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I’m Looking for Information on the Light We See at Death.

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posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: whyamIhere

I have a question for you... What is the closest thing on Earth, that you can conceive, the thing that comes closest to replicating that nice warm feeling?

Mothers arms when I was a child.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 10:31 AM
I died for a few minutes from a seizure years ago but was incredibly lucky as I was already in hospiral filling out the pre-surgery form to fix a badly broken arm.

Everything went black but I felt incredibly relaxed and content at the time I couldn't see anything due to the blackness but started to hear a nurse saying 'Bastio are you with us?' then 'wow, we thought we'd lost you then' so started fighting like mad to regain conciousness and escape the relaxed blackness/no vision.

I felt incredibly rough afterwards and asked the nurses how the operation went but they explained I'd had not had an opperation but the first epileptic seizure and had to put on a brave face as familly were very upset and already waiting outside the door to see if I'd make it through.

There's meant to be evidence the white light and black phenomina is due to '___' release.

This paper details '___' release at ner death experiences - some people claim to have met entities and had a feeling of being in a spiritual realm but I never got anyting like that.

'___' near death white light study on near death experiences.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 11:06 AM
I could talk about a lot of things right now, but specifically this concept of people approaching the light being aware of a CHOICE to approach it with their mindpower, or simply to not approach it. Someone else mentioned being very interested in this 'choice' aspect.

I believe that if you're experiencing the actual phenomenon of this and it's not a temporary construct of your subconscious memory's IDEA of going towards the light, you'll be given a CHOICE - in other words, if you can feel a choice in moving towards the light vs. staying back, staying back means there's something you're afraid of, maybe being afraid of judgement or simply not wanting to die, hence you will return to your body in the collectivized hallucination known as life, and rest assured, we are like an extension of God's consciousness but lead individual lives of self-awareness, as our judgement based on our CHOICES determines if we get to ascend to his higher plane of existence when facing this judgement at the light (Heaven, which IS the light) or if we are too afraid of judgement based on the notion that we KNOW we need more time, we don't go towards the light, we wake up back in our bodies given more time to not just reflect on our lives but make better choices in life.

Some people, like it has been said in the replies, really believe the moon is like a secret alien base where an alien lifeforce is located that has established this counter-measure to immediate judgement and sympathizes with humanity in knowing the hearts of men are easily corrupted, as there is even a movie that came out last year called 'Moonfall' that borders on inhabitants within the moon downloading our thoughts or such - I don't know much about this, and forgive me if I am butchering the concept of the movie with my limited knowledge, but I heard it's a really, REALLY good movie. This really has nothing to do with my theory but I felt like mentioning it.

But as I stated, there is also this IDEA of going towards the light that can be your subconscious simply dreaming about the concept based on your memory bank storing the idea of it being engrained in your brain.

One thing I'm curious about for some of you which is pretty unrelated - I know, just KNOW some of you have experienced this phenomenon of an 'out of body' experience' (specifically referring to 'Astral Projection').....I notice some of you recalling amazing journeys that felt beyond real, beyond a dream, but with my FEW experiences like this (save for one) I always seem to be in the same room, but not being able to travel that far, as my astral projection experiences are highlighted by the following

1) A sense of extreme , EXTREME fatigue and, while it felt like I was literally attempting to travel from my body, I could only get a few feet, and it's like I was trying so, SO hard to get away from my body but it's like a gravitational pull was pulling me back towards it

2) The room appeared to be the same general room I was laying down dormant in but somehow, within looking at objects on the desk while desperately trying to move normally but limited to feeling like gravity was pulling me and I could only move as fast as if being underwater, I knew it didn't reflect the actual objects on the desk in the room, hence this was more of a 'BORDERLINE astral projection' experience based on either what my brain imagined as those little details in the room, or if this indeed was either the Mafia placing me in an MK-Ultra scenario where my clone resides underground, as I am a cloned targeted individual neuro-linked to, essentially, myself, far down below

