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23 Russian Soldiers Turned to Stone after Shot UFO down

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posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:10 AM

apparently it's intel gathered from spies in KGB. the troop of soldiers shot down a UFO, and turned to stone by surviving entities.

pics or it didnt happen? that's alot of statues to hide..

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: tulsi

Medusa lives!!!!

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:45 AM
I did find the mustache and hair on the statue as unusual. It does look a bit long for a solider on duty. Russia can get cold some maybe that kind of length is more common. Hair does continue to grow after being deceased, is it possible that this soldiers hair is continuing to grow while in this state?

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:50 AM
He knows his calcium and fine skin areas. I must believe him. it's known world wide. Just look, Look !!!


posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Hair does not grow after death, that’s a myth

Looks like a fossilised person and someone said it was done by aliens
Don’t know why we need to believe it was aliens who did it

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: tulsi

Guys, please do at least a little bit research before posting youtube content.

It took me about 15 minutes to find out that the Ukrainian newspaper article mentions Weekly World News as source.


The Weekly World News was a largely fictional news tabloid published in the United States from 1979 to 2007, renowned for its outlandish cover stories often based on supernatural or paranormal themes and an approach to news that verged on the satirical.

Luckily WWN has a frontpage archive on their website: Archive

The issue from 8. Sept. 1992 has the following headline: "Russians shoot down UFO. Angry aliens turn soldiers into stone."

Btw the statues in the video have nothing to do with the story.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:01 AM
Тернопіль вечірній is not really like a credible news paper, it's full of "stuff" if you know what i mean

The report to the CIA is like "i read on this news paper that someone knows about a KGB report that says someone found these soldiers made out of stone because they shutdown a UFO"

That's very much what it mean : S

No sources for how reported it originally, or real locations plus names of reporters and such

edit on 5-10-2019 by Malisa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:04 AM
The Agency document only translates the local media article. Ukrainian media can get up to whoppers just like the media in the USA.

Oddly enough, the article states this information was collected by U.S. intelligence, but then the CIA report on the article simply translates the article text, without any telltale blotted-out text that might have said something like "Ref. our report XXXX". The quotes attributed to the "CIA Representative" sound more like the National Enquirer than a typical Washington soundbite. Of note is that the article excitedly describes the attack of the aliens ... and then they drop out of the story entirely. What became of them, did they just decide that roughing it on the shores of Lake Baikal was an acceptable end to their voyage?

Very probably just a made-up, if sensational, bit of "journalism".


posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
did they just decide that roughing it on the shores of Lake Baikal was an acceptable end to their voyage?

LMFAO! i'm sorry but LMFAO!

Very probably just a made-up, if sensational, bit of "journalism".

Based on what that paper can post, yes

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:13 AM
Thank you, moebius, and,

Спасибо Малиса.

Very cogent comments.


posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Thank you, moebius, and,

Спасибо Малиса.

Very cogent comments.


Thank you < 3

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
I did find the mustache and hair on the statue as unusual. It does look a bit long for a solider on duty. Russia can get cold some maybe that kind of length is more common. Hair does continue to grow after being deceased, is it possible that this soldiers hair is continuing to grow while in this state?

Listen to the start of the video. "Instantaneous Limestone Combustion!@!"

Crikey, looks like it effects beards and goodness knows what else. Never heard of that saying.

Kind regards,


posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: bally001

When dealing with weird stuff who know where it ends? Instant limeification is not a process I am familiar with and just asking questions. With some differences in the stone that is produced, interesting.

Going to need a mirror to take on Medusa. Looking directly at her turns you to stone. Got it.

IDK, something about that hair...

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 07:46 AM
That's the Appennine Colossus statue in Italy.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: trollz

Indeed a beautiful statue, thankyou for pointing it out.

Apparently created in the 1500s, by ONE sculptor!!! And its 35 feet tall!!!........Wow.

Just imagine how long it would have taken to create this?

