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I met a fully Enlightened "Buddha". Here's what he said:

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posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I don't want to seem ungrateful, because I appreciate what you're doing, but those two photos are not large enough to be able to read the details of the small text written along with the diagrams. Can you please re-upload them in a larger format and higher quality, as well as the rest of the notes, all of them? I don't think we're in a rush here, so take your time and scan them (or take photos of them) properly. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:01 AM
Here is an interesting video I found. It relates to the 3 Dantian talked about and how it relates to The Chakra System:

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 04:56 AM
Hmm... You all act like enlightenment will save you from your misery laden lives.

Like getting a ticket to heaven here on earth. Except you don't have to die first and live a life full of rules set on you by some stranger up high.

Enlightenment is death. And death begets life.

There is no you, not in the sense you think of it. And anytime you do its a trap. So what is there to do? Go find a guru across the world? Who are you really doing that for?

You want a taste of deathless? Extinguish your defilements, of self and who you think you suffer for. Stop trying to define yourself, there is a you, but its so amazing that you're willing to die for it, and you do, at least who you think you were dies. And what emerges is undefiled will and acceptance. Life does become amazingly powerful, but not in the way you think, because you think for your self identity. So miracles are what you search for because it is powerful. As life isn't miraculous enough already. We tell ourselves these fantastical stories, and that's OK, because its part of it, but it begets ignorance and this begets defilements of heart and mind which begets misconduct and suffering.

Seek peace for your mind and heart, what is not good do not do, be put at ease by your actions. How can you ever think of becoming one if there is always this struggle, these two always internally fighting.

Know your breath and breathing, let it become your tower of safety And repose away from your fights. There's not much more to do after enlightenment except live a full life as full as one can be lived. And then death, as it is only part of the cycle. It is the ultimate sacrifice, and in that the ultimate freedom. And from that clarity in freedom, heaven is gained. If only you knew of the greatness of where you reside currently. Were here, soak it up, soak it all up.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 11:45 AM

it was 1 session. hours long. maybe 4-5. I have approximately 10-15 pages of notes that I took down and some illustrations he gave me. Can post those in a bit. My friend who is there on a pilgrimage has better access, though he's returning home soon will be going back there so I can send any misinterpretations to him to get straightened out.

Was it a one on one session (as in were you the only one there) with the 'Buddha'? Did you record (as in with a mechanical device) or did you just write down notes as he spoke?

Did you record what he said or did you interpret what he said when writing notes? Was it a one to one session where he may have been able to correct any misinterpretation which can occur?

Did you misunderstand the questions asked in the above post?
edit on 26-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

Was it a one on one session (as in were you the only one there) with the 'Buddha'? Did you record (as in with a mechanical device) or did you just write down notes as he spoke?

The plan was to take pictures and I have a recorder and mic on my smart phone with a recorder app, so I was going to record everything. Of course that all went out the window and I had revert to note taking on paper.

Did you misunderstand the questions asked in the above post?

It was me, The Enlightened guy, and an interpreter. He did speak english but it was very broken

Did you record what he said or did you interpret what he said when writing notes? Was it a one to one session where he may have been able to correct any misinterpretation which can occur?

I wrote down the notes via interpreter and whatever I heard in broken english. He helped with some of the drawings and was putting his palms together near his heart when I got it drawn right or when I repeated back what I understood. Meaning to him, it was is "you understand" symbol.

Of course there could be a number & variety of misinterpretations. However the "Dan Tians/Tiens (Spelling depends), kundalini, chakras, meridians open, grace from the other side, meditation/practice, detachment from ego/mind/subconscious, were all all baseline main features that were constantly repeated throughout the session as main points of it all.

I compared notes to the notes my buddy has who is there for a year, and everything is spot on and correlates

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by preludefanguy

Hmm... You all act like enlightenment will save you from your misery laden lives.

Well, I have some states and permanent breakthroughs via a variety of paths, and they have saved me from "misery laden lives." Imagine being an unmovable mountain that nothing can touch or shake, even if hell was to over take the Mountain and has in a number of life situations, being completely solidified in this detached unmovable essence sure is something!!!!!

There is no you, not in the sense you think of it. And anytime you do its a trap. So what is there to do? Go find a guru across the world? Who are you really doing that for?

