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Russian Troops spilling into Ukraine Mainland, tense confrontation.

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posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Darolla

That's why we shouldn't sign treaties that we don't know we can't get out of. Lol. But anyway, it seems like we have no other option.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 08:39 PM


Hardly. A bunch of A-10's with "volunteer pilots would work wonders on advancing Russian tanks. No need for nukes. SMH

wow, that would be incredibly stupid. Russia is not Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, or Vietnam. They have something a little more formidable.

How do you think our troops overseas would be in peril? Afghanistan bases would become a target.

Look at all the unfriendly nations in that part of the world. Such an event would galvanize them and possibly bring them in coalition against the US.

How about China? their military leaders have stated publicly for YEARS now how they have the USA in their cross hairs.

North Korea? those people alone have more troops than the USA, and they are tough. We couldn't beat them before, and now they have had half a century to become even tougher.

Yeah, good idea. have the US started an world war that will be lost be the USA.

WoW, four lies in one comment. My hat is off to you sir. This is a new record!

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 08:58 PM



Hardly. A bunch of A-10's with "volunteer pilots would work wonders on advancing Russian tanks. No need for nukes. SMH

wow, that would be incredibly stupid. Russia is not Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, or Vietnam. They have something a little more formidable.

How do you think our troops overseas would be in peril? Afghanistan bases would become a target.

Look at all the unfriendly nations in that part of the world. Such an event would galvanize them and possibly bring them in coalition against the US.

How about China? their military leaders have stated publicly for YEARS now how they have the USA in their cross hairs.

North Korea? those people alone have more troops than the USA, and they are tough. We couldn't beat them before, and now they have had half a century to become even tougher.

Yeah, good idea. have the US started an world war that will be lost be the USA.

WoW, four lies in one comment. My hat is off to you sir. This is a new record!

I'm just curious...but what do you figure he's wrong on? I think it's one of the few times I agree with him on all but one point.

That last one.... We HAD stomped the North Koreans all the way to the River and within sight of Chinese soil...but that was the mistake too. Big Mac got the idea that he had some need of Chinese road maps and Beijing Street maps. The Chinese weren't amused, even a little bit, and proceeded to beat the UN coalition we led, down to the break even point we call the DMZ today.

So..I don't agree with Hanz that we couldn't beat the DPRK. We couldn't beat them now though, without reinforcement and very quick movement at that. That has always been core to the defense plan of South Korea and the force in-place has never been meant to stand toe to toe and win against the North Koreans, alone. Numbers do count there.

I've wondered with a sinking feeling for awhile now if we haven't glimpsed little signs of coordination. The kind of crap hindsight sees for history books after something goes real badly wrong.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 01:06 AM
What bothers me is the laying of landmines. From such a tactic, part of the Russian operational level strategy could be decoded. I would really like to know just how big these minefields are, as that is important. One could easily see the laying of mines as a defensive maneuver, to protect territory from an invading enemy. But in this case, we know there will likely be no invading enemy, at least not in this particular location. Of course things could develop into such, with Ukranian troops attempting to take over the Crimean, considering it has always been under Russian control. So this could simply be a farsighted tactic.

But personally I see this as a possible staging point for an offensive maneuver. But still, even at this point, I see no direct indication of such. Russia could very well just be concerned about the Crimean region, as it is strategically important to their military strategy in the region, and even has wider-ranging importance to their military strategy most likely. We will see.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

You think a bunch of tank busters(A-10s) can stop around 48,000 armored units? Me thinks not!

EMP attacks and also irradiating large tracts of land in front of their advancing forces is the only way to stop such numbers. NATO will achieve this goal by the use of small yield tactical nuclear munitions, its in there(NATOs) European battle plan.

And if/when that happens Russia will respond by nuking all the major air bases maybe even cities because if they don't we will be able to respond at our leisure.

This situation could so very easily get out of control.

edit on 14-3-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by HanzHenry

You assume all the world coming together, but neglect the other half. You think its just the US you have to worry bout in full scale war? Your crazy. China will be dealing with Japan and possibly India. India may be dealing with Pakistan. What do you think Israel will be doing?

North Korea is stagnant, nobody is going troop for troop with them. They will be bombed an incapacitated. They will be dealing with South Korea. What do you think all the US bases around the globe are for? To sit there to be bombed?

