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Baba Vanga The Truth about Her Predictions!

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:04 PM
I just looked through a thread "Obama the last president" Obama the Last President and in that thread Baba Vanga was named as a source of a predictions that says Obama will be the last president of USA. Furthermore, i went through some other threads about Baba Vanga's prophecies in which supposedly she has made predictions all the way to year 5000-something like this one Baba Vanga predictions. Well none of this is true i will have to say.

Here i a link of an interview with Baba Vanga's closed neighbors and friends made in July 2010. Interview about Baba Vanga. It is in Bulgarian so i will translate the important parts that are of concern for the truth to come to light.

Excerpts from the interview:

“Каква война? Ванга никога не е правила такива предсказания! Някой си ги измисля, после други ги преповтарят и така се стресират хората. Спекулират с името й, защото всички й вярват”, коментират дългогодишни съседки и приятелки на пророчицата в Петрич. Бойка Костадинова близо 50 г. е била сред приятелките на пророчицата.

Transaltion: "what war? Vanga has never made such a prediction! Somebody fabricates (those predictions), than others repeats them and the people are getting stressed (by the predictions).They speculate with her name, because everybody believes what she has to tell" says her neighbor and friend. Boyka Kostadinova has been friend with Vanga for 50 years.

Ели Горева казва, че непрекъснато сънува Ванга. “На 11 август почивам, на 12-и ще се чудят дали да ми вземат мозъка за изследване, на 13-и ме погребват, на 14-и пътувам, а на 15-и ще бъда на трапезата на Богородица”, спомня си Ели страшния сън. Сигурна е, че Ванга знаела кога ще настъписобствената й смърт.

Translation: Eli Goreva tells what Vanga told her about her own death. "on 11th of August i'll die, on 12th they will consider whether or not to take my brain for study, on 13th i'll be buried, on 14th i'll travel, on 15th of August i'll be on the dining table with the Holy Mother"

“Виждаше и в миналото, и в бъдещето, но предсказания за Трета световна война не съм чула да е правила.” Горева смята, че и предсказанията за атентата срещу кулите близнаци в Ню Йорк, потъването на “Курск”, избора на чернокож президент на САЩ също са преувеличени. Появили се след смъртта й и никой не обявил кога ги е чул от Ванга.

Translation: She was looking into the past, and the future but prophecies about third world war i have not heard from her". Goreva tell that the prophecies about the 9/11, the Kursk and about the black president of USA are also fictitious. They have appeared after her death and nobody have told when she has told those prophecies.

Строго се придържала към библията. Казвала, че всичко за света е описано в нея, но трябва да се чете внимателно и да се тълкува.

Translation: She has lived by the bible. She has said that everything about the world is said in the Bible, but it should be read carefully and to be interpreted.

Душеприказчикът й Петър Баков, с когото са обсъждали живота извън материята, също не е чувал предсказания за война. “Питал съм я, но все ми казваше: “Не бой се, сине, нема страшно. Нема да има Трета световна”, спомня си Баков. Смята, че животът отвъд материята, който не можем да видим, няма да допусне унищожаване на земята. “Ние сме продукт и плод на извънземния разум. Няма майка, която да убие детето си”, допълва петричанинът.

Transaltion: Peter Bakov, with whom she has talked stuff about the world, also have not heard about third world war. "i have asked her, but she always told me: do not fear my son there is nothing to fear of. There would not be a III world war" - he tells. Life beyond matter, which we can not see, will not allow annihilation of the Earth. We are a product of an extraterrestrial intelligence (knowing that she has been a firm Christian i am quite sure she is talking of God and not aliens here). There is no mother who will kill her child" remembers Peter.

On a side note there is a this:

Рядко говорила за политика, но често повтаряла: “От Съюзо не се делете, оти ке патите.”

Translation: She rarely spoke about politics, but she often said "Don't separate from the Union (meaning Russia), because you will suffer"

This is directed to Bulgaria which in that time has held a close ties with the Soviet Union (Russia). Which makes me think with all the turmoil in Europe and the World will it come in the future Russia to be a world leader

So there you go....
edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by vistina

Nice thread and well put together, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing I have read the prophecies but like any old book people tend to rewrite it and add what they want, especially when a prophecy is involved. I think there is one she or someone added to her prophecies about in the late millennium of 2000 humans gained the ability to grow meat and organs. I always was interested in that idea, not having to slaughter millions of animals every year so we can eat and the ability to grow vital organs to replace ones with cancer etc..
edit on 6-12-2011 by mileslong54 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by mileslong54 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by mileslong54

Thank you. That was precisely the reason why i put together this thread, people inventing and adding stuff. All those prediction on the least that i provided, including the one about organs are fabricated.
There are also two very good documentaries on youtube about her. But unfortunately they are in Bulgarian. Maybe if i post them somebody can ask the youtube uploader to add some english subtitles so the truth will be heard from a different source and also more people will know it. It is also very interesting because there are parts in the documentary where she is predicting things to people back in the 70's or 80's.

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:01 PM
Very insightful thread, thank you for sharing! Hopefully this will help dilute all the crazy stories that seem to come out surrounding her. S&F!

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizen519

Thank you. I share those hopes too. and like i said in my previous post, there are very good documentaries about her that can bring a lot of light on the mysteries about her, but can also be very informative on the things not known to the ATS community. I just regret that are in Bulgarian.

