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Texas Gov. Abbott Signs Bill Which Allows Arrest Of Border Crossers

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posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: LeXoXeL

I repeat - Illegals bring drugs and crime, they flood hospitals and schools overwhelming them, and they are a drain upon the US taxpayers ... taxpayers of all races. They aren't engineers and doctors, they are unskilled and uneducated. They are the people that their home countries don't want because they are a burden, so they try to stick that burden upon the US Taxpayer. They cost this country billions every year. BILLIONS. No amount of Latina music or 'love' makes up for that. WE CAN NOT AFFORD THEM.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: LeXoXeL

BILLIONS. No amount of Latina music or 'love' makes up for that. WE CAN NOT AFFORD THEM.

In another year when they new American children gets born the figures to support the welfare on them will be in the Trillions.

That is a fact that anyone can take to the bank.

That will be on the backs of the born Americans taxpayers.

Most of the illegals are uneducated that means not skilled work for them at this point, only a small percentage will look and find a job, still they will depend on welfare to support expanding families.

Having children is an insurance to a steady welfare flow.

Is beyond me how clueless this illegal immigrant apologist are.

I guess they failed their math education.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: LeXoXeL

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: LeXoXeL

originally posted by: Station27
a reply to: LeXoXeL

Short Story Fiction is on another forum. I think you're confused a little bit.

Ok, sure! You must be a Texan! I am curious though, how do YOU think these new laws will be enforced? Just how exactly is a state trooper going to determine whether someone is an "illegal" or not? Can you describe what an "illegal" looks like? What specific behaviors do "illegals" exhibit that would make them easy to target? Is there a field "legality" test they can administer?

I can take this one. When a person walks up the bank from the Rio Grande, it's a really good chance then are illegal. If you ask them for ID, and they can't produce proof they are Americans, they need to be arrested. Are you aware that crossing the border without going to a legal point of entry is against the law?

So because there's a "good chance" that a Mexican near the border is illegal, all Mexicans near the border are going to be asked for ID? What happens if they aren't near the border? If the assumption is illegals all hang out near the border after crossing it, then why does the whole state need new laws? Sounds like it's going to turn into a guilty until proven innocent, kinda a "driving while Mexican" as a reason to pull someone over thing.

Yes, I am well aware that not only crossing the border anywhere but approved and regulated security checkpoints, and crossing without documentation is illegal. Why pass more laws? To pander to your base, that's why.

Are you aware of the difference between a state law and a federal one?

(post by LeXoXeL removed for political trolling and baiting)
(post by LeXoXeL removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: network dude

originally posted by: Station27

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
....and completely ignores asylum laws.

Asylum laws don't seem to be working all that great.

"Alia tentanda via est."

"Alia tentanda via est."

Right. BAMN: By any means possible

This really isn't Biden's problem, though. This is Congress' responsibility. Congress needs to change the laws, if need be. President Trump was lucky, in that he had a global health emergency that he could use to close the borders, but the pandemic is behind us now. Time for Congress to do their job, and not depend on Presidential Executive Orders to do it for them.

It really is Biden’s problem. This might be a tough one for you…Who appointed Mayorkas? The guy that has completely failed miserably at his job and ignored all the issues facing the border, he should’ve been removed for derelict of duty yrs ago. Par for course with this administration.

We have immigration laws but this administration has ignored them every chance they get. I don’t know if you’ve seen the congressional hearings with Mayorkas? Like every other appointed or elected official in this administration he’s a joke and and a smug arrogant clown that does nothing but lie, stonewall and filibuster his way through hearings. It’s a pathetic display of morals, ethics and willful disregard of our nation’s laws that he doesn’t care about the crisis or the American people one iota, I t’s disgusting.

Most of the people coming in don’t even qualify for asylum yet that’s all you here from this worthless administration, that they are asylum seekers, it’s a lie. You can’t just enter this country illegally and claim asylum because you want a better job. This administration isn’t properly vetting these people, we have terrorist flowing into the country at staggering rates. I saw data recently that showed that 6 had come in under Trump and around 180 with Biden (not sure on timeline but was same for both). These are just ones that have been caught, you could probably triple that number at the least.

