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Silent Weapons

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posted on May, 14 2024 @ 12:24 PM
So the Havana syndrome(pulsed microwave weapons and audio weapons that cause TBI's)

So it is now public knowledge that from the early 1980's(52:39) DEW's of all sorts have been operational and used on targets civilian and govermental alike.

in this hearing you will hear how DEW(Directed Energy Weapons[54:20]) in Russian sleeper cell hands being used on Americans.

Makes you really wonder about the people that claimed they were being victims of such devices, maybe they were the tests subjects before going operational against a Governmental target.

i cant get the youtube linking to work

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 12:28 PM

There you go

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

DEW's of all sorts

There are so many variations no-one could be fully informed on this. Most of them are of doubtful efficiency when used in the real world. So many uncontrollable factors.

Test subjects are chosen for the ease of deniability.

Governmental target

You sound like one of them there provocateurs!

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: TimBurr

clearly high power nano seconded pulsed microwaves are being used against US Embassies and here in America on other targets an opposing force might want to degrade

directed energy weapons can be anything from a neutral partial beam to sound, and maybe all the people who even i have dismissed as having a few screws loose when complaints in the past came up, it has been know from the early 80's on that these weapons exist because we were using them against Russian targets.

usually the limiting factor in DEW's is a dense and portable power source, but if you can use the cabled power right from the grid clearly would make a good silent weapon

the staff in Cuba in our Embassy were also dismissed at first but now are being looked after by the government due to the severe effects this pulsed system caused.

makes you wonder what the real cutting edge stuff is these days

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: DataLore

thank you kindly

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 02:19 PM
Silent weapons. How about this one. Is the high energy of electric cars creating some sort of electromagnetic field that makes people car sick?

The cars are silent and does the riding in them for extended periods possibly screw up the mind or metabolism?

This is the first thing I have heard of where the electric cars could possibly be causing harm for people, I have heard of the electromagnetic bubbles in houses and work places causing harm and even possibly cancer in people. Now short trips it probably would have little effect, but what about people driving them many hundred miles.

I can make anything on topic if I try, because everything is related.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

You really need to change the thread title to something more appropriate like energy weapons.

There are documents, from what I understand, classified secrete about crossbows, bows and arrows, along with other weapons that are considered to bw silent weapons.

I don't consider the energy weapons being discussed as silent because they do make detectable emissions. Just not noticable to most people.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 04:50 PM
I'll just put this right here, it's a good read.


posted on May, 14 2024 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Silent weapons. How about this one. Is the high energy of electric cars creating some sort of electromagnetic field that makes people car sick?

The cars are silent and does the riding in them for extended periods possibly screw up the mind or metabolism?


The silence has nothing to do with it. It's motion sickness. It happens in ICE cars also.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs


posted on May, 14 2024 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

I just finished reading about OPERATION CRIMSON MIST, ELECTRONIC SLAUGHTER IN RWANDA and came to ATS and saw your OP.

Per wiki:

The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 19 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[4][5] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias. Although the Constitution of Rwanda states that more than 1 million people perished in the genocide, the actual number of fatalities is unclear, and some estimates suggest that the real number killed was likely lower.[6][5][7] The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths

Operation Crimson Mist

When news of the presidential crash came in over the VHF radio, one of the Hercules planes was swiftly preparedfor take off. The flight engineer checked the attachment of the RATO [Rocket Assisted Takeoff] packs, while the scientists made final adjustments to a large microwave dish mounted on the rear loading ramp of the aircraft. It was this strange and esoteric piece of equipment alone that would directly contribute to the deaths of more than one million African civilians during the hundred days that followed. Though completely silent in operation, the single microwave dish had more killing potential than a whole squadron of AC-130 Spectre gunships armed with fifty Gatling cannons.

