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Evolving new Lucid Abilities

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posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:15 PM
So I had a lucid dream last night and during the dream which I will go into a bit later on but for now I will skim through, during the course of the dream I discovered a new power still in its fledgeling state. Currently when I become lucid in a dream or even semi lucid I have the power of flight. I also have super strength and to a varying degree the ability to teleport and warp reality when super lucid which is rare. But last night I discovered a new talent which just "appeared" in my head. As if I had it all along and simply remembered that I could do it. Its pyrokinesis, but just like flying or any other lucid ability if you focus to much on it the effects are reduced or none at all.

Its hard to explain but its more like what Morpheus says in the matrix when he is training Neo "stop trying to hit me and hit me" You cant "Try" to do these abilities in the dream state you simply have to do it. Don't think about how you are doing it or try to rationalize it or even try to understand it. Just do it. Well anyway one i started to do this ability to set things on fire I started practicing but not realizing that I was doing it and so I started to lose my lucidity. The funny thing about it is after the initial discovery of my fire starting power the dream sequence changed and I was transported back to 70's where my time traveling Uncle who has passed in this reality was operating a multinational corporation with the intent of changing the fate of the world.

It get weirder after that but suffice to say my ability to start fire with my hands was still with me even though it was a different dream and I was no longer lucid in the true sense of the word.
Has anybody here had a similar experience where dream abilities have carried over to the next dream or even day? And time travel dreams?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Your arsenal is unlimited, and I think your subconscious was just showing you that.

I love trying out all powers when lucid dreaming, but one of my favorites is actually changing the story line if I don't like it, or creating another story completely.

Happy Dreaming.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:54 PM
Man i need to focus more on my lucid powers. It's been 2 long

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:18 PM
I had what I consider my first "lucid dream" in a longggg time just a few days ago. These strange demon-looking things with very large ears - not horns - and very large teeth, were trying their hardest to scare me by chasing me around all over the place in some sort of tunnel. However, I just kept laughing at them and walked right past them all. Then there were all kinds of traps that they had set up, which didn't scare me either - because I knew the things couldn't hurt me no matter what they tried to do. I knew that I was just dreaming and that if I "died" I would just wake up... so I pretty much just walked head first into all of the different traps and despite the fact that they were cutting me open and all kinds of other stuff - like something you'd see out of the SAW movies, I didn't feel anything or care at all. Pretty weird, but really cool at the same time.

Strangely enough, I get a magazine called Ideas and Discoveries which currently has an article in it that goes into detail on lucid dreaming. For example which states of sleep it occurs in, and how you can actually use it to teach yourself how to do better at things in real life, like sports - for a fast summary.

edit on 25-1-2014 by Time2Think because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2014 by Time2Think because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:37 PM
I used to be a lucid dreamer when I first started being able to fly in my dreams. My abilities grew to a point where performing unearthly things was no big deal anymore. It was performing these feats that was the trigger that made me realize I was dreaming. Now, flying, telekinesis, teleportation and altering reality are normal things for me to do when I dream, yet very rarely do I realize that I'm dreaming anymore.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 11:08 PM

reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Your arsenal is unlimited, and I think your subconscious was just showing you that.

I love trying out all powers when lucid dreaming, but one of my favorites is actually changing the story line if I don't like it, or creating another story completely.

Happy Dreaming.

Funny you say that changing the story is your favorite because its one of mine too. I think the ability to change reality at whim is pretty cool. I wonder if there is a machine that can induce lucid dreaming consistently. not the snake oil people sell online.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 03:56 AM

Its hard to explain but its more like what Morpheus says in the matrix when he is training Neo "stop trying to hit me and hit me" You cant "Try" to do these abilities in the dream state you simply have to do it. Don't think about how you are doing it or try to rationalize it or even try to understand it. Just do it.

That's a fantastic explanation love it! I've found this same power in my lucid's where instead of trying to do something you just do it without hesitation or wondering the process involved. It's an uncanny ability/power.

Reminds me of the dream I had where I met my subconscious personified as a beautiful woman. She could read my mind and we were like lovers and best friends at the same time. I ventured with her exploring the dream and my powers were amplified something chronic. We were walking along a path when a car tried to run us over. Like Neo, I just said "NO!" held out my hand and stopped the car dead in it's tracks. I was infuriated by this attempt on us, looking over at the driver I made him burst into flames instantly. I then ushered in gale force winds in his area only that put out the flames leaving behind his burnt skeletal remains. Seconds later, a copper chopper arrived and again like Neo I just thought "NO!" and the chopper left immediately. I could have quite easily crushed the helicopter with my mind but decided against it. The dream then turned more pleasant, I believe I went with her to a party after all that.

posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 06:01 AM
Nice thread

In my few first lucid dreams, I used Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis... But I couldn't fly, I could just jump very far.
Then I started to meditate with clay in my hands, so I could start creating things. My first thing I created was a pie

Now I can't lucid dream, altough I do dream, I almost have no free will in my dreams.
My guardian angel came to a dream and told me this would happen.
I hope one day I can be free again, and lucid dreaming becomes part of my life again.

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