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Doublethink a Jedi Magic Trick by Democrats fueling misled conspiracy theory

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posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:10 PM
I would like to propose a senario before providing what information I have found and by doing so debunking multiple issues which have fueled theories globally on one particular event which occurred in September of the 11th day in 2001. There are many reasons as to why the investigation was kept completely secret- ranging from incompetence of professionals doing their job, greed, pig headed arrogance, and of course foreign sponsorship of terrorism.

DISCLAIMER- I would like to state that I am not allowed to state specific details in relation to the molten metal in the buildings, nor as to why the beam was cut at such an angle- There is a specific reason and that reason as to what when and why has been there for a very long time for a specific reason to do with a red flag and sickle and hammer if it were ever to encroach. Those details unfortunately are are classified as international secrets which cannot be released. (READ BETWEEN THE LINES).

The story starts back before 2000 and Bill Clinton needed money to fund the Democrat party as it was completely broke, so as any communist would do he and his wife sold US military secrets to help the advancement of the Communist party in China and the helping of several US military hardware producers to go offshore to manufacture in china. To this date Hillary Clinton Denies such accusations but when articles are produced with here statements it clearly shows that she is a fantastic liar.

This was referred to as CHINA-GATE

There are many details which when investigated regarding the Communist rulers in China and the Democrat Party in America chilling details emerge which when investigated something starts becoming very clear.

In 2000- a book written by two Chinese Generals named 'Unrestricted Warfare' was released- stating by any means available being terrorism, biological, nuclear, economically, or militarily they would find a method of bringing America to its knees. This was occuring during the Asian Financial Crises which threatened to Collapse the Communist Party of China and repeatedly we had a heightened tension with China which clearly stated they wanted to go to war with America but were unable to do so at the time as they lacked the ability to do so.

In that book specifically it nominates Osama Bin Laden to carry out the attacks on the twin towers explicitly.

On many occasions but one which was released to the public methods of economic terrorism were deployed by China to manipulate the markets and in some attempts to crash them, not many of these stories have reached the light of day as the majority of them were kept as TOP SECRET to prevent panic in the markets.

There are several 'secret' wars occurring at the present, and technically the third world war already began as of 2001.

Several factors that conspiracy theorists reject---

1-- We were already hunting Osama Bin Laden, strikes on a sudan CW factory later claimed to be pharmacutical run by AQ.
2-- We already had troops ready to kill or Capture Bin Laden which we were already looking for due to the previous attack on the
previous attack on the WTC and other bombings.
3-- Chinese state nationals armed and trained were sponsored by the Chinese Government (islamic minority) were fighting the US
in Afghanistan with state sponsorship.
4-- The Chinese military placed forces on the border of Afghanistan funneling weapons to AQ and the Taliban to kill Americans.
5-- JP Morgan has pimped itself out to the Chinese and sold out America to the Chinese Government and 5 bankers are dead
because they were whistleblowers.
6-- George bush had no foreknowledge of the attacks, Bill Clinton possibly did.
7-- Nearly every Labor Party Member/Democrat in the World has always maintained close relationships with the Chinese
Communist Party.

Back in 2011 in Australia Julia Gillard proposed setting up a Chinese Military base up in the middle of Sydney which the majority of Australians rejected.

If you hang out on some darknet boards which are communist related they actually laugh at gulliable conspiracy theorist boards, come on to them routinely and post absurd messages relating to 9/11 and the republican party, noting back on the board they are laughing themselves hysterically about dead Americans, and on the darknet (this is directly where AQ hangs out) what you find is that there are lots of Pakistani hackers radicalised with Islam which portray themselves as "Anonymous".

The World Socialist News website released a glamorising report after the attacks on the twin towers saying that America had it coming- and quickly withdrew the article and denied its existence.

Another fact is that in China thousands ran into the streets cheering and chanting "Death to America" on that day in 2001.

If you honestly believe that a shred could remain on the internet as proof in terms of that last claim think again--

Noting that the NSA, CIA, and other agencies have the full ability to hack and remove any information they dont want on the net, and the videos of the Chinese dancing in the street celebrating the deaths of civillians in NYC was one of them, it was shown clear as day on the morning it happened then quickly vanished like it never happened.

If you look hard enough you will find the intel, the fiber optic cable agreements between China and Bin Laden, and other information.

Thank you for your time.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: added CHINAGATE

Articles being added-- UNRESTRICTED WARFARE

In 1999, a book by two Communist Chinese officers presented a scenario in which the World Trade Center is attacked as a situation that the United States would find difficult handle. The two colonels recommend Osama bin Laden by name as someone with the ability to orchestrate the attack of that magnitude via his al Qaeda group (John O. Edwards, �China�s Military Planners Took Credit for 9/11� Newsmax, September 25, 2002). How China Supported the 9/11 Attacks -al-qaeda-against-america/ Economic Terror Tactics Used by China

How 9/11 Played into China's Hands.

