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Calling "french fries" "american fries" seems ironic to me!!!

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posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 03:17 AM
America is based on freedom of opinion, but we are getting mad at the french for expressing their opinons. I think it is really stupid, that the government is being so prejuduce that it is changing the name of things that begin with "french". I thought we got rid of prejuduce in the government already, but i guess i was wrong. I know you cant make all the americans be non prejuduce, but i thought our government was better than that.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 03:21 AM

While Parisians praised us for "liberating paris" the average French country folk spat on us.

While they so easily and gladly bent over and took it in the Butt by the Nazis, we were beating off that "darkness".

The French had no seeming problem with handing over their Jews, can't blame them, they hate the Jews to this day.

My Avatar says it all.

The Fact that Germany and France are now close buddies, isn't because of some magical "European Union", it's because we seperated two lovers when we won.


posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 07:31 AM
5POF - you are so full of sh!t I find it incredible. Are you a real person or just someone taking the micky out of redneck ignorant americans? If so, own up now, I can't take this kind of sarcasm for much longer.

If I didn't think you were real, I'd be laughing so hard I'd be finding it difficult to get enough oxygen.

The French have been used as a scapegoat for the US/UK failure to actually bully enough countries into supporting their 2nd resolution. Don't blame the French, blame your foreign policy.

And French links with Nazism in WW2? They were an occupied country, who are now very happy to be running their own affairs. Just because you want them to come under the yoke of America doesn't excuse your racist and offensive remarks.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 08:40 AM
Dom, what he says is true. You can't refute the meaning of his post.

I'm not biased on this issue(I'm Christian, but consider Jews to be my brothers. Even Jesus was jewish)

You have to realize that France just doesn't give a damn about ANYTHING but themselves. Can you tell me why as recently as the 70's they were blowing up nukes in the atmosphere, despite numerous treaties banning that very thing? There are so many #ty things the French have done in recent history that your post just defies reasoning. Quit defending the French for the dogs they are.


posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 08:52 AM
I'm English, I'm meant to hate the French.

But I still don't understand why the whole of the US has started bashing the French. It seems childish and immature.

The US has done far dirtier things in recent years, but I bet you won't admit it.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 11:09 AM
I havnt been using this board for long, but from what ive seen, most of the US posters are narrow minded and full on US glory.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
America is based on freedom of opinion, but we are getting mad at the french for expressing their opinons. I think it is really stupid, that the government is being so prejuduce that it is changing the name of things that begin with "french". I thought we got rid of prejuduce in the government already, but i guess i was wrong. I know you cant make all the americans be non prejuduce, but i thought our government was better than that.

They have their freedom to stab us in the back and we have our freedom to react to it. We may call them names and make fun of their selfish and cowardly ways, and if we like, we may call fries "Freedom Fries" or whatever. I, too, think that is a bit silly, but there is a reason for the reaction. If we wish we may choose not to buy products made in France. That, too, is our choice and freedom.

Don't give me any crap about prejudice. I've listened to plenty of anti-American prejudice from people that come to this board for a long time but that has always seemed to be in fashoin, but if America gets fed up with any of her selfish, cowardly and using "friends" then she is prejudiced.

Shove it, pizza boy. This is one Americasn that is fed up with the double standard.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 11:35 AM
Sorry, I don't want to sound mean or anything, but it just seems that when anyone else says or does something they are exercising their rights, but if Amercia does then we are trying to quash someone else's rights.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 11:39 AM
to Thomas

Stabbed in the back by the french ? What a strange opinion ! The french, germans, russians and chinese did nothing but uphold security council resolution 1441 and the world's opinion in favor of a peaceful disarmament of the baathist regime.

You cannot argue the world did anything bad to the united states when it is solely the Bush Regime breaking international laws and agreements. In your place i'd be mad about your administration lying to you and forcing the united states into this rogue position, insulting all good and honest people in america and around the world!


posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 11:45 AM
The thing that is more sinister about the anti-French thing, is that it's being actively encouraged by the US/UK administrations aswell as media organisations. All because France wouldn't allow herself to be bullied into signing a "let's start the war right now" second resolution. Fact is, France had already presented a modified resolution that it would find acceptable, and this was rejected by the US because it delayed the start of war.

