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Limited by Language

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:56 AM
I have these mad thoughts you see,
I cannot verbalize them easily,
Some things learned can not be taught,
The soul is boundless but the mind is fraught.

When I look inwards and see infinite space,
Such profound thought makes my heart race,
I just wish that I could share my spine,
It harbours most of these feelings of mine.

It charges quickly towards my brain,
A shiver of knowing that's so insane,
Feelings I know that are bound to inspire,
If only I could share my secret fire.

I'm not much of a poet but that sure sounds ok if you imagine it in William Shatner's voice with some of his dramatic pauses. There's no real direction for this thread to be honest, I've just been having one of those mornings and it would make me feel amazing to know there are other sentient beings out there, people not on auto-pilot all their lives, real people that are capable of feeling what I am feeling. I have a severe lack of these people in my life.

Anyone else here ever felt emotion, sensation or thought that is indescribable? Have you ever felt spoken language limits you? Did you wish you could share it? When was the last time you had a thought or feeling that you wish with all your might that you could project into another? How did the inability to share this thought/feeling make you feel? You don't have to answer all of these, or any of them if you have something else interesting to say.

I'm not really a huge talkative type, conversation doesn't flow easily for me and I am the archetypal over-thinker, so I'll apologize in advance if I don't get back to you quickly, or at all, but I deeply appreciate any input, even if you just come in to tell me my thread is a mess of scattered thought with no purpose (and yes, you'd be right, but as I say, I am limited by language).

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:12 AM
Edgar Allan Poe comes to my mind here:

For my own part, I have never had a thought which I could not set down in words, with even more distinctness than that with which I conceived it:–as I have before observed, the thought is logicalised by the effort at (written) expression. There is, however, a class of fancies, of exquisite delicacy, which are not thoughts, and to which, as yet, I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt language.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:22 AM
Do you spend a lot of time online or in the virtual worlds? I have found that the internet takes away a lot of the human interaction and person to person transfers of feeling that one may pick up on subtly, that can not be seen or felt online.

I myself am a loner and a social shut in, by my own doing. I can tell you from my personal experiences, sometimes you need to get out and socialize and not hide behind a brick wall. Those feelings you have can not be shared without social action in the real world.

You can pump words out like no tomorrow,but some of those inner feelings cant be described though they can be seen by those in tune (Disconnected).

You ever get that feeling like you know what a person wants even before they speak? Its called being in tune with your surroundings. The internet kills all hope of that. In fact i can say with 100% certainty that the internet is the death of personal socialization.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: H1ght3chHippie

Thanks for that, I'm glad someone smarter than me has described what I feel better than I could. Really appreciate this response.

a reply to: shaneslaughta

Thanks for your input, indeed my levels of socialization vary wildly from month to month and I don't have what you would call "close" friends. It's not so much a lack of people that is my problem, it's connecting with someone enough to have this sort conversation without sounding mad (made even harder by the fact that most people around here are of the sort that are raised by their TV). I probably do use the internet too much but I don't bother with facebook or anything, but sadly with everyone else using it I often wonder if I suffer socially because of it.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement
a reply to: shaneslaughta

Thanks for your input, indeed my levels of socialization vary wildly from month to month and I don't have what you would call "close" friends. It's not so much a lack of people that is my problem, it's connecting with someone enough to have this sort conversation without sounding mad (made even harder by the fact that most people around here are of the sort that are raised by their TV). I probably do use the internet too much but I don't bother with facebook or anything, but sadly with everyone else using it I often wonder if I suffer socially because of it.

I don't have any close friends at all. Last one i attempted to become friends with betrayed me by looking up my saved passwords on my PC.

I too feel like i cant express myself verbally a lot of the time. Though the thought process in my head makes sense, it lacks description. I have only met two or three people with he ability to understand me as a whole, and grasps my feelings without conversation. They moved on with their and or betrayed my trust.

Trust me, your not missing a thing with Facebook. Constant bombardment of game requests and watching everyone's drama unfold. As if i need to know what 12k people had for dinner or their movements. I don't care if you checked in at McDonald or Dunkin, i wasn't invited so why would that interest me. The alarming amount of fake informational posts and images just to garner views and likes. Its Pathetic if you ask me.

Its also a hard thing for me to watch everyone around you that has it better, flaunting their new i-crap, cars, boats,guns. Facebook is a pit designed to distract the mass from the real world around them.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:31 AM
Facebook is fine if you pick and choose who you interact with, just like real life. The vast majority of people are not all that intelligent, not all that awake and aware, and are just going through the motions of life in a very circumscribed bubble of their own choosing. It's a bell curve and most people are in the middle.

What you need to do is seek out the few people you CAN talk to, whether it's on line or in real life; it's a helluva lot easier to find those people on line because there's more to pick from.

I socialize plenty but it's mostly on line, and I'm the better for it. I keep the people that I can relate to and restrict my relationships with those I can't down to a bare minimum. Every now and then when I start thinking I should talk to certain family members just because we came from the same ancestors, I can look at their FB pages and realize why I don't need to bother; it's all about the Bills game, or what meatloaf recipe they felt the need to 'share'...

If you want to better be able to describe yourself in words both written and verbal, look into lecithin and pregnenolone supplementation. The lecithin is a choline donor (so are eggs) which is necessary to maintain acetylcholine levels in the brain, the wakey-alert brain chemical, and pregnenolone starts decreasing in amounts in the late 20s, early 30s and is necessary for word recall and verbal ability. It also enhances color vision.

Apart from that, read, read, read. You can't describe or even *have* mental thoughts without the words to use in the process and that requires a large vocabulary. Learning new languages will give you the ability to 'think' in different ways, also.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
I too feel like i cant express myself verbally a lot of the time. Though the thought process in my head makes sense, it lacks description. I have only met two or three people with he ability to understand me as a whole, and grasps my feelings without conversation. They moved on with their and or betrayed my trust.

Thanks again for your thoughts, you have managed to describe in one sentence that which took me an entire paragraph. I know if I'm being truthful that a lot of people probably experience this at some point. Though when you're face to face with someone in a social situation they have so many false layers of protection and think too much about how they want to present themselves to have an honest conversation about anything deep or emotional.

I can only imagine how much worse Facebook is for this, when people have time to sit down and let their ego hone their message (a battle with ourselves that we all must face on ATS).

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