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Generation La"Z"y

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posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Mike72

Work ethic seems to be a foreign concept to them, it blows my mind.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

I would say it depends on the job. When it comes to a job, where either other employees, customers or workflow is dependent on specific hours, it matters. When one has a meeting booked, a store needs to be opened for customers or a line stop happens in the factory due to being unable to follow the schedule, it matters. For a large part of white collar jobs, it technically does not matter.

The schedule should be flexible though, not forced. If one is ill, too tired, needs to do something that can only be done during work hours (for example going to a bank, notary, government office etc), has doctor or something similar, then it should be relatively easy to take paid time off for an hour or two. For the past few years, I have had a doctor twice or more per week and I just notify others, I will be away a bit and that is it.

As mentioned before, for majority of white collar workers, except for support and secretaries, technically specific working hours do not matter much. It does not matter, what time HR, marketing specialist, accountant, project manager or a programmer starts their day and finishes. As long as their job is done and they attend all the necessary meetings on time, the hours do not matter. In addition, unless one has notified others of being away, they are expected to be available between 10 and 5, except whenever they are on lunch.

Personally, I do not have specific hours. I just start working whenever I wake up, sometimes from 5 AM, sometimes from 10 AM. If I go to office, I try to get there before 12 and leave around 5 or 6. I spend most of my free time of work/profession related areas though. I also try to combine work with other necessary tasks. For example, every Monday, I work from home. I have the day full of meetings with team leads about their progress. I use the time to cook at the same time for the rest of the week, while taking part of the meetings. We also have daily daily standups every day between 10:30 and 11:30. I am generally at gym at the same time, taking part of the standups at the same time.

I have used similar approach for years and so far, it has brought great results. I have been promoted from low-level manager to C-level within 7 years and the company is doing excellently as all projects are delivered on time.

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