Book states china had involvement in 9/11

One other thing he was the head at the program trading desk. Meaning he over saw all of the trades and was familiar with all of the software (trade platforms) that these trades were done in. This job works closely with guess what? That’s right the London desk and who died last week in London? That’s right Gabriel Magee the one who jumped off the 33rd floor. What was his post? Head of IT and trade platforms meaning he had access to info that Ryan Henry Crane would have. They knew each other and uncovered something they were about the same age and these hits happen when two big announcements by JPM. 1. They are out of commodities, and 2. The wholesale selling of their HQ downtown to the Chinese.

edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:23 PM
The US military is pivoting apparently AUTONOMOUSLY from the POTUS to face china. There is also dissention in the ranks being kept quiet to by firings.
I can but giggle at those who think the system will take and hold America.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by cavtrooper7

Very true and those Drills in the US aimed at Civillians are not specifically for 'conservatives' as such but are wartime drills aimed at relocation, and other wartime senarios while maintaining a working economy**(edit here** as in the modern day and age if an attack were to occur on home soil it would cripple markets and run everyone scared. The fact is there are military trained chinese nationals scattered all over the globe with a specific purpose, espionage, sabotage, and terrorism. They can seem just like your everyday neighbor, friend even, they could be a work collegue, or at worse be in a police, or authority job gaining access to information.

Some Chinese nationals are so radicalised in marxism it would scare you. On many occasions I have debated Chinese Nationals, and at every turn I have always found the same ideology staring back at me after the first fiew layers are removed.

The clear issue with dealing with a Chinese terrorist is that they are firstly far more intelligent, and better trained, than your everyday islamic two left feet extremist which leaves a trail both on the internet, and your usual youtube videos of crying jihad.
(the nutters wonder why the authorities find them so fast after they post a video on the net).

When dealing with a Chinese 'terrorist' it is almost impossible to identify as the Asian community so closely knitted together, and have a code of silence and highly discriminatory views of other nationalities as they view themselves as the superior race.

This might sound ridiculous but in fact if you look deeper you will find what you are looking for.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Didn't debunk a single thing about 911.... I know that wasn't the main point of the post but you mention the morning and how this will clear things up. If Clinton knew about the attacks then bush would have known as well...
Maybe you got more coming that will clear things up
edit on thSat, 15 Feb 2014 15:38:19 -0600America/Chicago220141980 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

You need to read "UNRESTRICTED WARFARE"- Research the Authors, CHINAGATE- Clinton Administration, Chinese Dancing in the Street on 9/11, Economic Terrorism as a tool by china, and the Asian Financial Crises.

Im giving the specific topics to read or to begin reading and it will suprise you.

Plus by the way you should do some research on Bush and his views on the conspiracy because guess what? he's convinced there was a conspiracy too and he doesnt know who.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Bush sat there and read my pet goat the morning of the attacks, I can give two grains of salt about what he has to say about anything.
The man could barley finish a speech without contradicting himself....
While I read that have you looked into the PNAC? Kinda gets bush right back into 911

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:47 PM

reply to post by spookydude

Bush sat there and read my pet goat the morning of the attacks, I can give two grains of salt about what he has to say about anything.
The man could barley finish a speech without contradicting himself....
While I read that have you looked into the PNAC? Kinda gets bush right back into 911

Im not going in to the goat, its a different subject and such things are related to phenomena which is not to be released to the general public.

Please study up on the subjects I have provided on China and even Jeff Rense's takes on China on that subject.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Did you already read the PNAC? You touched on all of my post but that part of it.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by spookydude

ok, spooky, no disrespect intended fella, but i'm calling bs.

You haven't got a clue, clearly. and the fact that clinton sold' military secrets is absurd, insulting even. Bush jnr knew, bush snr was in washington that very morning speak to members of the Bin Laden family. The Australian prime minister, j. howard was also in Washington to meet the US senate; his vehicle stalled!?!. Jnr was where? Florida. you don't know this, but jnr despises snr. Cheney was where? NORAD. did you know that all of NORAD's phonelines were jammed that morning; every single phone in the site rang, but no voice.The wing of the pentagon that was hit, was vacated one month before hand. yet 7 seconds of the footage was deleted !?!

Take it from some one who had put their entire life aside a number of years prior, tracking down those responsible for a similar incident in my own country. where did it lead me? Right to cheney, rumsfeld, bush jnr and BW.

Take a hint buddy; i'm calling bs, like the bs cheney presented to justify the Iraq invasion. ohhhhh and guess what? you think they haven't tried to shut me up?... stealth suiters carrying ion pistol grips, speaking fluent american with nsa oversight, and i gave the "drone" the shot.

been on numerous continents, seen pretty well much it all, but yet to see any bs justification linking any Chinese national to that date, or any event there after. Seen plenty of H & BW selling everyone out, and probably are currently in Africa trying to set the chinese up, so that the US economists can create an excuse to remove the chinese economy, as they've done with the Muslim economy

BS....i'm calling BS

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

your referring to the wolf of wits? correct?

