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UFO’s - The real Da Vinci Code - 2012 - Knights Templars

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:05 AM
Getting back to this for a second:

Originally posted by destiny-fate
"The Creation" by Michelangelo, an anatomy student of Samuel Sarfatti who was personal physician to Pope Julius II and as a consequence brokered the deal for Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Is the picture depicting an image in which God reaches back to Eden from the future to Adam's outstretched hand?

So is Man "God in the making"?

(18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

As for Horos, all I can offer is the Wikipedia page and this page. Or you can try to wade through the Church Fathers. But frankly, the whole thing is kind of a dead end.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:20 AM
So is Man "God in the making"?

Reading through the Sarfatti material - I did feel a few people associated with Sarfatti were hinting at this.

On the last day of creation, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Thus, He finished His work with a “personal touch.” God formed man from the dust and gave him life by sharing His own breath (Genesis 2:7). Accordingly, man is unique among all God’s creations, having both a material (body) and an immaterial (soul / spirit) part.

Personally I think mankind - like everything else in the Universe originates from the seed of God. God is the grand architect / creator and therefore encompasses all aspects of creation including time. The creator is The Alpha and The Omega - The beginning and the end .

God has full and exact knowledge of the universe and all its contents. Since God is beyond all time and space, both of which are united in the creators knowledge as a single point, and since the creator’s eternal, all-encompassing knowledge does not depend on them, time is a unified whole.

Given this, precedence, sequence, or division of time, and all other time-related concepts do not exist for the creator. We should always remember that our categories of past, present, and future time are only artificial categories designed to make our lives more manageable. Mankind views time from a linear - mathematical perspective - the creator does not. Time and space are also only two dimensions of creation.

About quarter of the way down the page - I found this piece really beautiful - full of insight and well worth reading.

The Creation of Man


BY that trick of the mind called by the rhetoricians " synecdoche," the Creation of Man, seen anywhere, in even the poorest print, means to me the whole Sistine Chapel. One glance at the familiar lines and my spirit has leaped the sea. I have escaped from the rattling carriage in the sun-drowned Piazza San Pietro, have passed in safety the watchmen of the flaming garb, and am standing with uncovered head beneath the great dim ceiling. The titanic fresco is of irresistible power. Whoever comes into its presence feels the spell. Having seen it, one can no more forget it than he can forget his first vision of the all-encompassing sky goddess Newt on the ceiling of the Kiosque of Dendera, with the moon and the stars at her breast and the sun rising from her lap.

The Creation of Man is the fourth panel in the series of nine which constitutes the central portion of the frescoes; or the sixth in the series reckoned in the order in which it was painted. For, as all the world knows, the series was painted backward. Just why the Drunkenness of Noah was chosen as the subject of the last panel, and then painted first, all the world is still discussing. Disgusted with the conditions of his time, stung by the gibe of his enemies (that a sculptor could not paint), and forced to begin the work against his will, what would have been more natural to a man of Michelangelo's temper, than to have seized upon the Drunkenness of Noah as typical of the day, and to have painted that first, and in the style popular at the moment, to beat his jealous rivals at their own game, and to show them what he thought of the whole wretched situation .

The Creation of Man, or as it is often called, the Creation of Adam,
is reckoned as the masterpiece in this masterly series. In it the artist's
genius reaches highwater mark. The composition is a unit; it has not
two themes, like the Eden panel, but one, and that sun-clear. In some
of the other panels the intention of the artist is not evident at sight.
Here misunderstanding is impossible. This superb creature on a hilltop,
just coming alive, has no rival in the whole range of painting.