I think I saw a handful of masters/teachers out there, as I'm writing a book (no im not promoting myself or a book here on ats, and its probably a couple f years away from being done), and the purpose of the trip was to authenticate and figure out some of my own states. When I asked everyone out there about the "No You" as Enlightenment, every single teacher I spoke with said that it is just one tiny fragment/aspect of the path, and the whole Neo-Adviata movement takes it to be the end all be all.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by dominicus

What I'm trying to say is that this essence you speak of is within, existing as a latent state. Enlightenment is put on a pedastool as are the beings who have realized steps of it. Thus it becomes separate from the individual and something to be searched for outside of oneself.

The one that will save yourself from misery and suffering is yourself, no other person or thing or object. Enlightenment then is not objectified and dependent on outside influences.

I never said there is no you ultimately, I said its not who you think it is and is not that important in becoming realized, in fact, asking that question stands in the way of release.

The Buddha knew this as he never answered that question, he understood that there is skill in questions, and some questions won't bring a skillful answer that helps in developing wisdom and release.

A noble Brahmin once asked Buddha how he could say that he was indeed a fully enlightened Buddha.

He answered: "what has to be known, that I have known; what has to be abandoned , that I have abandoned; what has to be developed, that I have developed; therefore oh Brahmin, I am a Buddha."

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 12:27 AM

When I asked everyone out there about the "No You" as Enlightenment, every single teacher I spoke with said that it is just one tiny fragment/aspect of the path, and the whole Neo-Adviata movement takes it to be the end all be all.

When it is found that there is no one - 'who' can suffer?
There maybe suffering yet it belongs to on one.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 12:51 AM
Wonderful read on Dan Tien

Not to discredit much, but numerous research into the yogi's and those alike who claim and swear by not eating or drinking for weeks even years, in controlled setting it was discovered they had loyal confidants smuggling tidbits of food & water in order to set a record, and no one person was found to survive without food, water beyond a month.. I'm too lazy to search for references but its most every controlled experiment of those who claim to survive for several weeks or months without food nor water (ie, a whole months) in controlled settings, were caught being smuggled food/water =(

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by preludefanguy

A nice original thread Op it makes you think? Or is it just the beginning, virtual or infinite or cosmic, who why what when, What Am I? Why Am I / what really happened in the drama of creation? Can we really travel the plains nothingness at will as a pure energy vibration? Or is this just seeking sublime?

So this is where I am, you can subject my thoughts, object my thoughts, but it is fairly pointless to dissect and discredit because, I am and its currently as I am, it’s a share not a target board for egos.

The Internal you the infinite energy cycle, is the door, you are the makeup and reality of your parts mind body and soul, sense and nonsense, parallel motives within one part unrestricted, dual, non dual and duality combined with a will dissected and manipulated, 3 into one results in the humanity friction between right and wrong, positive and negative duality the current of opposition seeing itself breaking THE CYCLE the choice is yours.
Your Conception is paramount and the thought processes of the individual combined within the collective is the seeking force of either generic acceptance or self realization, about you around you, your life script, individual or collective, although one, may have positive aspirations, it is the preconception of the whole that can directly affect the individual based on the collective energies absorbed either positive or negative.
Your own personal vibration field, can have profound effects, within the relay cycle to manifest within the laws of attraction cause and effect the finite sense of actualization within to embody the fruits of the self in empowering the conscious rather than the ego .
The process of positivity is important to both the individual soul and the collective, each of us, within our family and friends structures, are our own actual being vibration energy.
Positive is laced with negativity within human interactions, this is a nurtured manufactured state that we can overcome, and this is attributed to the current design of the individual collective.
Is it possible to dissolve the DNA construction of atomic particles and see beyond the finite and control the neurological electrical currents that formulate and create our fusion of reality, in which our current sense of being is realized, from which we may inadvertently prescribe the fate of others and ourselves, as our egos are so transfixed, on ourselves, it is so sadly ingrained in our physique, to without reason promote a comfortable safe, secure survivable version of yourself the ego , so far this style of mindset has only resulted in the further demise of our own humanity, is this coincidence or is this manufactured?
The stages of you are set to confuse self worth with pain, it’s for your own good: is tailored within us from child hood, you are taught all, is for your own good ,this is generally administered through some form of pain, that is mistakenly forged in to your essence, as for your own good, so good manifests within you, as pain, love becomes pain, you associate love as pain, this is the reflection we pass on from generation to generation, how can we really know, what is really best for another, it is purely our self prescribing our feelings, onto another, we are all born with a self navigation system, but this is overwhelmed, by the, for your own good indoctrination the positive falsity that controls humanity.
If we can begin to dismantle the fear of being a pure functional individual, family, we can begin to become the endearing life force that was initially written within us all.

