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Transgender powerlifter smashes women's record by 460 pounds

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posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: trollz

Anne Andres, 40, took first place at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship on Sunday, with a combined score of 597.5 kilograms (1,317 pounds), or some 210kg (460 pounds) more than her closest opponent.

The powerlifting union tallies scores by adding together top weights achieved in the squat, bench press and deadlift. Lifter SuJan Gil, who took second place, totaled only 387.5 kg (854 pounds).


A powerlifter who "identifies as female", or in other words is "transgender", has competed against women in a powerlifting tournament. This individual won the tournament by lifting 460 pounds more than the woman who took second place, in the process smashing the previous women's record and breaking a world record as well.

Let's stop ruining women's sports by allowing men to compete against them. At this point it's just comically ridiculous.

This is NOT a legitimate 🇨🇦National Record.
This is a mediocre lift by a mediocre male who is being allowed to lift against women
-International Consortium on Female Sport (ICFS)

At least some organizations still have some common sense.

Don't forget what happened in Canada a few months ago.

A bearded man who wanted to mock the whole idea of men taking part in female competitions declared himself female, took part in a powerlifting competition, and smashed all records.

Avi Silverberg, the head coach for Team Canada Powerlifting for more than 10 years, entered Saturday’s Heroes Classic tournament in Lethbridge, Alberta, after identifying as a female.

Video shared by athlete activist group the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) shows him walking up to the platform still fully bearded and wearing a regular men’s singlet.

He then casually bench-pressed nearly 370 pounds — beating the current Alberta women’s record by almost 100 pounds.

The irony is that the record was held by a transgender woman athlete: Anne Andres who complained about men just walking into a competition and winning female events! Oh my God!

That record — 275 pounds — was held by trans athlete Anne Andres, who was seen watching Silverberg while volunteering at the event.

Andres also holds the Alberta women’s record for the deadlift, at 544 pounds — giving her the local record for the total of all three lifts, lifting a combined 1,245 pounds.

The trans lifter won eight of nine competitions entered in the women’s category over the last four years, ICONS said.

Anne Andres not only complained that a man has won a woman's competition and smashed her record or should I say his record as Anne is a man, but he called this man (Avi Silverberg), a coward and a bigot!!!!!!!!

edit on 15-8-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 08:39 PM


edit on 15-8-2023 by pianopraze because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:16 PM
Just the fact that this is happening in a society of otherwise sane people is so alarming that it causes concern for our future.

Does our overall society have such disrespect for biological females that we tolerate this psychotic thinking that is sourced by men that want to be women so much that they need to compete with them in ways that destroy their freedom and culture?

Why can we not collectively say NO to this nonsense, any time it comes up?

It is so ridiculous presently, that we need a law that states that no biological male or female is allowed to compete with the opposite sex in scholastic or professional sports if their natural biology gives them any unfair advantage. Period.

If I were a woman, I would sue any organization that allows this idiotic behavior.

We should also insist that ANY politician running for ANY office is not infected with this absolutely sick mindset. Enough is Enough.
edit on 15-8-2023 by charlyv because: sp

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: Cwantas
a reply to: lordcomac
Women are the reason transgenderism is so prevalent in Western society, women are more inclined to play at life than to live it for what it is, and this is the reason.

This is rich. The trans people we are talking about here are all Males, infringing on Women's rights, who sometimes, if they are woke let this happen and if you dare speak out, we get attacked, both physically and by losing long careers

Where are the male peers of these males, telling them that they are wrong and should stop this cosplay, because it makes men look bad as they revert back to making women second class.

Also to really bring it home to you, women are mostly against this, but with no male support you expect all women to just stand up not just against a new protected species of men but also against very nasty woke women. They may be a minority but they shout the loudest and are currently on the high horse team.

There are plenty of women, including athletes who speak out about it, speak at schools, actively organise marches etc.
Yet you probably can't even name one.
Meanwhile hundreds and thousands of women follow them, go to said ralleys, are brave enough to lose their careers and jobs, whilst being shunned by news and social media.
Did you know that?

We had come so far as females and now we are being under a fresh attack from men and certain women again.
Do we not deserve a time we don't have to fight?

Men in dresses started this. Woke people ran away with it.
People like you, who don't seem to know actual women believe we are all woke and dumb and need punishing are really not that different from old school chauvinist.
Uninformed and hateful ( very similar to woke females).

Should I judge all men by your opinion and generalisation of women?
Well I won't, I know better.
Sick of having to fight against obvious injustice and then being blamed for it by lone keyboard warriors.

Its sane people vs insane, not male vs females.

It's predominately women who champion transgenderism, it's the reason why it's so prevalent in western society.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: Cwantas
It's predominately women who champion transgenderism, it's the reason why it's so prevalent in western society.

I would like to some evidence of that.