The lines upon which the picture is composed are in themselves of
astonishing power. This becomes obvious in a tracing. In the Creator
group the curves come into the picture like a rushing mighty wind driving
everything before it. The effect of this onset is evident in the Adam
group. But the force in the one takes a turn about the head of the
Creator and flashes forth on a new path to the fingertip, while the force
in the other, just when it seems to have spent itself in the head of Adam,
reappears in the feebly outstretched arm and is lost in the drooping hand.
The marvel is more marvelous when one realizes that these curves,
expressing divine life and human lassitude, both to the very hmits of
possibility, are the same ! Like an Athenian vase of the best period, the
whole composition is a play upon one line. A single curve, the curve
of force, builds the entire design.

"For as all the world knows, the series was painted backward."Just why the Drunkenness of Noah was chosen as the subject of the last panel, and then painted first, all the world is still discussing.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:02 AM

[edit on 15-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:11 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:06 AM

Some interesting views from Jack Sarfatti on the current worldwide economic and resource crisis. Possible doomsday scenario ?

[edit on 15-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:36 PM

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 03:01 PM

On the last day of creation, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Thus, He finished His work with a “personal touch.” God formed man from the dust and gave him life by sharing His own breath (Genesis 2:7). Accordingly, man is unique among all God’s creations, having both a material (body) and an immaterial (soul / spirit) part.

Let 'US", and after 'our', this for no other reason should be the key to understanding.

I LOVE this thread and have devoured every bite. Please continue, I will be back.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by antar

Thanks so much for your encouragement Antar

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:46 PM
MUST HEAR - Nicaragua, Nixon, Bush, CIA - How to stop murderers and criminals

Is Danny Sheehan one of the good guys ?

[edit on 16-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:55 PM
I posted this on another forum 27 Oct 2007 :

On June 21, 1974, Sarfatti was one of a number of scientists and other interested parties — a group that included Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur Koestler, David Bohm, and John Hasted — who conducted observations of Uri Geller while the latter displayed what he said was telekinetic energy.

Sarfatti was impressed by Geller, and commented: "My personal professional judgement as a Ph.D. physicist is that Geller demonstrated genuine psychoenergetic ability at Birkbeck, which is beyond the doubt of any reasonable man, under relatively well-controlled and repeatable experimental conditions." He later revised this opinion after discussing the matter with James Randi. He wrote in a letter: "On the basis of further experience in the art of conjuring, I wish to retract my endorsement of Uri Geller's psychoenergetic authenticity."

I recently found this response to my post - it was allegedly posted by Jack Sarfatti


The above quote from the Wickedpedia Files is disinformation from a Berserkely leftist agitator named Calton Bolick who now lives under a rock somewhere in the Tokyo suburbs and who visits Beijing presumably because he is a gourmet. He does have a fat rear end so maybe that is not simply a cover story. Bolick has wormed his way into a position of power in the Wicketpedia File Cult of Bimbo Wales who fancies himself to be another L. Ron. Hubbard. Bolick's main job seems to be smearing me and a few others with disinformation on Wickedpedia. Fact is Uri Geller and I are close friends and we are working together on projects e.g. link to stayaerusa.organd Calton Bolick erases all attempts to tell the truth about that on Wickedpedia.

link to

I could not respond to the post as I have mysteriously been banned from posting there anymore
But then I kind of knew that was going to happen
call it womans intuition

[edit on 21-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 02:02 AM
I hesitated before making the next series of posts - because - this particular subject matter has been discussed extensively and in some instances has been deemed inaccurate and fraudulent. I decided to go ahead and present all the information regardless. This will be my last series of posts on this subject for a while . I recently had the most amazing revelation ( about the hieroglyphs’ and Egypt - I feel the revelation / insight is a key of some sort ) - one I am very excited about
but it will require quite a bit of research and I have already committed myself to a few time consuming projects during the first quarter 2009 - so fingers crossed.

Joe Firmage and the ISSO

The link above mentions another physicist Dr. Valdimir Poponin allegedly a personal acquaintance of Gorbachev's

About Dr. Valdimir Poponin

[edit on 22-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Jim Garrison and Tom Jenkins were both from Gorbachev Foundation -Tom and I had an interesting conversation in which we both noted the amazing patterns of synchronicity linking physicists interested in consciousness, extra-terrestrial intelligence, remote-viewing and other fringe areas with the pivotal events that ended the Cold War.

