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Silent Moments --In Memory of Beloved Member TDDA

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posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 12:40 PM
So sorry to hear this. My condolences to those who knew her well and to her family. We had respectful disagreements, which says a lot about the character of a person.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: zosimov

I'm honored because it comes from you. I was in the forest before dusk today and enjoyed the sunrise, wonderful. An inner calm came over me after I had slept very poorly for half a month. I had a fox in my sights - a nuisance that is rampant here as there are no predators - but thought to myself "not today buddy, move on".

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 03:00 AM
Only found out now. So sad! Can't believe she's gone. I remember her posting the last goodbye message to ATS for her uncle verschickter who himself died almost exactly 5 years ago. That was her first time on ATS and she must have caused a bit of confusion as she was first posting from her uncle's account.

She soon became an ATS member herself. Mostly she joined to learn more about this "unknown" side of her uncle I think but increasingly stayed because of the community and her new friends here.

I grew up in the same part of Germany where she and her uncle had been living. Her culture- and language crossing humour and anecdotes immediately rang a bell and brought up memories. We exchanged some pm and together with her public forum contributions the picture of an immensely interesting, loving and complex personality formed.

It is heartbreaking to think that her little daughter will have to grow up without her in her life and I hope the father will rise to the occasion.

TDDA was one of a kind and will be dearly missed.
edit on 31-1-2024 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Greetings to you from the beautiful country. I knew him to be an honorable man and was shocked when I heard about it. It's strange and sad how death raged in this family. More than unfair. If you knew both of them, you know what I'm talking about.

I can't tell how the daughter is really doing, but she's doing better than she was a month ago. I've been out and about with her and her father a lot over the last few weekends, managing her inheritance. I actually only because I know the buildings and properties well.

In any case - you can now philosophize about influence and self-development - there is a lot of her mother in the child. I thought it was so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you. Just last weekend we went to check the apple blossoms.

I don't protect her like a guard dog, she knows how to behave in the forest. Was gone for a while. Then she came to me and asked if I wanted to see something nice. She then showed me a tree stump. And explained to me that even though the tree was cut right above the ground, it had already sprouted quite a few times. But the deer always eat the new shoots.

I asked her what was so nice about it. Her answer: That the tree doesn't care, as you can see. That the tree will try again and again. Despite the deer. Or maybe just because of the deer.

The last sentence was more like a question that she didn't need an answer to.

This will probably be the last you hear from me. After three months I have to look forward and stop reading here. Instead, I will use my energy and time try to do like her: do something good for someone else, make someone smile, or make others happy. Walk through the world a little more attentively. Live mindfulness, towards myself and everyone else. At least try.

It was an honor to get to know you all, even though the circumstances are very sad.

Do it well,

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: Naftalin
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Then she came to me and asked if I wanted to see something nice. She then showed me a tree stump. And explained to me that even though the tree was cut right above the ground, it had already sprouted quite a few times. But the deer always eat the new shoots.

I asked her what was so nice about it. Her answer: That the tree doesn't care, as you can see. That the tree will try again and again. Despite the deer. Or maybe just because of the deer.

The last sentence was more like a question that she didn't need an answer to...

... It was an honor to get to know you all, even though the circumstances are very sad.

Do it well,

That's kind of you to update us, Naftalin.

That is a profound statement from a child; she was brought up very well by TDDA.

All the best to you and TDDA's daughter.


posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Encia22
Just smile, at some point I'll manage to get around the curve. But for now I want to answer and this is exactly what TDDA showed me. I can change my mind sometimes and not take myself so seriously. Had already tried a few times to respond to MindSpirit's comment but always dismissed it. I don't know him or her, but if the member even knew Verschickter and comes from the area, the inhibition threshold is low.

That above was definitely a conversation that once took place between her and her mother. I've heard a few sentences like this over the weekends: 'Terribly made but it delivers on the racetrack'. But I don't want to spoil the matter, the little mouse stands out from the crowd just as positively as her mother.

I've already read a lot of her personal stories here, but do you know the story about the playground? A blatant power move. How she pulled it off was nothing short of legendary. If you want to hear it, I'll tell you about it, I thought it was so funny back then and just brilliant, just TDDA. For this she has won the heart of half the city.

I would never have dared to do that.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Naftalin

Thanks for sticking around, Naftalin.

Absolutely, I'd love to hear the playground story.

