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Trump ally Michael Whatley and daughter-in-law Lara Trump take over at RNC

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posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

See my post to JinMI. And "used up whore"? Just wow to that one.

You might want to learn a bit about her. or not. But Willie Brown can tell you all about her under the desk work.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: Dandandat3
Liz Cheney laughed out of politics after her lossing bid to throw in with the same people who had been vilifing her family for decades.

Mitch McConnell decing he has gifted the American people long enough and now he's ready to retire.

Trump loyalists in the house have successfully used their power to unseat a Speaker and install a new one.

Donald Trump has secured the GOP primary nomination from his globalist opponent who was receiving large money donations from both Democrats and those the Democrats have been vilifing for decades like the Kochs.

Mitt Romney also retiring.

John McCain is died.

Today Trump loyalists have taken over the Republican National Committee.

Is it now safe to say the Republican party is the Trump Party? Is the hostile takeover complete?

And if so what would that mean for Donald Trump and his play for power?

It's no secret that the Dick Cheney establishment Republicans have been attacking Donald Trump almost as much as the Democrats... no one likes to share power. With his in-party opposition dieing away would a Donald Trump second term be more productive... or more destructive, if that's your political leaning ... than his first term?

And what if he losses the 2024 presidential election? Does he slink away leaving the party completely rutterless or does he continue to pull the strings from the side lines?

Would the party choose a Trump loyalist to be their nominee in 2028? Or does another faction cease the reins..

Trump ally Michael Whatley and daughter-in-law Lara Trump take over at RNC

Donald Trump has cemented his take-over of the Republican Party with the ascent of two loyalists to the top leadership positions in its national organisation.

The former president earlier endorsed Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, his daughter-in-law, for chair and co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

Their elections were formalised on Friday at the RNC's spring training gathering in Houston, Texas.


Aw, how cute. Never a complaint about the RINOs and fake repubs and their dirty tricks / backstabbing/ traitorous garbage.

But if Trump gets a win or two, you start announcing and crying about all of his future crimes and thought crimes.

Such kiddie nonsense.
Supposed to be embarrassing bub.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:46 PM
More info about the RNC rebuild at candidate Trump's rally this evening.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

BIDEN Rally in Georgia Today.
TRUMP Rally in Georgia Today.

BIDEN LIVE STREAM of Gaffes...starting at 5pm Eastern.

TRUMP LIVE STREAM of MAGA!...starting at 5pm Eastern.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
I know Lara posted yesterday that although she doesn't have any qualifications for this, that God will give them to her. So, Maga is actually fine with either a nepotism or DEI hire actually?

Personally it makes no difference to me who is in the position, but from all the threads here against it, I was under the impression that nepotism and DEI are bad according to Maga.

Haha, you’ve never said a word about Pelosi-Newsom, Pelosi/daughter, Romney-Rona, good old Hunter.

Now today, nepotism is a big thing for you.

Be embarrassed any day now.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

See my post to JinMI. And "used up whore"? Just wow to that one.

When we all know it happened, we are allowed to discuss it.

I see no shortage of screeching about Trump’s dalliances.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: network dude

What she does privately should be her business. But people do and can discuss it, but that makes her a whore? Do you call any of the male politicians whores?

A quick look at the Lauren Boebert giving a hand job in public with a 10 year old seated behind her thread sees that you launched into posts about Biden, screeched about leftists and pedophiles, called people who said it was in bad taste "puritans" but never once said anything about it or called her a whore.


edit on 9-3-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
More info about the RNC rebuild at candidate Trump's rally this evening.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

BIDEN Rally in Georgia Today.
TRUMP Rally in Georgia Today.

BIDEN LIVE STREAM of Gaffes...starting at 5pm Eastern.

TRUMP LIVE STREAM of MAGA!...starting at 5pm Eastern.

Such a major difference between a "biden assembly" and a Trump Rally. Massive amounts of happy people at the Trump rallies.
Biden's usually look green screened, and even then there isn't many people. Those who are there look drugged.

All leftists in history always have to fake their popularity for their state controlled media to show, but Trump has never done it, or needed to..

Biden reminds me of Stalin who smiled and waved to the TV cameras as if someone liked him. He was just as hated and despised as Biden is the world over. Most of China population detests Joe Biden.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: arcticshuffle

Apparently no one actually comprehends a post? You missed twice that I stated I have no problem with her being in that position.

