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NLBS Ten Top Steaming Turds...

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posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:48 AM
This rant won't take long.

As a very old old-timer in age, I have a sense of what was distasteful to be uttered or printed in public conversation and media in days now gone. The title I repeat above is only the tip of the iceberg of what is wrong with much of societies these days.

As an extreme illustration, I'll leap from the rather benign word of "turd" to the explosive word of "f__k." I watched the transition of that word from the kind of language I, myself, used/use when being with "the boys." But there has been a drastic change. First, it came came out in movies as somewhat charged conversational dialogue. The movie on Deerslayer comes to mind of a scene when the boys conversationally inserted the word when a female was in their midst.

As the trend grew in movies over the years to become virtually necessary, TV picked up the practice in earnest, the pay-for channels of HBO comes to mind and brings the series Deadwood in tow where hardly a sentence was uttered that did not the strongest language a human can utter. Of course, along the way impolite youths picked up the habit, in my experience, when in groups they glorified in defying others around them within earshot with the worst curse words in English. It seemed to me that the language of the UK was quick to allow this common degradation of its mother tongue by its youth in conversational usage, but it spread. As the years rolled by, entertainers, by large egoist and exhibitionist, found it very appropriate if they uttered the strongest words into microphones at any occasion.

So you understand somewhat the background on why I object to ATS allowing and promoting its own material with titles such as NLBS Ten Top Steaming Turds as trivial and common (in some places) as the word may be. The point being the underclass of words has crept into the vocabulary of everyday folk while it still is uncivil, impolite and a detriment to any society that uses them as throw away, hip modifiers to spew out to the general public. But it is a way of getting attention to the speaker's words and/or a way for the speaker to augment their words with totally unrelated words when lacking a decent vocabulary even if the word is quickly losing its power to shock.

Of course, many reading this will cry that everybody has the right to express themselves in language. I disagree. As smoking has been largely eliminated where it can cause bother or harm to non-smokers so should the use of language that is less than polite be kept from the general public that doesn't want to hear it.

edit on 1/3/2015 by tothetenthpower because: --Whoops Sorry--

edit on 3-1-2015 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

I'm old, too. I don't mind…

If things are offensive its because we let them be. Our ears are not on fire, our sensibilities are.

I want it all, let me make up my own mind about whats "offensive".

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:36 PM
I am getting close to "old" too and I have and do use the language when alone or drop a car on my foot or something.
It does not offend me when used in I guess for lack of a better word "location". In the garage with a couple of guys talking don't bother me so much but when I hear 15 year old girls talking and it's "F" that & "F" this while walking down the Isle at Wal-mart it does.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:54 PM
I'm over 50 and have a potty mouth so colorful that I can make a room look like a Jackson Pollock in mere seconds when things start leaking...

The only thing I find offensive is the childishness of the chosen term "turd"...haven't used that since 1968.


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:19 PM
In the early 1980s my brother and I were playing canasta with our mother and several of her women friends from the old neighborhood. We were young 30s and the gals were mid 50's. As we played, my brother would let slip the "f" word and the gals would titter. My mother would roll her eyes in feign disgust. Finally one of the women turned to my mother and in a puffed up parody of a snooty snoot, asked my mother " You let them get away with this kind of language?". She replied " boys will be boys, it no longer bothers me."

My younger brother then pitched in with" Yeah, we got her used to hearing f++k and s++t years ago. No big deal any more. Now we are working on getting her to accept us saying C++k and C++t". I choked on my beer and the gals reeled with laughter. We were all adults, just different generations.

That being said, I too find the use of steaming turd to be a might lowbrow.
edit on 31America/ChicagoSat, 03 Jan 2015 13:20:31 -0600Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:20:31 -060015012015-01-03T13:20:31-06:001u20 by TerryMcGuire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Aliensun

I'm old, too. I don't mind…

If things are offensive its because we let them be. Our ears are not on fire, our sensibilities are.

I want it all, let me make up my own mind about whats "offensive".

Right on! The only thing that should be censored is censorship!! I do think that we should not tolerate mean spiritedness, however I believe that the consensus could effectively police such unsavory behavior.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: jude11
I'm over 50 and have a potty mouth so colorful that I can make a room look like a Jackson Pollock in mere seconds when things start leaking...

The only thing I find offensive is the childishness of the chosen term "turd"...haven't used that since 1968.


" Room look like a Jackson Pollock"- Nice! LOL!

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

I don';t mind it....but it upsets me when mods moderate my comments that have profanity in them but let the nlbs stuff go...i just wanna feel loved ya know!

