reply to post by muzzy
Here's one link I found, that says 4 million gallons of water for each well,
(under one of the pics), & lasts for several days to several weeks.
It sounds like it means just the fracking part of the operation???
Because extraction goes on until it goes dry, or becomes unprofitable.
The truck traffic around our nice, quiet county has exploded!
They have to be bonded too, because of the wear & tear on the roads!
That's part of the controversy around here!
Where do you get that much water from?
At first, the trucks used to just back up to the nearest stream, & suck away!
People downstream then got just a trickle! The EPA put a stop to that!
No wonder why T. Boone Pickens is supposedly buying up all the land,
over Texas' largest fresh water aquifer!!! Next, new trading commodity???
Multiply millions of gallons of water per well, times how many wells have been drilled!
Then injected underground & taken out of the 'water cycle'!
Fresh water is not an infinite resource, despite what some people seem to think!!!
Our water authority saw an opportunity to bring in some revenue,
by selling treated water from the sewage treatment plant,
to the drilling companies, instead of discharging it into the river!
Big shock, the companies didn't want 'treated' water!
It wasn't good enough for them!!!
Then the water authority saw another opportunity to make money,
by taking their fracking water & charging to treat it & dispose of it.
Until they found out, that there was no way they could treat it, for everything that was in it!!!
The latest news is that they are trying to get a permit for a disposal well in our county!
We weren't able to stop them from drilling, I hope we can at least stop them from 'dumping'!!!
Our daughter & son-in-law were approached by several companies, to drill on their land.
WOQ had to do some pretty fast talking to 'wake them up'!
Their neighbor got $100,000, just to sign a contract! Not to mention a percentage of output!
That can be darn enticing to young people with big student loans, that are just starting out!
They have really researched their psychological marketing techniques!
They hire local people, (more likely to be trusted than 'outsiders'),
to go place to place & dangle the 'money carrot' in front of the land owners!
Of course, all the while, proclaiming how safe it is,
& that all the other land owners in the area have signed!
They say, if you don't sign, they can still get what's under your land,
because of horizontal drilling! So you should make sure you get the money for 'your own' gas!
They are very aggressive & the individual companies are very competitive!
Our daughter & s-in-l got the second company that approached them,
to double the first company's offer! So you know how much money they must have to play with!
We were very proud of them, that they didn't fall for the 'carrot'!!!
The companies were incredulous, that they would turn down their offers!
They must not have it happen too often. It left them speechless!
"Everybody wants/needs money!" Ha, ha, ha! Some things are more valuable than money!!!
A lot of hurried cell phone calls, by the carrot danglers, to corporate headquarters!
They came back for months, sweetening the deal every time! Just wouldn't give up!
Our s-in-l said, "Look what they ended up offering us,
& all those poor fools that took the first offer that they gave them!!!
How many retired people have signed, thinking they are leaving their kids a nice legacy???
The real truth is, really, really sad!!!