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CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years

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posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by 8675309jenny

Regarding the passport, it was your flawless delivery and communication that threw me. Sorry bout that.

You do understand what the "Nation of Israel" is, right? The history etc, and yet you seem surprised and dismayed....

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Can remember reading a book by norm chomsky where he talks about something called the samson complex, according to his data it was the late 60s when israel gave a press conference admitting having a nuclear arsenal for the first time, the thing that surprised people was the statement they had nuclear missiles that could reach moscow.......not having any argument with russia it seemed a strange comment almost a threat.....and it was a threat, but not to russia but to america, israels survival depends on america if ever they felt america would cut ties that would mean the end of isreal as a viable state hense they would start ww3 by attacking russia and bring the whole world down with it, similar to samson who having been blinded and having his hair cut brought down the pillars killing more philistines in that one final act then throughout all his the words of norman finkelstein they are a true lunatic state and both its friends and enemies know this,to be both gods chosen people and to have as big a victim complex as it does is a very dangerous mix.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by surfin4

I can understand, somewhat, how it would have the victim complex as it has been described. Consider how often Jews have been persecuted through history, including WWII and then as soon as the state of Israel is created they are attacked by the Arabs and pushed back to the sea... a hairs breadth from virtual extinction.

To have a nuclear armed country with a victim's complex is worrisome. Same can be said about Russia though...they have a similar victim's complex given how often through history they have been invaded.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:28 PM

What I do not understand is the attitude of some Palestinian parents who are a-ok with their kids being suicide bombers
reply to post by bbracken677

Of course you couldn't. You have not had to live with 45 years of crushing military occupation. Watching your friends, parents....maybe your wife and children killed in an Israeli airstrike, or being shelled by artillery or being shot by the IDF.

Who among us would not fight with everything they have against that type of oppression? The Jews themselves fought against their German jailers in the Warsaw Ghettos in any way they could....the parallels between Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto are more than superficial.

Might I be so bold as to suggest that you watch the following

Mike Peled....The Generals Son

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by bbracken677

The british used people they called planters to colonise areas, they were called planters because they put down roots and were very hard to remove,for example they used mainly scottish presbyterian types to plant ireland , these are also the majority of the people that settled the american bible belt, its not by accident these people are very similar to the dutch settlers who settled south africa.....strong belief in a right to be there after all they are the civilized types keeping the uncivilized in there place, the religious overtones and a certain victim complex is common in these types of people, the british used it as a strategy and the planters were picked because of this psychological make up and its been proved to be very effective.........i see the same strategy used with israel, remember there was numerous crusades to take that land they failed to take it with an army as they are surrounded with arabs........the best strategy is the one that works, but then again maybe i see too much in coincidence lol.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 02:43 AM

reply to post by 8675309jenny

I see, and the US isnt run by insidious manipulative hypocrites? Neither are any EU countries..they are all just fine.

Seems that you are just an anti-semitic bigot. Case closed

Hahaha. Pulling out the big guns eh? Name calling is just your substitute for using logic dear friend.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by 8675309jenny

Don't say a thing about Israel... You are automatically branded an Anti-Semitic

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 01:16 PM

reply to post by rigel4

Can remember reading a book by norm chomsky where he talks about something called the samson complex, according to his data it was the late 60s when israel gave a press conference admitting having a nuclear arsenal for the first time, the thing that surprised people was the statement they had nuclear missiles that could reach moscow.......not having any argument with russia it seemed a strange comment almost a threat.....and it was a threat, but not to russia but to america, israels survival depends on america if ever they felt america would cut ties that would mean the end of isreal as a viable state hense they would start ww3 by attacking russia and bring the whole world down with it, similar to samson who having been blinded and having his hair cut brought down the pillars killing more philistines in that one final act then throughout all his the words of norman finkelstein they are a true lunatic state and both its friends and enemies know this,to be both gods chosen people and to have as big a victim complex as it does is a very dangerous mix.

Then they are just a cancer.. and should be removed at the first opportunity by any that have the means to do so.
Backstabbing leaches.
edit on 24-2-2014 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

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