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Reincarnation is there proof .

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posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 12:36 PM
I've been looking into stories regarding reincarnation and there a re plenty of stories like the guy that suffered from claustrophobia and one day he was walking in a different part of town and sensed something went into an old building a discovered his old body had been buried alive he had been going to a doctor for his claustrophobia and was hypnotized while under he said his name was different and on the body they found was an ID with the name he told the doctor .

Another one is a kid that was in a car wreck where his sister died and he had not spoken for a few years and was seeing a doctor , One day the doctor showed him a book from his childhood asking the child if he liked books at that time the kid spoke and said I fix books my name is not so so my name is so and so, After work that day the doctor stopped by the village bookstore and asked to see who was fixing the books when he asked the guy about the name the kid told him the guy told no he died 12 years ago .

Now a couple things about these 2 stories stick out to me is both were reincarnated into the same area they died , Now the bi one that made me start thinking is the kid was born a day after the bookmaker died .

So with that said has anyone looked at birth rates after major wars or mass die off is there a birth boom in the area they died or are from ?

WW1 WW2 japan after the bombs etc ........ Interesting none the less

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 12:51 PM
when anyone dyes-
look into the skies

look for h0les in the cagge griid keeping us locked in here.

flye UP and away and esccape this pris0n.

then no reinncarnati0n.

why get our memmories wipped by the vammpires so they can continue feeeding off us in again.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

If anyone wants "evidence" of reincarnation, do a past life regression session (generally done with a hypnotist, but not always).

Long story short, I had clear as day (what seemed like) memories of being a small child on a playground in a neighborhood playing with other kids. I also was speaking German. I heard noise and looked up just in time to see planes flying overhead, followed by bright lights, screaming, and a lot of heat. I woke up shaking and drenched in sweat.

After a few hours of digging, I found out there was an accidental friendly-fire bombing of a neighborhood somewhere in Austria or Germany (can't remember) during WW2 that killed upwards of 400 of their own citizens - including several dozen young children that were playing on a playground in the middle of the neighborhood.

Prior to then, I had no idea anything like that happened. Rather eye opening. Scared the absolute Hell out of me.

Another session I had, I was in full gear at a night off base (or something to that effect) during what I believe was WW1 based on the uniform, having a beer with a few other infantrymen at a bar. Apparently (if this is all legit) I have a tendency to pop up around war time? It doesn't give me much hope for the current global climate...
edit on 13-2-2024 by dothedew because: I did more things

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 01:03 PM
In my last life I was a Puffer fish. Now I am a mouse. I think I used to like being a Puffer better. But I still talk to fish and I think they can understand me.

Mice can type on a keyboard, that is an improvement..

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 01:14 PM
Watch the boy who lived before...

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
I've been looking into stories regarding reincarnation and there a re plenty of stories like the guy that suffered from claustrophobia and one day he was walking in a different part of town and sensed something went into an old building a discovered his old body had been buried alive he had been going to a doctor for his claustrophobia and was hypnotized while under he said his name was different and on the body they found was an ID with the name he told the doctor .

Another one is a kid that was in a car wreck where his sister died and he had not spoken for a few years and was seeing a doctor , One day the doctor showed him a book from his childhood asking the child if he liked books at that time the kid spoke and said I fix books my name is not so so my name is so and so, After work that day the doctor stopped by the village bookstore and asked to see who was fixing the books when he asked the guy about the name the kid told him the guy told no he died 12 years ago .

Now a couple things about these 2 stories stick out to me is both were reincarnated into the same area they died , Now the bi one that made me start thinking is the kid was born a day after the bookmaker died .

So with that said has anyone looked at birth rates after major wars or mass die off is there a birth boom in the area they died or are from ?

WW1 WW2 japan after the bombs etc ........ Interesting none the less

Not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

Reincarnation is as legitimate as flat earth and creationism.
edit on 13-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 01:57 PM


Not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

Reincarnation is as legitimate as flat earth and creationism.

You do know by your statement you include any and all religions or any type of afterlife .
edit on 13-2-2024 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher


Not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

Reincarnation is as legitimate as flat earth and creationism.

You do know by your statement you include any and all religions or any type of afterlife .


Not a shred of evidence exists to support incarnation and life after death.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: dothedew

If you had clear memories of being a German child....

How did you recognize that it was German you were speaking?

Unless the child also spoke English at the time and could differniate between the two languages; which would have been unusual for that time period.

Or, you yourself, also speak German, and were able to simultaneously translate what the child was saying. But wouldn't that have put at one step "removed" from actually being the child to position more along the lines of "observing" the child.

A possibly important distinction when one is considering the possibility of being reincarnated, as opposed to reviewing events seemingly from past existences.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

I am not a believer in reincarnation, but there are some compelling stories that are hard to explain any other way but reincarnation or maybe a "collective consciousness". Dorothy Eady comes to mind as one of those...

edit on 2/13/2024 by Klassified because: better wording

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
In my last life I was a Puffer fish. Now I am a mouse. I think I used to like being a Puffer better. But I still talk to fish and I think they can understand me.

Mice can type on a keyboard, that is an improvement..

