?
edit on 3-2-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Brave new world hardly describes a totalitarian fascist society. The brave new world of Huxley is a theoretical society where humans can no longer get pregnant. Making sex very casual since there are no consequences other than the need for a belt packed with contraceptives. People don't live in couple relations and babies are grown in labs and brought up in the most horrid manners, electric shocks and other traumatic stimuli. After I had read that book I thought to myself that if that was how people perceived the future back in the thirties, no wonder the war came about as it did.

1984 on the other hand, is more of the hellish fascist scenario I point to, I bet you have read the book, and according to and The Oxford Companion to English Literature:

As literary political fiction and dystopian science-fiction, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic novel in content, plot and style. Many of its terms and concepts, such as Big Brother, doublethink, thoughtcrime, Newspeak, Room 101, telescreen, 2 + 2 = 5 and memory hole, have entered everyday use since its publication in 1949. Nineteen Eighty-Four popularised the adjective Orwellian, which describes official deception, secret surveillance and manipulation of recorded history by a totalitarian or authoritarian state.

edit on 3-2-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim
Lecture me on my own points? Your refusal to answer some very simple questions seems cowardly; I interpret these comments of yours as robotic derivative backwater regurgitated Wikipedia nonsense (are you alive; can you read this: squared L, box like k, pyramid in a round format spells this

edit on 3-2-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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