As the Hercules’ engines started with a roar, American agents in Kigali were
working alongside local civil servants and members of the Rwandan security service, ramping up public suspicion about foul play in the presidential air crash. Urged on by corrupt officialdom, Hutu tribesmen started marching on Tutsi tribesmen and threw a few rocks at them. Innocent enough at the outset, although with a few nasty machete cuts here and there. But then the C-130 Hercules made a carefully-calculated pass directly over the advancing Hutu, and they suddenly went berserk. Eyes glazed, the mood of the Hutu crowd went from simple anger to uncontrollable rage, and within minutes, hundreds of assorted Tutsi body parts were flying through the air.

The article goes on to say this technology was also used in Iraq to orchestrate images of Iraq violence and the looting of the Baghdad Museum.

But this equipment is not just deployed in large lumbering Hercules transport planes. During recent weeks, European security experts have concluded that smaller versions of Crimson Mist were recently deployed on the street of Baghdad, designed in part to augment the media propaganda line that Iraqi citizens are dangerous savages, all badly in need of direct supervision by “democratic” American authorities. One classic example of this was the “looting” of the Baghdad Museum, apparently by a crowd of undisciplined rabble, but video footage tells a very different story. To pull off this stunt the American authorities needed to assemble a crowd, managed quite easily with a promise of free food. Then they needed to place the crowd outside the museum, which again was easy because they located the free food outside the museum itself. Next up, the attention of the crowd had to be drawn to the museum itself, which was achieved in spectacular fashion by firing two 120-mm shells from an Abrams tank gun straight through the main doors.

Fine so far, but how to get them inside? The video shows two soldiers gesticulating to the crowd, urging them to go in and help themselves, thereby clearly identifying the target “Rwanda-style”. Then it starts to get really interesting! The two soldiers rapidly withdraw, leaving the Iraqis standing leaderless outside the open doors, and then CLICK, just like flicking a light switch, the entire crowd goes nuts absolutely simultaneously, which never happens in real life. In the real world there is always a leader visibly stirring up the crowd and preparing them for action, but not outside the Baghdad Museum. One second these folk are dull hungry Iraqis, next second they are instant uncontrollable maniacs streaming in though the museum doors.

I highlighted that line because although this was written in 2003 that is said occurred J6 also creating a chaotic environment for targeted items to be retrieved. That's my view on it.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

As a cyclist I noticed EV drivers are less aware of their surroundings. I used to think they were looking around to see who had noticed they were in an electric car. Now I wonder if their brains are adversely affected by the electromagnetic field they're sitting in.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

Well, doom porn aside, the good news is...these types of weapons are easy to detect, identify and locate.

If, in the future, these types of weapons become more common, then the equipment to regularly scan for such things will just be a natural evolution in gathering places. What has made them stealthy in the past was just the fact no one was looking for them, not that they were truly 'stealthy'. Going forward, the only thing which might keep the one-off weapon hidden will be by changing which are of the spectrum it operates in, but this too is easily defeated.

So, not a lot to worry about here from my perspective.

However, as a couple of other posters have pointed out, strong EMF on the other hand, may be something to be more concerned about as long term studies about extended exposure have not really been conducted in detail.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 05:57 AM
Welcome to 2024 !

Where every person needs to carry around an EMF detector, to protect themselves from their gubmints weapons of mass manipulation.

Don't forget to vote !

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: DronesandUFOs
So the Havana syndrome(pulsed microwave weapons and audio weapons that cause TBI's)

So it is now public knowledge that from the early 1980's(52:39) DEW's of all sorts have been operational and used on targets civilian and govermental alike.

in this hearing you will hear how DEW(Directed Energy Weapons[54:20]) in Russian sleeper cell hands being used on Americans.

Makes you really wonder about the people that claimed they were being victims of such devices, maybe they were the tests subjects before going operational against a Governmental target.

i cant get the youtube linking to work

Posted this in my thread yesterday:

originally posted by: xWorldxGonexMadx
a reply to: MrsPixie

Take a look at this and tell me if what you're talking about could have been this... its a very strange weather phenomena which was approaching South Africa ona weather map by Satellite:

Watch from 25mins and 40 secs.

Apparently it was a modelling error ... but was it? Around 10th/11th March.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 10:23 AM
This is not getting enough attention ...

