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Astronomers discover universe's fastest-growing and most luminous object to date

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posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: Venkuish1

It's astonishing that termal radiation happens to be the most luminous effect. Feels kind of counterintuitive... Is it just the size that makes it so bright or is termal radiation actually the brightest light emitting process?

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 06:31 AM

edit on 2/22/2024 by yeahright because: Mod edit for Spam

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Venkuish1

It's astonishing that termal radiation happens to be the most luminous effect. Feels kind of counterintuitive... Is it just the size that makes it so bright or is termal radiation actually the brightest light emitting process?

It's more efficient than nuclear fusion.

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 07:43 AM
The way I understand black holes is as follows.

It is a dark force which attracts, pulls, and consumes everything.

On the other side is the abyss; who knows what goes on there?

Once crossed over, you cannot escape; all matter is trapped.

Though in truth, One can escape the abyss, through the point of entry.

In order to do so, one must shed its mass and become Light.

As you near the exit, you increase in luminosity and velocity.

And so, from our point of view, we see all matter swirling down towards the black hole, and at the very same instant within our timeline, bright light shoots forth from same; it is said matter transformed.

Although, I assume not all black holes emit light; some poor stars and planets essence is likely still trapped within.

But then again, who am I to make this claim, and what do I know?


posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 11:40 AM
"A quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus. It is sometimes known as a quasi-stellar object, abbreviated QSO. The emission from an AGN is powered by a supermassive black hole"

So what is That coming from the Pole of the black hole?
THEY make stuff Up to make you belive in fake stuff.

Remember That Nothing escapes a black hole!
you can not have it both ways.

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: Scratchpost
When I was a kid they told us that Not
even light could escape a black hole.
"most luminous object, black hole" ?

um! head lighs geting brighter!
could that be a car coming towards you?

Pay a little more attention to what has been said. I have repeated it a few times in this thread.

The following link from NASA may help but it's exactly what it has been discussed here.

Black holes don’t emit or reflect light, making them effectively invisible to telescopes. Scientists primarily detect and study them based on how they affect their surroundings:

Black holes can be surrounded by rings of gas and dust, called accretion disks, that emit light across many wavelengths, including X-rays.

A supermassive black hole’s intense gravity can cause stars to orbit around it in a particular way. Astronomers tracked the orbits of several stars near the center of the Milky Way to prove it houses a supermassive black hole, a discovery that won the 2020 Nobel Prize

edit on 22-2-2024 by Scratchpost because: me

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Scratchpost
"A quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus. It is sometimes known as a quasi-stellar object, abbreviated QSO. The emission from an AGN is powered by a supermassive black hole"

So what is That coming from the Pole of the black hole?
THEY make stuff Up to make you belive in fake stuff.

Remember That Nothing escapes a black hole!
you can not have it both ways.

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: Scratchpost
When I was a kid they told us that Not
even light could escape a black hole.
"most luminous object, black hole" ?

um! head lighs geting brighter!
could that be a car coming towards you?

Pay a little more attention to what has been said. I have repeated it a few times in this thread.

The following link from NASA may help but it's exactly what it has been discussed here.

Black holes don’t emit or reflect light, making them effectively invisible to telescopes. Scientists primarily detect and study them based on how they affect their surroundings:

Black holes can be surrounded by rings of gas and dust, called accretion disks, that emit light across many wavelengths, including X-rays.

A supermassive black hole’s intense gravity can cause stars to orbit around it in a particular way. Astronomers tracked the orbits of several stars near the center of the Milky Way to prove it houses a supermassive black hole, a discovery that won the 2020 Nobel Prize

You haven't paid attention not only in this thread but in your physics school classes (if you have taken any physics at school).

Have you read what me and others have posted or you just go about some nonsensical conspiracy theories?

Quasars are nothing more than supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies known as active galactic nuclei and are surrounded by vast amounts of orbiting material (mostly gas). It's this gas that when it's heated up due to the gravitational pull of the black hole that emits light and other types of electromagnetic radiation.

You don't know that you are talking about and it's very worrying that posters seem to not even understand the basics and try to argue basic physics had its roots in conspiracy theories. Similar arguments were made in other threads where biology and evolution were replaced by beliefs in supernatural forces and creationism by a few posters.

