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Ted Cruz statement on situation in Ukraine Greater Russia, Russia is Expanding its Sharpe of Influen

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posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 02:29 AM
Ted Cruz statement on situation in Ukraine Greater Russia, Russia is Expanding its Sharpe of Influence Ted Cruz statement on situation in Ukraine Greater Russia, Russia is Expanding its Sharpe of Influence
According to Ted Cruz the libertarian version of Senator John McCain.

Over the past few days, at least three members of the political opposition have been either shot or beaten to death by forces under the control of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych for protesting his new restrictions on the freedoms of speech and assembly that had previously been guaranteed by their country's constitution.

He accuses Russia of expanding its Influence.

Putin’s proposed Eurasian Customs Union, of which Ukraine would be a cornerstone, is a thinly veiled attempt to re-assimilate the territory of "greater Russia" that made up the old Soviet Union. His offer of economic assistance is a first step in binding Ukraine to this new bloc. Given Ukraine’s economic and security significance to both the U.S. and our NATO allies in western Europe it would be a mistake to allow this expansion of Russia’s sphere of interest, especially given the tenacity with which Ukrainians have fought against it in recent months.

Claims that the Neo Fascist Ukrainian opposition have a right to protest therefore there base camp in Independence square that were set by the NGOs shouldn't disseminated.

"The President and Congress should unite in a coherent and sustained program to support the opposition and encourage Yanukovych to both rescind his restrictions on the rights of the Ukrainian people and renounce violence against those engaged in protest. I was pleased to co-sponsor Senate Resolution 319 introduced by Senator Chris Murphy on December 12, 2013, which includes the important clause: “in the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions

After this statement by Ted Cruz its pretty clear that Ted Cruz isn't a freind to liberty when Ted Cruz praises the same opposition that was blessed by Sen John McCain just a month ago.

In Ted Cruz worldview what's occurring in Ukraine is a to re-assimilate the territory of "greater Russia" which is trying to rebuild the soviet union.
Even though Ted Cruz nor his NeoCon buddies haven't still be able to provide proof for their claims, why? its simple why have the protests in Ukraine.

Only just started as soon Yanukovych rejected the ingratiation into the Euporean Union? its because the majority of these protests are preplanned.
Are all those protesters in Kiev right really all Ukrainian?

What Were Youths of Belarusian Activists and Armenia Doing in Kiev? what the majority of the western news outlets arent reporting to us is that what were Youths of Belarusian Activists and Armenia Doing in Kiev? in the first place before their death had happened?

Were they preselected to die for the cause in the first place. Either way that we might find out if they storm the basecamp. Maybe thats why they have being desperate to keep there base camp protective from the cops.

Was this a surprise that Ted Cruz is just like another version of John McCain? what does Ted Cruz thinks they will gain from making sure Ukraine joins the sinking Euporean Union?

And Ted Cruz promises Ukraine debt loan? does America even have any money left? so why keep promises that you cant even keep?

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

what does Ted Cruz thinks they will gain from making sure Ukraine joins the sinking Euporean Union?

Much of this appears to be instigated by foreign NGO's whose sole purpose is to put Ukraine under the thumb of the European Central Bank and EU. The EU is rotting from the inside out and they need every addition they can find to prop it up. If I lived in the Ukraine I'd be running for the hills to stay away from the ECB and EU.

Ted Cruz should work on fixing the US, things are bad enough here.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Bassago


The EU is rotting from the inside out and they need every addition they can find to prop it up.

Ukraine wont join the EU what we are seeing is what we saw in Russia last two years ago, the EU knows the risks what happens should they join the EU.

Russia has the Gas card. This is why McCain, NeoCons, Libs were so dersapate starting an intervention in Syria its for the gas pipes in there own minds they thought they could easily bypass the Russians by installing another puppet government in Syria with that.

They an easily create a Gas line from Qatar, Turkey and then Europe without the need of Russia's stream pipes thats what its all about.

You think Ted Cruz, McCain, Libs and others would ever tell the public the true reasons of starting intervention in an country that has oil or interests that benefits the western governments?

Probably not in public.
edit on 24-1-2014 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

It's all well and good saying that they should have a right to protest, but I think this has gone beyond a protest and is FAR from peaceful.

I have seen groups of 'protesters' beating officers with hammers, throwing molotovs at their faces and many police have been seriously burnt, these people are armed up with axes, knives, even trebuchets!