Gregory Edgreen, former USA Intelligence professional, admits the USA has used undisclosed weapons tech on its citizens

"there's no entry or exit wounds"

"make the victims feel like they're crazy"

Of course, MSM never shows you this...

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: soulrevival
a reply to: DronesandUFOs

I just finished reading about OPERATION CRIMSON MIST, ELECTRONIC SLAUGHTER IN RWANDA and came to ATS and saw your OP.

Per wiki:

The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, occurred between 7 April and 19 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[4][5] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias. Although the Constitution of Rwanda states that more than 1 million people perished in the genocide, the actual number of fatalities is unclear, and some estimates suggest that the real number killed was likely lower.[6][5][7] The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths

Operation Crimson Mist

When news of the presidential crash came in over the VHF radio, one of the Hercules planes was swiftly preparedfor take off. The flight engineer checked the attachment of the RATO [Rocket Assisted Takeoff] packs, while the scientists made final adjustments to a large microwave dish mounted on the rear loading ramp of the aircraft. It was this strange and esoteric piece of equipment alone that would directly contribute to the deaths of more than one million African civilians during the hundred days that followed. Though completely silent in operation, the single microwave dish had more killing potential than a whole squadron of AC-130 Spectre gunships armed with fifty Gatling cannons.

As the Hercules’ engines started with a roar, American agents in Kigali were
working alongside local civil servants and members of the Rwandan security service, ramping up public suspicion about foul play in the presidential air crash. Urged on by corrupt officialdom, Hutu tribesmen started marching on Tutsi tribesmen and threw a few rocks at them. Innocent enough at the outset, although with a few nasty machete cuts here and there. But then the C-130 Hercules made a carefully-calculated pass directly over the advancing Hutu, and they suddenly went berserk. Eyes glazed, the mood of the Hutu crowd went from simple anger to uncontrollable rage, and within minutes, hundreds of assorted Tutsi body parts were flying through the air.

The article goes on to say this technology was also used in Iraq to orchestrate images of Iraq violence and the looting of the Baghdad Museum.

But this equipment is not just deployed in large lumbering Hercules transport planes. During recent weeks, European security experts have concluded that smaller versions of Crimson Mist were recently deployed on the street of Baghdad, designed in part to augment the media propaganda line that Iraqi citizens are dangerous savages, all badly in need of direct supervision by “democratic” American authorities. One classic example of this was the “looting” of the Baghdad Museum, apparently by a crowd of undisciplined rabble, but video footage tells a very different story. To pull off this stunt the American authorities needed to assemble a crowd, managed quite easily with a promise of free food. Then they needed to place the crowd outside the museum, which again was easy because they located the free food outside the museum itself. Next up, the attention of the crowd had to be drawn to the museum itself, which was achieved in spectacular fashion by firing two 120-mm shells from an Abrams tank gun straight through the main doors.

Fine so far, but how to get them inside? The video shows two soldiers gesticulating to the crowd, urging them to go in and help themselves, thereby clearly identifying the target “Rwanda-style”. Then it starts to get really interesting! The two soldiers rapidly withdraw, leaving the Iraqis standing leaderless outside the open doors, and then CLICK, just like flicking a light switch, the entire crowd goes nuts absolutely simultaneously, which never happens in real life. In the real world there is always a leader visibly stirring up the crowd and preparing them for action, but not outside the Baghdad Museum. One second these folk are dull hungry Iraqis, next second they are instant uncontrollable maniacs streaming in though the museum doors.

I highlighted that line because although this was written in 2003 that is said occurred J6 also creating a chaotic environment for targeted items to be retrieved. That's my view on it.

Well that was absolutely horrific to learn about.

I'm reminded of two things, the movie God of War, where the main character is selling arms for the White House, to Africa, that are being used for genocide, and the Koren "God Helmet" experiments of the 90's.

The Koren "God Helmet" was said to be able to cause extreme fear or anger, among other things, in subjects who were wearing the helmet, but what if someone(s) figured out how to cause these effects remotely?

Decades after the experiments of the 90's, what if it is possible to cause mass fear or anger with electronic technology?

