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Graham Hancock being proven right all along about ancient humans in America.

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posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: Harte2

Tough crowd! Kudos for denying ignorance. It won't matter what you say though.

Hancock is an idiot.

posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: midicon

Just who is denying ignorance with a statement like that?

Graham Hancock has been responsible for supplying much of the content talked about on ATS, since it has been online.

Graham Hancock is a hero of free speech and one of the worlds greatest authors. He is also one of our most diligent scientific and historical investigators. He will be remembered long after this place is forgotten, for sure, and deserves respect.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: midicon

Just who is denying ignorance with a statement like that?

Graham Hancock has been responsible for supplying much of the content talked about on ATS, since it has been online.

Graham Hancock is a hero of free speech and one of the worlds greatest authors. He is also one of our most diligent scientific and historical investigators. He will be remembered long after this place is forgotten, for sure, and deserves respect.

Graham Hancock deserves no more respect than any other liar.
Less, if you ask me (depending on the liar.)


posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 05:09 AM

Graham Hancock deserves no more respect than any other liar. Less, if you ask me (depending on the liar.)

You forgot (or avoided) to answer my question on whether you agree that Hancock should be banned from physically visiting sites , as he was with serpent mound, Gobekli Tepe and because of Hawass’ string-pulling , also Egypt itself .

We are all still waiting for you to publish your detailed rebuttals of Hancocks work ; your best-seller-in-waiting.
Oh wait , who would you publish to? It couldn’t be peer reviewed academically, as you are a pretend pseudo-academic.

We are still waiting for your record breaking Netflix documentary , again, rebutting Hancocks work , seeing as you are so knowledgable, influential, and well respected in the field .
Oh wait , you aren’t ; you’re just a nobody , like us lot, who visits ATS.

You defame Hancocks character on here as it’s easy to do .
We all know why you don’t have the balls to to publish, we all know you yourself have never done any real academic research , we all know you parrot the work of others , we all know you talk from a position of authority when you have none at all , we all know why you come here, and it’s not for debate .
We all know what you are, Harte .

a reply to: Harte2

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak2

Graham Hancock deserves no more respect than any other liar. Less, if you ask me (depending on the liar.)

You forgot (or avoided) to answer my question on whether you agree that Hancock should be banned from physically visiting sites , as he was with serpent mound, Gobekli Tepe and because of Hawass’ string-pulling , also Egypt itself .

Hancock was never banned from any of those sites.
Don't fall for his disgusting crybaby routine.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2We are all still waiting for you to publish your detailed rebuttals of Hancocks work ; your best-seller-in-waiting.
Oh wait , who would you publish to? It couldn’t be peer reviewed academically, as you are a pretend pseudo-academic.

We are still waiting for your record breaking Netflix documentary , again, rebutting Hancocks work , seeing as you are so knowledgable, influential, and well respected in the field .
Oh wait , you aren’t ; you’re just a nobody , like us lot, who visits ATS.

Use the search function.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2You defame Hancocks character on here as it’s easy to do .
We all know why you don’t have the balls to to publish, we all know you yourself have never done any real academic research , we all know you parrot the work of others , we all know you talk from a position of authority when you have none at all , we all know why you come here, and it’s not for debate .
We all know what you are, Harte .

Hancock has never done any real academic research, and does nothing but parrot the work of others, whom also have never done any academic research.
In fact, Hancock actively ignores the research of academics, and suppresses it in his copy and paste books.
I have said the same on Hancock's own website.
You want me to have him over to my house so I can look him in the eyes and tell him?

edit on 18-4-2024 by Harte2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2024 @ 03:16 AM

Hancock was never banned from any of those sites. Don't fall for his disgusting crybaby routine.

Now who’s making things up ? He was refused entry to Serpent Mound because he held a different viewpoint about the site , and the site owners didn’t want him there .
You can watch it if you dare . It’s written in a letter too that we can all read . And the letter talks about Hancocks conflicting views on the history and use of the site .

Don’t lie Harte .

You still didn’t answer the original question, of course , which I will repeat again (we all know your tactics Harte , so predictable and boring )
Do you AGREE that he should be banned from such sites , even though with filmed and written evidence that this has occurred, you deny it .