Granted the police have not been good either, and I am the first person to call fowl play when police get violent. However some scenarios just call for it, if they are willing to stab, burn and maim, then the police should use every non-lethal method that they can.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 03:57 PM
Sounds like Cruz is stating the facts.

We saw the imperial aspirations of Russia materialize in Syria, and the Ukraine.,
edit on 24-1-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 04:06 PM
Once Ted Cruz accidentally called his wife Joe McCarthy during sex.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 04:19 PM
Ted Cruz has enough of a problem trying to figure out appropriate responses to AMERICAN issues, let alone Ukrainian ones.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 04:19 PM

Sounds like Cruz is stating the facts.

There's always a first time.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Over the past few days, at least three members of the political opposition have been either shot or beaten to death by forces under the control of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych

This has not been proven. The two were shot from guns not used by the police or the military. Also no evidence whatsoever exists that somebody was 'beaten to death' by the police. However, 240+ members of police forces were taken to hospital with serious injuries, including stabs, burns, and intoxication with unknown chemicals. So please do not turn the situation upside down. The Ukrainian police is very unhappy with the restrictions Mr. Yanukovich imposed on them regarding how to deal with this situation. In USA or any other Western country this mob would have been dispersed in no time using water batons and water cannons.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 05:16 PM
Since when has Ukraine NOT been a Russian satellite state with a pro-Russian provided government?My grandmother's family are from the Ukraine and USED to be called"White Russia"She told me as a child.I'm sad Ukraine may never be free of Russian influence to pursue their own public interest for a change.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:35 AM

Sounds like Cruz is stating the facts.

We saw the imperial aspirations of Russia materialize in Syria, and the Ukraine.,
edit on 24-1-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Once again it seems you favor for Syria to be controlled by the Saudi-Qatar alliance and its own creation of the SNC and Rebel fighters in Syria.

We saw the imperial aspirations of Russia materialize in Syria

So you prefer for Syria to be a chaotic ruled by Qatar and Saudi Arabia then?

Sounds like Cruz is stating the facts.

Nope. Judging by whom supports whom him doubt on that.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

The Ukraine - another strategic block of land for WW3 - just like Syria -

The "USA" really wants the Ukraine pegged with the failing EU (IMF, World BANk- debt slaves to the elite banksters) Can't imagine this.

Who is really protesting in the Ukraine? It's a question? Our, USA taxpayer money funding another "false" protest? For the elite banksters?

Is ted cruz's wife really an executive to JPMorgan? Is his father really a mega=church founder that is pro-Israel? Really, questions - I don't know the answers.

Seems to me the only thing I am sure of, is that the banksters want WW3 - no matter how they can rinky-dink start it - they will be financing all sides of it in the end - and making money to boot ---- not to mention a whole lot of depopulation....

We saw it in the "arab spring" - we saw it in "syria" - we saw it when they didn't get the muslim brotherhood back in, in Egypt......

Anywhere mccain goes - misery and death follow...

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Ted Cruz and the Tea Party as a whole are just rebranded globalist neocons, no suprise that they support the George Soros funded Ukrainian protestors who are being duped into selling themselves into slavery to the globalists by joining the EU and getting a very very bad deal at that.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by neo96

Sounds like someone is spreading neocon propaganda. Russia prevented globalist Imperialism from taking over Syria. Now they want to do same to Ukraine by putting them in the EU and allowing globalist banks and corporations to loot it.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Happy1

We saw it in the "arab spring" - we saw it in "syria" - we saw it when they didn't get the muslim brotherhood back in, in Egypt......

There was more about Egypt that we DIDN'T hear than what we did. As usual.

Morsi apparently made the same tactical error as Ukraine, he turned to Russia for financial and trade support. The satisfactory outcome of the talks was denied and played down in western media with little difficulty because everyone was content to let media demonize the MB some more instead of reporting the news.

At the talks

Vladimir Putin said, informing that the financial agencies of the two countries will get in contact to extend a loan to Egypt at a bilateral meeting in the nearest future.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:56 AM


posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:47 AM
I was hoping the tea party would focus more on the many huge issues faced within the large and fragile nation of America rather than going down the misguided course of spending valuable resources trying to police/control the world. I say let them try to build huge empires and simply watch as their misguided megalomaniac dreams predictably fail. If we have megalomaniac dreams of our own we will also fail and deserve to fail.
edit on 20-2-2014 by john452 because: (no reason given)

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