We can and will become a Humane Race of love, intelligence, curiosity, with mindful reason to become the true and rightful creators of humanities destiny and incredible journey into all of our futures.

Your path is your own to unravel, in your own way and time; nobody is correct or incorrect in their path.

All egos are always correct always, it is the nature of the ego self maintenance it has to be!

You are not what has past, you are not what you are, you are what you choose to become…………………

edit on 27-2-2014 by Fingle because: unknown

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by iRoyalty

So you believe someone who would not have an ego would not have likes, dislikes, a place he or she feels more at ease, a base of some personality.. Maybe they prefer teaching in different ways, you will still say they are egotistical? Also, Buddhists say that ego in Buddhism is not the same as the Fraudian Ego. Ego is that thing that says, I'm better than you, or I need this because it's better than the others.

Ya that's what I am saying its just a word, and it means different things. And like some pages back somebody said it just means "I" in letting, after which you just attribute a bunch of things to yourself. If you like the color green well originally that was part of your ego, you liking the color green, if you liked fried potatoes that to was part of your ego, just something about you or "I" which made you who you are. Now a days its taken a more exaggerated meaning and terms. But I suppose everything has its purposes. I have used the word as well to describe things that are overbearing, in all its a language and meme issue. So...Whatever who cares, I'm over it...lets move on.

My point was, that you have no reason to prove yourself to anyone any more. You don't need to be the guy who can get the most girls, or the person who is the most fun etc, without an Ego, these things are meaningless.

Like I said it all just meaning less jargon. But at one time being the guy who did not get all the girls or the person who had the least fun was also all part of there ego. Its pointless to argue about such things now, the popular consensus is generally what it is. Even if it isn't.

I don't think there is too much of a difference at all, when I referenced the belief system of the afterlife I was saying it is probably the only bit of faith involved in Buddhism. However I believed long before I found Buddhism that we are 'recycled' as I like to put it, so I guess I believed in it rather than had faith... Perhaps faith is believing what someone has told you, and believing is having faith in what you think is true.

Oh ya...But were is the line.

For instance...I believe fish can swim.
For instance...I have faith that fish can swim.

In all its saying pretty much the same thing, its all just a matter of what your talking about and what context your using it in. And off course one is a granted certainty, while the other is certainly granted.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by kauskau

There is no going astray...

Wise words indeed.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:44 PM

reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Actually dude one can learn a lot from them, even from the fake ones.

Like what?

Oh like a bunch of stuff. Like everything else it will merely just reflect what image you throw at it.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Hey dominicus…

Firstly, thanks for sharing your experience here on ATS…


Originally posted by dominicus

Upper Dan Tien is Pure Subjectivity, but also simultaneously Pure Consciousness. So there is both a center point or the pure light of cognition/attention, but also it is a spacious field and is what creates the Halo of Light around the head you see in pictures of Saints. Think Buddha, Christ, Various Sikh Masters, etc

Middle Dan Tien is the Source of Conscious, the Soul, the Portal for the head based Consciousness to reach its Source, like a drop of water entering the Ocean, an Ocean of Infinite Light, Infinite Bliss, the Multi-Faceted Diamond, the Inner Spark of Life, existence, Consciousness. The Zero point of Non-duality it is the centerless center. At this point as well, is the Light of Consciousness which begins to flood and change the body. Eventually one reaches the Light Body via a flooding of and living off this light of consciousness

Lower Dan Tian is the point at the very bottom of the breath, when you breath deep, it is the small crack between the end of exhalation, the begining of inhalation. This point is the Source of Vitality, the Source of Beingness, the Unborn Emptiness prior to all things including Consciousness. The void the precedes everything and anything. It is the point where Buddha reached Enlightenment, where emptiness is form, and form is emptiness.

Eventually The upper DT merges with the middle, the middle then merges with the lower, and all 3 become one.

