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PRAGUE - The Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic was died after sustaining injured in an explosion at his residence in Prague on Wednesday.
The blast occurred before midday and Ambassador Jamal al-Jamal's family was also at the two-story residence in a northern suburb of the Czech capital. But no one else was hurt.
"There has been a detonation of a so-far unidentified explosive mixture," spokeswoman Andrea Zoulova said.
"The ambassador was injured ... and taken to hospital with serious injuries. At the moment it is impossible to specify what kind of explosive it was. A search ... is under way at the moment," she said.
Oct 11, 2013
Prague - President Milos Zeman´s statements about moving the Czech embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have harmed the Czech Republic´s relations with Arab states, new Palestinian ambassador Jamal Al Jamal said in an interview with CTK today.Prague - President Milos Zeman´s statements about moving the Czech embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem have harmed the Czech Republic´s relations with Arab states, new Palestinian ambassador Jamal Al Jamal said in an interview with CTK today.
He said he asked Zeman to take steps to moderate the impact of his words and that Zeman assured him the moving would only be possible after peace were reached between Israel and Palestine.
Jamal met Zeman today when he was handing him his credentials. In a personal discussion, Jamal asked Zeman to come closer to the Palestinians.
In the interview with CTK he spoke about the possibility of Zeman´s visit to Palestine next year.
Zeman spoke about the possible moving of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem still before his visit to Israel this week.
He angered not only the Palestinians, but also representatives of the Arab League.
During his Israeli visit he was moderating his words with a statement that the embassy could only move to Jerusalem after peace is reached in the Middle East.
Jamal said Zeman told him today that not only the embassy in Israel would move to the western part Jerusalem then, but also the Czech mission in Palestine would move to the eastern part of the capital.
The Palestinians still count with that Eastern Jerusalem will become capital of their future state.
Police were investigating the possibility that al Jamal himself was "manipulating with explosives," she said.
She added that authorities found evidence of explosives in the debris.
K výbuchu došlo při otevírání trezoru v domě, kdy explodoval systém připojený ke schránce. Velvyslanec utrpěl velmi vážná zranění dolních i horních končetin. Podle zdrojů obeznámených s vyšetřováním policie prověřuje nález většího množství zbraní a výbušnin.
Velvyslance převezli do Ústřední vojenské nemocnice a byl uveden do umělého spánku. Zdroj blízký vyšetřování později uvedl, že Džamál zemřel. Podle vedoucího chirurga Daniela Langera utrpěl zranění hrudníku, břicha a hlavy neslučitelná se životem.
Pyrotechnici prohledávají i sousední dům v Suchdole, který rovněž patří palestinské ambasádě. Na místo zamířil také policejní prezident Martin Červíček. Ten v České televizi řekl, že podle jeho informací nebyl výbuch teroristickým útokem.
Explozi v rezidenčním bytě palestinského diplomata způsobil systém v trezoru
Výbuch, k němuž došlo ve středu odpoledne v pražském Suchdole v bytě palestinského velvyslance Džamála Muhammada Džamála, může neodborná manipulace s trezorem nebo samovolné spuštění výbušného systému po jeho otevření. Potvrdila to pražská policejní mluvčí Andrea Zoulová. Při explozi byl velvyslanec smrtelně zraněn, později zemřel v nemocnici.
„Nebyl nalezen žádný nástražný výbušný systém,“ sdělila Zoulová. „V úvahu připadá nedbalostní manipulace s výbušným systémem případně samovolná iniciace,“ dodala s tím, že typ systému určí až expertiza.
Trezor byl podle ní při výbuchu silně poškozen.
„Tento systém se nacházel v trezoru a k jeho iniciaci došlo po otevření dvířek trezoru. Systém mohl být součástí vybavení příslušného trezoru,“ doplnila. Podle ní se v objektu ani v jiném místě žádné jiné výbušné systémy nenašly.
reply to post by Wrabbit2000
I think that question can be cleared up. Apparently it wasn't an armed safe as such.
Here's extracts from an update (released here local time 17:33, time of this post is 18:22) from a related article on at this page on their website.
As before, I'll give the original Czech in “ex” quotes then my translation.
Explozi v rezidenčním bytě palestinského diplomata způsobil systém v trezoru
Explosion in Residential Apartment of Palestinian Diplomat Caused by System in Safe
Výbuch, k němuž došlo ve středu odpoledne v pražském Suchdole v bytě palestinského velvyslance Džamála Muhammada Džamála, může neodborná manipulace s trezorem nebo samovolné spuštění výbušného systému po jeho otevření. Potvrdila to pražská policejní mluvčí Andrea Zoulová. Při explozi byl velvyslanec smrtelně zraněn, později zemřel v nemocnici.
The explosion that occurred on Wednesday afternoon in Prague's Suchdol (Note: a suburb of Prague] in the apartment of Palestinian Ambassador Jamal Muhammad Jamal, could have been due to inexpertly operating the safe or a spontaneous triggering of an explosive system after it was opened. This was confirmed by Andrea Zoulová, spokesperson for the Prague Police. The Ambassador was mortally injured in the explosion and died later in hospital.
(End translation.)
Two extracts from the following text.
„Nebyl nalezen žádný nástražný výbušný systém,“ sdělila Zoulová. „V úvahu připadá nedbalostní manipulace s výbušným systémem případně samovolná iniciace,“ dodala s tím, že typ systému určí až expertiza.
Trezor byl podle ní při výbuchu silně poškozen.
“No protective explosive system was found,” Zoulová advised. “The case of inexpert handling of this/the explosive system cannot be ruled out, not can its spontaneous initiation,” she added, saying that the type of explosive system would be determined by experts.
She said the safe was heavily damaged by the explosion.
(End translation)
„Tento systém se nacházel v trezoru a k jeho iniciaci došlo po otevření dvířek trezoru. Systém mohl být součástí vybavení příslušného trezoru,“ doplnila. Podle ní se v objektu ani v jiném místě žádné jiné výbušné systémy nenašly.
“This system was inside the safe and it was initiated after the safe's door was opened. The system could have been part of the safe's actual equipment,” she added. She said that no other explosive system had been found, neither within the building or even in another place.
(End translation.)
I find it interesting that she says the explosive “system” was not there to guard or protect the safe, because it went off after the door had been opened. (“po otevření”, literally “after opening”) The use of “po” means “after”. If they had believed it exploded as the door was being opened, she would have used “při”, meaning “during opening”.
So, it seems there was an explosive device kept in the safe, but it wasn't there to protect the safe itself.
But she also says it could have been part of the safe's equipment. I mean, what??
Talk about fogging things up!!
And that makes me wonder why it was there at all.
Wheels within wheels, it seems.
edit on 1/1/14 by JustMike because: (no reason given)
Cough israel cough cough...
Putin has declared to destroy the terrorists, I sure hope he knows who the real target is.
The US for the major part never figured out who the real terrorists were.
Even as it stares and laughs in our faces...
I know where terrorism was born.
reply to post by Swills
Her opinion is "Je to stoprocentni bordel", which politely translated means it's an absolute mess. And for the same reason: if the explosive system may have been part of the safe's equipment, then how can they say they didn't find any protective system (booby trap)?