This may seem silly to some of you who've actually felt more marvelous, less inhibiting experiences of astral projection, as if it's either the Mafia messing with me so I'd share this story or you think it has something to do with my nature that is along the lines of that line in the song 'Shake Me Down' 'Cage the Elephant' when he says people's eyes are cast down to the ground - what if, because I'm like this and am so 'grabbed' by material objects, that my soul is essentially incapable of being freed?? Is it my anger I'm holding onto? I have deeper theories about myself and re-incarnation, as I believe the TRUE Illuminati is a collective entity of vibrations governed by the aforementioned God, the same God in the Bible, and they essentially excommunicated or banished an angry vibration within the Illuminati that formed the dinosaurs out of anger (and trust me when I say dinosaurs were not part of God's plan) via a lightning storm.

Of course the dinosaurs came after Atlantis and its sister cities which housed the first large hadron colliders. The Milky Way is moving counter-clockwise and is known to be a spiral galaxy but may now be an irregular galaxy due to our interest in reviving these large hadron colliders for varying purposes. NO, they don't open up 'portals' to different dimensions but I theorize they serve the following functions

1) Coupled with a constantly firing electromagnetic pulse in the middle upon reaching the circumference of the large hadron collider, a 'superelectromagnetic field' which is expanding at the speed of light has been beamed to the ends of the universe, and what they either desire or have already achieved is electromagnetic-avatar-travel in a 'free-look-mode' sense of the universe - however, as we know, the ghost (electromagnetic) is capable of interacting with ANOTHER individual's electromagnetic field, so we're not just talking about the possibility of spying on aliens but humanity may have reached or will reach the 'Free-Ghost' that can even do things as sick and twisted as remote disturbance of one's body in a sick, vile way (you get what I'm saying hopefully).

2) These large hadron colliders are constantly firing dark matter into our atmosphere, so we live in a dark matter atmosphere, and it may even extend clear out to the ends of the universe as I stated theoretically,. This dark matter can be triggered around you within your electromagnetic field via satellites and put you in a waking nightmare. Dark matter has a lot to do with temporarily 'overriding' the God gene (Higgs boson) of an individual on planet Earth, thus when activated around your electromagnetic field triggered and targeting you via satellite, it can not only make you feel like you're in the middle of a nightmare and even your own HOME feel like it's on an alien planet, but they can mess with your sense of gravity because of the science of it all (which I don't know) if I don't know the science, how can I back up my claims? Because the Mafia has DONE THIS TO ME, my friends. On my way walking up to the hospital while in a seemingly CHEMICAL nightmare, I couldn't walk straight, as a sense of strong gravitational pull was pulling me to the left and right. Have you ever heard of such a WAKING phenomenon?

But if they plan on inducing and overriding the Higgs boson on alien lifeforms with the now-universal dark matter realm, they will likely find themselves incapable, as OUR satellites won't reach that far and we'll always be inhibited by the PHYSICAL limitations of reaching far enough into outer-space to establish a system of satellites around other planets.

3) Large hadron colliders can counter the counter-clockwise movement of the Milky Way and reverse the hallucinatory experience with their POWERFUL centrifugal force, hence explanation of the Mandela Effect. Remember this is all theory.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: SecretBoi10

Thanks for your reply.

*Here is your first Star.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Thanks for the honest reply.

I would say to you, since this is your thread, you can forever research every opinion and claim made by different people about this topic.
It is real, but as to the truth of the exact mechanism of how or why it is, benevolent or malevolent etc etc, is not really for us mere mortals to quantify, is it. We simply cannot define things beyond a certain parameter as humans, therefore most of where these discussions lead, are to an argumentatively irrelevant nature. However, that is not to say we have no way to know.

This is just one example of the dilemma Moses was faced with when confronted by God through the Burning bush.

