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Democratic Party - Modern Day Slave Masters

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posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:06 AM
Dr. Rice is a devil and a liar, a shame to most afro-americans. To blindly follow bush's antics shows a complete lack of good judgment.

To stay with the bush's at different retreats sends up a host of alarms to me, she's not married and has no male companion that we have seen so far.

It is easy to see how she got the appointment, she's bush's girl, brown sugar as someone said.

With all the sexual antics in washington, it would not surprise me in the least.

Go home to your family "CANDY" , earn some respect, all are not as blind as you would think.

If you see smoke, the fire is not far away.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by moxyone
Thats the whole point of the thread..

The point of the thread. Yes ... back to that.

The dems are unable and unwilling to admit that
they do NOTHING for black America.

I'm not saying that the republicans do. I'm agreeing
with the article that the dems claim to be the party
for black America. But in reality, they are not.

Black America has been hoodwinked into believing
the dems are good for them and that they 'look out'
for black America. The reality is that just isn't there.

The 'values' thing was brought up against Republicans.
I countered with the 'values' 'thing of dems being
Culture of Death and that multitudes of black babies are murdered
in the womb though the 'dem compassion' for black people.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
To stay with the bush's at different retreats sends up
a host of alarms to me, she's not married and has no
male companion that we have seen so far.

G.W. is not a sex addict like Bill Clinton.
Guess you forgot who is in the White House.

Opposite sex adults are capable of having a
working relationship without having sex.

Male companion? Chaperones aren't necessary to
insure the working environment stays working and
not sexual. Besides ... Camp David and the Ranch
at Crawford aren't exactly isolated. They are bee
hives of activity.

(single females must all have male chaperones in
the working environment to ensure that they are
behaving themselves ...
You heard
it here first folks)

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:23 AM
Well, here's something: social programs. There are a lot of poor black families that benefit from welfare and other social programs such as this. Not that I'm in favor of such programs, but this could be seen as a benefit...

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Typical of the Demoslave party. Obama is MUSLIM as fits into their godless society. The word "Token" come to mind.

What is that, like some kind of racist slur? Typical of Republicans....

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:36 AM
Yes, the word racest does come to mind. Demoslaves do keep racisim alive to keep control of the "masses". You can not honestly compair ANY democatic adminstrations minority appointments to what GW has done. The demoslave masters want the minority vote but then "those people" need to be quiet.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
There are a lot of poor black families that
benefit from welfare and other social programs
such as this.

You are referring to the perception that dems
supporting these program, and republicans don't?

While welfare, unemployment, food stamps and other
social programs are good FOR SHORT TERM USE, they
are being over used. Many on the right see the radical
left using these programs to hold down black people.

I know that sounds funny, but hear this out.

Short use of those programs are wonderful and very
necessary. However, the truth of the matter is that
they are being overused and this is perceived as a
dem way to buy black votes.

If you want less of something ... tax it. If you want
more of something ... subsidize it. These programs
are now subsidizing being poor. They need drastic
overhauls. They are good programs, but they are
broken programs. The lifers on these programs have
to get off the free ride ... and they won't do it on their
own. Why work if someone will give you $$$ for free?

The dems don't want to change the program. The party
knows the broken programs buy them poor votes, even
though the programs keep poor people poor. Republicans
want to continue to help through relief programs, but they
know the programs are broken and need fixing.

So while the perception that dems help black America through
social programs is a popular perception ... it is an idea that
may not be entirely true.

Edited to add - QUOTAS ...
I just remembered quotas. Remember that? Colleges and
work places HAVE to have a certain number of each race?
It doesn't matter how you do on your SATs... the colleges
HAVE to let you in if you are whatever race they are short
of that semester. MAJOR failure. What America got was
doctors graduating college to fill a quota ... and then going
on to practice medicine and not understanding basics ....

Do you want to go to a doctor that was admitted and graduated
med school based on his/her race or gender, and not on their
ability to treat and cure you of your ailment? Not me.

The thought behind quotas was a noble one, but it was
(and is) a failure.

[edit on 11/22/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
OK, name one thing the Democrats have done to make life in America better. Black or White.

