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Dr. Courtney Brown predicts a "world-changing event" in Feb 2014

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posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:20 AM
Still waiting for the next. 2 parts of the announcement. Maybe the reason the date was put back was so that they had time to make plenty of copies of the video . Nothing new on his fb page but this is the latest email newsletter

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Hi Everyone!
The time has come. The Farsight Announcement will come out in three important phases. The first is the release of a free 40 minute video that explains the Farsight Planet 2014 Disclosure Campaign. It also introduces the new project just completed at The Farsight Institute on The Great Pyramid of Giza. The reason this project on the Great Pyramid is so important is because we have completely changed the way remote viewing is primarily done, from primarily a paper and pen process to a process recorded live on video that is theatrically interesting. You need to see it. It is now impossible for any reasonable person to deny the reality of remote viewing. The implications of this are greater than anyone can imagine. This alone will change everything. The issue of disclosure is part of this, since disclosure really has nothing to do with the authorities or the elites. Disclosure is only about what you know, and now you can have disclosure.

About The Great Pyramid of Giza, this is probably the most important remote-viewing project ever done at The Farsight Institute, and it is fitting that this project is the one that highlights our disclosure campaign. Now everyone can see that remote-viewing results are more valuable than many of the nutty ideas that are championed by a great many mainstream scientists about human slaves building the great pyramids all by themselves with only manual labor and crude tools. We can set the record straight, and tell the world that human consciousness truly is nonlocal at the same time. Moreover, the pyramid story involves extraterrestrials...big time. You need to see it to understand how important this is.

Many will scoff at our results in the beginning. But in time, the release of this project will be seen as the event that changed the direction of thinking on this planet in a major way. Without this change, who knows how our species could thrive in the future? With this change, a change of realism, we have a chance to a great destiny, a destiny in which the entire universe one day looks in our direction and says, "If the humans could awaken on Earth, with all the limitations they have with respect to consciousness, then anyone can do it." We will give hope to beings elsewhere in numbers difficult to imagine.

Please watch this video from start to finish. It is 40 minutes long. Here is the link.

You can also find this video on the home page of The Farsight Institute.

Courtney Brown, Ph.D., Director
The Farsight Institute

©2014 The Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA | P.O. Box 601, Decatur, GA 30031
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posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by da pickles

The reason this project on the Great Pyramid is so important is because we have completely changed the way remote viewing is primarily done, from primarily a paper and pen process to a process recorded live on video that is theatrically interesting. You need to see it. It is now impossible for any reasonable person to deny the reality of remote viewing.

THIS seems to be his big message No reasonable person (he believes) can deny his great work.

The truth some of us are laughing and some crying all depending on what amount of hope and energy you personally invested. So that part was true!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by MissBeck

Watching the video, I am laughing, I can't believe he is feeling that just because we now can watch some guys drawing and not in their previously needed trance state, that this PROVES what they are saying is real and true. it is completely childish.So he is about a world wide movement led by himself to believe in hocus pocus guys frowning at a board and saying they are seeing the REAL past.

We have to accept that they were not told the target, and what they describe is the same thing many others have said over and over, not a new thing in sight!

Ok now I am crying so Some will also Laugh and cry!

He made it sound like there was some outside agency and the announcement was "not theirs"...well?
edit on 15-3-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I hope this finally sets his "fans" on the right track - straight away from him. If I saw this guy on the street I'd put my hand over my wallet and my trust on hold.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:52 AM

The truth some of us are laughing and some crying all depending on what amount of hope and energy you personally invested. So that part was true!
reply to post by Char-Lee

I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying. Edge-of-the-seat anticipation, and here we have it!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:53 AM
Anyone who doesn't want to watch one thing he says is that all the pyramids around the world were built "for no reason" just to keep slaves doing pointless labor. Even though they were made for no reason, some humans were genetically constructed just for the work!

This alone should make people stop listening to this guy.

edit on 15-3-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:58 AM
It seems that the Project Chani entity was right on one thing: "Brown cheat before 15 May".

He meant Courtney Brown!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by FinalCountdown

Are you positive that is accurate?
Alchemists can make mercury into gold but it costs more to do than the gold.
Around these parts, new veins of gold are found all the time....... so you say like a woman's ova, the already here once used, there'll never be more?