I walked into the Caffe Trieste one day in 1979. A young girl, Maiti, said she had written a poem about me. We soon started dating. She said her father was a "senior policy planner" in the government, but she did not agree with his politics and had briefly been in the Weatherman. She showed me a photograph of her Grandfather, who was a German General (Rudel) during World War Two. Her father had met her mother while on Army duty after the war. One day her father telephoned and said that he heard that the Philadelphia Incident was really true. Maiti mentioned that her father had ET contacts as a child like I had. Her father was an Arabic-speaking expert in Middle-East affairs with high level contacts. He once sent me a manuscript on the Qabala and the mystical union between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. One day Maiti showed me a copy of a letter that her father, Robert Dickson Crane , wrote of his friend Anthony Weiner at the Hudson Institute. The letter says in part:

In view of the present-day Esalen-Erhard-Yeltsin-Gorbachev connections , the 1979 Esalen-UFO connection is significant. Even though I had split with Werner Erhard by late 1977, EST's Raz Ingrasci phoned me and asked me to meet with Jenny O Conner. Raz said that Jenny had been sent to Werner by Sir John Whitmore who had funded Andrija Puharich's collaborations with Uri Geller back in 1973. Jenny claimed to be channeling messages from "The Nine" -- the same extra-terrestrials that Puharich wrote about. In view of my own contact in 1952 I should have been more diplomatic with Jenny when she came to my apartment at 2 Whiting Place -- the apartment that Michael Murphy had given me. Jenny impressed me as total fraud, and I practically kicked her out. I was verbally very rude. Jenny and The Nine was promptly installed at Esalen for quite some time overlapping with visits by the late physicist Heinz Pagels, Congressman Charlie Rose, Ira Einhorn, and high ranking Russians from Georgy Arbatov's Moscow Institute of US and Canada, which was influential during Gorbachev's watch.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Sarfatti went on to say - this list is not complete. Vladimir Posner is an important fellow in all this according to Schwartz and Tinkerman. The fact remains, the iron post of observation that a bunch of apparently California New Age flakes into UFOs and psychic phenomena, _including myself_, had made their way into the highest levels of the American ruling class and the Soviet Union and today run the Gorbachev Foundation.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Gordon Novel & Jack Sarfatti: Strange Be

"Jack Sarfatti" wrote: Gordon is the American "Riley, Ace of Spies." Gordon and I are part of the elite HIA (deep inside CIA) set into motion in the early 1950's by Majic 12. Hal Puthoff and others are part of it also. As is usual in abductions memories have been altered to protect the guilty. ;-) ... Gordon and I are same age and two peas from the same ET Pod. ;-) ... -- Dr. Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D.

"In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with bombing a Metairie, Louisiana, theater that admitted blacks. Gordon Novel:

CIA agent or Con Artist ? by Dave Reitzes

Jack Sarfatti and Gordon Novel

[edit on 22-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 12:51 PM
Gordon Novel - project camelot

Gordon Novel - JFK

[edit on 22-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Majestic 12 (also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII or Majority 12) is the purported code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The purpose of the committee was to investigate UFO activity in the aftermath of the Roswell incident - the purported crash of an alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. This alleged committee is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory of an ongoing government cover up of UFO information.

The primary evidence for the existence of the Majestic 12 is a collection of documents that first emerged in 1984 and which have been the subject of much debate. The original MJ-12 documents state that:
The Majestic 12 group... was established by order of President Truman on 24 September, [sic - see discussion] 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.[1]

In evidence supporting the existence of Majic 12 , before the appearance of the various dubious MJ-12 documents, Canadian documents dating from 1950 and 1951 were uncovered in 1978.[5] These documents mention the existence of a similar, highly classified UFO study group operating within the Pentagon's Research & Development Board (RDB) and headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. Although the name of the group is not given, proponents argue that these documents remain the most compelling evidence that such a group did exist. There is also some testimony from a few government scientists involved with this project confirming its existence.

