When it comes to the issue of first contact, many people are willing to believe in diplomacy-where exchanges of knowledge between us and an alien race
will lead to the enrichment and advancement of humanity. However this is only an assumption, and it could be a dangerous one because we also assume
that aliens are either benevolent or malevolent before we've actually met them.
So what about the aliens themselves? for all the peace loving races we want to contact, there could be just as many that we may not want to contact
for own safety. These types of civilizations are listed below, and I will add examples from works of fiction that resemble the races I’m
The idealist extremists
We are all aware of the violence and disharmony that has been caused by clashing beliefs. Skin color, sexual preference, religious beliefs, and even
economic factors have been a trigger for violence. And if we are capable of such acts, we shouldn't assume that our galactic neighbors are not as
Our population is dominated by two religions: Islamism and Catholicism. The two have been at loggerheads for centuries, and the conflict between the
two has cost thousands of lives. Now imagine a monotheistic race, all devoted to a single god who we'll call Bob for now. Now what happens when the
the devoted Bob botherers learn of a false idols known as god, Mohammed and Buddha? It could trigger a violent crusade against us infidels. Now I know
what you're thinking 'aliens capable of interstellar travel are intelligent enough to put aside their differences and prejudices'-another
assumption. When Neil Armstrong made one small step for man, many more men were making small steps in the jungles of Vietnam.
And religion is not the only facet of human society that aliens could frown upon; aliens could hate our hierarchical system, and could punish us for
our belief in democracy. The same could be said for any one of our human facets; self replicating asexual aliens might take offense to the endless
pornography we are broadcasting and decide to put an end to our species for our carnal crimes.
Example:The Yuuzhan Vong
The handsome chap above is a member of the Yuuzhan Vong, a species found in the
Star Wars universe.
He hates technology and those who wield it, to his people technology is unnatural and a blight on the living experience. So naturally his people want
to cleanse the galaxy of these abominations, which ended in the deaths of hundreds of trillions of individuals.
The artificial antagonists
Many scientists have proposed that first contact won't be between man and alien, but between man and machine, or possibly between machine and
machine. Ideas such as the Von Neumann probe envision swarms of self replicating robots that spread and reproduce when the need arises.
But what would happen if these robots had sentience? Even the simplest life forms on earth are aware that life is a game of survival of the fittest,
if they didn't then they would be extinct. A machine could eventually evolve the same sense of self preservation that we have, which could prove
deadly for us.
Now let's bring Bob back into the equation, only this time he's an intelligent probe. Now Bob was not too bright at the start, he only knew a few
things- where to go, how to get there in one piece, and how to make more Bobs (He calls this the backpacker strategy.) Over time he learns more of his
surroundings, growing smarter and reproducing. But eventually he runs into organic predators, intent on capturing and possibly devouring him and his
replicas. So what does he do? He survives and evolves.
Over time he encounters more and more of these organic lifeforms, each one a possible roadblock impeding his mission. And because Bobs logic can't
comprehend tolerance or interpret the other party's intentions, his artificial instinct kicks in, which is survival. So to provide security, Bob
creates doomsday dreadnaughts to destroy every possible threat to his mission and his continued existence.
Now Bobs story might seem like a bit of a stretch, but the same thing is happening inside your body right now. Every moment of everyday your white
blood cells are keeping you healthy by reproducing and eliminating any foreign bodies that may compromise your immune system. And at the same time
these foreign bodies are mutating into stronger forms so they can combat the strength of your white blood cells. They don't know why they do it, they
just do it, and if something as simple as a virus can have survival instincts, then there's no doubt that A.I could as well.
Example:The reapers
This interesting character is known as Sovereign, Bobs bigger, smarter, and stronger brother from the
Mass Effect Universe. His 'race' knows
the threat the meatbags pose to his kind's existence, so every fifty thousand years the reapers emerge from dark space to purge the galaxy of all
sentient life, making sure every species goes down the same technological pathway to their doom.
The omnipotent opressors
Looking back at our own history, there is evidence that the more cultured societies have tried to mold the more primitive people into their own image.
Tribes in Africa for example have had Christianity and technology forced upon them, when they require neither- a bible or a television does not enrich
their lives, and some could argue that in some instances the advancements in western society has made the situation worse, even if the intentions are
So what if there is a race out there that has the power and the purpose to alter all our lives? Our society could have the rug pulled from under our
feet by a species who thinks it knows what's best for us. This is where Bob makes another appearance.
Bob is no longer a probe anymore-he's now an ancient alien, who's race has ascended to a level of evolution that borders on godhood. He's the all
seeing, all powerful custodian of the universe, capable of feats that would seem like magic to us. But being the caretaker of the galaxy is a burden,
especially when you have young upstarts like Homo Sapiens willing to destroy themselves or others.
So in Bob's infinite wisdom, he decides to pacify humanity by stripping them of their weapons. But he can't stop there. He sees the fallacies of
spiritualism and mysticism, so he eradicates those as well, and slowly but surely humanity is molded into what Bob believes is a utopia, when in
actuality mankind has been stripped of it's chance to forge it's own destiny and enlightenment.
(continued in the next post)