I would speculate, based on what I know, that most people who support trans ideology do so because they don't understand it. They think it's just about being nice and accepting of others. They don't appreciate that - for women at least - it will (and is) resulting in an erosion of their hard won rights.

This male weightlifter trashing women's records is a case in point. There is no longer fair competition in weightlifting in the women's competition in Canada. It is a male take over and a direct challenge to the rights of women.

Women are waking up to this new reality that has been quietly infiltrated without any resistance.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: Cwantas
It's predominately women who champion transgenderism, it's the reason why it's so prevalent in western society.

I would like to some evidence of that.

I would speculate, based on what I know, that most people who support trans ideology do so because they don't understand it. They think it's just about being nice and accepting of others. They don't appreciate that - for women at least - it will (and is) resulting in an erosion of their hard won rights.

This male weightlifter trashing women's records is a case in point. There is no longer fair competition in weightlifting in the women's competition in Canada. It is a male take over and a direct challenge to the rights of women.

Women are waking up to this new reality that has been quietly infiltrated without any resistance.

Its the same with firearms, men champion firearms, it's a man thing and is why firearms are prevalent within societies that allow them. Mostly men would fight to have the right to own a gun.

Different natures and different tastes in things.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: Cwantas
a reply to: lordcomac
Women are the reason transgenderism is so prevalent in Western society, women are more inclined to play at life than to live it for what it is, and this is the reason.

There are plenty of women, including athletes who speak out about it, speak at schools, actively organise marches etc.
Yet you probably can't even name one.
Meanwhile hundreds and thousands of women follow them, go to said ralleys, are brave enough to lose their careers and jobs, whilst being shunned by news and social media.
Did you know that?

Riley Gaines, female swimmer that lost to Lia Thomas, formerly Will Thomas

“Privately, of course, we would have conversations with our coaches, and the parents, and different people even within the NCAA who knew this was wrong. And of course, they felt ashamed of themselves for going along with it, but they didn’t do anything about it.”

too many people are so cowed by the woke crowd they are afraid to object.

Just this week, at Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) signing of the “Save Women’s Sports Act,” the former University of Kentucky swimmer watched as protestors shouted profanities, spat at, and threw bottles at the crowd of supporters. After being assaulted, held for ransom, and chased down the hallways of San Francisco State University, this is nothing new.

she has / is spoken out about this nonsense and finds herself persecuted.
very sad she is suffering for speaking truth.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: trollz

Time to redefine a woman as a human that has given birth.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: VforVendettea
a reply to: trollz

Time to redefine a woman as a human that has given birth.

It's better to go with the XX definition which is the acceptable scientific definition.

Careful with the definitions as the trans lobby waits to redefine everything.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666

Where are the male peers of these males, telling them that they are wrong and should stop this cosplay, because it makes men look bad as they revert back to making women second class.

Also to really bring it home to you, women are mostly against this, but with no male support you expect all women to just stand up not just against a new protected species of men but also against very nasty woke women. They may be a minority but they shout the loudest and are currently on the high horse team.

While I agree that this needs to stop, it needs to be women that get this rolling, because ultimately this is a women's issue. Men who have spoken out have been labelled transphobes and dragged through the mud, or worse. Most have decided it's not worth the effort at this stage, and they're right.

It will need to be a women's movement, just like days of old, that starts the change. Once enough women get behind the movement, and the men don't get dragged, they'll become more vocal allies. RIght now, all you get is old farts like me.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: trollz
Let's stop ruining women's sports by allowing men to compete against them.

Agreed. Save womens sports.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: VforVendettea
Time to redefine a woman as a human that has given birth.

I'm a woman and have never given birth.
We adopted. I have to disagree with this.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 01:45 AM
I dont agree with men with ponytails participating in womens sports but if sports associations are going to allow it, they need to make an exception for biological females to be allowed to take any and all “performance enhancing supplements” they want. Otherwise they will never have even the slightest chance of winning any sports competition ever again… and even with that, they would still have to train twice as hard as any biological male.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: VforVendettea
Time to redefine a woman as a human that has given birth.

I'm a woman and have never given birth.
We adopted. I have to disagree with this.

I would agree with your point. There are also women who, due to health issues, are incapable of conceiving a child.

Easy answer… XX chromosones = Female, XY = Male. Problem solved.

posted on Aug, 19 2023 @ 04:15 AM

originally posted by: Phatal87

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: VforVendettea
Time to redefine a woman as a human that has given birth.

I'm a woman and have never given birth.
We adopted. I have to disagree with this.

I would agree with your point. There are also women who, due to health issues, are incapable of conceiving a child.

Easy answer… XX chromosones = Female, XY = Male. Problem solved.

Very true.

The stupid question usually posed by trans activists and gender ideologues is what about women who cannot find birth? But they have already admitted these are women who for whatever reasons can't have children.

The person who broke the record is a man and men shouldn't be taking part in female competitions. Take a look at the top post I made (this page)about the same man complaining when another man broke his record!

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