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

It's a shame really. I've never looked into Remote Viewing, or even heard of Courtney Brown before I'd seen this thread, and if he'd proved, or announced something earth shatteringly, beyond a doubt, 100% true, with evidence, he may have got me interested into looking at it further, and sold me the world!

Instead he tried to sell a dodgy DVD about Dick and Daz doodling pictures on a board!

He's made a right plonker of himself, and I certainly won't be looking any further into the subject.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by da pickles

But in time, the release of this project will be seen as the event that changed the direction of thinking on this planet in a major way.

Guess what if you pay to see the video you will get to see one of these guys actually speaking to a praying mantis lady alien even though she is invisible! Yes!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:25 AM



But why bother?
I don't understand why would anyone willingly give away their TIME - more precious than money - to watch it.

Because the guy who is going to rip it and put it on Youtube for FREE, is his way to get his own back on Mr Brown, well thats how I take it anyway.

Did you not read the quote?

edit on 15-3-2014 by Spiro because: (no reason given)

The question is, did you read my post, but... really, it doesn't matter.
I wouldn't have thought that such a simple question would need repeating, but here it goes:

Why would ANYONE invest a minute of one's time to watch it - free or not?

That was the point.
The people who see it for free may be "getting back" at Courtney Brown (as in: punishing his wallet), but in fact they are willingly giving away their own time - which they are never getting back.

Perhaps I am in the minority, but I consider time to be far more precious than money - especially other people's money or the lack thereof.

Speaking of which.... gotta go.

edit on 15-3-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by AdAstra

Why would ANYONE invest a minute of one's time to watch it - free or not?

I agree with you. we have all wasted a lot of time and hope on garbage.

Does C. Brown always try to talk like a robot?

Hilarious! I actually kind of feel sorry for the guy I think he might need help. He may actually believe he could change the whole world with his drivel and not be all about the money.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by MissBeck

Look into the real deals. Ingo Swann, the Tart and Puthoff research, etc. That's why guys like this guy and that other one who's running around scaring people and gathering money are lower than thieves - they cause people to not research past successes and try it for themselves.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:08 PM
One wonders why he didn't remote view all the people getting angry at this method of hype and presentation (it's running 10 to 1 angry on the comments at Youtube).

One wonders why he didn't remote view that perhaps the best way to get out earthshaking information would be to simply release it and let that take its course. I'm sure plenty of money would be forthcoming, if indeed it were truly worthwhile.

One also has to wonder why he needs money whatsoever, if remote viewing works that well, there has to be millions of ways to make money with it.

Now, will the video give us the equations we would need to build antigravity stone moving and laser style stone cutting machines? Will it give us the ability to exactly replicate what the pyramids looked like, and what they did?

This hyperbolic, longwinded sales video was brought to you by the same guy who says his remote viewers determined that Jesus didn't 'die for your sins'; he was replaced by a mentally ill man who was drugged into not realizing he was being crucified. While I'm happy for Jesus, that kinda brings the whole basis of a world religion into question, doesn't it? Especially the resurrection end of things...

Most people have figured out by now that our world history is nothing like what we've been told; it's easy enough to extrapolate from the outrageous lies we're told every day now and see how the control mechanisms work.

But this is just sad. The era of keeping information behind a pay wall is over.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Aleister

I'll have a look Aleister, but even more skeptical than ever now!
Thanks for the info.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:20 PM
There are couple of things to observe after this first video.

1. RV was considered by the US government to not only be viable, but important. The US government stopped the program even though the money spent on it was a pittance. When they drop a project they believe is useful, it usually means they have a new way to do the job that is even better.

2. Listening to Ingo Swann talk about his experiences you'll note he never tried to "prove" his work was anything, but simply stated his experience. Dr. Brown seems to be working very hard to "prove" something that is esoteric, and esoteric means no scientific proof. The system of scientific proof is rather limited to say the least and dismisses anything that can't be called data. So he is reducing the esoteric to data - a bad sign, as the two are just not the same thing. In fact, I dare say the government's frustrations with the original RV system was the esoteric/data problem.