I agree TC, it's your own choice to be small minded if you want to be. But I don't think your politicans should take part in trying to label the French as THE scapegoat. Fact is, most people in the world, most countries in the world, would have done the same thing (assuming they didn't allow themselves to be bullied into doing the US's bidding).

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Mokuhadzushi
to Thomas

Stabbed in the back by the french ? What a strange opinion ! The french, germans, russians and chinese did nothing but uphold security council resolution 1441 and the world's opinion in favor of a peaceful disarmament of the baathist regime.

You cannot argue the world did anything bad to the united states when it is solely the Bush Regime breaking international laws and agreements. In your place i'd be mad about your administration lying to you and forcing the united states into this rogue position, insulting all good and honest people in america and around the world!

Yeah, stabbed in the back.

Let's clarify a couple more points. There is no Bush regime. There is the Bush administration. The Bush administration has commited no violation of international law.

Furthermore, France, Germany, China and Russia upheld nothing. They have upheld nothing for the last 12 years. They have disarmed nothing in 12 years. "Peacefully" disarming Hussein is about as stupid a thought as trying to talk Hitler out of conquering Europe. What they, and we as well, have done for over a decade is allow Hussein to brutalize the people within his nation's jurisdiction and shoot at Allied planes flying the no-fly zones while he adhered to none of the agreements that created the cease-fire to begin with.

In my place, three-quarters of the nation is behind Bush. It is time to do something about Hussein. He is not only threatening and brutalizing his own people but has been aiding terrorists that are against his enemy (us). This administration has not lied about the deal, and don't feed me a line of crap. I didn't just start reading the news when the towers went down or battle against Hussein began. For those who have kept informed it is obviously past time for something to be done.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 12:46 PM

There is no Bush regime. There is the Bush administration.

The Bush administration enforces a regime in which "You're either with us, or with the terrorists". Marginalisation of opposition. Brutal repression of dissent. Registration procedures for minorities. Infringement on individual rights and liberty of teaching and expression. The Bush administration indeed enforces a domestic regime aimed at keeping it in power.

The Bush administration has commited no violation of international law.

Alas, the Bushist regime not only enforces a domestic regime, but also, through threat, bribery or outright slaughter, enforces an international hegemonic regime violating almost all international treatises and laws, robbing the Iraqi people of their rights and money. The bush regime behaves illegally on an international level, and tries to enforce a proto-fascistoid order domestically.

The word regime henceforth fits perfectly.

[Edited on 6-4-2003 by Mokuhadzushi]

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 12:54 PM
Mokuhadzushi you should perhaps review 1441, it mentions 30 days in respect to taking action against Saddam Hussein. I grant it does not say attack Iraq but alludes to that in the wording (severe consequences).

That absolutely nothing was done 30 days after 1441 was unanimously approved says a lot about UN

Saddam Hussein supports a policy, which pertains to treating non-combatant civilians as targets to pre-meditated attacks.

Those who engage in such behavior are supported financially and/or promised that financial support will be rendered to their families.

The efforts of the French government act to support such behavior as a means to address the political agendas of nations. Simply stated because you are a taxpayer you are subject to being treated as a combatant in conflicts between nations.

Organizations such as Al-Quaeda, FARC, the various Palestinian organizations, as well as other terrorist groups, fully supports the development of this policy as a means to there ends.

Quite frankly it pertains to the cowardice of these organizations and those who support them.

9/11 is one example

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 12:55 PM
As your words are based in nothing, and the only slaughter is that of decent debate in respect to reality and not your wacked-out perceptions that are shaped by your neurotic hatred for the president, there is still no reason for the word regime.

You are empty rhetoric. Nothing more.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 01:02 PM

Mokuhadzushi you should perhaps review 1441, it mentions 30 days in respect to taking action against Saddam Hussein. I grant it does not say attack Iraq but alludes to that in the wording (severe consequences).