When the original lead Archaeologist of Gobekli Tepe , klauss Schmidt died , Hancock was again refused entry to the site . (Schmidt was very interested and open to Hancocks work, that is well known )
We all know the history of Hancock and Hawaas.

Hancock has never done any real academic research, and does nothing but parrot the work of others, whom also have never done any academic research. In fact, Hancock actively ignores the research of academics, and suppresses it in his copy and paste books. I have said the same on Hancock's own website. You want me to have him over to my house so I can look him in the eyes and tell him?

Hancocks bibliographies are vast and checkable . Littered with PHD peer reviewed work ,(you know , the stuff you wish you were involved in ) easily findable and checkable , i have done so , I suggest you try .

You do nothing but parrot the work of others , you talk with an obvious pretence of authority where none exists , you have never published nor been peer reviewed , nor will you ever be . You are not an academic , just a pretender who wants to rub shoulders with academia but can’t .
You are the classic keyboard warrior, pretending to be all tough saying you’d tell him to his face . Wow . Hilarious .

You could have a best selling book out by now Harte , the decades you’ve spent here as a Hancock hater , and as his theories of older civilisations than Sumer are gradually coming true , you seem to be fading away here and becoming the full version of the angry troll you have always been .

But we all know you don’t have the balls to publish work , don’t have the skill, don’t have the personality for it , we all know you reside here for safety reasons ; you’d dare not slander Hancock in the public domain as you’d find yourself in a lot of legal trouble , wouldn’t you?
Safe here, though ,eh, to call someone a liar and a fraud , and coming from a pretend academic Eunuch like yourself , we all see why you post like that here.

No one wants to read a book full of one sentence deliberately provocative statements ,(your M.O on here) which is why you’ll never have the depth to truly get involved in the debate in the public forum .

So safe and warm here isn’t it Harte , your little place where you can pretend to be clever , hide your slanderous statements about someone you don’t know and have never met .

a reply to: Harte2

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: charlyv

Good post. I totally get people sticking to evidence. It's sobering and free of debilitating craziness. But I find reality dull, and full of nasties. So I have my own thoughts to entertain.

I think TPTB go back before Uruk, first civilisation circa 4000BC, I think they were out doing hocus pocus stuff to other people before then, with paganism of sorts, rock formations and effigies that has some spiritual consequences. Funny enough this archaeological site talks of such things regarding effigies (26,000 years ago circa):

At an isolated site 80 meters upstream lies a lean-to shelter dug into an embankment. An estimated 2,300 clay figurines of various animals were found in and around the remains of a kiln. It may be one of the first instances of a covered oven, hot enough to fire clay. Most of the figurines were broken and found in fragments. General consensus agrees that they were likely intentionally and perhaps ritualistically broken, but offers no conclusive reason.One hypothesis posits that these figurines had magical significance, and were intentionally fashioned from wet clay so that they would explode when fired.

--- Dolní Věstonice (archaeological site)

I think, an idea, that TPTB, were out pacifying other tribes tens of thousands of years ago, possibly doing a good job, and eventually setup civilisation as a means of grouping a region in a containment area.

I think the pushback on these discoveries is somehow influenced by these groups going way back. Nearly all people today are traumatised and weak, I think these tribes set out to bury competition from very early on, and thus keep the memory and clarity they took from us. A long lineage for them is possibly effortless to retain.

That's my own little conspiracy, going well back, before civilisation with all its wars, poverty, slavery, religion, you know, all that belittling of an individual's own sense of self.

Going even further, crazy sounding, but my own extended notion, I think the ultimate problem is an afterlife entity, talking about going back, let's go right back, why are we here? To eat other animals, pee, poo, breed and die? Come on. I think something wants an easy catch out of us, in the afterlife, amnesia, clueless, an easy soul catch. I also think, these entities are actually tiny, compared to our soul, and rely on amassing, they built the universe to dwarf us, to make us think we're inadequate (orchestrating man to assault one another plays a part in this), and that something vastly powerful be behind it. But the truth is, these entities are like midges, and people knowing this, would ruin their game . Someone said, don't know where or who now, but if TPTB's identity was known that they would lose power over us. I think he meant humans or not... but I think the human cabal here play two roles, create hell (they'll get off on it in numerous ways I'd say), and have this cabal inadvertently mimic the entities ways, so they distract from the entities existence.

