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My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

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posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 01:44 PM
Why there is such a lack of knowledge concerning the truth of Gods Word is a matter in which I am sure God understands. I thank God that God is long suffering and does not desire that anyone perish. If God was not a God of love, in my opinion we would have all been destroyed long ago.

It has been awhile since my last post, not that I have not desired to do so for quite some time now. Since my last post I have come to the conclusion that indeed something wicked this way comes.

Even though my desire is to reach as many as possible with truth, It seems as though I am constrained to present this in the "Off Topic" section here on ATS.

I think the reason I am here putting these words together to make some sort of sense of what my heart is trying to relay to other hearts out there is because there is so much fear, so much hate, so much confusion, so much lawlessness, so much loss, so much ill gotten gain, so much discontent, and so forth and so on. Shall I go on? I think you get the picture even though it may seem out of focus.

There is no way I can express my desire to say what needs to be said without help.

My weapon of choice other than the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God would be a twelve gauge shotgun. One would not necessarily have to aim to hit a target. You just have to point and let the pellets fly. You are bound to hit something.

And, that is what I want to do here, just point and hope that a heart is reached before the end comes. I am just pointing here and letting the buckshot listed below hopefully find it's target. Below is help! Below are thoughts and issues that are to me most intriguing and worth researching. Below are topics and or names of persons that are easily found on the net.

I don't want to be destroyed for a lack of knowledge and these are just some suggestions that may help someone find some truth that they may be searching for. These topics or persons are worth a glance. I don't know, we could discuss a lot of things but I will leave the choice to you.

World War III
End of the Age
Age of Grace
Perilous Times
Chuck Missler
Blood Moons
Solar Eclipses in Prophecy
Prophecy 2014
Prophecy 2015
Jonathan Cahn
Jubilee in Scripture

Anyway with a couple key strokes at your fingertips and you can be on your way to a seemingly endless amount of knowledge that might actually be worth something with eternity in mind. These are just a few of the topics that I enjoy because these and many other topics that are related have to deal with the Holy Bible. And, to me there is no other thing in this world more enjoyable than to study and learn of factual and true events and eternal matters.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Cor Leonis

My weapon of choice other than the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God would be a twelve gauge shotgun. One would not necessarily have to aim to hit a target. You just have to point and let the pellets fly. You are bound to hit something.

Thats a scatter brained approach. Ever shot trap or skeet? You don't just 'let fly' (well, Dick Cheney does). A lot depends on knowledge of the firearm, barrel length, choke, load and target. Let alone skill developed with some practice.

Two different things discussing the spirit and shotguns.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Cor Leonis

My weapon of choice other than the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God would be a twelve gauge shotgun. One would not necessarily have to aim to hit a target. You just have to point and let the pellets fly. You are bound to hit something.

Thats a scatter brained approach. Ever shot trap or skeet? You don't just 'let fly' (well, Dick Cheney does). A lot depends on knowledge of the firearm, barrel length, choke, load and target. Let alone skill developed with some practice.

Two different things discussing the spirit and shotguns.

You're assuming that Dick Cheney wasn't aiming for that guy. I suspect he's fully capable of doing something like that. Religion and shotguns have much in common.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Tangerine

You're assuming that Dick Cheney wasn't aiming for that guy.

I was joking. Of course he intended to hit him.

Thing is he claimed it was an accident.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Tangerine

You're assuming that Dick Cheney wasn't aiming for that guy.

I was joking. Of course he intended to hit him.

Thing is he claimed it was an accident.

I wonder what the guy did that Dick didn't like. I wonder if it was intended as a warning rather than a hit. I would think Dick would have people to do that sort of stuff.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 02:35 PM
People have always been suffering when they are lacking from knowledge both physical, Sociological and metaphysical. The external and internal wolfs in sheep clothing create such chaos for those who are the closest to being sheep in nature.

This place is bittersweet but it is a good place to show what we are inside. The place in between. To get higher you have to raise above this place.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Tangerine

I wonder what the guy did that Dick didn't like.

He was a lawyer, that's reason enough for many people.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Cor Leonis

You should really read that passage from the Names of God Bible. Yahweh proclaimed himself Elohim, yet he lost that title in Chapter 4 of Genesis. After chapter 3 and the fall of Adam, he just becomes Yahweh. He then proclaims himself to be the only God with none besides.

The true God is Elohim (Father) from Genesis 1. The Holy Spirit of that God is Ruach Elohim. Together, they made the Son of God (Adam). Read this post: LINK

In the post linked above, I did a quick outline of Yahweh compared to the Father. I also outlined how our presuppositions about the world are skewed by incorrectly identifying Yahweh as the God of Genesis 1.

Remember, that ignorance comes from the influence of Satan, which was made by Yahweh. Read Genesis 3:1 from the NOG Bible.

Without the correct names, you cannot get the story straight. Our ignorance comes directly from the Snake made by Yahweh. Yahweh divided man's image. He shed Adam's blood (lamb). Luke 3 then tells you how the Son of God is. It's Adam. Mankind has never been lost. We are the witnesses for the coming judge of Yahweh/Satan. It's a trial of sorts. We must assume, as Revelation states, that all the nations are deceived currently. Elohim did not choose one nation. He made the promise to ALL nations. We were never lost to begin with. We are the image of the true God.

edit on 17-12-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

Elohim isn't a name, it's a title, and a plural in the Hebrew at that. "El" is God in Hebrew/Aramaic and Elohim is the plural. "YHWH" is a Name. You are confusing a generic title for a specific Name.

edit on 17-12-2014 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Cor Leonis

I don't want to be destroyed for a lack of knowledge and these are just some suggestions that may help someone find some truth that they may be searching for.