By the way, if you like, here's a story I wrote for a previous short story contest that was dedicated to TDDA and her daughter.

Missing Tess

edit on 19/4/2024 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Encia22
Thank you very much for the wishes.

I read this story Encia. I found it very beautiful. I also read other stories and there was a competition where the picture was, of a duck with roses. But I have refrained from the comments. After all, I'm a guest here and don't have to add my two cents everywhere. I had similar thoughts about her. I call her Tess in this post. Because I'm not used to TDDA or Ducky. Tess sounds like a tough person. I like that and suits her. Good pseudonym. At least here where I won't use her real name.

Now something fun, for variety.

In front of Tess's workshop there was an old, dilapidated children's playground. She wanted to renovate it at her own expense, but it belongs to the city. She called it an 'eyesore that reflects the state of our society as a whole'. I was a member of the local council at the time. And I told her she wouldn't like it but I know there's talk of replacing the playground with paid parking.

The only thing she said at the time was that she would make sure that didn't happen. You have to know, Tess workshop has a huge parking lot and since she's been living there, she's been letting residents park there. Because she said herself that there is enough space and she thinks it would be good if the bus was used more. Because Tess was someone who liked bringing people together. Family and community were very important to Tess.

A few months went by and I was surprised about Tess sitting in the audience at our council meeting. When the topic of old playgrounds came up, she stood up and introduced herself. At that moment I knew what was coming. If Tess brings such an action then she is prepared. And then you don't want to sit on the opposing side, but that's where I sat. I was also in favor of renovating the playground, but I was the only one.

She started described it as anti-social to demolish a children's playground - no matter how dilapidated - in order to create paid parking spaces. Even though she lets people park at her place for free. What an aftertaste that has for the people in the community? And then she said that she would not tolerate parking spaces being created there. That the parking fees would never be reimbursed. Because people are welcome to continue to park at her place. And no one pays for a parking space when they can have a free one a few meters away. That it is just a prank that not only costs money unnecessarily but is also a slap in the face to all the families in the settlement. And that in 6 months, with or without the approval of the local council, a new playground will be built there. She didn't ask that, she announced that.

Someone asked who she thought she was and she said coldly, I'm the one who owns that side of the street and supplies half the city with electricity during the day. And it's a really stupid idea to mess with someone who you first have to ask who they are.

I have to say she was like an ax in the forest and I seldom seen her like that. But if she helps children then you don't stand in the way. Very stupid idea to do that to Tess. And the guy is just an asshole too.

And then came day x when I and the rest of the local council were faced with a fait accompli. What did Tess do? Less than three months later, she ordered workmen in a night and fog campaign and had the playground demolished. None of the craftsmen probably smelled a match because no one asked her for proof of whether it was her property. I wouldn't have asked with her appearance like that. So, in a military-planned operation, she had the playground completely rebuilt at her own expense over the weekend.

Only the grass took a while to grow and the playground was closed for that long. Do you know what happened to her because of that? Nothing at all. And that's also a lesson from Tess, sometimes just do it when it's the right thing to do. But it gets even better. As if that wasn't enough: She cheekily stood up again at the next council meeting. Introduced herself again and thanked for the fact that the city now realizes that a playground is much better. It's an open secret but she has never hinted at it or admitted it. I thought it was so brilliant of her, she just said very dryly that it wouldn't happen with the parking space. Yes, and then she made sure she was right. It's so bold and cheeky that it's okay because it was for the children.

The only member of the local council who looked at her face was me and I really had to suppress the grin. Many people from the school and kindergarten district, especially the teachers, stood up and gave her a standing ovation. That was such a brilliant move on her part. Snotty cheeky but it was the right thing to do, no one was harmed, the children won and Tess was highly regarded afterwards. She then expanded her workshop and repeatedly had problems with the city administration. Because of the all-wheel drive test bench and the noise. Once a month she had an event where you could bring your car and she measured performance and optimized it if requested.

This brought people from all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland and sometimes more to the town and was a blessing for the local shops and hotels because many stayed overnight. The city accepted it that way. Also because I warned that if you punish her then she will pack up her junk and go somewhere else then there will be no more trade taxes and no cheap electricity to fill up with. Then the dealers and the hotels and restaurants suffer. And the anger of the population is also guaranteed. But they still couldn't help tease her.