1441 is very clear, i'm afraid you probably didnt read it : It calls for Iraq to declare its weapons in 30 days (which Iraq did and produced a 14.000 pages dossier for the security council) and it calls for the UN inspectors to verify these claims. Non cooperation is threatened with severe consequences. The compliance has to be assesed by the sec. council and further consequences decided by this security council. The USA currently acts against the security council. The invasion of Iraq is therefore illegal

Saddam Hussein supports a policy, which pertains to treating non-combatant civilians as targets to pre-meditated attacks.

This is erroneous since there are no american civilians in Iraq which Saddam could attack.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 01:45 PM
I just think the freedom fries thing is dumb. I see a lot of anger in this board. I think that Bush has isolated america from the rest of the world by using 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq. The man obvioulsy doesn't know anything about forigen relations or dealing with diffrent types of people.

In polls a majority of americans believed that saddam had something to do with 9/11. Thats probaly where a lot of the support for the war is coming from.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 01:58 PM


[Edited on 6-4-2003 by JCDenton]

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 02:05 PM
That report does not include the weapons found to date, this including the missiles. As well as the robotic planes designed to carry chemical weapons, which were not openly discussed by Hans Blix, in his now infamous report to the UN.

The UN is not a defined in any way as a world government.

Its president is not elected by the masses.

This is erroneous since there are no American civilians in Iraq, which Saddam could attack.

You are entrancing semantics as the application of such a policy as legal would have an effect upon all of us. Your statements that this issue is counterfactual lend credence to the conclusion. That you have no idea as to the meaning of the legal term "Precedence'.

Allow me to elaborate, you have no idea what you are talking about. A policy of attacking a civilian non-combatant adhered to in respect to a response. In which support of what t is at present the French policy, sets into motion condition which are intolerable.

At 9/11 the policy was made clear alternatively the application of suicide bombers in Israel pertains to the same issue.

In all sincerity your response is socio-pathic, individuals born in country raised to a certain belief. Who then chose to be educated in respect to a vocation, whose fundamental function is to be a civilian. Are targeted, as combatants with respect to political goals are an act of cowardice. Approval of such a policy pertains to cowardice in respect to achieving goals related to political issues.

As far as 1441 the Iraqi report is blatantly a joke

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 01:23 AM
Ugh once again, you want to know who the French are today, look at the recent history.

You think the French hated the Nazis? Most were indifferent, and then more still, actually supported the Nazis...actively.

Learn about the Vichy self governing region in France.

There were French higher ups who though weren't "Nazis" you sure could consider themselves as such.

Vichy france was more than capable of being a hand-over spot to the allies, but did they do this? No, they actually stood bye and helped repell "invaders" and support the Nazi control of France.

What's going on today, is the vestiges of this.

It wouldn't surprise me if the French and Germans, now the butt of the world, feel that their unifying is the only way they can put themselves back into the spot light.

Yeah Dom, I'm full of $hit you say?

No I'm dead right.

The French are Accomplises to the worst crime in history. And because they were "taken over" they were let off the hook.

Sadly they were not "Norway" which was betrayed by their leader. They agreed with the decision.

"Better to save Paris, than to save the Jews."

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 04:37 AM
The entire world is a stage and we are merely the players 5POF. I happen to know about the Vichy and more than just familiar with their fate after France was taken away from the Germans.

It�s not pretty, suffice to say if I were French my thinking would be that you were hitting well below the belt. Yes many Americans are shocked by the French response and as a result of that response, there will always be questions as to what motivations existed. But the word Vichy in France has the same response anywhere you go.

In reality it has not changed much since WWII.

As stated in the past if any of the countries were actually and irrevocably against the US, their forces Would at present be protecting Saddam Hussein's Regime.

That is not in fact the case, and as a reuslt though this forum acts as a way to question such potentials. Unless you can present a French soldier in Iraq killing American or British troops your are overdoing the hostile attitude.

It�s important to remember that

Please see attached link...

Isreal Reveals How It Gained Nuclear Weapons

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by Toltec]

[Edited on 7-4-2003 by Toltec]

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