Should humanity be concerned? I would think so.
Should humanity be made aware of such technology? I think so.

Portable Microwave Weapon Featured on 60 Minutes:

edit on 15-5-2024 by IndieA because: Added Photos

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 08:11 PM
I listened to the hearing today and here are some of the key points:

This is a sensitive subject, probably for a bunch of reasons, but so much so that the CIA kept information from it's sister agencies and apparently mislead the American public about this technology.

68 survivors were found to have health conditions that were neither psychosomatic, nor thought to be from any other known causes. Many of these survivors are said to be some of this country's best heros, and many of them don't want what happened to them to happen to other good Americans. Being properly informed about this technology is said to be one of the best preventive measures, and I would think that government acknowledgement and disclosure of this technology would serve to cut down on the gaslighting of survivors.

It was said that, the mental effects caused by this technology can be caused by a variety of ways, and based on my research, could vary from nausea, to anger, to fear, to delirium, ect, and could be induced by microwave radiation (old tech), pulsed millimeter wave radiation (newer tech), and or, even with old fashion chemicals known as incapacitating agents. I wouldn't be surprised if there are survivors who were hit with a combination of RF radiation and chemical agents.

It was said that older versions of the technology (1990's), could fit in the trunk of a car or even a backpack.

At least one version of the tech was said to "bathe a person's living area" in RF radiation, and it was said that a low power attack over an extended period, could make a person seemingly go crazy.

Survivors reported being attacked in their homes, in hotels, and in their vehicles.

One survivor's case was said to be law enforcement sensitive, as well as classified.

I think I heard that the FBI discovered and recovered a RF weapon near someone who had reported symptoms.

Besides a lack of communication between intel agencies and a lack of honesty with the public, there have been a lot of whistle blowers who have come forward and it seems to me that there is concern that this technology may be being maliciously abused by forces within the government and possibly on Americans.
edit on 15-5-2024 by IndieA because: Spelling

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: rickymouse
Silent weapons. How about this one. Is the high energy of electric cars creating some sort of electromagnetic field that makes people car sick?

The cars are silent and does the riding in them for extended periods possibly screw up the mind or metabolism?


The silence has nothing to do with it. It's motion sickness. It happens in ICE cars also.

For an article to be written about it, it appears that people who do not get motion sickness from gas powered cars are experiencing it from the electric cars. Most people who get motion sickness would already know that cars can give motion sickness. This seems to be people who didn't experience it in gas cars, why else would people be mentioning they get motion sickness in electric cars if they got sick in gas cars too.

Think about that.

posted on May, 15 2024 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Nausea was mentioned in the article that soulrevival posted.

Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda

One of the leading lights in this field is Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, who was a nuclear scientist and researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and at Stanford Research Institute, Professor of Physics at John F. Kennedy University of California, research consultant to NASA and the U.S. Navy, and a member of IEEE, APS, AAAS, MAA, ANA, AAMI. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise identified specific frequency effects to induce nausea, happiness and many other behavioral states decades ago. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher-Bise is an enthusiast: "Give me the money and three months", she boasts, "and I'll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy - or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive."

Unlike many researchers in this field, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise tends to be open about her work, has demonstrated the effects many times in quasi-public forums, and claims to experiment only on fully informed people. Many years ago during one memorable demonstration in California, she turned a specific brain wave on all students in the left-side of her auditorium, whereupon their teeth started chattering collectively and uncontrollably. When the unaffected students on the right-side of the auditorium suggested this might be some sort of trick, Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise calmly turned the specific brain wave on them instead. The right-side now suffered exactly the same fate, watched by the stunned, but no longer affected students on the left-side.

When I saw the 80% comment, I couldn't help but think that 80% of Americans got the first two covid "vaccines".

Back to getting car sickness. It could just be that Teslas are bad for giving car sickness because of a poor ride. Personally, I can get car sick, and I have noticed some cars are just a lot worse at causing it. Growing up, it was Fords.

edit on 15-5-2024 by IndieA because: Added information

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