You think all those countries that are nervous about Russia will stand still. No while we occupy their forces you got Ukraine, Georgia, Poland and much of Eastern Europe to deal with. Nobody gets to sit on their hands

There are no winners and it certainly wont be China or Russia the world community will not all come together as you picture.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

With no regard to civilian life. North Korea would be mopped. From Sea and air before even putting a but on the ground. Their missile capacity is limited and their army is antiquated. They will not know who to attack, defend against US or take the limited time to bomb civilians in South Korea. US will take minimal losses. South Korea not so lucky. But then again they are technologically advanced compared to North Korea. NK's only hope to even stop the bleeding is direct intervention from China.

Now if your talking "liberating" the country then your talking heavy losses and a bog down scenario,
edit on 14-3-2014 by MrStyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by MrStyx

"without regard for human life" would be describing a method of fighting war the United States hasn't pursued or had experience living with at the end of the day since 1945. There is no way the wimpy leaders of today's military could stomach the thought of fighting 'total war' for 'total victory' without first suffering severe losses that mentally kick the living crap out of wimpy men.

You might get the impression I've come to think very little of our Military, and you'd be right. I've watched flag rank officers systematically flushed and replaced for over 2 straight years now. US Military command isn't anything like what that same thing was a few years ago.

I have all the respect in the world..for the U.S. Soldier in the field. However, that soldier is led by men FAR more focused on social experiments within the ranks and sunshine for good self esteem to all, that we don't have effective combat leadership from the high ranking command. We have a military disaster waiting for an enemy that hasn't chosen to be wimpy to kick our asses all over the planet for awhile. We'll recover and rally...but we'll be a bloody mess before we get our wits about us once the next REAL war begins.

North Korea would eat our lunch, send us the bill and burp in our faces out of spite....given the crew we have leading us now.....and our side would wonder how such a thing could even have happened. (sigh)
edit on 14-3-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:53 AM
So, what do people think will happen?

We've had 2 close calls for a WWIII Scenario breaking out already with N.K and then Syria, now we have a third close call with the situation in Ukraine!

Will this be the last close call?
What could be the next close call? (If this one in Ukraine doesn't trigger it).

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:08 PM

reply to post by HanzHenry

You assume all the world coming together, but neglect the other half. You think its just the US you have to worry bout in full scale war? Your crazy. China will be dealing with Japan and possibly India. India may be dealing with Pakistan. What do you think Israel will be doing?

North Korea is stagnant, nobody is going troop for troop with them. They will be bombed an incapacitated. They will be dealing with South Korea.

You think all those countries that are nervous about Russia will stand still.

There are no winners and it certainly wont be China or Russia the world community will not all come together as you picture.

World coming together? Nope, never said that. China, Russia, NK, and Iran. most certainly they would ally against the US.

NK could wipe out SK in short order. And China borders NK remember? How hard would it be for China to transport NK troops where needed?

And, I think more countries are nervous about the US than Russia.

China dealing with Japan? LMFAO.. that ridiculous match-up doesn't even deserve discussion.

India? really? if you are counting on Japan, India, S. Korea, then the US really has its work cut out. lol

Just look at troop numbers of China, Russia, and NK. ALL the US has is a bunch of 'small fries' that rely upon US support for their defense.

I still can't stop laughing over the China vs. Japan.. that is too funny. to actually think that Japan could withstand the Chinese. or even provide more than a speed bump of resistance.

Or South Korea vs. North Korea.. that is JUST AS HILARIOUS!

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:10 PM

PurpleDog UK
Is there any way the missing / hijacked / commandeered Malaysian jet could be used here...?

Completely thinking aloud, out-of-the-box and left field ....?


No its the other side of the world.

Plus why? Just why?

Malaysia have no connection with Ukraine/Russia.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:17 PM


"without regard for human life" would be describing a method of fighting war the United States hasn't pursued or had experience living with at the end of the day since 1945. There is no way the wimpy leaders of today's military could stomach the thought of fighting 'total war' for 'total victory' without first suffering severe losses that mentally kick the living crap out of wimpy men.

Really you cant support the barbaric style of fighting from the past?

War should really between the fighting men and its leaders without dragging innocents in.