Present-day MJ-12

Despite strong evidence that MJ-12 is a hoax, many theories suggest that MJ-12's efforts continue to the present. For example, UFO researcher Bill Hamilton says he has identified the present-day members of MJ-12. Gordon Novel, a shadowy figure associated with various CIA conspiracies, Watergate, and the Jim Garrison investigation of the Kennedy assassination, in a recent interview, further adds that most are Americans with a few foreigners. Allegedly they were involved with Kennedy's murder because Kennedy wanted to end the cover-up. They are major world power brokers and manipulate events behind the scenes in a bid for total world power. Supposedly a key motivation behind the cover-up is reverse-engineering captured alien technology in order to obtain such domination. Moreover, many criminal acts have been committed towards this end, including numerous murders to maintain security and control of international drug trafficking to pay for the huge research and security costs. Novel background and interview

Majestic 12

Majestic 12

Wilbert Smith papers

UFO/Government timelines

Wilbert Smith:
"The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb. Flying saucers exist. Their modus operandi is unknown but a concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance."
From a declassified Canadian government memorandum dated Nov. 21, 1950. Wilbert Smith.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:34 PM
Transcript: Gordon Novel's interview with Project Camelot.

The Knights Temporal

G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal, that are, ah .. the most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal. We took a page out of the idea of the Templars who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today. And so, but, that... Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all be know about it. It indicates that.

Time is the Key !!!

[edit on 24-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:37 PM
There are many government/private organisations - religious - secret and new age societies - coming together at this time - intent on controlling and guiding the world through the new millennium - all driven by their own personal perspective and agendas. What is the worlds current trajectory - perhaps that answer lies within ancient texts and mythology ? I can’t help but feel the world is fast approaching an Apex ( I would liken it to “The eye of a needle “ “ Compression of Time“ - a great implosion / inversion of sorts) which will create great distortions in reality. The question is will these events be due to mankind's interference or will it be a natural phenomena ?

All of the above mentioned people in this thread are connected in one way or another. Some are connected through the Gorbechev Foundation - some seem more concerned with raising the level of human consciousness or alternatively are associated with environmental issues. Listen intently to what is being said - in my opinion many of their ideologies lack substance.

Transcript from Project Camelot’s interview with Gordon Novel

K: And what’s your vision for the world? Could you tell us in general terms?

G: Our vision is to get the energy out there so that we can eliminate oil, coal, and gas and nuclear fuels from polluting the atmosphere and causing the carbon dioxide that’s creating the global warming. That and a concomitant reduction in the cost of living by about... eighty percent of the cost of living is attributed to paying for energy. So if you don’t have to pay it out you get to keep it.

K: OK. But aren’t you worried about the economy? You’re actually trying to safeguard certain aspects of the economy in the process?

G: Yeah. There’s the... we are interested in, ah, the Plutopian enhancement of the economy from about 44 trillion GDP currently to about a quadrillion a year in about ten years, and making everybody about 100 times more wealthy and spreading the wealth out and causing an equalization. And people don’t have to work if they don’t have to pay for energy.

WHY ? When is enough - enough. Why is the emphasis always on how to acquire more ? The world already consumes far too much - and I am not just talking about energy ? And the rich ( the group manipulating and controlling ) will always need a working class - regardless of whether or not we have free energy. Science and technology have created a huge imbalance in our natural environment. How do we know alternative energies will not do the same ? Perhaps the real key is going back to a more natural state of living - consuming and using less .

K: Oh yeah? Because you work with Lisette... What’s her last name

G: Larkins.

K: Yeah. And she wrote the book Talking with Extraterrestrials?

G: Uh huh.

K: And... sounds like she communicates with someone out there.

