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Anyone having weird Premonition

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posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Hoth From Star wars? We are in an ice age right now. I’m not being rude but sun has to be blocked out for the planet to get cold enough to freeze. These are facts. Scientists have only proven this with asteroids hitting the planet and with many volcanoes going off and causing huge parts of the world to burn for months. Yea volcanoes have went off and forest fires are happening. That just shows on what kind of scale these eruptions and fires would have to be to cause an ice age. The fact that ice ages occur randomly in earths cycles shows that it has to be caused by a catastrophic event

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

Yes, Star Wars Hoth. Checkout Snowball Earth Theory. As to the current Ice Age, yes also. We are in an Ice Age warm period.

The weird thing about Earth's placement in the Solar System is that we sit on the outer edge of the so-called "Inhabitable Zone", so Earth's natural state should be cooler than it is. Given that Earth has a radioactive core might be the reason we are able to live here so easily. Blocking out the sun isn't needed to put us back into a Glacial period but given that we've had a few major volcanos going off as well as the Hunga Tonga blow-up I'm willing to bet that we are going to face a few years of cooler temperatures.

None of this matter's in context to this thread though. What matters is that the old man in the library was seemingly correct on everything so far.

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I’m going to try to explain this the best I can. Volcanoes will have a period where 60-70% of them will go off. Which is a lot of volcanos. This causes the sun to be blocked out and an ice age to begin. How to prove this? Using earths precession of 25920 years. That’s how long it takes it to tilt from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 and then back. That makes 4 points 1 and 1 to get there and 1 and 1 to get back. That would make 6480 years from point to point. 12960 years to go to one side then 12960 to go back. Moving from these points you would have it move from the best to the worst. Then it would move from worst back to best. Our position now is at the movement from best to worst. The halfway point. Do you know why volcanoes erupt? If you think it’s pressure then you are not intelligent. Volcanoes erupt from the sun and moons magnetic pull. This pull is greatest at the equator. Hence most eruptions. The ring of fire around the pacific is caused because the pacific is the largest ocean and that makes the water a giant weight. Look at how a suction cup works. It’s strongest pull is at the center and the edges. This center pull is why we have Hawaii. The ring of fire is caused by the outer pull and the fact that’s where the water meets land and becomes shallow so less weight and this causes a suction and it pulls at the earths magnetic core and volcanoes erupt. So there’s a point where earths tilt is at angle where that suction is at its strongest. At this point 60-70% of the volcanoes will erupt and depending on if it’s at the high 70 or low 60 percentage plus how many forest fires are caused will determine severity of ice age. All this going on will also cause earths magnetism to pull from more directions into space and at greater distances which can pull in metal asteroids and meteors thus adding to the catastrophic conditions causing longer ice ages to occur. Geez I hope you understand all this. I have my doubts tho.
edit on 01-12-2022 by mcsnacks77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Weather and temperatures are determined by the earths tilt and how much of the suns energy it can trap in our greenhouse. It has nothing to do with distance. Our distance is constant and circular. That would mean ice ages would always happen with the same severity none worse than the other. This however is not true. We have severe ice ages and less severe. That reasoning means there are other factors that cause it that are not a constant. This is how math works. Earths core has nothing to do with heating the planet. The earths core is held in place by gravity. The closer you go to the center of the planet the greater the gravity. Gravity holds the atoms in a circular pattern of rotation. Minerals in the earth have characteristics also that hold heat in those are the ones closest to the center of the ball. This is advanced physics and geometry. Less than 1% of the world’s population understand it.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I'm only replying to myself so that others can reference back to the post easier.

It looks like the world is now going to pot, and I bet, I just bet Biden will be removed soon and Harris will take his place.
From the above post:

He then said that February would bring a lot of snow in amounts unseen before. Again, this leads me to think he was talking about Washington State, and it also led me to think that the volcano blew up in January sometimes. So, any day now, I guess.

He also said that as soon as "That Woman" became President, everything fell apart and most Americans will blame her even though the rest of the world fell apart first.

Since the Hunga Tonga volcano blew after this post, and now as I said above it looks like Canada is going to have a bit of turmoil after this extension of the EPA, Russia going into Ukraine, and China going all in on forcing its Social Credit system forward I would say that the world is falling apart. Now if Biden has a major issue that gets him removed from office Harris (ie That Woman) would be placed in his spot.