It is a deep subject, but theres no real need to research it all yourself. That has already been done by far greater minds than us... we are fortunate enough to reap the fruits of their labor. The knowledge that has been compiled. However, sadly, cognitive dissonance will not allow most people to find the patience and logic to deny ignorance to a point where they can actually accept and study this.

edit on 2023-09-08T11:45:11-05:00202309bam3009am1130 by combatmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

This Man is AWARE of the " Trap "

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: SecretBoi10

"Large hadron colliders can counter the counter-clockwise movement of the Milky Way and reverse the hallucinatory experience with their POWERFUL centrifugal force, hence explanation of the Mandela Effect. Remember this is all theory."

Powerful centrifugal force that can counter the movement of the Milky Way?!!!!!!!!!


posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Thank you!! I think I'm gonna love the discussions here.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: SecretBoi10

"Large hadron colliders can counter the counter-clockwise movement of the Milky Way and reverse the hallucinatory experience with their POWERFUL centrifugal force, hence explanation of the Mandela Effect. Remember this is all theory."

Powerful centrifugal force that can counter the movement of the Milky Way?!!!!!!!!!


You can stop this from happening by donating money, just like for climate change.

edit on 8-9-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Thank goodness. Where do I sign up?

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Upon thinking about it, I have to laugh at myself sometimes. It's probably rubbish. A centrifugal force on a small planet that can counter the counter-clockwise movement of an entire GALAXY? Yes, it seems beyond fictional. It seems beyond stupid even. It seems like a theory that someone would come up with when they're super-high and you say "Dang I'll have what he's having".....

But let me ask this question: If we live on a planet where people believe humanity is in a SIMULATION, a friggin' COMPUTER SIMULATION like the one in the original 'Matrix' films, what is more believable to you......these large hadron colliders, operations which at some point in history had to be CONFIRMED to be ran by an organization (CERN) for the purpose of not appearing to be secretive and they wouldn't flat-out lie about their capabilities, the largest claimed to be 17 miles long, SEVENTEEN MILES MY FRIEND, can produce a centrifugal force that can counter the counter-clockwise movement of our galaxy? Read on.

I actually have a theory that goes against basic Elementary education, that the stars we look up at in the night sky are all individual galaxies as opposed to all of them being in 'our' galaxy. Therefore, it's a neat aspect to look at it like Earth, indeed being the center of our galaxy as opposed to the sun, and it being in the middle of our 'Milky Way' is why a centrifugal force on THIS PLANET is capable of rewinding our galaxy's hallucinatory experience, because, well, here's where I'll really lose you and other people.....I believe the Illuminati is an entity of vibrations governed by God, and they hijacked the name on this planet to sound 'cool' or something, although the original self-proclaimed Illuminati on Earth may indeed have had divine knowledge and connections to sources, even the Illuminati ENTITY itself, that gave them superiority, but much like the meth operations in the show 'Breaking Bad', they got hijacked by people like Nazi's, though they have expanded their horizons and I believe are slowly but surely filtering out some of their own, using certain targeted individuals as bait.

Or do you think it's more believable that we are in a 'simulation' that can emulate the varying complexities of (impossible) to emulate Earth, like sand, grass, water, the wind that blows the grass and sand, water, the pressure of the water, each individual hair on our body hurts according to where we pluck it, the constant, CONSTANT memory retention of all of it, along with the simplest fluctuations and the Butterfly Effect, etc......The Mandela Effect may be a phenomenon of associative-error thinking on a collective and widely acknowledged level, but says it's real and people somehow are maintaining memories of things that history books will say, well, isn't a part of history, or that there is absolutely no 'irrefutable proof'' which is supported by the following aspects, a general collective notion that is supported by our modern-day social media, and of course the trust in our news networks that whatever they say is to be taken as the truth.