G: Yeah, She’s... you can’t attribute her level of intelligence to going to school. It’s just not there, that type of thinking and the type of philosophy that she says that they advocate. And the way that they see life and how we should live it is completely... it’s not anything that we currently enjoy. Yeah. So.

K: All right. So you’ve had dialogues through her...

G: Anyhow, we’re currently trying to set up contact.

K: OK. Right.

G: And I don’t know if we’ll ever have any success at it.

K: OK. So you... You don’t know what the ET thinks of you.

G: I... No, and I don’t know whether or not they even think on that level. We are trying to find out if they do. And it’s been our experience that women seem to run the future and... extraterrestrial societies are supposedly lead and directed by women. So, the female side of the equation. So we’re very pro that idea because it’s... Women don’t like war and don’t like the consequences of war. We should have more women in Congress. We’d have a much more peaceful business of government.

K: And doesn’t a woman figure pretty prominently in your movie scenario?

G: Yeah. We’ve gotta... the judges and the prosecutors are women. And we’ve kind of looked at them as the “ultra-terrestrial,” the folks that don’t need spaceships to move around... they just think and they’re there. So yeah, yeah. I’m... we’re very avant garde toward the idea of women being the leaders of tomorrow, not men.?

Strange that all of the groups these people are associated with seem top heavy with men? And I don’t believe for one minute a female perspective is any better than a males ! Surely the emphasis should be on a harmonious blend of both.

G: their own society and they evolved into what we believe to be somewhat of... We don’t call it utopian. We call it plutopian. Sort of a madhouse of ideas that are completely different from what we view as what we would call utopia. But the idea of getting rid of the cost of energy in our economy is really good because that keeps 80 cents out of every dollar you keep... you spend... stays in your pocket. You get rich that way. Quick. Everybody gets rich.

K: OK. So, when did you start working on this?

G: Oh, probably in the early 70s I got involved in really trying to run it to ground and doing the investigation in terms of trying to get our hands on their technology and then we lucked into it one day and...

K: When you say “we,” who’s we?

The Knights Temporal

G: Well, I have a group of folks that I call the Knights Temporal, that are, ah .. the most prominent aerospace engineers and physicists in the world today are all part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Knights Temporal. We took a page out of the idea of the Templars who basically blackmailed the Pope to give them the fiefdoms over Europe. They created the banking orders we have today. And so, but, that... Since we believe the technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Knights Temporal. The alien technology, the UFO, is basically a flying time machine. That’s what we believe, and it’s all be know about it. It indicates that.?

What kind of power would these people have if they could manipulate and control time ?

[edit on 27-12-2008 by destiny-fate]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:28 PM
Sounds like Nikola Tesla's theories are about to make a come back!!!!NB

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM
(sorry about the anonymous - still waiting fo my new password)

It is interesting to me that most people tend to view UFO technology as something apart from our own existence here on earth however in reality they are probably more knowledgable about our history then we are. Have they not been observing us a lot longer than we have been obsering them? Perhaps they are the diligent watchers in the sky trying to keep us from repeating past mistakes to our own ultimate demise. For example, do we really know what happened a thousand years ago? The Great Schism (war between Catholic Rome and Catholic Byzantine Empire) took place about 1054 AD and trust me - this had to have been a world event! What happened to the early knights of the Byzantine Empire - I'm sure they thought they were fighting for the same cause but unfortunately disappeared without a trace so did all the Byzntine ships. And Catholic Rome gained power and control over all of the Christian world. There had to have been horrendous fighting between these two factions of Knights in all the areas of the world where they had a religious and monetary cause to be there. Also, other entities who had a connection to them due to political or economic reasons would have gotten caught up in the fighting and power struggle as well. The result of all this would have been a world-wide reversal of power and fortune - A Major Earth Changing Event! It cannot be understated - How much more intense would it be in this day and age if the charged up powers that be wage war upon each other again? Like I stated, perhaps these UFO's are just here to save us from ourselves.

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