Looks like it's going to be a tough few years, but we'll be ok if we plan accordingly. Damn, it's hard to think that this old man actually knew his stuff. I don't know if he was just lucky, had an inside, traveled through time, or was just something else altogether. If I ever meet him again, I'll let him know "Thanks for the Heads up".

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yes. It’s been strong lately and getting stronger. The main substance I manage to get is that people are going to be hungry. Super on edge, searching for any meaningful news that’s actually straightforward and sharing full info. Don’t see that happening any time soon though from the looks of things. It’s a lot of what brought me back here.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 03:49 PM
I wouldn’t call this a premonition, at least I hope not. I had a dream last night that I saw two ICBM missiles launch in tandem from someplace in the US. At that moment I knew we were all doomed because that meant there were nukes heading toward us. Very real and scary. I hope to god it doesn’t happen.

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 06:55 PM
Not to be alarmist, but I just now received a strong suggestion from my subconscious to visit my hometown soon.

It was more than an "idea", but considerably less than a compulsion. For now.

The last time I felt a similar "urging" was some ten years ago when I was facing a major surgical procedure with a more than zero chance of death.

Normally, I would chalk this up to nothing more than a case of nostalgia, as I did back then (didn't stop me from going first chance I got prior to surgery), but maybe this time is different.

This time, I am healthy, healthier than I have been in decades. But the world seems to be encroaching upon a critical condition.

I was born in San Francisco, and at a time when the unthinkable is increasingly becoming the normal, something is calling me home.

Weird premonition?

posted on Feb, 25 2022 @ 08:34 PM
Project Bluebeam -
I have read "theories" that say it will either be a fake alien invasion or a faked "Rapture"

a reply to: jedi_hamster

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

People on the TV started talking seriously about the Ice Age. We've seen some of this already that a new Glaciation Period might be starting, but not a lot of talks about it, from what the old man said it should be common topic of discussion at this point.

I thought this was important to bring up again.
From: MSN News

Climate change is killing off a vital ocean current system and it could spark permanent droughts and extreme winters, scientists say

This is just the title, but the important part of the story is this;

"It's really scary," Peter Ditlevsen — a co-author on the study and professor of climate physics — told CNN.

The effects of such a collapse could include permanent drought in Western Africa, extreme winters in Western Europe, and disruptions to monsoon patterns in India, South America, and Western Africa, CNN reported in 2021. The collapse could also trigger a rapid rise in sea levels across the globe.

Now given the order of events, I am worried about what volcano he was discussing blowing up. At the time I thought it was La Palma, but Tonga seems to have been what he was going on about, but given that he stated that, "That's when the volcano finally blew up." was after the ice age talks started, then the volcano event didn't seem to have happen yet. If it's something that makes Tonga seem little then like I said, I'm worried.

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not a big Bible believer (despite 12 years in parochial schools), but, as I understand it, God supposedly first destroyed the Earth by Flood, promised He would never do it that way again.

Which has lead many "believers" to speculate that the Next the Earth is destroyed, it will be by Fire.

And they generally assume that to mean by Nuclear War.

But a drought could also be considered a type of "Fire"...

There are reports claiming that the average temperature of the Earth is now the highest it has been in 120,000 years...

Ocean water temperature off the coast of Florida in the US exceeded 100° F, killing the coral beds and "sparking" fears of a "mega" hurricane season feeding off those super-heated waters.

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

even if a person believes the Bible, we had the little ice age after the Bible was written.

The water is heating up due to it not cycling the colder deep sea ocean waters. The issue that's not being talked about is that warm/hot water puts off a lot of water vapor which come winter will equate to more snow then normal. If the NAC doesn't start moving then when winter comes, the land temperatures will drop and stay colder longer. Meaning that the snow on the land will become ice pack and stay around longer. More snow, more ice, then the ground will just stay cold all summer long.

As for the Earth temperatures, it was hotter during the Middle Ages warm period. That occurred right before the little ice age (go figure). Oh and that 100-degree temperature off the Floridian coast might have been due to a damaged buoy, though the temperatures are in the 90s at this time, so they are hotter than normal.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
A massive snowstorm is going to occur and will shut down most of the state. I will assume that he was talking about Washington State since this is where the old man and I live.

People on the TV started talking seriously about the Ice Age. We've seen some of this already that a new Glaciation Period might be starting, but not a lot of talks about it, from what the old man said it should be common topic of discussion at this point.