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by vistina

your op stated this link of prophecies list was bunk:

as it said, in part

2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.

well, we are all in agreement that the Nuclear war from November 2010-2014 never happened, at least in 2010-11

now how are we to believe that the next OP link @
is any more faithful to the Truth ?? about her actual predictions...


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by St Udio

Why my source is more relevant than any other is that it interviews people that have known Baba Vanga for more than 50years. I say that that is more relevant than some blogger on the internet with good imagination.

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:36 PM

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

This is a video of all the false prediction attributed to her. I explained that in the OP.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Ok, so if those are some of the false predictions made in her name - what are her real predictions then?
Maybe someone on ATS can dig deeper and present a list of what she actually DID predict then?
To separate the true from the false sort of speak....

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by vistina
reply to post by St Udio

Why my source is more relevant than any other is that it interviews people that have known Baba Vanga for more than 50years. I say that that is more relevant than some blogger on the internet with good imagination.

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

what St udio is trying to show you is this...

do you know the blogger or sources did you hear the people who knew baba vanga with your own ears see with your own eyes? how can you truly know?

edit on 12/7/2011 by -W1LL because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by -W1LL is a web page of a bulgarian news paper is not a blog. As for the credibility yes it is highly credible and yes those people in the interview exist and i have heard them and seen them speak, so can you. On top of the article there is Baba Vanga's picture and another picture of the people interviewed, just go to second picture and you will see them, Moreover, here is a link of to you tube video with a documentary about Baba Vanga in which all of her neighbors and friends, the same one as in the newspaper article provided at the OP, are speaking about her and her prediction. youtube Documenatary
Unfortunately it is in bulgarian and doesn't have english subtitles.

edit on 7-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by Tollon

Tollon as far as i remember what i saw in the two documentaries made for her and as far as i know there is not really much that she has predicted in terms of world wide events. She has mainly dealt with people predictions. In the documentary you can see that there are hundreds of people in front of her door waiting to enter and that has been the case for 20-30years every day. She has asked for a sugar cube from the person that was asking for a prediction. She would put it in her hand and would start telling. Also in the documentary there is a video footage from the 70's or 80's in which she in her own words in front of a camera is predicting to people and is also explaining how she is doing it. She is saying that if somebody is coming to ask for a close dead person, like for example how he has died, she would say "he (the dead) is right here with me and is saying bla bla" - so i can conclude that she has been a medium able to talk with the dead people. Then she goes on explaining that she would sometimes fall into trans and start speaking stuff about the world. At other times when people are coming for help, like they are sick she would tell exactly the condition of the person and where to go to to heal himself. In other part of the footage there is this guy that is sick and asking her for help and she goes to say that there is this doctor in some town she can see him in front of her and that he will help the sick person. Which kind of proves to me that she is not just a medium speaking to the dead but can also see things. She also explains that when she went blind in some accident a voice spoke to her and told her what she is about to become (a clairvoyant) and her mission. Namely, her mission has been to help people and not just giving prophecies about the world. That is the reason why i think there are not many predictions concerning world wide events. But there is one in the OP that says no world war III, so i guess that is enough for me.

edit on 7-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-12-2011 by vistina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 07:00 AM
This is a good thread. Though I do enjoy the morbidity of her predictions, I couldn't help but think that if they weren't exaggerated for purposes of dramatization, some details could have been lost in prediction and the guy hearing about these predictions through translation must be thinking, "Oh.. that sounds serious, it must be.. THIS!"

How far back do her predictions go anyways? I think the earliest one I have found was the September 11 one, which seems very close to Nostrodamu's predictions in that people are trying to translate old English (or Bulgarian or Russian) into modern terms.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by curious4311

Thank you. There is a video on you tube in which Vanga is interviewed and she says that she has started predicting things when the world war two started. Namely a guy appeared to her (then she was already blind, so it has to be in a vision) and asked is she recognizing him. After she said no, he told her that he is St. John (or St. Ilija, i am not sure) and told her that tomorrow the war is starting and she would tell to the families of the solders are they alive at the battlefield and when they are coming back home. She has said how she would know that and he has replied to her that he would tell her. As for the september 11 as i believe have said in the op, she has not made any prediction regarding that event.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:46 PM
Thanks for the thread.

I think it's important that someone points out what she predicted and what she didn't because a lot of imaginative things have been associated with her but as you said, were false.

Unlike John from Revelations and Nostradamus, Baba Vanga helped people who needed her help and predicted only a few things such as her own death while the other two I mentioned were radicalists writing anti-establishment propaganda in coded verse so as to avoid arousing suspicions.

Only Baba and Edgar Cayce can be seen as credible in that case.

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 01:55 AM
Here we are,
Its January 5th 2016
No world war Yet!

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 06:01 AM
i wonder how many of nostradamuses predictions have been fabricated by people who just cant wait for the world to end. id be willing to guess its quite a few of them.

posted on Jan, 4 2018 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: vistina

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Dripper
a reply to: vistina

whoever came up with that had a great imagination. well, at least it can create new fiction novels.
in any case, it doesn't really matter since we'll be dead by 2100 anyways
Most of us who are 30+ years old can only worry about the events that will happen till 2050 or so, since immortality it way to far into the future.

ok, i managed to depress myself. i'll see myself out

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