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The Reactionary Conspiracy 2.1 The Anti-pleasure Division.

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posted on Jan, 14 2024 @ 03:11 PM
• More anti-sex content can be found in the graphic novel adaptation of Slaughterhouse-Five. (I decoded more information from this source in this thread):

One of the secondary characters of this work owns a very unpleasant photography (blue arrow) while being a soldier in the Second World War:

Translation: “A hot/dirty photo (he has forced Billy [the protagonist of Slaughterhouse-Five] admire it several times)”

When this character is captured, the German officer’s reaction seems to imply that this photography was nothing out of the ordinary:

The angle brackets mean he is talking in German. Translation: “And this. What a so fortunate little horse, eh?. You’d like to be the horse?”

Finally, when the protagonist goes to a sex shop, he is offered this image:

In conclusion:

Here the conspiracy is trying again to attack sexuality by mixing it with animals, following the maxim announced by them in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four:

posted on Jan, 15 2024 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
A very explicit declaration of intent from the conspirators, regarding the Anti-pleasure part of their plans, can be found in the 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four:

The above excerpt in Spanish:

It turns out the conspirators not only want to suppress all human pleasures, they also want to severely limit the human emotions.

I decoded more information from this book in this thread, that has been (unfairly, in my opinion) moved by the moderators to the “Skunk Works” forum.


I dated a girl decades ago who must have taken that book to heart , imagine having sex with a bag of potatoes and that was her , sex was for having children was her line , I ditched her for a nymphomaniac

edit on 15/1/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2024 @ 12:40 AM
Should be moved to hoax bin.
edit on 1512024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2024 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker2

Two more instances of the intermixing between Nazism and Anti-Sex content made by the conspirators:

Eichmann is a biographical picture about the interrogation of lieutenant colonel of the SS Adolf Eichmann in Israel. It was released on September 2007.

On it we can see this scene, set in 1943 Hungary, where Eichmann has sex with a woman while they talk about the Holocaust:

Translation: “In six months I’ve cleansed Vienna of Jews”

“Out of 900,000 Hungarian Jews, you have only killed half million”

[Poland] “had 3 million Jews, today none is left”

“More than four million Jews processed”

Here the conspiracy combines two subliminal messages in just one shot: First, it promotes anti-sex feeling by mixing a sexual relation with murder and death, and second, it promotes Fascism by associating it to a hot scene.

Dead Snow is a Norwegian comedy horror film released on 9 January 2009.

On it we can see this scene where two characters start having sex when the man is still using the bathroom:

In this case, the conspirators tried to make the viewer subliminally associate in their mind sex with human waste.

In conclusion: Two different approaches, same objective: trying to erradicate sexual pleasure from the viewer’s mind without the viewer realizing it.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 03:41 PM
I have found more anti-sex content in a message from BBC News Mundo (the BBC News platform for Spanish-speaking people) on X (formerly called Twitter):

Refutador Marxista (Spanish for Marxist Debunker) is one of my two accounts on X/Twitter. Here I am saying: “That photo is stupid, it sets the teeth on edge and on top of that it is disrespectful to the readers of BBC Mundo, since it gives the sensation that they are treading on us”.

Another account I had never seen replied to me. He asked: “hahahahahaha is it a joke?”.

This account was trying to do damage control using one of their more common tactics: behaving like a sitcom character. As I said many times, the conspirators have accounts like this one in all social media/networks/platforms, they are tasked with the job of derailing conversations that go out of the script. Besides that, I am being monitored 24/7, so they read my messages pretty soon.

After my second response he tried another approach, this time he implied that I am just a weirdo, and then he left. The next day I entered again on X and saw he had deleted his two messages replaying to me:

In summary: Posting images of feet is one of the preferred methods of the conspiracy in order to spread anti-sex content subliminally among the population by means of showing the only part of the body that touches the ground. The reason is that our mind instinctively associates floor with dirt.

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