Hang on a second. Not trying to derail the thread, but you’re a mouse, obviously. What do you use as a pointer when at the computer? A mouse using a mouse as a pointing device while using a computer seems wrong. Or at the very least very redundant.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:09 PM

Check this site (UK)
Reincarnation Refuted Online

The doctrine of reincarnation has been circulating the globe for millennia; yet, not a shred of evidence exists to support it. Contrary to the claims of reincarnation researchers, memories of past lives, including knowledge of recondite things known only to specialist historians, do not support the doctrine of reincarnation (see the Case of Jasbir). Real memories of past lives - often referred to as "previous" lives by believers - are the result of a well-known phenomenon called "overshadowing" or, in extreme cases, "obsession" or "possession."

Overshadowing occurs when a discarnate personality, currently occupying a domain of consciousness close to the earth, "approaches" a psychically sensitive individual and impresses him or her with its thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories. The individual will feel a sense of "ownership" over the memories and may interpret them as memories of a previous life - especially if the individual believes in reincarnation. This overshadowing phenomenon works both ways and the discarnate personality will have access to the individual's thoughts, feelings and memories and may, for its part, believe it has reincarnated in the body of its "host." By transference, the discarnate personality will impress - or reinforce - the host's mind with the conviction that he or she has lived a previous life on earth.

Strictly speaking there is nothing much to refute die to the absence of any evidence reincarnation is real.

edit on 13-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: dothedew
I had clear as day (what seemed like) memories of being a small child on a playground in a neighborhood playing with other kids. I also was speaking German. I heard noise and looked up just in time to see planes flying overhead, followed by bright lights, screaming, and a lot of heat. I woke up shaking and drenched in sweat..

I used to have recurring dreams of being a child on a playground, watching my mother and her two friends on the side of the playground in dresses that reached to 1940s length, and of air raid sirens and a bomb going off while I was on the playground, and I was killed. I always hated it when I was a kid and I'd hear the fire whistle/siren going off in town. It sounded a lot like an air raid siren.

A bit similar to yours. No language though. I always assumed it was England and the Germans bombed the playground. I don't know much about WWI IEurope history though.
edit on 2/13/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
Not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

Disagree. There are people who have memories and knowledge that they didn't gather in this life, but that upon investigation the memories and knowledge turn out to be correct. Tons of stories easily googled and that have been featured on TV etc.

I"m not a believer in reincarnation.
But I do not discount the facts that are there.
There COULD be something to it.
(Although I hope not).

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

Check this site (UK)
Reincarnation Refuted Online

The doctrine of reincarnation has been circulating the globe for millennia; yet, not a shred of evidence exists to support it. Contrary to the claims of reincarnation researchers, memories of past lives, including knowledge of recondite things known only to specialist historians, do not support the doctrine of reincarnation (see the Case of Jasbir). Real memories of past lives - often referred to as "previous" lives by believers - are the result of a well-known phenomenon called "overshadowing" or, in extreme cases, "obsession" or "possession."

Overshadowing occurs when a discarnate personality, currently occupying a domain of consciousness close to the earth, "approaches" a psychically sensitive individual and impresses him or her with its thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories. The individual will feel a sense of "ownership" over the memories and may interpret them as memories of a previous life - especially if the individual believes in reincarnation. This overshadowing phenomenon works both ways and the discarnate personality will have access to the individual's thoughts, feelings and memories and may, for its part, believe it has reincarnated in the body of its "host." By transference, the discarnate personality will impress - or reinforce - the host's mind with the conviction that he or she has lived a previous life on earth.

Strictly speaking there is nothing much to refute die to the absence of any evidence reincarnation is real.

You are refuting something that cannot be proven with something else that cannot be proven?


posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Venkuish1
Not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

Disagree. There are people who have memories and knowledge that they didn't gather in this life, but that upon investigation the memories and knowledge turn out to be correct. Tons of stories easily googled and that have been featured on TV etc.

I"m not a believer in reincarnation.
But I do not discount the facts that are there.
There COULD be something to it.
(Although I hope not).

That's not evidence to support reincarnation. And I find it very difficult to accept people have memories and knowledge of things they haven't experienced and don't know.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
That's not evidence to support reincarnation.

It's a viable explanation when nothing else can explain it.

And I find it very difficult to accept people have memories and knowledge of things they haven't experienced and don't know.

And yet ... they do.

Easily googled. Tons of stories. Lots of TV shows on this stuff. It's all out there.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher

I remember hearing these stories ....true or not ....have no clue ...but def find them interesting

A Soul Survivor: James Leininger Best Proof of Reincarnation

Interview with Dorothy Eady

Colton Burpo

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: tarantulabite1

I already posted the Why Files episode above, but thanks for posting the interview with Dorothy. I don't think I have seen that one.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: tarantulabite1

I already posted the Why Files episode above, but thanks for posting the interview with Dorothy. I don't think I have seen that one.

My bad ....I must have missed that or was looking for links to post lol

So I remember seeing and reading about this as well ....again no clue if true or not

REINCARNATION IS A TRAP - The True Purpose of the Tunnel of Light

A Step by Step Guide on How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle Forever PLUS FAQ & Troubleshooting

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