Are you for real?
The civil rights act and the new deal. Right off the top of anyone�s head, that has any lick of sense anyway. Both parties have done things that have benefited the people of this country in one way or another. After all they do serve the people some of the time anyway, and in the past they both did a better job of that.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:47 AM
The new deal was the start of the new slavery act, FDR was a fraud. The new deal started welfare which has torn down the black family structure in america. Social security was another fraud. Just a GOV money grab.

The voting rights act was only passed with republican votes. The southern dixiecrats voted against it. Try again.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
What is that, like some kind of racist slur?
Typical of Republicans....

Uh ...... I voted Republican this time .... we are
an interracial family. My daughter is hispanic,
adopted from Bolivia. My neighbors are hard
right republicans and they have adopted children
from Korea. Two of my friends are Republicans
and they are foster families ... with black, white,
asian, hispanic children all coming through ....

Republican doesn't automatically = racist.
Democrat doesn't automatically = best for black America.

(I know your comment wasn't directed at me, but
I had to respond. Any time I (as a proud mom) can
chat up my daughter.... I DO!
She's my sunshine!)

[edit on 11/22/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
You are referring to the perception that dems
supporting these program, and republicans don't?

No, I was referring to a perceived benefit of the Democratic Party. Like I said before, I don't support these programs for the reasons you gave among others. But, if private citizens aren't going to help their fellow man, someone must. But, I think there are too many dependent on the government as the programs stand right now. There are jobs available, jobs to be created, or education to be found, there is no excuse for a lot of these people.

Then, to Dr. Horacid, many opposed to Rice are so because they believe her to be unsuitable for the job. We go from a General to an Oil Executive. But, you seem to be excusing the actions of Bush and even praising Rice's appointment because you seem to believe in affirmative action. Just an observation.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Jamuhn
What is that, like some kind of racist slur?
Typical of Republicans....

Uh ...... I voted Republican this time ....

Yea, it was a joke, big time. I flipped the tables on you guys on purpose, just so you can understand how absurd generalizations can be.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:02 PM
Uh, news flash...

We're trying to steer away from the overgeneralization of a person's color, and I'm about to show you why.

I grew up in a lower middle class white family, barely above the poverty line. If you want to throw around flawed labels, Condoleeza Rice is whiter than I am.

Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004. She resides in Washington, D.C.


Impressive, yes. And expensive as all hell. Note how she grew up in a family privileged enough to send her off to DU in 1974...that's not cheap.

I'm barely scraping by at a crappy small college, and that's with gov't assistance.

It's not about black and white, poor and rich, but if you want to make it like that, Condoleezza Rice is white like her surname, alright?

The thing I'm driving at is...

Just because her skin is a different color, doesn't make her any more or less able to in point, because she was obviously better of than almost 100% of the people I know and associate with...and are white.

Racial pigeon-holes do not apply to people like Condoleezza Rice. Want some more examples?

Colin Powell,
Tiger Woods,


As time goes on, you'll realize that *NOT!* all White people live well, and not all black people live poorly. Try to scrub the thought from your brain. It will expand it.

OMGOSH! I just caught that typo. Sorry for the confusion.

[edit on 11-22-2004 by Loki]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
I don't support these programs for the reasons you gave among others. But, if private citizens aren't going to help their fellow man, someone must. But, I think there are too many dependent on the government as the programs stand right now.

I think you and I are probably in agreement with most of this then.

When I posted this article to start with, it was with admiration of
Dr. Rice and how she went from dismal beginnings in Alabama
(and being friends with one of those poor little girls who was
murdered in that church), to the position she is in today. AMAZING.

You mentioned private citizens helping. I think that G.W. has
really pushed the churches and private groups helping. He really
has pushed the 'reach out to help others', 'acts of kindness',
etc. He's getting a lot of flack from the dems on this. They are
complaining that he is violating 'separation of church and state'
by pushing the 'Faith Based' helping programs. (this is a different
discussion - there really isn't a 'separation of church and state
like people think ... .but I'll save that for later).

Things like the people who are dependent on govt programs is
what the author of the article was getting at (at least, that's
what I get from it). These dependencies are holding down
the minorities ... but the dems don't seem to want to fix the
programs because they know that the free $$ is buying them
votes. This is NOT good for black America.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
This is NOT good for black America.

