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Mayan Calendar 9/6/2022 (Update)

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posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: modobe

Wtf does a set of images from the Shoemaker Levi comet impact on Jupiter have to do with Conjunctions or the Mayan calendar... its like word cards and pictures where thrown into the air then assembled where they fell.

And what does any of that have to do with the rest of that post?

I hardly ever touch this part of ATS but wow...

posted on Feb, 4 2022 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

It's really simple.

Person needs cash fast
Person changes dates for (Insert doomandgloom here)
Person rails about end of world, needs money to set up a doomandgloom-proof shelter for the chosen few.
End of word day arrives.
Nothing happens (tm)
End of world doomsayer changes dates again, claiming new information to decipher dates.

edit on 422022 by vkey08 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 12:36 AM
(we'll try to invalidate the author's prophecy, if we can in the very near future)

(First Declaration)The "D" is for December, in the Shepard's Monument.........the "M" is for March............these represent Solstices, and the Beginning or End of the Homosapien is Calculated against these solstices only for accuracy.

(Second Declaration) The "O" represents OCTOBER (this is when the deviation in the vernal equinox was first reached a value of 10, for accuracy in a base 10 scientific system of measurement) the language follows "V" = the Vernal Equinox in March also for accuracy..................what you see recorded is a statement about the difference in the "gregorian and julian calendars", as a prediction for the new age or according to the mayan calendar's current and long standing intrepretation.

(Third Declaration)

We said already that Planet Earth is not important, and is not the original conclusion of the Mayan Calendar.
We said "Gregorian is for Planet Earth", and "Julian is for Planet Jupiter".

So the "A" is for August that begins the Mayan Calendar, and the "D" is for December that ends the mayan calendar, and the correction is to observe the VERNAL EQUINOX SHIFT OR GREGORIAN CALENDAR SHIFT, and that is why the beginning month of "August" is discredited by the "V" = vernal equinox shifting.

That means under the Julian Calendar..................THE SECOND "O" in shepards monument, is for "october 1982 - the jupiter effect - real publication" the end of the Julian Creation date statement from the Month of June/July for the Jupiter Collision by Comet Shoemaker, to the Mayan creation statement ending in the month of september, under julian (which began in June/July under julian).

The Original Author's Position is Authentic and Legal.................we just have not moved to discredit the argument at the moment (planet jupiter's 40 year observance, is compared to the 40/41 first A.D. date in the mayan calendar, this is why there are two dates beginning and ending to correspond, julian for jupiter and gregorian for planet earth) (this september or 9/6/2022 is still the valid and legal answer)

(the recording of the event collision in jupiter of june/july..........we have to assume the accuracy of the event is questionable using the scientific tools available to record the event................we will have to wait until 9/6/2022 until the event is invalid)
edit on 28-2-2022 by tengrves because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 01:19 AM
link is a viable statement.

Remember we said that, Carl Johan Calleman, reckoned date for the mayan calendar was 10/28/2011............then we said "10/28" is more or less viable, but the year is not.

so lets view the "The Jupiter Effect" 10/18-28/1982..........(prophecy is doubled, typically)
1. The Jupiter Effect 1982
2. Jupiter Collision by Comet Shoemaker 1994

1. "10/28/1982" (or my birthday take your pick)
2. "7/16/1994" plus 28 years = 2022

"A Day for a Year using the figure of 28, 2peter3:8"..............this is Carl Johan Calleman corrected conclusion.

(a lot of information was originally lost about the mayan calendar, but these two events, satisfy, a feasible connection to the julian calendar's statement, that "9/6"............the julian creation really "9/6/2022") (this should be easier to associate)

The Conclusion is for Planet Jupiter..............we cannot invalidate prophecy, but we can, invalidate humainty as a feasible we'll have to see if here is another prophecy or language to tie into this, maybe soon. (given the current evidences, this is the intended conclusion).
edit on 28-2-2022 by tengrves because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2022 @ 09:01 AM
So what is the message and we were we given it?

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 03:00 AM
(reply succeeded)

(Ursa minor and Ursa major)
These Rotate like a Cross during the year to Point to the Seasons/Solstices

(Vernal Equinox in March, First Point of Aries Star, and the September Solstice)
The Vernal Equinox or March Solstice, is not aligned to the First Point of Aries, this is called:
Gregorian to Julian Deviation in Days, and accounts for the Mayan Calendars Gregorian and Julian Creation date differences:

The Legal Answer is............:::::::::::::::
August to December, Beginning and End, under Gregorian Mayan Calendar (earth's sun)
June to September, Beginning and End, under Julian Mayan Calendar (jupiter's sun)

THEN (to account for planet jupiter)
THEN (to account for planet jupiter)
THEN (to account for planet jupiter)

The Month of June is 30 Days Deviated from July (july 1994 Planet Jupiter Strike)
The Month of October is 30 Days Deviated from September (october "the jupiter effect 1982" REAL PUBLICATION)

THEN (only the solstices are reference or emphasised as the logical conclusion, or DECEMBER FOR GALACTIC CENTER/PROCESS)
THEN (only the solstices are reference or emphasised as the logical conclusion, or DECEMBER FOR GALACTIC CENTER/PROCESS)
THEN (only the solstices are reference or emphasised as the logical conclusion, or DECEMBER FOR GALACTIC CENTER/PROCESS)


Planet Earth or humanity is not considered a legal witness due to its dirth charge or dead flesh, which functions as a black hole, to the effect of nullifying unified fields, so a special or true worthless black hole.


The processes are not attached to earth or its solstices in articulation, so we can say, october the birthday of the son of man marks the process that is also evident on jupiter, but the process function, that was tied to the earth's sun is to the galactic center and also jupiter sun, so a process, very short term, or the BLUE SUN, which for short we can just say jupiter, with some celestial effect like a or mirroring a comet or something.

Everything will be Resolved in a few months, this year, approximately noted
(in 1994 when the comets or effect appear to pierce planet jupiter, that is truely a real life version of what is to have happen)
(after that is resolved, then we'll work in the opportunity of god's mercies, we should also see RABIES, and calamity for dead flesh, as well as increased pain for humanities suicide pleasure overall...........remember there is no conflict of interest, humanities choices are, pain and death only, or the prospect of god's mercies, since I control all access, I control cleanliness and godliness after the fact, since the gospel defines the son of man as a high priest, I control the allowances for the loss of life for the leadership or to answer a conflict of interest in satan's suicide pleasure, after the fact) (we'll see about the removal of 2 billion more or less lives, in apparent accident or collision)

(what the book of revelation describes is a collision, that is one perspective, I simply found an object like a large rock, that was odd in the vicinity of the solar system or in the solar system, and slammed it into the earth, by teleportation or other, must be 100 percent effective on impact, remember satan's suicide pleasure is classified as a mental illness at the end of time, satan doesn't, can't or chooses not to, do anything more then die, and that will be resolved soon)
edit on 2-4-2022 by elmgrie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:28 PM


Planet Earth or humanity is not considered a legal witness due to its dirth charge or dead flesh, which functions as a black hole, to the effect of nullifying unified fields, so a special or true worthless black hole.

In plain English please?

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: vkey08

we are making a new theory for the mayan calendar, and this will give the answer more clearly, will be back in a few hours to see.

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