Well there is something interesting you should read up on called the cold war, and the rise of communist china, and the fact that the russians and americans had a secret pact to possibly nuke china before it became too powerful.

just because of a defence plan, to access new resources does not implicate the DoD in 9/11, on the otherhand I do not have any doubts of course that when they did invade and which they already had their own oil rigs in Afghanistan at the time to which AQ were attacking routinely which is why they sent the fleet there in the first place to attack before 9/11 which you probably are too young to remember.

No conspiracy there other than the fact there is a hidden war against China in progress to which every single move has been planned against for the last 20 years.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by M3RCSENTINAL

there are numerous websites dedicated to Chinagate and the clintons selling the technology to china.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

I would say you need to review what you know and keep an open mind,
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

In your reference to the Pentagon- I will clearly state this

A plane hit the building, and the building is designed to take a serious hit from a serious missile, and the plane smashed into the pentagon, and a cleanup crew was dispatched immediately with primer chord to cover up the penetration resistence and shielding capability of it. A plane barely scratched it buddy.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

Your reference to NORAD being Jammed is a farce and anyone else who had a military background would understand that statement you had made was hilarious.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

Have you ever considered that the plane that crashed into the ground allegedly without any wreckage was a coverup for the fact it was indeed heading towards the whitehouse and they shot it down-- if you do some research you will find the very moment the order was given to engage. It was easier to give the public a heroic story of the passengers overpowering the terrorists and dying heroes for their country instead of squealing helplessly with islamic radicals armed with box cutters being shot down by an F-16 note the DOOMSDAY plane is not deployed for any other reason.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by spookydude

If ever i saw a skunk works op, lol What a big old pile of steaming hot chit. Now nine eleven was the Chinese with space weapons. Lol... And bill and Hillary and the whole democratic party..... Lol.... Wow, so where are you from by the way....

This is really a great laugh. China is no different than any other country. Their leaders are all about the all mighty dollar, yen, whatever you choose to use lol. You are out of your gored if you think they want to attack their cash cow. Lol they are not Islamic extremists who are seeking seventy white virgins or some such drivel.

For them things turned into greed and money some years ago. As for military, they have no chance against the united states. If it were just a man on man they could overwhelm anyone with numbers alone. But, fortunately for us it is not.

I will agree there is much more to the nine eleven story but you are looking in the wrong place. Only one country with the tech and means at the time. Need to look internally at the spaghetti groups for your answers.

Nice chuckle though. Lol

The Bot

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I would have to state that I run several channels in political activism, and we will be dumping what we have on the subject.

oh and including how you lovely democrats/communists have closet intentions of praising every single dead american soldier.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by spookydude

I am talking about this
Written 2 years before Unrestricted Warfare.
Where think tank calls for a New pearl harbor.... What was 911 referenced to almost immediately
I agree china is no bueno and are out to get us. But they were not the sole perpetrators of the 911, they may have been part of it but the US was the one opening the backdoors and helping with planning.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Your post involves sources that you won't release... You tell us to go do a research project to understand your point... That is not how post work. You should have presented some of your findings if you want the discussion about it.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Sremmos80

Im adding them as we have some lazy people in here who dont like doing hard work.

Ill be back later to add more to my post.
enjoy reading what ive added in my sources so far

edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Lol oh my gosh... How old are you lol... Every veteran, least the many that I know will tell you the same thing, a missile hit the Pentagon, not a plane. Anyone with any clearance level at all know that the way the Pentagon is constructed and fortified know that a plane would not do the damage. If you have been there you also know that the area where the plane supposedly flew in from is covered by so many different cameras it is hard to count them all.

You can get some small sense of this by simply using Google Earth.

Why do you think every single piece of security camera footage was confiscated and not released to this day.

This thread gets funnier by the minute.

The Bot

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by spookydude

Still nothing on the PNAC? Still want to know your thoughts on it, seems you have avoided that this whole time.
And thank you for making a proper thread, we all really appreciate it

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by dlbott

I can tell your not ex-mil by your linguistics. Secondly the material I just put on the table proves something else which also proves you are not a vet or familiar with anything related to the military other than what is published on the internet.

I have put information clearly on this post for people who are or were military who would understand exactly what im talking about without needing to post restricted information. Its the same as an open ended question what goes on a B52?

the footage was confistcated due to its shielding capacity.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:38 PM

reply to post by spookydude

Still nothing on the PNAC? Still want to know your thoughts on it, seems you have avoided that this whole time.
And thank you for making a proper thread, we all really appreciate it

I referred you to study the cold war.

Just because something supposedly ended in the 1980's means it ended, it simply means that the west continued to build up its defense's as it knew from the 1980s its direct rival in 30 years would be china.
edit on 15-2-2014 by spookydude because: (no reason given)

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