Reminds me of the Giant statues of ancient times, and Jason and the Argonauts, just need Ray Harryhausen to make it come alive.....

Italy seems like an interesting place.....and they pay immigrants now to move to small villages....

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 09:00 AM
Have you guys heard about the Bat Boy?

My uncle Ed Anger told me about it.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 09:01 AM
Other threads have been moved to the Hoax bin for less.
What a waste of time and effort.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: fromtheskydown

No effort involved on the part of the OP.
No effort at all.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: fromtheskydown

No effort involved on the part of the OP.
No effort at all.

I agree Phage...I meant my time and effort.

posted on Oct, 5 2019 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

The statues you are seeing are in Greece and italy not the Russian soldiers whom were apparently taken away after the incident.

There is one of several possibility's if the story is correct which it may very well be and that is that someone has weaponized quantum technology that can alter the state of matter at the dimensional level.

I find some of these mud fossil videos very interesting and indeed some of the point's he makes such as the Greek sculpture having bones inside the arm that are correct for a cross section of a living arm are very uncomfortable to think about as no sculptor then or now would or indeed could sculpt inside sold stone.

Though some statues such as a famous monk in Asia are actually in reality body's that have been gilded or plastered over so that the bones of the dead monk in this case are inside the golden statue that takes his once living shape.

Some of these sculptures are actually huge so if as unlikely as it may seem they were indeed once living being's then they would be giant's - or in Greek term's Titan's or Cthonians.

On a side note I remember a different story that seems to suggest some UFO's have quantum technology that can literally destabilize the sub atomic structure of atom's in such a way as to cause them to evaporate over time rather than undergo fission, this may be a chronological type of quantum technology but I am only guessing (so why not technology that could alter it's state in a different manner perhaps causing instantaneous petrification - it is beyond our technology and perhaps our science but not impossible).
The case to which I allude I read about in a book a very long time ago and have not seen it on the internet so forgive me if I have to go by memory and some details are likely therefore skewed but it was from Argentina some time in the 1950's or 60's, a cowboy (I think the word was Gaucho or something similar) was searching for some missing cattle on a huge ranch on the Pampas grasslands and as he checked a low lying area that was like a shallow valley or bowl he came across a downed but perfectly intact flying saucer sitting there on it's tripod leg's with a ladder lowered down from a hatch on it's underside, he looked and curiosity eventually got the better of him and since he had seen no movement he then proceeded to investigate the object and climbed inside of it finding three deck's mostly filled with incomprehensible machinery and on the top deck he found three dead MEN, not aliens but men, he described them as being unnaturally beautiful and perfect with golden blond hair and deep blue eye's with no sign's of any injury to there body's, he felt uneasy and panicked so got out of there as fast as he could sensing danger or perhaps being warned off by someone with psychic potential and once he got out of the craft he ran away turning only to see two other craft quite different to the one he had just come back out of (but also described as saucer like and smaller than the downed craft) making low pass over the downed saucer, they shone a purple beam back and forth over the craft, filled with fear he high tailed it out of there on his horse.
Some week's later he had reason to have to go past that place again and were the landed/downed saucer had been was a conical mound of silvery grey ash that was extremely fine, several week's later after finally telling someone about it he brought them to the site and the ash had vanished completely leaving only a bare scorched perfect circle were the ground was so dead that nothing would grow for several more years and three indentations in the circle were the tripod leg's had rested.
So this purple beam seems to have had the affect of turning solid metal, human like body's and all the parts of this downed craft into nothing but a talcum powder fine ash which then continued to evaporate as if the material had lost it's molecular and perhaps even its' atomic cohesion until it had vanished completely over a period of week's or month's leaving absolutely no trace it had ever existed except for a scorch mark and marks were it's feet had been, the scorch mark also indicates that the weapon was extremely precise.
Now imagine if they had used such a device to wipe out ancient city's, what would be left of them or of any previous civilization they had wanted to sterilize from the planet?.

edit on 5-10-2019 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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