After the playground action, she suffered for over a year because the police stopped not only her almost every week, but also her customers. That was targeted but then at the next council meeting she asked why only her street was being checked and whether it had anything to do with the playground - but less with security and more with retaliation. There was a instant tumult, there were swear words like “dirty pig” directed at the mayor from the audience, and boos. She said that she assumed that this was the end of it and left. The city later impose conditions and she adhered to them. She endured it all and I never heard her complain about it.

So that was the, for me, pretty bold and funny story of how Tess gave the city the finger, got away and single-handedly made the place more beautiful in so many different ways.

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Naftalin

That’s a marvellous story, Naftalin! Everything you described of the events unfolding and Tess’s actions, paints a picture of a woman with a cunning mind, gentle soul and a righteous heart. Yes, you couldn’t have said it better… she gave the authorities “the finger” and gained respect for it. The playground is a great legacy that she fought for and left for the Community; it would be fitting to have it named after Tess. The Community should petition for something like that.

What made the story even more entertaining is that you witnessed all that from the opposite side of the table, experiencing her wrath, but also respecting her mission, and her solution. What saddens me is that she was then targeted and harassed for her benevolence… there’s the real evil in society.

Thanks again, Naftalin, for sharing those precious moments with us… you are very much part of the ATS family and you, too, have every right to express your thoughts and comments, whenever and wherever you like.


I appreciate your feedback on my story. Tess is a name that I immediately associated with TDDA, so it seemed the right choice.

The theme and image with the tree of life was my idea and design for the contest weeks before TDDA’s sad passing. After I heard the news, and just before the contest officially began, I decided to add the black band on the ATS logo (to remember long, lost forum members), and the rubber duck and the three roses as a tribute for and in remembrance of TDDA.

All the best, Naftalin,

edit on 19/4/2024 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Naftalin

After the playground action, she suffered for over a year because the police stopped not only her almost every week, but also her customers.

Yeah, that's "Ordnung" for you. The big fish in the small ponds get so aggressive when ordinary people do 'something'. Tess' "crime" was multifaceted for them: She embarrassed local authorities and then acted on her own initiative to straighten out the playground problem.

May she rest in peace.


posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Encia22

I suggested - as a citizen - that she receive honorary citizenship retroactively. It has been made very clear that this will not happen. Because Tess's action was not approved. That it won't happen under this mayor. Changing the name would be really nice. But that won't happen either. I know that Tess wouldn't have wanted that when she was alive. It would still be nice so that she is not forgotten.

There's nothing to thank for, Encia. I found your description of her happily joyful racing across the lake with her fiery but protective soul very fitting.

As a person, as I knew her, Tess was mostly reserved and quiet. But if you drove her or someone in her circle of protection into a corner, then she would be different. Then she went forward, at full gallop with all the resources she had. It was the same with her workshop. At that time she was on the ground and her 'circle of friends' kicked dust in her face as she lay on the ground. For something that is now legal in Germany. At that time she went into her shell and it took me a few months to figure out what was going on.

She was just getting her master's degree in secrecy. She only did it because she was tired of having to constantly say that she didn't have a master's degree in engine mechanics. I still have huge respect for her mindset. Even before what she could do. Just recently I was literally in despair while assembling the car. I cursed and swore, got angry, and then I realized that there was never any swearing in the hall. And I'm doing this now, so I must be doing something wrong and changing.

And when I was in despair, I would think of her and remind myself to stay calm and 'just do it'. Humility towards work. With Tess it always looked like it was all very easy. What's nice is that she rebuilt the engine in the summer. With Tess you didn't say: I want to buy and have that. You sat down with her and talked about where and how the vehicle would be used. She then developed a concept and you either bought it or went somewhere else.

So you put yourself in her hands and trusted her. After all, such vehicles have sentimental value and some people are very picky about it. With Tess it was more like “take it or leave” and she got away with it well because she was then able to do her thing. Just installing parts wasn't Tess' requirement and that was reflected in the quality of her work. She went the extra mile and then took it a few steps further. If you picked up a car from her it was something very special, even for Tess.

I bought an M4 from her myself and although I can drive myself, I let her coach me on her private test track. She showed me where the limits of the vehicle are and then lets you do it. Tess had high standards. That separated the wheat from the chaff. She made sure that someone couldn't just buy a 1000hp monster with money, but you had to 'prove' yourself in a certain way. This ensured that only customers came from the motorsport sector and - sorry, Tess words - not just some idiot who just has money and watches films.