I can honestly say that what you have written above, (long highlighted part) is true, in my own experience at least; although I couldn’t really pin point, how I achieved it, other than reading, contemplating, and meditating on Jesus words.

My initial experience happened back in 2010, when I was contemplating different Christian theologies. One particular week, I began to get this tingling sensation in my Upper Dan Tien, aka the Pineal Gland/third eye, for roughly 2 days a week, over a 3 week period. Then sometime in the forth week, I received what the Bible refers to as the Holy Spirit. So it happened in the exact order, you described above.

The strange thing is, that in Tai Chi, the three Tian’s, seem to be regarded as working in the opposite order/direction. With the lower Dan tian, being the starting point of the energy, which then flows up into the other 2 tians. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this…? I’m guessing it’s because most Tai Chi exercises begin with the breath…where as meditation, begins with the mind…

- JC

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Fingle

love your perspective

but the will is dissected and manipulated mostly by defilements, to be free of these defilements, is to be enlightened, for the creative spirit to breathe freely without the anguish and suffering of the egoic mind.

indeed it is in the nervous system that we find the cleaner energies, this being makeup can have the most effect within the nervous systems and can cleanup and affect the mind/brain construct and the dna/memory banks as well, burning off past karma, and future karma, when the fires of the creative spirit cleanse the individual mind/body/soul construct

the archetypes and collective also has an ebb and flow which can feedback through the mind/body/soul construct into the unmanifested pure creative spirit right at the bridge between non-dual and dual, between non-being and being, between emptiness and everything, and in this way, we can too using our own mastery and direction of energies effect the flow of creation and the collective through realization, otherwise we end up being a cog in the system, affected by the collective and the archetypes and everything else existing within.

we CAN overcome this, and I believe we are on our way, we are changing from within, and the collective is taking note of what works and what doesn't, the creative spirit is pushing back, and evil cannot fight a heart of pure gold, because it lies within the being of all manifestation

positive loving creative force is within the fertile ground of all creation, its nurture absorbed by the roots of the tree of life, truly, it is within us all

let go of all that one clings to, all the defilements we cling to, arising from ignorance, greed, hate, delusion

we cling on to our pain, onto our stories

we must let go, and in that find the release to become the beings of light so many of us wish to become, it is within

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 04:24 AM
The imaginary 'me' seeks to make life better. It imagines that if it becomes 'enlightened' that all it's problems will cease. The problems of the individual will never cease until it's absence is realized. Rapture is the lifting away of the illusionary 'me'.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

what do you think must happen to lift the it a choice?

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:58 AM

reply to post by Itisnowagain

what do you think must happen to lift the it a choice?

No, there is no choice :-) When (if) it happens, it's what is happening. Regardles of what "you" believe you have done to make it happen. "You" have nothing to do with it. It is the falling away (collapse) of "you". Thats all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Afterwards, everything is just the same as ever. Completely and totally ordinary, except there is no "you" there anymore to "taint" the picture.

Everything else one might mistakenly try to find in this, like psycic powers, no need for food, living off sunlight, not having a thought for 10 days etc is just mysticism, which is another form of spirituality, which again is just another form of materialism. It's the egos struggle to own and become. It's totally off the mark.

To see through the illusion, doesn't make the illusion go away. It just makes it transparent.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:34 AM

reply to post by Itisnowagain

what do you think must happen to lift the it a choice?

No one can choose because there is no one. The seeking for something just drops away and all that is left is what is - which always has been.

It is hilarious - the cosmic joke.
edit on 28-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:36 AM
All things are actually expressible in words. In the beginning was the word and the word was God. So shall it be in the end that God will appear again in the form of words. Philosophy is not the search for knowledge but the search for truth. The world is full of knowledge that disguises many lies that need to be defended. But the truth needs no defense it stands on it's own merit and has no inherent weakness. In other words the truth is absolute and powerful and has the ability to change reality. It is like light in the darkness when it comes into contact with the light the darkness must recede. No matter how beautiful and bright knowledge is it must give way to absolute truth. There is in all human this God nature that responds to it's own voice. It recognizes truth as it's own voice and is surprised to hear it outside itself. If this part of human nature is lifted up it will draw all men to itself and all men become part of the oneness that is spirit. This is the inheritance of men. Their own divine nature. A restoration of it's own divine nature.

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