Though, there are many biased parts of this article and a lot of it is propaganda, I do agree to some level. But, the title of the article and the clear bias towards the Republican party is what is driving me away from this. I'm neither a democrat nor a republican and while I have no problem with the article talking about the faults of the democratic party, the parts about Rice and Powell showing how Republicans love minorities is pure propaganda. It is almost gives me a sense that Bush is practicing affirmative action with the highest offices in our country. That just makes me mad.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Loki
Uh, news flash...

We're trying to steer away from the overgeneralization of a person's color, and I'm about to show you why.

Impressive, yes. And expensive as all hell. Note how she grew up in a family privileged enough to send her off to DU in 1974...that's not cheap.

I'm barely scraping by at a crappy small college, and that's with gov't assistance.

It's not about black and white, poor and rich, but if you want to make it like that, Condoleezza Rice is white like her surname, alright?

The thing I'm driving at is...


As time goes on, you'll realize that all White people live well, and not all black people live poorly. Try to scrub the thought from your brain. It will expand it.

Ms. Condy was home educated and older she was able to go to private schools.

Started in DU because her father was a Dean in the university, now he did lots of good things for the black comunity while he was there, and his views were diferent from Ms. Mothern Condi as now. I guess because he was more targeted as a sucessful black person in a time when equality was just been defined.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Loki
I grew up in a lower middle class white family, barely above the poverty line. If you want to throw around flawed labels, Condoleeza Rice is whiter than I am.

Note how she grew up in a family privileged enough to send her off to DU in 1974...that's not cheap.

As time goes on, you'll realize that all White people live well, and not all black people live poorly.

Well Loki. I can't follow what you are saying.

Dr. Rice is 'whiter' than you because she went to a good college
and it looks like her family could afford it? (or she got scholarships)

That sounds rather racist to me. But like I said, I can't
follow what you are talking about.

Your comment -
'All white people live well and not all black people live poorly.'

#1 - I don't know if you had a typo ... but all white people do not
'live well'. Here in Wilmington DE we have a large retired white
population (as well as a large black population). I know for a fact
that all those retired white people do not live well. Some because
of circumstances, and some because through their own fault
because they didn't plan for retirement very well.

#2 - 'Not all black people live poorly'. Well ... DUH. I fail to
see why you said this. You'll have to rephrase.

I have no idea what you ment by 'scrubbing your brain' to
expand it. It sounded rather smarta$$. Care to rephrase?

[edit on 11/22/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Since when do you have to be "poor" to understand racisim? And since when is a college education a "right". The US gov has no business "assisting" anyone for college, period. Not even vets. Mr. Rice earned everything she has, period. The slavemasters don't like it when a black goes off the plantation. Look at Justice Thomas. Demoslaves wake yourself.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Ms. Condy was home educated and older she was able to go to private schools. Started in DU because her father was a Dean in the university,

Ahhhhhhhhh ... HOME SCHOOLED!!!!!! We homeschool. EXCELLENT
way to start kids off in the world. I salute her parents! So, her
dad was the Dean in the university? That explains what the
previous poster was saying about 'expensive' education. She was
the daughter of an employee at the university. Most children at
most universities get either substantially smaller cost to go, or
they go totally free. Being Dean, he probably did okay in the
salary dept too. He probably didn't have a wealthy income, but
he wasn't poor either.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Whoops, I just caught my typo. sorry for that omission...given the circumstances, It was a pretty big one. DOH!

Oh, and being dean at a large college like DU would probably net someone a healthy six figures

[edit on 11-22-2004 by Loki]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
the title of the article ...

parts about Rice and Powell showing how Republicans love minorities is pure propaganda.

I didn't care for the title of the article. That's what we get when
we are reading politics. All politics will say what ever is the boldest
to get your attention ... (and then spin and spin and spin)

I do not think that republicans love minorities. I also don't think the
dems love minorities, although they are the party that people point
to and say that they do. I think the dems love the minority vote and
will go after it giving the voter what ever they want ... even if it isn't
good for the minority voter.

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