She also developed parts herself but only installed them herself. Mainly so that everything is correct and she can rule out errors because she made sure that everything works and there are no unpleasant surprises that are then blamed on her part. This all developed organically and I observed what people were saying in the forums because I was curious myself.

Car enthusiasts are a special breed, so if something is hard to get, then it has special value. Especially if the part performs. What I want to say with all of this is that even without a playground name and honorary citizenship: Tess' legacy will exist one way or another.

I'm writing all of this here because Tess has always encouraged others to do what their heart tells them. And you can see that best in the way she tackled things.

People started threads because they had an appointment with her in 4 months to annoy others because she was so popular. If it hadn't been for the heart, who knows where she would be today. Tess had a 20 year plan for her business. She was about to start the next phase in 2022 and wanted to hire a trainee and a mechanic. Her big dream at some point was to develop a racing car on a tubular frame, with a billet aluminum block and to build a small series of it.

To do this, she attended evening school without her child on the weekends, picked up the learning materials and then showed up again for the exam. One of the things Tess did was read to herself, record it and then listen to it. So that you can then record your questions on the recorder and continue research. I know this because she often did this when we traveled long distances together. Somehow she managed all of this without being stressed. At the same time, raising her daughter, who is at the same level as my niece, even though she has only just started school. Whether that has to do with Tess DNA or with her way of inspiring people, not know this.

I've seen it all over the years and often think to myself what potential we all have and we're just wasting it. Now society is turning in exactly the opposite direction. Do as little as possible to make the most money. Tess was happy with hard work, she was successful so why should being lazy be better now?

We all didn't get this far as a human race because we were lazy. Tess will always be an incentive and a measure of what we can really achieve if we believe in something and put our hearts into it. Tess also failed in some endeavors and still always got back up.

Tess also had her faults, but that made her all the more lovable. Tess once said that making mistakes isn't a bad thing. We learn best through mistakes. As long as no one gets hurt, it's okay. That's why she didn't hold a grudge unless you attacked her personally and not on a factual level. Sometimes you miss the best mistakes of your life if you always play it safe. Her words.

I know she wouldn't like to read all of this. She was never good at accepting compliments. Because she never liked being put on a pedestal. Because then the person who does that makes themselves smaller and that was something that Tess couldn't stand. It had to do with her attitude to life.

I did that exactly once and she verbally asked me if I was okay and why I belittled myself so much. That really annoyed her because she thought that if people stopped saying that and just got their asses off themselves then a lot more would be achieved than just admiring someone. Do it yourself if you like it instead of just commenting. something like that.

I'll do it anyway. Because I think you can celebrate things that do good. That's why I'm trying to paint a picture with all the text that doesn't constantly praise her but rather explains what made her tick and what her expectations of herself were.

She will forgive me if it can help others find what she had, if that is their wish. I can only speak about myself, two sentences, they were questions, turned my life upside down and since then I've been much happier with what I do. I would like to pass this on, just like she did. Something that Tess valued. With Tess you had no such debts, your debts were to society. Pass it on if it helped any of you too.

On the whole, the Network Dude said it well, if you liked her then remember what made her who she was and try to give what you liked about her to others.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Exactly! Well recognized. There were people on the local council - there are often businessmen on the local council - who didn't begrudge her the success. Because she doesn't follow "the rules." The best example is that she was essentially forced to become a master, even though she had more skills than most masters I know -who had already worked as a master for ten years.

People don't like. This someone has to be made small until they fit in and submit.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Naftalin
a reply to: Encia22

A few months went by and I was surprised about Tess sitting in the audience at our council meeting. When the topic of old playgrounds came up, she stood up and introduced herself. At that moment I knew what was coming. If Tess brings such an action then she is prepared. And then you don't want to sit on the opposing side, but that's where I sat. I was also in favor of renovating the playground, but I was the only one.

Hi Naftalin, good to see you here and I'm so glad you posted this and shared the story with us.
I laughed at the scene above, so wonderfully expressed too. And what you wrote here is my favorite:

Only the grass took a while to grow and the playground was closed for that long. Do you know what happened to her because of that? Nothing at all. And that's also a lesson from Tess, sometimes just do it when it's the right thing to do. But it gets even better. As if that wasn't enough: She cheekily stood up again at the next council meeting. Introduced herself again and thanked for the fact that the city now realizes that a playground is much better. It's an open secret but she has never hinted at it or admitted it. I thought it was so brilliant of her, she just said very dryly that it wouldn't happen with the parking space. Yes, and then she made sure she was right. It's so bold and cheeky that it's okay because it was for the children.


