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Proof Creationism Is BS

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posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 05:46 AM
Men have nipples.

If a Creator would have made Adam first, why on Earth did he give him nipples?

I mean I'm open to read your answers, but I doubt you can come up with anything that would explain that.

Therefore I challenge you to prove me wrong, if I state:
The fact that men have nipples is conclusive proof there is no Creator.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Men have nipples.

If a Creator would have made Adam first, why on Earth did he give him nipples?

I mean I'm open to read your answers, but I doubt you can come up with anything that would explain that.

Therefore I challenge you to prove me wrong, if I state:
The fact that men have nipples is conclusive proof there is no Creator.

Where else would we put nipple rings.

Proof of the divine.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

right, it's only logical every creationist should get his nipples pierced to show their covenant with their Creator

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Without pics we don’t know if Adam had nipples or not, besides everyone knows nipples are to show others how cold it is outside.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

I thought that's what the primary parts are for or is that just for water temperature?

Also Adam had no nipples but the xx genes of Eve were so dominant later men were feminised? Is that your logic?

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:21 AM
Regardless of our thoughts on who made who, Creationism or evolution. Let's not de-evolve and forget the well-learned known and accepted basic tenants of embryonic growth.

The answer, for the most part, is fairly simple. Men have nipples because nipples develop in the womb before embryos become distinctly male or female.

So by the time a Y chromosome kicks in to distinguish a fetus as male, the nipples have already secured their place.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:22 AM
The appendix. Nice touch for a lot of misery, if deliberately moulded with clay by guy in a mancave in the sky.
Either he wouldn't be all knowing as claimed, or he would be a sadist.

Oh and before someone says some scientists found that the appendix may have a function after all (to keep good bacteria in)...tell that to all the people who died agonising deaths in history. They will love it.

However if this is true, it proves again that it is 100% evolution. If most people manage to procreate, it won't ever disappear, only if most people died before procreating, those who don't because they have a mutation where the thing is very small or not there at all, would be the majority who carry their better genes forward.

Evolution works, because it's life finding a way in the face of Nature.
The bodies that work ok go on and reproduce, the others don't.

Beautiful in it's logic and effectiveness.

No man in the sky needed.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

I thought that's what the primary parts are for or is that just for water temperature?

Also Adam had no nipples but the xx genes of Eve were so dominant later men were feminised? Is that your logic?

They also only had sons.

Just saying.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: putnam6

That would still imply the feminine reproduction apparatus (lol) is the default state of the human body. Since it starts developing first.

Isn't there a saying like: when God made Adam he practised and Eve was the work of art?
Not that it's relevant but to kick you guys a little for fun

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot they said, they must have started as some form of hermaphrodites, how else could they have started a population.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: putnam6
Regardless of our thoughts on who made who, Creationism or evolution. Let's not de-evolve and forget the well-learned known and accepted basic tenants of embryonic growth.

The answer, for the most part, is fairly simple. Men have nipples because nipples develop in the womb before embryos become distinctly male or female.

So by the time a Y chromosome kicks in to distinguish a fetus as male, the nipples have already secured their place.

Well explained. I also feel that is the balance between the left and right on the man's chest just like it's the balance between the left and right on a woman's chest so it's equal to balance out the nature of between man and woman.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Men have nipples.

If a Creator would have made Adam first, why on Earth did he give him nipples?

I mean I'm open to read your answers, but I doubt you can come up with anything that would explain that.

Therefore I challenge you to prove me wrong, if I state:
The fact that men have nipples is conclusive proof there is no Creator.

Mine were made for lovin' all the Eve's out there are welcome to my man nipples.

I identify as a meat popsicle...

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Men have nipples.

Of course we do. Where else would you put the jumper cables ?

oh wait.....don't answer that.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

They also only had sons.

Just saying.

They had more sons and daughters than those who were specifically named (Gen 5:4)

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Peeple

Men have nipples.

Of course we do. Where else would you put the jumper cables ?

oh wait.....don't answer that.

Seriously ya know... why would big boss man be so cruel as to deprive his creation of erogenous zones, makes no sense.

The real bummer is women's serve a dual purpose, mine are just straight up pleasure.

Totally cool dude...

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: iamthevirus

originally posted by: Peeple
Men have nipples.

If a Creator would have made Adam first, why on Earth did he give him nipples?

I mean I'm open to read your answers, but I doubt you can come up with anything that would explain that.

Therefore I challenge you to prove me wrong, if I state:
The fact that men have nipples is conclusive proof there is no Creator.

Mine were made for lovin' all the Eve's out there are welcome to my man nipples.

I identify as a meat popsicle...

best answer so far

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Peeple

School of Rock... its wisdom is infinite.

edit on 8-4-2023 by iamthevirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: putnam6

That would still imply the feminine reproduction apparatus (lol) is the default state of the human body. Since it starts developing first.

Isn't there a saying like: when God made Adam he practised and Eve was the work of art?
Not that it's relevant but to kick you guys a little for fun

Thats part of the problem Peeps you assume I'm the other guy, I question everything including the bible. Generally, if the Bible was written by men it likely has flaws, embellishments, misinterpretations if not outright falsehoods. Got no problem questioning it, but completely support personal faith and belief. Extremely skeptical of any church beyond the small-town or neighborhood churches.

Besides look at where our collective belief systems were just 300 years ago. You would have been labeled a nonbeliever at best and more likely a witch. While Id likely be locked in a pillory in the town square for drinking the demon rum, swearing, adultery, and consorting with a witch.

Progress albeit slowly but progress nonetheless, everybody learns at thier own pace.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Looked it up.

Men have nipples because nipples develop in the womb before embryos become distinctly male or female. So by the time a Y chromosome kicks in to distinguish a fetus as male, the nipples...

More food for thought.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Peeple

Men have nipples.

Of course we do. Where else would you put the jumper cables ?

oh wait.....don't answer that.

LOL once went out with a stripper, she had a stud through one nipple attached to a chain that had an alligator clip that was clipped to her other nipple. She enjoyed using the clip on your nipples. The next day I wore a starched shirt to work and my nipples were rubbed raw and were sore for days.

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