3. His pyramid conclusions are dodgy at best for a couple of reasons. Coral Castle was built by one man using his own "secrets" and it proves the process isn't that hard if you know how to do it. So suggesting it is "technology" is kind of silly, as "sound levitation" isn't really technology as much as it is knowledge.

4. The connection of "slave labor" and "pointless" is dubious at best. It seems folks must believe the slave part of the construction no matter what, it seems to be woven into our collective like a virus. The pyramids did have purpose, to others, but not us now. In fact, the observation that it radiates energy, vibrations and so on suggest it isn't a wasted effort at all. Now it is likely they where not for the native earth people hanging out at the time - but that does not make them useless.

5. Proof. Why waste your time? If he believes the system works, and to a degree it does, then why bother "proving" anything? I get kind of tired of folks spending their life trying to prove to the non-believers that x = y. To those who think the pyramids are just useless tombs I say, "good for you" and I'm not going to spend one parsec of energy trying to convince you otherwise.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:27 PM

Why would ANYONE invest a minute of one's time to watch it - free or not?

That was the point.
The people who see it for free may be "getting back" at Courtney Brown (as in: punishing his wallet), but in fact they are willingly giving away their own time - which they are never getting back.

Perhaps I am in the minority, but I consider time to be far more precious than money - especially other people's money or the lack thereof.

I don't disagree that time is more valuable than money, etc., but that's not really the point, IMHO. the real issue is, that after we've seen what a self-promoting, deceiving, piece of crap Mr. Brown has shown himself to be, why on God's green earth would anyone pay him money for ANYTHING, because you have to realize that doing so will only encourage more of this "anything-for-a-buck" kind of behavior in the future!?

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:35 PM


The question is, did you read my post, but... really, it doesn't matter.
I wouldn't have thought that such a simple question would need repeating, but here it goes:

Don't be rude. I read your post and completely understand your question BUT, simple or not, your not thinking outside the box. Because....

Why would ANYONE invest a minute of one's time to watch it - free or not?

I have, others have. There is the answer to your simple question. Wait, you want more in depth? I'm interested in Remote Viewing as are many people. Whatever the outcome from these implications and whatever any other member has voiced, at the end of the day we are our own individual person. Don't think for one minute that I have taken sides from members on here, and don't think for one minute that I believe what Mr Brown is saying.

You have shown interest being in this thread, that alone in enough to convince me that you are trolling BECAUSE of the outcome, speaking up when the whole thing is over. Don't be a fool and DON'T treat me as one

That was the point.
The people who see it for free may be "getting back" at Courtney Brown (as in: punishing his wallet), but in fact they are willingly giving away their own time - which they are never getting back.

It's not coming out of your pocket. Let people spend their money as and how they feel. I paid the money, 12dolla is nothing to me and at the same time I can be more informed about this whole big announcement. When I get the chance I will upload it to youtube then people, like your self, will have the opportunity to watch it. Don't want to watch it? Then don't and leave the people alone who DO!!!! Troll!!!!

Perhaps I am in the minority, but I consider time to be far more precious than money - especially other people's money or the lack thereof.

But yet you spent the last " whatever " length of time typing out BS? Really not good thinking at all.

Speaking of which.... gotta go.

You'll be back, I know because Mr Brown taught me well


edit on 15-3-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2014 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:39 PM


I agree with you. we have all wasted a lot of time and hope on garbage.

NO, YOU have wasted a lot of time, don't speak for other people. I haven't wasted my time, not at all. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Your a fool, as are others, knowing that Mr Brown is a con artist but yet you are here....wonders!!!!

Does C. Brown always try to talk like a robot?

Attacking another human being based on their speech? Dam!!!

Hilarious! I actually kind of feel sorry for the guy I think he might need help. He may actually believe he could change the whole world with his drivel and not be all about the money.

But yet your still here attacking? Hilarious!!


posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:39 PM
Well, I guess I don't have to feel guilty for offending any of the more earnest Brown apologists in this thread anymore since my first several posts were about a book, video, or his PR team.

I then tried to stay up with this thread and keep an open mind that it was legit, but that's what keeping an open mind gets you sometimes--brain falls out.

No freaking way that huckster is getting twelve minutes of my time watching him much less 12 of my dollars.

Long awaited "Announcement"?? GIVE ME MONEY

edit on 3/15/2014 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

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