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Shocking: New Zealand and Australia are out of their place on the map

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posted on Sep, 15 2017 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: LastStandingMan

rubbish, this nothing more than a map making error.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: LastStandingMan
Hi all,

I think I've found finally a satisfied explanation to this phenomenon and it explains the Mandela Effect as well. It's about parallel universes and it's covered in the book called Convoluted Universe Book 1 by Dolores Cannon so check it out!

Here are some excerpts from the book (chapter Parallel Universes):

"You must understand that ours is not the only universe. Numerous parallel universes exist along side of ours, but because they vibrate at different speeds, they are normally invisible to human eyes."

"Is there ever any chance of a human being crossing over into the other universe? That happens all the time. Many times human beings walking down the street will cross over into another universe. Several of the universes, particularly the ones that lie closest to this one, are so similar as to be practically identical. So sometimes, whenever they are overlapping, people can cross over to the other universe temporarily and then cross back without destroying their matrix. It's the permanent transition that's so very rare, as with the animal. And many times they will be in another universe and they'll think, 'Gee, I sure thought that this-and-such had happened.' And someone says, 'Well, no, that has never happened. You're just making that up.' And then a few days later they mention this again and someone else says, 'Well, yes, you're right, that did happen.' Well, during that period of a few days when everyone was saying it had not happened, they were in another universe where it had not happened."

"Could you give me an idea of what they might experience? Yes. For example, a person is walking one day and they notice this tree. It has a particular shape that is distinctive, and particularly beautiful. And they walk along the same place a week or so later, and they discover that the tree is no longer there. Or perhaps the shape is radically different, but it's nothing they could really prove one way or the other. It's just a small thing like that, but it's different from what was before. What happened is that at the point where the tree was, it had intersected with another universe and the effect either altered the tree or destroyed its matrix to where it ceased to exist. Or perhaps it exists in altered form in the other universe now."

There is an excellent episode called "Parallels" in the Star Trek Next Generation that covers this subject as well:

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 08:42 AM
bump up the jam

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: dragonflydreams

Australia and New Zealand didn't just move - we have moved into an alternate reality where all maps

Right. Back when OzWeatherman was around no one understood how special you are. Now we do.

Damn, we miss Phage .. Drop a post just to say Hi.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 03:12 PM
To remain on topic;

Taking a lesson on Mercator Projection certainly answers most of the questions people have about how global maps appear when translated to 2 dimensions using linear lat/long.
edit on 24-5-2024 by charlyv because: sp

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