So yeah, little s**t soul predatory souls out together like a swarm of gremlins, out bolstering destructive tendencies, bolstering the bad shakers, movers and fallout makers.

And to again relate to the OP, I think these "midges" wanted carnage in the world via a cabal when humans started to conquer their environment and possibly leading to a calming of sorts in the human population, so that would be around 50,000-30,000 BC when settlements of sorts started to pop up which would suggest, humans settling, not the goal of the cabal or these midges. I think when this settling grew a strong goal, civilisation like Uruk with its religion/rulers was established, bolstering agriculture, to keep people docile and at the mercy of other humans. I think before agriculture, people were happy foraging, hunting. Waiting around rearing animals, growing crops, might not of been there thing, but of course, people may of just liked the idea of it, so my theory kind of wanes a bit there.

So yeah, I try and explain the pushback against early settlers in the USA, it could just be mainstream scientists have their career riding on mainstream thoughts etc. I thought I'll add a totally out their thought, since it sounds crazy, ironically makes me think it is true, you know, conditioning and all that, not to mention the universe and your conscious state on Earth is unknown to all... which I'll use as a reminder that the bizarre exists. But either way, that's my little conspiracy. It's nice to think the darkness of the world is really the doing of little soul midges wanting our soul. Kind of empowering. But there we are.

edit on 25-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: Added more

edit on 25-4-2024 by JonnyC555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2024 @ 07:18 AM
Hopefully some answers come to fruition sooner than later.

posted on Apr, 30 2024 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
In other words, Native Americans aren't. They aren't Native to the Americas. They aren't "indigenous." They simply got here a few thousand years before the Europeans. The Clovis People were latecomers to the party. That ought to go over well with current politically correct meme.

How do you know that they did not start there?
and could we have all started there,
Then gone to the east!

A grate deal is being hiden from us.
this will not be the first time civilization collapses!
did you know some time ago they moved the stones around at stonehenge.
why? what did they hide.
it was on ATS yeas ago!!

posted on May, 1 2024 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: bluesfreak2

You cannot convince those that hate others that they are wrong.
What you can do is ignore them, which robs them of the ammunition they are just waiting to fire back at you.

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak2

Hancock was never banned from any of those sites. Don't fall for his disgusting crybaby routine.

Now who’s making things up ? He was refused entry to Serpent Mound because he held a different viewpoint about the site , and the site owners didn’t want him there .
You can watch it if you dare . It’s written in a letter too that we can all read . And the letter talks about Hancocks conflicting views on the history and use of the site .

Don’t lie Harte .

You are the one lying. Hancock, like anyone else, can tour the Serpent Mound site anytime it is open.
The FACT is, he was not allowed to film part of his crockumentary series there. That is the only "ban" he has suffered, yet you act like they wouldn't let him in.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2You still didn’t answer the original question, of course , which I will repeat again (we all know your tactics Harte , so predictable and boring )
Do you AGREE that he should be banned from such sites , even though with filmed and written evidence that this has occurred, you deny it .

Hancock was never banned from any archaeological site that is open to others.
However, should he ever be so "banned," I would disagree with the ban, yes.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2When the original lead Archaeologist of Gobekli Tepe , klauss Schmidt died , Hancock was again refused entry to the site . (Schmidt was very interested and open to Hancocks work, that is well known )

Hancock was never "banned" from Gobekli Tepe.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2
We all know the history of Hancock and Hawaas.

You mean Hawass, who led Hancock on a personal, private tour into parts of the Great Pyramid that are NOT open to the general public, and let him investigate the glyphs found there for as long as he wanted to?
Good GOD you live in your head.
Hancock came away from that admitting that the Egyptians built the pyramids. He had no choice, once Hawass rubbed his face with the evidence.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2

Hancocks bibliographies are vast and checkable . Littered with PHD peer reviewed work ,(you know , the stuff you wish you were involved in ) easily findable and checkable , i have done so , I suggest you try .

If you think I haven't checked what Hancock claims, you're just an idiot.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2You do nothing but parrot the work of others , you talk with an obvious pretence of authority where none exists , you have never published nor been peer reviewed , nor will you ever be . You are not an academic , just a pretender who wants to rub shoulders with academia but can’t .
You are the classic keyboard warrior, pretending to be all tough saying you’d tell him to his face . Wow . Hilarious .