Let's say I'm wrong about Earth being in the middle of our galaxy. Could this not explain why I said earlier that the Milky Way is no longer a spiral-shaped galaxy but an irregular galaxy if the large hadron colliders can still rewind the hallucinatory experience even if Earth isn't the center of our galaxy? Keep in mind I'm holding onto this notion that they have deceived us in our science books, saying that all the stars we see being a part of the Milky Way, our 'spiral' galaxy, might be part of a deception to not only make us feel less alone but make a theory like mine seem theoretically impossible because it's like I'm saying that the large hadron collider's centrifugal force is not only countering the counter-clockwise movement of such a massive area and great, great (if not the most powerful in the universe) force of motion but ALL OF THOSE STARS (solar systems) that we see in the sky.

However, according to my theory, they have painted a picture of galaxies to be composed of the abundance of stars when the truth is that each star is the sun for an individual galaxy as we think we know it, as each star DOES have a purpose, or was an attempt at something by the governing Illuminati entity.

I can expand on it more if you have questions or even want to bash me for more potential stupidity lol.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: SecretBoi10

It's all good. I like woo woo. It's why I came here!

Me? Bash anyone? As if I would....

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere
I thought about this yesterday. The light is the energy that moves through the brain and eyes. It flashes in the same way that cephalopods glow.

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: bastion
I died for a few minutes from a seizure years ago but was incredibly lucky as I was already in hospiral filling out the pre-surgery form to fix a badly broken arm.

Everything went black but I felt incredibly relaxed and content at the time I couldn't see anything due to the blackness but started to hear a nurse saying 'Bastio are you with us?' then 'wow, we thought we'd lost you then' so started fighting like mad to regain conciousness and escape the relaxed blackness/no vision.

I felt incredibly rough afterwards and asked the nurses how the operation went but they explained I'd had not had an opperation but the first epileptic seizure and had to put on a brave face as familly were very upset and already waiting outside the door to see if I'd make it through.

There's meant to be evidence the white light and black phenomina is due to '___' release.

This paper details '___' release at ner death experiences - some people claim to have met entities and had a feeling of being in a spiritual realm but I never got anyting like that.

'___' near death white light study on near death experiences.

Thanks for the link, I bookmarked it to give it a read later. I definitely think there's a link between NDEs and the "substance that shall not be named."

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

My father had triple bypass surgery back in the early 70s. He was dead for a couple minutes during the surgery. No bright light, but he told me it was like a "lavender fog", he felt very peaceful, the most peaceful feeling he ever experienced. I don't think he was afraid of death because of it.
edit on 11-9-2023 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

'day whyamihere.

One would have to 'see' that light oneself, or be with someone who 'sees' it to know for sure, but I do know not everyone has that experience.

My own memory of dying (another life?) did not include a light, just a sensation of one's own mind turning inside out so to speak. That was a quick death as a young man getting executed in war with a bullet to the back.

My educated suggestion is to look at the case studies and in particular how death occured with the view of a release of "___" being the probable cause until proven otherwise.

I can say that how one dies is a very important factor in regards to what happens in the afterlife.

For example:

When the time of death is known in advance, as in dying from a fatal disease, the deceased will gather beside the death bed on the day. There is help here in the crossing over.

When death is unexpected, or one dies alone it is a different story. For example a child dying from neglect in a farm shed will still be there a hundred years later still dressed in the rags she died in.

edit on 1America/Chicago112023b20231123th by NewNobodySpecial268 because: changed "aside" to "beside"

posted on May, 3 2024 @ 11:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 13 2024 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: whyamIhere

There's been a growing number of 'groups' that believe we're stuck in a matrix of perpetual reincarnation/recycling of our souls, and the light is a 'false god'.

They believe the only way to escape is to not go into the light, with some going so far as to insist it's alien overlords that create the false sense of serenity when entering the light.

Then there's 'the science' that proves a dump of '-----' chemicals from the brain can create the exact same experience.

In the end, does it boil down to what we choose to believe? I wish I could let you know when I find out.

This is what I believe too. We are trapped in the afterlife and forced to reincarnate. There's a user in Reddit that posted very good research on this and that is the drawn conclusion.

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