And in most cases strategic bombing of non military targets seemed to have little effect anyway in WW2 it just pissed Britain, Germany and Russia off even more.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

You and I have talked about North Korea before and their battle plans aren't a state secret, by any means. They may as well publish them for what that's worth. If a couple hundred thousand DPRK troops are intermingled among the Seoul survivors of the first human wave attacks, what will America or Britain do? Well they attack troop concentrations right in the middle of allied civilians? If we don't...we won't do very well on getting anything back. If we do....we'll have a hell of a time living with that path in the long term, or I'd sure hope we collectively would. It's a true unwinnable scenario and the Kims have banked on it for a few decades as the primary direction to run, if running South comes to be the direction to go.

The only winning move here is not to play unless provoked so clearly, even a Peace Protester is asking what people are waiting for in retaliating. The whole world seems like it's winding up for a rumble and wouldn't it be something if we just chose this moment to be scarce and not show up as a major player?

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:13 PM


reply to post by HanzHenry

You assume all the world coming together, but neglect the other half. You think its just the US you have to worry bout in full scale war? Your crazy. China will be dealing with Japan and possibly India. India may be dealing with Pakistan. What do you think Israel will be doing?

North Korea is stagnant, nobody is going troop for troop with them. They will be bombed an incapacitated. They will be dealing with South Korea.

You think all those countries that are nervous about Russia will stand still.

There are no winners and it certainly wont be China or Russia the world community will not all come together as you picture.

World coming together? Nope, never said that. China, Russia, NK, and Iran. most certainly they would ally against the US.

NK could wipe out SK in short order. And China borders NK remember? How hard would it be for China to transport NK troops where needed?

And, I think more countries are nervous about the US than Russia.

China dealing with Japan? LMFAO.. that ridiculous match-up doesn't even deserve discussion.

India? really? if you are counting on Japan, India, S. Korea, then the US really has its work cut out. lol

Just look at troop numbers of China, Russia, and NK. ALL the US has is a bunch of 'small fries' that rely upon US support for their defense.

I still can't stop laughing over the China vs. Japan.. that is too funny. to actually think that Japan could withstand the Chinese. or even provide more than a speed bump of resistance.

Or South Korea vs. North Korea.. that is JUST AS HILARIOUS!

North Korea will not stomp SK into the ground. What world do you live in? Anywhere the U.S has a presence, it is a threat.
Yeah, India reality check they have the military numbers and they are ICBM capable plus they have been flexing their tech as of late. You are a typical blind hater. You bolster NK's military capability, and down play everyone's because it fits your war game scenario. You live in a dream land. Who controls the air in your scenario? Who controls the seas? Once either or both are established its already over.

There is no country close to logistic capability of the U.S. That was our specialty in WWII. Plus nobody speaks of the elephant in the room. Who is coming over to mainland USA and attacking? A magical EMP blast? A sub parked off the coast like we couldn't do the same to any country on the map? Also due to the fact we don't have all our eggs on one land mass you could EMP mainland USA first and still get canned from anywhere else we are stationed . Or does every base we have get struck at the same time in a magically orchestrated strike from Russia, Iran, NK and China. You keep that mega team. I'll bet on the otherside

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:26 PM

reply to post by crazyewok

You and I have talked about North Korea before and their battle plans aren't a state secret, by any means. They may as well publish them for what that's worth. If a couple hundred thousand DPRK troops are intermingled among the Seoul survivors of the first human wave attacks, what will America or Britain do? Well they attack troop concentrations right in the middle of allied civilians? If we don't...we won't do very well on getting anything back. If we do....we'll have a hell of a time living with that path in the long term, or I'd sure hope we collectively would. It's a true unwinnable scenario and the Kims have banked on it for a few decades as the primary direction to run, if running South comes to be the direction to go.

The only winning move here is not to play unless provoked so clearly, even a Peace Protester is asking what people are waiting for in retaliating. The whole world seems like it's winding up for a rumble and wouldn't it be something if we just chose this moment to be scarce and not show up as a major player?

I think there a huge degree of difference between decimating a city like Dresden or Hiroshima or indiscriminately bombing London than say accidentally killing Civilians caught up in a war zone or killing civilians used as human shields, and for the latter the death of the human shields is on the force that uses them in the first place.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:43 PM

edit on 14/3/14 by Soshh because: (no reason given)

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