What's hilarious is you bringing up peer review in a diatribe about your hero Hancock.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2You could have a best selling book out by now Harte , the decades you’ve spent here as a Hancock hater , and as his theories of older civilisations than Sumer are gradually coming true , you seem to be fading away here and becoming the full version of the angry troll you have always been .

Unlike you, I don't put up with half-baked scamming con men like Hancock. What's not to hate about anyone trying to take your money under false pretenses?

originally posted by: bluesfreak2But we all know you don’t have the balls to publish work , don’t have the skill, don’t have the personality for it , we all know you reside here for safety reasons ; you’d dare not slander Hancock in the public domain as you’d find yourself in a lot of legal trouble , wouldn’t you?
Safe here, though ,eh, to call someone a liar and a fraud , and coming from a pretend academic Eunuch like yourself , we all see why you post like that here.

No one wants to read a book full of one sentence deliberately provocative statements ,(your M.O on here) which is why you’ll never have the depth to truly get involved in the debate in the public forum .

Hancock is a liar and a fraud. That's the kind of person I call a liar and a fraud.
You, on the other hand, merely repeat other people's lies (like what Hancock does in the VAST majority of what he has written.) I wouldn't think you a liar though, just a believer. But I'm absolutely certain that Hancock knows for a fact that he is lying and does so anyway - for money.

originally posted by: bluesfreak2So safe and warm here isn’t it Harte , your little place where you can pretend to be clever , hide your slanderous statements about someone you don’t know and have never met .

I WILL say that you are yourself safely snuggled down into to your comfortable ignorance.


posted on May, 26 2024 @ 04:58 PM
The usual Harte Boll***s.

You are the one lying. Hancock, like anyone else, can tour the Serpent Mound site anytime it is open. The FACT is, he was not allowed to film part of his crockumentary series there. That is the only "ban" he has suffered, yet you act like they wouldn't let him in.

Here is the quote for WHY Hancock was refused entry :
“ Because the presenter of this series, Graham Hancock, proposes a theory
and story that do not align with what we know to be true about Serpent Mound, your request is declined.“

Notice again Harte that Hancock is denied access to film because he proposes a theory .
What a bad man .
Notice that it is also claimed that everything we need to know about Serpent Mound has, apparently, been discovered , and proclaimed as truth .
Hey Scientists , geologists , researchers , don’t try and propose alternate theories , as the ‘truth’ is already known.
What a dangerous , disingenuous precedent this statement is .

Are you sure you didn’t write the letter Harte ? Lol , It has that same ‘ know -it-all” tone regarding the ‘truth’ that you espouse here .

What's hilarious is you bringing up peer review in a diatribe about your hero Hancock.

The fact that his research contains references to peer reviewed work, conclusions drawn from peer reviewed work , seems to be unacceptable to you. Oh well, it reveals so beautifully your utter hypocrisy regarding the validity of peer reviewed work in research .

Unlike you, I don't put up with half-baked scamming con men like Hancock. What's not to hate about anyone trying to take your money under false pretenses?

Unlike you , I am open minded enough to keep my mind open to all evidence , changes in opinion , (happens a lot in academia, that thing you’re not part of ) constant updating and new discoveries in evidence . What’s not to hate about a pseudo- academic such as yourself pretending to talk from a position of authority about someone else HE calls a pseudo academic ?

I WILL say that you are yourself safely snuggled down into to your comfortable ignorance.

It doesn’t matter what you say, as most of what you say about Hancock is just opinion, or slander that you luckily get away with in your little safe space here in ATS .
I have read , re read , untold amounts of peer reviewed work regarding all Hancocks claims , and it’s actually quite fair to come up with the questions he does .
The fact that you cannot control your slanderous hatred of the man is not our problem , but yours , and yours alone .

It is you snuggled down safely behind your well worn keyboard , safe from legal action here in the outer rim of the internet , slandering a man you’ve never met (doubtful youve read all his work, checked his bibliographies ) parroting the work of others , and yet also spreading your own lie here : that you have any kind of authority in any of the subjects discussed .
It’s comical . And sad too .

a reply to: Harte2

edit on 26-5-2024 by bluesfreak2 because: (no reason given)

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