So that was the, for me, pretty bold and funny story of how Tess gave the city the finger, got away and single-handedly made the place more beautiful in so many different ways.

You know, she mentioned the local police targeting her at work but she never told me why.

Here's a picture I generated (ai image) by using a poem I wrote for tdda as a prompt:

It's good to see everyone here whose lives were touched by our dear extraordinary friend

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Naftalin

Thank you, Naftalin, for elaborating so honestly about Tess’s skills, ambitions, fears and struggles. Since the TPZ Discord channel opened, I got to see and learn many of the traits that you described about Tess.

I’m a car and racing fanatic, too, and her posts and comments on ATS and Discord were very enlightening, intriguing and educational. First and foremost, her passion for what she did was evident and addictive. I never measure anyone by their qualifications; actions are what count. Intelligence and talent are intrinsic, they can only be elevated through study, but study by itself can’t make someone smart and talented.

It's sad and frustrating that the local authorities won’t acknowledge her contributions. However, medals, honours and accolades don’t make a hero. Having said that, perhaps a little plaque, a brass plate with an inscription can be put on a bench or on the gate, if the playground has either. I remember seeing many such tributes in parks in every country I’ve lived in. I would just do it without telling anyone or asking permission.

Anyway, I’m always happy to read about your adventures and how Tess also helped you to overcome your own fears and existential questions.

Take care,

edit on 20/4/2024 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: zosimov

That's beautiful, Zosimov. So inspirational!

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Hello Zosimov,

I just sent you something too
. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, I also thought it was nice to get a few thoughts out of my head. This is a very beautiful picture! Did I understand correctly? You wrote a poem and then sent the poem to a program that then creates a picture for you? Where is that working? Here?

Yes, the police were pretty rough with her. She probably knew the rules of the road better than any police officer. At the beginning she thought it was about the workshop and that it came from the neighbors.I found it funny too and had to suppress my grin when she - grinning from ear to ear - said how great she thought it was, it is now a playground and no parking spaces.

When it came to children, their protection and needs, Tess was unscrupulous. She once said that children cannot defend themselves and then there have to be adults who stand up for them and in harms way. And sometimes you have to play unfairly because people haven't been fair to the children in this society for a long time.

That's what I admired her most for, her values and the selflessness with which she threw herself into the firing line for weaker people when it came to things like this. Maybe not always played cleanly, but the goal justifies the means here.
edit on 20.4.2024 by Naftalin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Encia22
Hello Enzo,

At first I held back. I've read a lot of her stuff now - she didn't mince her words here. There were also things that I didn't know that made me sad, shocked, but also explained a lot. That's why I thought I wouldn't have to be so cryptic here.

Yes, her passion was very contagious. She cared and stood behind what she did. She didn't need the master for that. If I wasn't sure that Tess wouldn't have wanted this, I would have put a plaque at the entrance long ago. With or without the consent of the community. What is supposed to happen?

But Tess also donated anonymously to children's homes, so she didn't want the children to know who it was. Because she never wanted anyone to feel guilty towards her. She also said it was a good lesson for the children. That there are people who do things like that without wanting anything in return. Not even a thank you. She comes from a similar situation to these children, which is what she wrote here. So, yes, it's a shame that she isn't honored in this way, but it's unimportant for Tess, already during her lifetime.

Tess helped me by simply listening to me and asking me direct questions. So I came to what was right on my own, with her help. I had a company and wasn't a good boss. I only cared about money. Through Tess I learned that money isn't everything. Money brings security, but not happiness. Was able to find a good successor and am now working honestly. Every day I meet simple, honest people who tell me their worries. That Rosie the cow will soon have her calves and we hope that everything goes well. Satisfied with the harvest - or not. Try the farmer's wife's plum cake. And then I'm on my way to the next place again. Where people are already waiting for me and are happy when I drive to the farm.

If Tess hadn't asked me these questions, I would never have changed anything. Sometimes instead of giving advice, it helps to just listen and ask the questions that are obvious. Often nothing more is needed. I learned that from Tess too.

How are you all?

