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BBC revealed as COWARDLY - their pathetic excuse for refusing to call Hamas 'terrorists'..

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posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 11:41 AM
Hi folks,

Although I get most of my news from online alternative media sources, I maintain a subscription to a mainstream newspaper print edition, primarily so I can keep an eye on the game plan of the globalists as it is revealed in largely captured media journalists' work. The paper I chose to use for this purpose is the Independent Media Group's 'i' newspaper.

In the weekend edition of that paper, a story within the spread covering the current events in Israel/Palestine reveals what the BBC has told UK government officials regarding why they insisted on not calling the Hamas operatives TERRORISTS as they should have been designated from the start. Instead, they called them 'militants', which is a totally incorrect usage of that word, for describing the actions of a group committed to murdering & raping little infants & pregnant women, displaying the footage on livestream social media channels to glory & revel in their barbarity. How did the BBC justify this shameful misnomer?

They claimed that if they were to call Hamas operatives 'terrorists', then their poor wittle journalists in the Middle East would be 'at risk of violence' from pro-Hamas/Islamic sources. This is the most pathetic & shameful failure of courage that the world of media has ever known. There was a time when only really strong & decent men & women would dare to be war correspondents, and their courage & integrity would be what saw them through the fight & coming home safely, even if they were of a different ideological background compared to those who were the subjects of their reporting. Perhaps if they stopped bleating on in support of the 'Palestinaians/Hamasa-as-victims' narrative - which they have stated clearly & helped to perpetuate in an open & unashamed manner since the beginning of this conflict, then maybe they would be less inclined to obtain the opinions of those in favour of terrorism against the Jews. Perhaps if they were embedded in the conflict with groups that are against the indiscriminate murder & abuse of Israeli women & children, and elderly folk, then maybe they would have a better chance of coming through the conflict unscathed.

So their eternal weakness is allegedly what drove them to misname the character & misdeeds of the terrorists, but in reality we all know this is utter BULLSH1T, in fact it is their sworn ideological position on the left that has them supporting an illegitimate brood of vipers who pretend at being freedom fighters - an image the BBC would gladly defend if they weren't now getting roundly denounced for their disgusting stance on the matter. It is clear that the BBC are certainly an organisation full of cowards - not only are they afraid of warfare, even as war journalists - they are also afraid of openly defending their true ideological position on the conflict, instead preferring to look like a bunch of yellow-bellied pansies. They are afraid to be honest in the face of criticism from powerful figures & organisations all over the world. They know they are on the losing side of this battle, and so their false posturing has found them out - cowards in more ways than one, as described.

Bowing to government pressure to call Hamas 'Terrorists' would place BBC journalists covering the Israel-Gaza conflict at risk, corporation insiders have claimed.
Ministers say they believe the BBC is undermining diplomacy in the Middle East with its coverage, with Israel's president Isaac Herzog said the broadcaster's refusal to call the Hamas attackers terrorists was "atrocious".
..........."A ground invasion is coming & being seen to take Israel's side would put a target on the backs of BBC journalists trying to cover events from Gaza", said one figure.

So there you have it - pure cowardice, in more ways than one. The government's 1922 Committee will rip them apart next week when they meet with broadcaster representatives to give them a dressing down & to ensure better standards are adhered to.

Remarkably, British diplomacy in the region appears to be going well, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak managing to reach agreements with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar & others.

Meanwhile Joe Biden's attempts to get agreements for humanitarian aid into Gaza have failed miserably. He simply is not liked in the region. Is he liked anywhere?

That's all I have for now. BBC are a brood of liberally idiotic, left wing, lunatic & extremist-loving vipers, and they are not to be trusted. They are working against the interests of the British government (who also have some stuff to answer for, they don't get a free pass). But mainstream media is the same now everywhere, they all suck worse than a case of Legionairre's Disease.

The independent alternative media spaces are now being shut down all over the Western world - what the hell are we supposed to do to get access to decent information? Privately, without fear of being labelled an alt-right extremist, for example? The situation is bleak. Answers on a postcard please...


posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 12:08 PM
They are full of crap, the UK does not want terrorist attack in their soil, but they are idiots, do not understand that the hamas animals with not soul do not give two rat asses about any country and will strike no matter what, when their handlers the iranians tells them.

Is a misconception that if they ignore the cause the diseased will go away, that is not soo, it will keep pestering until it kills you.

posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 11:33 AM
Thank you for finding this bit, but is it really disinformation, that if someone is refusing to call a terrorist organization a terrorist organization? They're still referring to the group in question as "HAMAS," are they not?

Are they justifying HAMAS killing innocent civilians in any way, and spreading information that is blatantly wrong? I couldn't find that in your source.

In fact, I couldn't find a supporting source in the topic thread, at all, that I am able to navigate, such as a link.

I agree 100% that it is cowardice of BBC to beat around the bush like this, but are they really spreading disinformation, or are they trying to protect their human assets?


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