Subversion is the technique being used by our spiritual enemy. Yet a curiosity arises where by my modest handful of years in research, I've never been fully satisfied by an answer. If it is the truth you seek, know then that the pursuit will never end. Simply, more doors will be opened.

We are nearing the end of an age and the extripation of those false things is quickening. All the laws, prophets, and testimony point to the redemption of the Son. They point to our carnal minds beginning with the first Adam and ending with the second. At that point in time we will be fully elucidated as we will be spirit.

Knowledge is the fear of God. God is the beginning and end so if you have faith in him a lack of knowledge will be no concern

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Cor Leonis

Why there is such a lack of knowledge concerning the truth of Gods Word is a matter in which I am sure God understands.

Which "god's" word? The bible? The Koran? The Bhagavad Gita?

I thank God that God is long suffering and does not desire that anyone perish. If God was not a God of love, in my opinion we would have all been destroyed long ago.

According to the bible, we were. You know, the flood? And we will be again when the "god of love" goes on a rampage, and kills billions that don't belong to the clique. At least according to church doctrine concerning Revelations. Sounds very loving to me.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: NOTurTypical

There are only two titles of God given in Genesis 1 before they say this.

26 Then Elohim said, “Let us make humans in our image, in our likeness. Let them rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the domestic animals all over the earth, and all the animals that crawl on the earth.”

We know that Satan is sent to the Abyss in Revelation for deceiving the nations. We know that Yahweh made the snake. We know that Yahweh divided the image of God, requiring Elohim to then say this:

Genesis 9:6 Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans his blood will be shed,
because in his image, Elohim made humans.

There is no other name we can identify that first shed Adam's blood than Yahweh. We then note that the Son of God is Adam from Luke 3, then further identify Christ as Adam First and Last. The lamb's blood was shed from the foundation. There is only one person we can identify this as--Adam. Yahweh shed the blood of Adam, allowed Satan to influence Eve. Why does he state, "because in his image, Elohim made humans? Who spoke to Adam in Chapter 8? Yahweh. Who spoke to Adam in chapter 9? Who lost their title Elohim in Chapter 4 after the fall?

These are clues as to the identity of Adon. Abaddon is Ab (Father) of Adon / Lord. Abaddon is from the Abyss, just as the Gnostics tell us of the Demiurge. Because of his blindness, he though he was God. We later find Adam / Jesus pointing us to the Father. There can be no other identification of the Father from Genesis other than Elohim.

At Jesus baptism, we find the Father speaking and the Holy Spirit (Ruach Elohim) descending on Jesus as a dove. Two in one. When the Son had received the Holy Spirit, He was made holy. We don't find Yahweh pointing us to the Father. We don't find Yahweh promising anything to all the nations of the world. We do find Elohim promising the Rainbow. All the colors of the nations will be blessed through Adam, the Son of the Mother and Father.

We find more confirmation in this by examining the word Father in Hebrew. Aleph Bet. The letters write the word, but not before they enter the cup. The Mother is Aleph (Strong) Mem (Water), or the cup for the seed. The letters of DNA is the seed making the bread. The bread is the loaf, which is what Adam is. The word Son in Hebrew is Bet (house) Nun (Seed).

John 1 (Letters writing Word)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

What darkness tried to overcome the image of Father and Mother? Yahweh. No other source for Satan you can find anywhere in the Bible other than Yahweh. He is the deceiver, or he is the one that made Satan to be a deceiver. Either way, Yahweh is the one we see dividing the image and shedding blood.

Name me another source.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

It's pretty obvious you have no formal education in Hebrew, Aramaic or Semitic languages. "Elohim" isn't a name, it is a plural form of "El", which means God. And what is interesting is that when it refers to the Triune God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob it ALWAYS appears in the singular context. When the same word is used in the OT to refer to false gods it ALWAYS appears in a plural sentence context. There are dozens and dozens of titles God uses for Himself in the Bible, literally more than 100. But there is only ONE proper Name He ever uses and He is known by, and that is YHWH.

Simple lesson on singular and plural nouns in Hebrew. To pluralize a noun it gains an "him" or in some instances just an "im" ending to the noun. Examples:

Singular: Cherub, Plural: Cherubim

Singular: Seraph, Plural Seraphim

We find more confirmation in this by examining the word Father in Hebrew. Aleph Bet. The letters write the word, but not before they enter the cup.

No, that isn't Hebrew. You're talking about PALEO Hebrew. Where the letters were symbols and not what we see today in the Hebrew alphabet which is the Babylonian script. The aleph is shown as a house, and the bet appears as an Ox. It stands for Father because the strength of the house is the father. Come on man, you're regurgitating some nonsense you read from a blog or heard on some guy's YouTube channel who doesn't know a lick of Hebrew or Paleo Hebrew.

edit on 17-12-2014 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Cor Leonis

Just breath and be at peace, your faith in God is strong but your faith in his power is weak. Have faith that all is going according to Gods plan. Truly everything is alright dear friend.


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