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Chemtrails on their way to be exposed for what...and who they are.

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posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

In the military, there is a 'need to know'. If they tell you to get in that aircraft and spray that chaff for training purposes, or to assist with communication around the globe, and that it is safe, do you argue and refuse the order, risking a court martial, or do you strap in and fly and spray?

They insist it is safe. I'm not so sure.

Chaff and Flares Chaff and flares are defensive counter measures used on aircraft to confuse radar and heat seeking missiles. Chaff is used as a decoy for radar seeking missiles and is made of glass silicate fibers with an aluminum coating. The fibers are approximately 60% glass fiber and 40% aluminum by weight. The typical Air Force RR-188 chaff bundle contains about 150 g of chaff or about 5 million fibers. The fibers are 25 microns in di ameter and typically 1 to 2 cm in length. In 1997, the Air Force used about 1.8 million bundles worldwide. The amount of chaff released worldwide by all of the services is approximately 500 tons per year. Chaff falls to the earth at a settling velocity of approximately 30 cm per second. Atmospheric residence times range from 10 minutes for the majority of chaff released at 100 m to approximately 10 hours for chaff released at 10,000 feet. Chaff fibers experience little breakup before reaching the ground. After the chaff is ejected from the aircraft and into the aircraft slipstream, the chaff packages burst open and the fibers scatter to form a radar-reflective cloud called a chaff corridor. Each chaff package is designed to simulate an aircraft. Several aircraft can create a chaff curtain, consisting of thousands of false targets, which confuse the radar guidance package on a missile so they are unable to locate the real targets within the chaff cloud. Virtually all chaff fibers are 10-100 times larger than PM10 and PM2.5, the air particulates of concern for public health. The primary fiber size is usually too large to be inhaled by livestock, but if they are inhaled they do not penetrate far into the respiratory system and can be easily cleared out. The possible nutritional effects due to chaff ingestion and the risk is minimal to nil for both humans and livestock, considering the chemical composition of chaff (essentially identical to soil) and low chaff loading on the environment. Chaff decomposing in water has no adverse impacts on water chemistry or aquatic l

So the gov't says it's safe. I have my doubts.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

When you deal with government, is it wise to feel absolutely positive about things? There is always an X factor. But it doesn't matter if I'm absolutely certain or not, does it? Is this not yet another deflection from the suspicion that breathing aluminum, particularly as it breaks down, is a bad thing?

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

Nobody is complaining about contrails, or regular civilian passenger aircraft, on this thread.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Krahzeef_Ukhar

The thing in my opinion is that "they" think there is a choice to be made between two wrong solutions and that the people are not capable to decide with them. Maybe they expect chaos and civil unrest due to the seriousness of the problem. So, what do they do... they make the dicision for us.

First they have to explain to us that it is very unhealthy to stay unprotected in the sun ..for a short period of time. For some reason...probably the ozon layer..The radiation of the sun is not only unhealthy for us but for most plants and animals too.

The solution is doing nothing..which is harmful.. or spraying stuff into the atmosphere which will reflect this radiation back into space...but will be damaging.... but probably less damaging than solution one. The problem had to be solved asap but a perfect solution is there at this time not to be found.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

You don't "spray" chaff. It's dropped in tiny bundles that don't linger, or create trails. The aircraft that carry chaff carry it in launchers that carry bundles of up to a couple hundred bundles, depending on the size of the aircraft.

A fighter carries two dispensers, one on each side. One is a flare dispenser the other chaff. They carry about 50 bundles of chaff or so. A bomber, or transport carries a larger dispenser but is still limited on how much they can carry.
edit on 4/12/2017 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: FissionSurplus
Is this not yet another deflection from the suspicion that breathing aluminum, particularly as it breaks down, is a bad thing?

Where was the first one?

Unless accusing me of deflection whilst deflecting is your gameplan (which I respect), you are just backpedalling from your PROOF claim.

I just want consistency.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: zatara

Cool, I can agree with that.

I'm not really convinced either way of the existence of chemtrails.
But if they are real it's because some people think they help.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: FissionSurplus
a reply to: AndyMayhew

Nobody is complaining about contrails, or regular civilian passenger aircraft, on this thread.

Thats the problem. They are.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:04 PM
Its to exterminate the cloud sylphs ,all positive spiritual beings have been under consistent attack for decades by the Western Powers a great deal of non-human viable consciousness was evacuated in 1998 thats why people no longer see elves,dwarves,fairies any more creation is being ruined on purpose...but er dont mind me just the ramblings of an old fool myth,legend and the belief in a God is very uncool these days.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:10 PM
Don't much care what you call it, chemtrails, geo-engineering, or garbage. There is a thousand times more carcinogens and toxins floating around day and night at ground level than are falling from 60,000 feet. Nah, it isn't the constant pollution occurring right in front of our faces, causing increased health issues, it's an airplane with ill intent.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: MyHappyDogShiner

I thought they were already proven to be water vapor...


How would you go about proving that?

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: Urantia1111

originally posted by: MyHappyDogShiner

I thought they were already proven to be water vapor...


How would you go about proving that?