I'm not in numerous threads screeching about non qualified DEI hires.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: WeMustCare
More info about the RNC rebuild at candidate Trump's rally this evening.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

BIDEN Rally in Georgia Today.
TRUMP Rally in Georgia Today.

BIDEN LIVE STREAM of Gaffes...starting at 5pm Eastern.

TRUMP LIVE STREAM of MAGA!...starting at 5pm Eastern.

Such a major difference between a "biden assembly" and a Trump Rally. Massive amounts of happy people at the Trump rallies.
Biden's usually look green screened, and even then there isn't many people. Those who are there look drugged.

All leftists in history always have to fake their popularity for their state controlled media to show, but Trump has never done it, or needed to..

Biden reminds me of Stalin who smiled and waved to the TV cameras as if someone liked him. He was just as hated and despised as Biden is the world over. Most of China population detests Joe Biden.

You should have seen the line waiting to get in to Joe Biden's rally. One man who covered his face with a towel! 50% of Georgia is mad at Biden for inviting into America Laken Riley's killer. The other 50% is mad at Biden for calling the guy an "illegal alien".

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: WeMustCare
More info about the RNC rebuild at candidate Trump's rally this evening.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

BIDEN Rally in Georgia Today.
TRUMP Rally in Georgia Today.

BIDEN LIVE STREAM of Gaffes...starting at 5pm Eastern.

TRUMP LIVE STREAM of MAGA!...starting at 5pm Eastern.

Such a major difference between a "biden assembly" and a Trump Rally. Massive amounts of happy people at the Trump rallies.
Biden's usually look green screened, and even then there isn't many people. Those who are there look drugged.

All leftists in history always have to fake their popularity for their state controlled media to show, but Trump has never done it, or needed to..

Biden reminds me of Stalin who smiled and waved to the TV cameras as if someone liked him. He was just as hated and despised as Biden is the world over. Most of China population detests Joe Biden.

You should have seen the line waiting to get in to Joe Biden's rally. One man who covered his face with a towel! 50% of Georgia is mad at Biden for inviting into America Laken Riley's killer. The other 50% is mad at Biden for calling the guy an "illegal alien".

Dayam yes.

LOL Trump just said and I quote: "Everything that Joe Biden touches turns to SH(t." And a hundred thousand people all laughed.
edit on 9-3-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Mar, 10 2024 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: WeMustCare
More info about the RNC rebuild at candidate Trump's rally this evening.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

BIDEN Rally in Georgia Today.
TRUMP Rally in Georgia Today.

BIDEN LIVE STREAM of Gaffes...starting at 5pm Eastern.

TRUMP LIVE STREAM of MAGA!...starting at 5pm Eastern.

Such a major difference between a "biden assembly" and a Trump Rally. Massive amounts of happy people at the Trump rallies.
Biden's usually look green screened, and even then there isn't many people. Those who are there look drugged.

All leftists in history always have to fake their popularity for their state controlled media to show, but Trump has never done it, or needed to..

Biden reminds me of Stalin who smiled and waved to the TV cameras as if someone liked him. He was just as hated and despised as Biden is the world over. Most of China population detests Joe Biden.

You should have seen the line waiting to get in to Joe Biden's rally. One man who covered his face with a towel! 50% of Georgia is mad at Biden for inviting into America Laken Riley's killer. The other 50% is mad at Biden for calling the guy an "illegal alien".

Dayam yes.

LOL Trump just said and I quote: "Everything that Joe Biden touches turns to SH(t." And a hundred thousand people all laughed.

Also, the RNC-GOP e-mail list ( has suddenly exploded in size, from 3 million 50 million subscribers!



posted on Mar, 11 2024 @ 07:57 PM
60 staffers were just laid off at the RNC. Probably a good move to get rid of the people that actually knew how to do things during an election year.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

That was nothing compared to this major RNC "detox" cleansing...

RNC Chief Counsel Charlie Spies is reportedly leaving after he was apparently “pushed out,” according to sources.

As reported by Joe Hoft, Spies is a rabid Never Trumper, who joined forces with Hillary attorney Marc Elias in 2016 to label Trump a threat to Democracy, called Trump a grifter, accused him of trying to make money by being president (remember Trump didn’t even take a salary), repeatedly claimed there was no fraud in the 2020 election, celebrated Biden’s 81 million vote heist, and supported those campaigning against Trump in this election cycle.

Good riddance to Anti-America/Anti-Trump scumbag, Charlie Spies! 🥳

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