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 03:04 PM
Zosimov there are two emails. Something went wrong because of all the pictures and I hope you got two emails. There are none of the 2 emails I just sent you in my outbox. It seems pointless to me to send a third email with this information if there seem to be problems.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Naftalin

Yes, Naftalin, Tess was outspoken, but not in an obnoxious way. I got a good impression of who she was from her interactions with us here on ATS, but on Discord is where she really opened up. The nature of a live chat/interaction showed me she had clear ideas and could defend her principals.

I’m happy to read your admission to having become a better person because of Tess. I applaud your honesty and humility; introspective analysis is never easy. I hate to preach and often try to let people find their own solutions by posing probing questions. I always say that the answer to a problem is usually in the question itself. However, not everyone has the ability to see past their own egos… a wall that doesn’t allow for growth.

Thanks again for delving deeper into what drove Tess, her empathy and morality… all rare qualities by themselves, let alone combined in a singular soul.

Happy Sunday!

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Encia22
Suffering creates character, we say. I don't want to reduce her to that alone, that wouldn't be fair. Tess has made no secret of the fact that she holds rituals to thank nature. No matter whether snow, rain, wind or heat. Often naked but always barefoot. That alone takes a lot of dedication. I sometimes teased her and called her a witch. She didn't like that.

When you see Tess as a whole, you quickly notice that she liked to share. Whether it was thoughts, energy, knowledge, money, food, love, time, there are countless examples. Here she writes again and again about positive energy that she wants to share. I believe that when you have such a belief, many good qualities are reinforced by it. I only talked to her once about the topic in detail after she annoyed me back and said she bewitched me so that I would become calmer and in fact I was calmer. Only then did she laugh and say that it was a pressure point on my shoulder that calmed me down, nothing else. Oh man. But then I wanted to know in detail. She explained, rough words from my memory:

Let's assume there is something like invisible energy that can be collected and sent. the power that comes with that. In the sense that 99% don't know or can't defend. So how do you behave if you think something like this exists? Either you choose a parasitic lifestyle or a symbiotic one. Symbiotic, you behave carefully and respect the boundaries of other living beings. Even unasked positive energy would influence others. And that's why you have to ask before you do something like that.

If you have such an attitude and project it over your entire life, then it is less surprising that she has accumulated many good qualities. Just to live the above takes a lot of inner strength. Modesty, restraint, mindfulness, respect, humility and love.

Personally, I tend to take her beliefs more and more seriously in retrospect. Because on the one hand it's not a bad thing and on the other hand I've experienced situations in the last three months - and I'm not the only one - that make me question things. Signs. And yes, when you're sad and struggling with something, you cling to those things too. But some things have been a lot of “coincidence” lately.

An example: With a few exceptions, Tess had white cars. White avatar. White is the color we associate with purity and goodness. Completeness. Sun is white. Tess liked white no doubt. I was out with her daughter and noticed an apple tree with white flowers, but I wasn't thinking about Tess. Just “oh, it blooms exceptional beautifully”. Much whiter than all other white flowering trees. I'm a hunter, I ask myself why and whether the tree is having a good year, that's why I notice things like this.

I stop and want to take a photo. Her daughter calls "a raven" and actually a raven - not a crow - a raven that are seldom glides down the mountain. Tess's favorite birds were corvids -ravens, crows and the like. Her favorite fruit was apple. I try to take photo of the raven, but I'm too slow. A few minutes later we are at the small lake. It's Tess's little lake that now belongs to the little duckling. I pull out my phone to check the time, just then a drake swims out of cover. I take photo, put the phone away. At this moment the associated female duck flies out of cover, drake takes off too. Tess's daughter shouts "another duck!". Which - like the raven - I couldn't photograph because I'm too slow again.

So that's a lot of coincidences at once in a short time, mirrored. White apple tree seen, photographed, black raven appears, Tess's daughter calls, not photographed. Drake seen, photographed, Tess's daughter calls, not photographed. The animals I couldn't photograph were the black raven and the female duck. Two birds that have to do with Tess, who is no longer with us and can no longer be photographed either. Initiated by a wonderfully blooming apple tree, tree type that she loved so much.

I'm not even saying that they were signs for me, they were certainly for the daughter and that's why I couldn't take a photo. Or it's just a coincidence. But there have been many similar ones recently. I'll never know but I'm starting to think there's more to it than we're willing to admit.

I really appreciate the conversations in this thread with everyone. I see why she liked being here in this subforum. Wish you all a nice weekend if I don't show up again. I'll be on the road half the day.

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