By studying them

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: rickymouse
I don't care what the name of the program that is causing these chemicals to be released into the environment or what the intent is. This action needs to be stopped, people are getting sick from these things. It doesn't matter if it is technically called chemtrails or geo engineering, this is nitpicking. someone is spraying this stuff for some reason and it is having toxic effects on the people and environment.

Whilst they are not getting sick form aircraft contrails (look closer to home - and if conspiracy minded, wonder why some people want you to look elsewhere
) the only way to stop them is to ban All aircraft. Do you want to do that?

aircraft fuel by itself could not cause that. An additive to the fuel coupled with a design of the engine might be able to do that. But then again, in those locations where things are worse it could be a combination of things or it may be something they aren't seeing. Like fire retardant chemistry or agricultural chemistry interacting with the jet engines.

I see people here complaining about the cigarette butts at the beach, cause they can see those. What about the discharge coming out of the sewers that contain chemistry that is not removed during the treatment plant treatment? Those few cigarette butts are nothing compared to the medicines that go down the toilet.

So what is your solution, let all those people have health problems and increase our health insurance premiums or have our work place raise our deductables to pay for their health problems? They need to look for combining chemistries and catalyst actions that may be leading to this. Ignoring the problem and hoping people just forget about it and blame their DNA is not going to fix the problem.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Looking at the RIGHT area and finding the problem would be a start. Pointing at aircraft flying miles overhead and blaming them isn't going to do much. A real study, taking air and soil samples and figuring out the cause it's a good place to start.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

My solution is to look at car exhausts and factory fumes - and the spraying of pesticides etc on crops - and stop blaming imaginary chemtrails

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
a reply to: rickymouse

My solution is to look at car exhausts and factory fumes - and the spraying of pesticides etc on crops - and stop blaming imaginary chemtrails

The most important part is to find the cause. Like I said, the chemtrails distraction is letting this go on. It could be an interaction with the jet engine that is causing a visual participation of chemicals in the air though, but those chemicals are already there in the air, the engines may just be making it evident by causing them to fall out of the air.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: usernameconspiracy
Don't much care what you call it, chemtrails, geo-engineering, or garbage. There is a thousand times more carcinogens and toxins floating around day and night at ground level than are falling from 60,000 feet.

That's right, it's called pollution, the trick is to work out how much of it humans breath, how much is floating and how much is inert on the ground. Then how small are the particles, bearing in mind the smaller they are the worse it is for pretty much most animal life...the smaller they are, the more easier it is for those particles to be inhaled. Another question is, how good are working practises? I walked by a couple of guys the other day cleaving granite paving stones with a plume of granite dust flying about everywhere on a flatbed trailer on site, IMHO that was totally wrong, the site should have been measured up and the stones cut under controlled conditions back at their warehouse. The workers themselves wore only ear defenders and no masks..neither did the passers by obviously. Granite dust is pretty deadly, and known to be, and any form of dust isn't so good for you anyway. So a good rule of thumb is that if any dick tells you that any stuff being released from above that will eventually reach the ground will not do you any harm since similar stuff is present in the soil as seemingly plausible...which is very debatable, needs a good kick in the bojangles. You could go on forever about this, not enough is yet known about aircraft exhaust as any aircraft flies, the military are another ball game altogether. NASA in recent years have shown more interest in how aircraft behave, more toward the GW perspective it seems, but it does mean that every possible scenario needs to be explored, and rightly so, but the the exclusion of the idea of filling the skys with crapola at this level or that level, when what goes up must come down.

posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: zatara
It is time to accept there is some covert global organisation with a lot of power is trying to run the world without our consent. If somebody, after watching what is happening in this YT-vid is still denying the existence of chemtrails should consider him/herself be contaminated with some serious cognitive dissonance.

Residents of Shasta County California are seriously concerned about their own health and the health of their environment. Watch and listen what these people have to say....

If you accept that chemtrails are the cause of what is happening in Shasta County the next step will be to accept that there is a worldwide conspiracy with global leaders involved. You can ask yourself...what more do they hide from us..

EDIT: my YT link isn't working

Ok looks like somebody reposted that video on youtube. It's been around for a bit already though, and was debunked about 3 years ago here:

If somebody, after watching what is happening in this YT-vid is still denying the existence of chemtrails should consider him/herself be contaminated with some serious cognitive dissonance.

Okay so what is YOUR defintion of a chemtrail? I'm asking because there doesn't seem to be any consensus among believers what they actually are. They vary from clandestine (of course) geoengineering to poison to kill us all (but at such a slow rate that nobody notices any difference) or dumbing us down (as if we need chemicals for that) to being something related to HAARP to aliens etc etc etc.

So which is it this time, and what is your evidence?

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 01:11 AM
There was an article about Harvard scientists doing a "first of it's kind" study dispersing aerosols in the atmosphere to block solar radiation. So maybe not so far fetched.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: rickymouse

Looking at the RIGHT area and finding the problem would be a start. Pointing at aircraft flying miles overhead and blaming them isn't going to do much. A real study, taking air and soil samples and figuring out the cause it's a good place to start.

You should know by now that logic isn't welcome in a chemtrail thread...

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