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Venkuish1

Plot twist it's getting bigger because its heading towards us fast...

Are black holes colapsed quasars or not yet ignited quasars?

Cool find, the numbers are mind-blowing, i found that the visuals putting them into relation to the moon/earth really brings across the incredible size of the celestial bodies.
For me scaling helped tremendously to grasp the distances involved.

Plot twist 2. It is composed of "strange matter", a strangelet gone rogue ...


posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 12:26 PM
A few good basic videos on Black Holes.

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Strangely strange, but oddly normal?

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Venkuish1

Plot twist it's getting bigger because its heading towards us fast...

Are black holes colapsed quasars or not yet ignited quasars?

Cool find, the numbers are mind-blowing, i found that the visuals putting them into relation to the moon/earth really brings across the incredible size of the celestial bodies.
For me scaling helped tremendously to grasp the distances involved.

Plot twist 2. It is composed of "strange matter", a strangelet gone rogue ...


Do you mean the quasar is composed of strange matter?

posted on Feb, 22 2024 @ 05:20 PM
This will explain everything. Probably?

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Strange matter huh?

Never heard of that, so I went for a surface scratch...I'm not surprised that they had to dup it strange... Nothing says scientific guesswork like strange things...

The first of them was found in a fog chamber, these things are really cool to look at.
There is a fantastic museum in my neck of the woods that has one. They all make a diffrent pattern when passing trough the fog, and from that you can say what type of particle passed trough. I'll look for the strange matter pattern on the chart next time, just out of curiosity if they even listed it... Sounds very rare...

If they refuse to adress the observer as an integral part of the whole, one day we will be living in a strange reality as their theories won't compute anymore...

Truth is starnger than fiction...

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Sounds like a cyclic event?
Or is thermal radiation sustainable indefinitely so long the temps are right ?
is there a temperature maximum where it doesn't glow white hot but actually starts burning?
does the matter absorb photons when cooling down again?
would that result in the same observable effects on light like a black hole has?

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Venkuish1

Sounds like a cyclic event?
Or is thermal radiation sustainable indefinitely so long the temps are right ?
is there a temperature maximum where it doesn't glow white hot but actually starts burning?
does the matter absorb photons when cooling down again?
would that result in the same observable effects on light like a black hole has?

Thermal radiation in this case is caused by the massive gravitational attraction from the black hole. Black holes eventually do evaporate but it takes a very long amount of time to happen and this depends on the mass and rotation or not of a black hole.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Venkuish1

I was asking about the glowing gasses in the accretion disc, is that indefinitely gonna glow?
Will it glow so long the black holes gravity is enough?
Do all accretion disc glow when the size of the black hole is right?
Why did they only find it now?
Was it not bright enough to be found earlier or did they just not look there?
The thermal radiation is caused by the frictional heat in the gases, right?

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You should watch the 2nd video I posted

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

Oook i will watch the second video you posted...

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Venkuish1

I was asking about the glowing gasses in the accretion disc, is that indefinitely gonna glow?
Will it glow so long the black holes gravity is enough?
Do all accretion disc glow when the size of the black hole is right?
Why did they only find it now?
Was it not bright enough to be found earlier or did they just not look there?
The thermal radiation is caused by the frictional heat in the gases, right?

It will glow as long as matter is falling into the black hole from the accretion disk. It is estimated that the black hole eats about one solar mass per day which is 2×10^30 Kg (!) of gas. These black holes evaporate eventually but it takes a great amount of time for this to happen. Much more than the age of the universe according to come estimations. Accretion disks always glow around supermassive black holes.

The reason it is as found now it's because of the distance between us and the quasar. It took around 12 billion years for the light to come to us. We have the right equipment to make the detection (not to forget this).

This type of radiation is caused by a the movement of charged particles within the material that is heated up. The more energetic these particles are (kinetic energy) the higher the temperature of the material.

posted on Mar, 28 2024 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

This is the Most Luminous Object to Date on Planet Earth Held in one hand...........

posted on Mar, 28 2024 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Dalamax

Isn't what you're referring to what they call the hopkins radiation? This seems to be something else...

I believe it's referred to as Hawking Radiation. Named after Steven Hawking, theoretical physicist and cosmologist.

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