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:34 PM
So a "spade" is a 'shovel'? There was a study and it was revealed that the majority of folks that used curse words were shown to be more honest.. Do You want a honest answer from the perspective of the person providing it or a soliloquy from a Richard "Dick" Burton theatre production? (pardon the pun..)

I've just gone to typing "snip" as it 'may' assist the moderators and/or at least save on the Wite-Out™...

I agree that the breakdown of speech is right along the rest of society...

Who gives a 'snip' as long as it is honest and thought provoking?

•••If the speech incites a negative reaction and You show that You've been affected, then who has the "power"? You or the person who spun You just by saying something You don't like or agree with?

It isn't what You 'say' but what You 'do'...

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:36 PM
"Deadwood" My wife and I used to refer to it as "C$cksucker". "Honey C$cksuckers on!", used to be our mutual call the the boob tube. Nary a paragraph of dialogue passed without the aforementioned word being elicited from some character or another. What a world eh?

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

I am relatively young but I nevertheless agree with your rant.

One can have an opinion without calling people "turds". Having an opinion doesn't mean you have to be rude.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

Hello, I read your rant and I was with you up till you compared the youths conversation skills with second hand smoke.. Do you understand why you lost me there? You can die from smoking/second hand smoke, but you can't die from swears.

Comparing the two like that to paint a picture that foul language is as detrimental to your health as sucking back on a smoke is just ludicrous.

I'm sure your parents and grand parents thought the same about you and your generation while growing up.

The truth is Sir/ Ma'am.. That every generation rebels from the previous generation. Every generation grows up, smartens up and then looks down at the next generation to come. Yes it is a broad generalisation but its basically true.

If each generation didn't change, just a bit, we would still be talking like we were in a play by Shakespeare.

Also you must consider the many differences between your generation and the millennials. Kids now a days have so much more available to them than any other generation previous. The way they communicate, how they comunicate, their online/texting language is different because they were brought up with it. All that has an effect on how people (kids in particular) act. So essential the generations before them are the ones to blame as they created/helped create this wonderful interconnected world of communication and entertainment.

You HAVE to understand that the youth of today are a product of the previous generations (not just physically but mentally as well). It was past generations that created computers, cell phones,
Movies, TV, the internet, iPods, video games ect. Everyone gets annoyed by the youth but they never take into account that they act that way because they are fully submersed into a world that is overly saturated with technology that was created by people 10/20/30/40 years ago.. They are the ones you should be up set with as kids are basically the bi-product of their creations.

I was born in 87, I grew up in the 90's and early 2000's. My generation grew up with computers, they were still very basic, we had MSN/yahoo messenger
but that was basically it (this was when Google was horrible and before everyone had cellphones ). But even with just email and messenger the online language was born. It started off with shortening terms like "be right back" to "brb" or descriptions of actions like "lol" ( laughing out loud). People started going over board and started creating abbreviations for random sentences/words because it was cool to rebel and break from the norm. It was my generation that started this new form of communication, we were the first to use social media with sites like nexopia, MySpace, MSN messenger ect. I know how it changed us in highschool, the way we conversed with one another from grade 9 on drastically changed over night. I personally understand how annoying it was and still is, but you know what who cares?

Its 2015, I believe its time that society should stop be so judgmental about everyone else and just worry about their own lives.

Humans adapt, its in our nature. Millennials are doing just that. They were not brought up without online communication with the world. A world were houses had one maybe two land line phones per house. A world where you wash dishes by hand. Basically what I am saying is they didn't grow up in a "simple" world, they are growing up in the most technically advanced time period of the known human existence. Yes you could say that about any generation but no other generation compairs, do to what can be done today.

Just remember that those kids that annoy you now, will grow up. They will mature, then they will be the old person sitting down complaining about kids being kids.

Relax my friend, enjoy your life and let others enjoy theirs, that way we can all live together in peace and harmony.

Take care.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:11 PM
"In my minds eye I see the cesspool that you spawned from and I'm spitting into it." Funniest quote from EB in Deadwood imho. The only thing I remember about the show really. Thought it was kind of over rated. Hell on Wheels on the other hand.. well..
edit on 1-3-2015 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

however I believe that the consensus could effectively police such unsavory behavior.

I know. I get consensus-"ed" all the time. This is where I am learning to behave.

posted on Jan, 4 2015 @ 02:41 AM
Welcome to the real world .. lifes a bitch .. there is no g rating in the real world .. never was .. meh.. western problems whinge and complain about trivial meaningless # that doesnt (and never will) mean a damn thing while spouting how superior they are while their "civilization" tears itself apart at the seams ..
rough language has been around as long as humans have ..

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