His next statement was interesting. He said, "That's when the volcano finally blew up." He didn't say which one but saying that it "Blew up" gave me the impression that it Caldera'd itself. I wonder if he was talking about La Palma, or the one in Iceland, though to be fair I think the one in La Palma would probably fit the bill since it's the one most likely to do this. Also, he wasn't clear about which volcano but said it like it was big enough to the event was just something everyone knew.

He then said that February would bring a lot of snow in amounts unseen before. Again, this leads me to think he was talking about Washington State, and it also led me to think that the volcano blew up in January sometimes. So, any day now, I guess.

He also said that as soon as "That Woman" became President, everything fell apart and most Americans will blame her even though the rest of the world fell apart first.

I wanted to readdress this topic. I just read something that lead me here.
From: CNN via Yahoo news

A crucial system of ocean currents may already be on course to collapse, according to a new report, with alarming implications for sea level rise and global weather — leading temperatures to plunge dramatically in some regions and rise in others.

Using exceptionally complex and expensive computing systems, scientists found a new way to detect an early warning signal for the collapse of these currents, according to the study published Friday in the journal Science Advances. And as the planet warms, there are already indications it is heading in this direction.

Let me quote this next part then I'll explain myself here.

The impacts of the AMOC’s collapse could be catastrophic. Some parts of Europe might see temperatures plunge by up to 30 degrees Celsius over a century, the study finds, leading to a completely different climate over the course of just a decade or two.

Now in regard to my thinking, I was under the impression that the Old Man had been talking about Washington State at the time, but as time went on, I believe he was talking about the world at large. Why does this warrant returning to this topic?

The report that I linked and quoted talks about a re-glacialization taking place. The next topic the Old Man brought up was about a Volcano blowing up. I thought this might be La Palma or Iceland at the time, but then Tonga happened and I thought that might have been it. I'm now thinking Iceland again. Here's why:

Grindavik in Iceland is very active and if it explodes like the Old Man says, then it might drag a lot of ocean water into the eruption tossing tonnes of water vapor into the atmosphere. This water would have to fall down and at this time of year, it could fall over northern Europe as snow. If it is enough snow it would shut down Brussels which means NATO and the EU would be effectively shut down. In Europe the farmers are all (or mostly) out protesting, and a major event like this followed by an unprecedented snowstorm, those farmers might not make it back to their farms. Without the fields getting attended to the whole of Europe would start to fall apart due to famine and the colder temperatures. It's very possible that this disruption would create an opportunity for Biden to be pushed out of office leaving Harris as the President, all while the rest of the world is falling apart.

While I might be wrong again, it was weird that the last time I addressed this the following year almost fit this whole prediction, but if that was a soft run (so to speak), then I wonder if the Old Man is right about everything, and I was wrong in how I understood what was said.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 05:25 AM
It feels like something is wrong, because it certainly is.

We have wars in Ukraine and Israel, a fumbling bumble for US leadership, an economy on the brink..... yet more people care about the stupid #ing superbowl or the sex life of actors and singers.

I don't drink anymore or take drugs. Miserable kind of sums it up.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Just wondering if anyone else feels like everything is off.

Oddly Covid is the least of my worries, I feel like Covid is the distraction.

I got a weird premonition, Here are the flashes I saw….

A mother and child crouched down on the street, they were both alive but scared.
A flash of the Statue of Liberty, so obviously New York, or something with our liberties…
A flash of a mob of people screaming

That’s it, but felt very uneasy about it.

Why does it have to be a premonition?
It is more likely how your psyche reacts to something you feel within and makes it into a movie for you at night.
I feel something is off with the world, because there is. It's utter madness.

I know there are special dreams, I had them. I can pick up what loved ones, especially my husband think about while I'm asleep.
I have had dreams showing me mundane but exact scenes of future places.

I also had epic dreams with loads of potentially meaningful signs which turned out to be duds.

Mother and child, scared. Do you have children? Are you worried about their future?
It could be yourself you are seeing.
New York, maybe you saw an image, nvm how fleeting, the day before somewhere?
People screaming, could still be how you feel about the world.

Or maybe it's a logic premonition, based on your fears. As in how we all know something is brewing.
Or it is a direct premonition and it will all come true.

However I put this last for a reason.

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