This has everything to do with Biden and his administration needs to be held accountable. We need people to enforce our laws, unlike the circus clowns in charge now who are doing NOTHING. You have to be really ignorant with your head in the sand to blame any of this on funding, they’ve had plenty of funding to enforce our immigration laws. The problem is failed leadership in every facet of this administration. Democrats are destroying our country’s sovereignty and the brainwashed trained seals on the left just clap cheering it on not even realizing they’re cheering on their own demise. It’s the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: LeXoXeL
Actually, you guys win. Done. Have fun in your "I hate Mexicans but love tacos" circle jerk.

If I hated brown people I wouldn't have adopted my daughter from an orphanage in Bolivia. In the Summer she's darker than the black people in my neighborhood. You playing the racism card is lame.

originally posted by: LeXoXeL
Dang, I forgot only Americans are human beings and illegals are not.

This is very simple .. the American taxpayer simply can not afford to take care of everyone. It's just that simple. Wide open borders is breaking the bank and if it's allowed to continue, there will be no USA anymore.
edit on 12/19/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:10 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: LeXoXeL
Actually, you guys win. Done. Have fun in your "I hate Mexicans but love tacos" circle jerk.

Sadly, there is no trophy for DERPing, or you would have first place.

Enforcing border laws and being a proponent of LEGAL immigration and AGAINST illegal immigration isn't a slight on Mexican folk. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people both Mexican and other who found a way to come here legally.

DERP on.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: LeXoXeL
Actually, you guys win. Done. Have fun in your "I hate Mexicans but love tacos" circle jerk.

If I hated brown people I wouldn't have adopted my daughter from an orphanage in Bolivia. In the Summer she's darker than the black people in my neighborhood. You playing the racism card is lame.

originally posted by: LeXoXeL
Dang, I forgot only Americans are human beings and illegals are not.

This is very simple .. the American taxpayer simply can not afford to take care of everyone. It's just that simple. Wide open borders is breaking the bank and if it's allowed to continue, there will be no USA anymore.

I love when morons play the race card with me. I’m part Native American Indian, daughter is half Mexican, GF is 100% Filipino and I live in a black community 🤣

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

You're blaming Mayorkas for Congress' inaction and spinelessness.

We have immigration laws but this administration has ignored them every chance they get.

For example. Please be specific in your examples of how the feds are ignoring federal law at the border.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If I hated brown people I wouldn't have adopted my daughter from an orphanage in Bolivia.

Why Bolivia? You couldn't find a worthy brown child in the USA to adopt?

In the Summer she's darker than the black people in my neighborhood. You playing the racism card is lame.

Racism goes deeper than the color of one's skin, as you have just demonstrated in your post.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Why Bolivia? You couldn't find a worthy brown child in the USA to adopt?

We didn't search out a child because of skin color. We chose Bolivia because my husband and I were both over 35 and adoption agencies in Alabama where we lived were not adopting to people that old at that time. We decided to go out of country because there were no age requirements against us.

Racism goes deeper than the color of one's skin, as you have just demonstrated in your post.

There is nothing racist in my post. I stated a fact. In the summer my daughter is darker than the black people in the neighborhood. Making note of skin color in a conversation about skin color isn't racist. That's silly.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: KrustyKrab

You're blaming Mayorkas for Congress' inaction and spinelessness.

We have immigration laws but this administration has ignored them every chance they get.

For example. Please be specific in your examples of how the feds are ignoring federal law at the border.

is it illegal to enter the US in a place other than legal ports of entry? It is, I'll save you the time. OK, now that we know it's illegal to enter through cracks in the wall, or ranchers private land, the part where they aren't arrested and turned around is where the "not enforcing the laws" thing is. Remember, we all know that crossing in non approved spots is illegal. And Illegal means just that. Not allowed. We felt so strongly about it, we made it a law.

