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Good news on institutalilized child abuse

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posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 02:52 AM
When going down some of the rabbit holes around this place, the issues of systemic child abuse do surface. This link is based in Australia, for other nations looking for some way through this maze there are some policy issues to consider.

National Redress Scheme

This program is the result of a 2018 Royal Commission into Child Abuse. This took a few a years and has fixed somethings up. This is a big, bad ugly can of worms and will take more time and resources to fix other things. How blackmail is used as a form of trust and is a national security issue gets deep.

In the mean time and on this path to a better place, a lot of churches, schools and other organizations have joined to government to acknowledge that wrong things do happen. I have not gone through this system myself yet, from reports so far it is trying to be a reasonable and easy approach for those dealing with these matters in finding some compensation. There are a lot of different support services available that work for you. No obligation, but if it helps it is there.

I know this does not change the past. As for the state setting the standard that this behavior is not acceptable it is putting its money where its mouth is. These are generational issues that will take time. For now this program is legislated until 2028. No rush if you fall in that box.

With some of the legal issues, there is no NDA and the government does not accept any liability. If you are wrapped up in some bigger case, seek legal advise. If this is some issue you done nothing about in the last few decades and prefer to just forget, check it out. There is support there.

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