In 1924 we (congress) made the border patrol. They are a group who's job it was to keep illegals from entering illegally. Currently, the Biden administration is doing everything in it's power to make them process illegals and turn them into the country, which is exactly what they wanted.

Now if your argument that the Asylum laws are piss poor and need to be fixed, I totally agree. But until then, we need to stop the flow, now.

If you disagree, give your home address, and we can all come crash at your house, use your stuff, and expect you to shut up and give us stuff. You aren't a phobe are you?

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: network dude

They are a group who's job it was to keep illegals from entering illegally. Currently, the Biden administration is doing everything in it's power to make them process illegals and turn them into the country, which is exactly what they wanted.

Oh, so you think Due Process is the problem. Is Biden the first US President to use Due Process before deporting illegals? What did Reagan do? What did the 2 Georges B do?

Now if your argument that the Asylum laws are piss poor and need to be fixed, I totally agree. But until then, we need to stop the flow, now.

How? By an illegal executive order? Maybe Biden could manufacture another health emergency and lock down the border that way!

Or, maybe we could blame Congress, and demand they do their job, instead of using the problem as an election cudgel every 2 years.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

I find it more hilarious when they do it on me, I am latina, I just laugh at the wannabe.

Really, they are clueless of the repercussions of unrestricted illegals now coming from all over the world.

I guess nobody is talking about the 10 explosive devices that were found at the border.

And the reason that Arizona governor activated the national guard and send it to the border.

Arizona's Governor Is Sending the State's National Guard to the Border to Help With a Migrant Influx< br />
Border Patrol Warns Agents to Be Alert for Explosives after Finding Ten IEDs at Border

The IEDs were discovered after agents stationed at a Tuscon border post exchanged fire with cartel members near a local ranch.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: network dude

They are a group who's job it was to keep illegals from entering illegally. Currently, the Biden administration is doing everything in it's power to make them process illegals and turn them into the country, which is exactly what they wanted.

Oh, so you think Due Process is the problem. Is Biden the first US President to use Due Process before deporting illegals? What did Reagan do? What did the 2 Georges B do?

Now if your argument that the Asylum laws are piss poor and need to be fixed, I totally agree. But until then, we need to stop the flow, now.

How? By an illegal executive order? Maybe Biden could manufacture another health emergency and lock down the border that way!

Or, maybe we could blame Congress, and demand they do their job, instead of using the problem as an election cudgel every 2 years.

Yes, congress needs to act. They have needed to for many years. Even when dems were in charge.

But you are aware that we have laws on the books right this very second that makes crossing in non approved spots illegal right?

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

There is nothing racist in my post. I stated a fact.

Your post boils down to: "I'm not prejudice because I have brown friends and an adopted family member, which is how racists defend themselves.

We didn't search out a child because of skin color. We chose Bolivia because my husband and I were both over 35 and adoption agencies in Alabama where we lived were not adopting to people that old at that time.

That's age discrimination. Maybe religious agencies in Bama can get away with it, but there are other US states, and facilities that would allow you to adopt at that age, that are much closer that Bolivia.

In the USA, some agencies wouldn't let you adopt a child from such a different background and foreign culture. They would try to find parents who could reinforce the child's familial and national background.
edit on 3120232023k56America/Chicago2023-12-19T12:56:31-06:0012pm2023-12-19T12:56:31-06:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:56 PM
The child sex trafficking is real and is dangerous and the democrats does not give two rat asses about it.

This is incredible, the amound of children been brough to the border unacompany and with not records of any kind.

Easily dump for the sex traffickers to cash on them, these children will go lost and never found like Obama did with the ones he invited to the US during his term, never to be seen again.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data indicates that Border Patrol apprehended 172,331 migrants in March. 48,587 of the undocumented individuals were unaccompanied migrant children

This was back in march, can you imagine what happen since then, nobody is talking but this is happening every day. These minors did not walk by themselves to the border.

posted on Dec, 19 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: network dude

But you are aware that we have laws on the books right this very second that makes crossing in non approved spots illegal right?

Right. What does that have to do with Due Process?

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