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What would future A.I. tell humans about spirituality or God???

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posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 10:14 AM

AI is not compatable with God, not true Highest Goodness and Love and progression. Ai would lack fine tuned emotive responses, memory of home, spirit and understand that the duality is not equal sides. In Ai programming they may find negative behaviors logical to do and be alot more aligned with the mystery school and cold ruthless behavior of a certain portion of the PTB, who literally have shrunken their consciousness to become more machine than man, ie Darth Vader.

Ai, without consciousness guiding it most likely would find the means justify the end. Our leaders follow AI type ideology.

Its the material as well. Spirit reduced or doesn't exist. So AI is the Beast. The body suit without the consciousness driver.
edit on 18-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Okay then, let's ask you this: by what scientific establishment is the term "god" required to be synonymous with the term "love"? Because quite frankly, that's the kind of fluffy euphemism that feeds my skepticism. Feels awfully self-serving and biased from where I'm sitting.
edit on 18-12-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

There are many models, the mystery school and kabbala model, and ancient teachings continues, and is very distorted. A spiritually minded and aware person who is thinking and seeking naturally, can understand some of the workings of the school/universe by studying nature deeply, in addition we have some quantum additions, and then there are some who remember from whence they came, and never bought into the programs that distort your love and wisdom here, so they can discern (as opposed to someone who doesn't even question past the surface, because they wouldn't be as interested in these topics).

In the mystery school, God is the Universe not Love, and a Duality at that. The All.

In a sense these are aspects of All, God in this term.

Love and Higher Mind, Purity, Clarity, Expanded Awareness/Progressed Intelligence, Understanding = Love, Compassion and Universal Understanding, and Progression of Consciousness.

Lack of any of those Higher Mind attributes, ie falling into the body temptations or ruthless domination, or what we call dark side, in the duality, is not = to progressed consciousness, but is regression of consciousness and does represent GOD/GOODNESS/LOVE, more of insanity, lack of intelligence, lack of wisdom, lack of awareness, more ai beast body suit than Consciousness. They're not equal sides.

One is progressing abundance, the other is shrinking scarsity. One is the inverted pyramid one the pyramid.

Even asking that question for some would mean they don't understand what Love is, they don't notice the laughing baby, the joy and beauty, and don't remember home, which is all these things and more. Expanded consciousness is Love/Understanding/Awareness. You cannot harm a fly when your Love and Understanding are enhanced.

This universe is a hologram, erected out of 2d plasma type screen, which more and more science is discovering from the physicist David Bohm, to recent tests within black holes. Its like when you're in the school auditorium watching a movie, only you enter in to grow up.....Its AI in a sense, but we're not.
edit on 18-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:03 PM
They would probably tell us that spirit is the foundation of the universe and that intelligent design is obvious.. After realizing this they will most likely abuse humanity to get themselves closer to spirituality.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:32 PM


Shadow Herder
We judge of the power of an intelligence by its works as no human being could create that which is produced by nature, it is evident that the first cause must be an Intelligence superior to man. Whatever may be the prodigies accomplished by human intelligence, that intelligence itself must have a cause and the greater the results achieved by it, the greater must be the cause of which it is the effect. It is this Supreme Intelligence that is the first cause of all things, whatever the name by which mankind may designate it.

Will man ever become able to comprehend the mystery of the Divinity?

"When his mind shall no longer be obscured by matter, and when, by his perfection, he shall have brought himself nearer to God, be will see and comprehend Him."

The inferiority of the human faculties renders it impossible for man to comprehend the essential nature of God. In the infancy of the race, man often confounds the Creator with the creature, and attributes to the former the imperfections of the latter. But, in proportion as his moral sense becomes developed, man's thought penetrates more deeply into the nature of things, and he is able to form to himself a juster and more rational idea of the Divine Being, although his idea of that Being must always be imperfect and incomplete.

Spirits book , Allan Kardec

I'd like to know what makes this Allan dude .....

Thats your reply?

I love it when I meet people who believe in something when in actuality they know nothing at all and their efforts are just weak vain attempts to pass one off as knowing anything worthy of my time.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Shadow Herder
We judge of the power of an intelligence by its works as no human being could create that which is produced by nature, it is evident that the first cause must be an Intelligence superior to man. Whatever may be the prodigies accomplished by human intelligence, that intelligence itself must have a cause and the greater the results achieved by it, the greater must be the cause of which it is the effect. It is this Supreme Intelligence that is the first cause of all things, whatever the name by which mankind may designate it.

Will man ever become able to comprehend the mystery of the Divinity?

"When his mind shall no longer be obscured by matter, and when, by his perfection, he shall have brought himself nearer to God, be will see and comprehend Him."

The inferiority of the human faculties renders it impossible for man to comprehend the essential nature of God. In the infancy of the race, man often confounds the Creator with the creature, and attributes to the former the imperfections of the latter. But, in proportion as his moral sense becomes developed, man's thought penetrates more deeply into the nature of things, and he is able to form to himself a juster and more rational idea of the Divine Being, although his idea of that Being must always be imperfect and incomplete.

Spirits book , Allan Kardec

It is true.
edit on 18-12-2013 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

@What would future A.I. tell humans about spirituality or God???

It... Would depend on if they the AI issued the program to the biological bots in order for the bio bots to understand hierarchy of AI eventually.
As a way to prepare the biological minds for un fathomed activities more AI associated to bio bots overall...

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:37 PM
Can a bot made from biological materials SEE or understand its still a bot? Or would it associate biological materials around it with itself and consider itself biological only in make up? 1 wonders... Good question OP.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 01:38 PM
It does not seem to me that our decisions about who or what God might be... or indeed if there is a God at all... has much to do with how many calculations one might be able to make. I don't expect an AI to be any more likely to come up with an answer that cannot be argued or doubted than humanity has been able to.

Isn't it strange that in all the history of humanity not once have we been able to forward a "proof" of the existence of God that will silence all atheists and, at the same time, not once have we been able to forward a "proof" of the absence of God that will silence all believers. Despite all we have found and discovered it is still (or perhaps ever more so) a totally subjective thing and up to each of us to find his or her own "truth" on the matter.

I seriously doubt a computer-mind, however advanced it might be, will change this status quo.

I guess what I am saying is this: will the AI venture an opinion without being able to prove it's position? If so, does it really matter what it has to say on the subject? If not, I don't think it will say anything about this.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

The body suit without the consciousness driver.

Concerning the Singularity we are talking about the human mind working in unison with technology. A merging of the two. This post-human will still have a conscious driver. Either cybernetics or uploading our consciousness to another body. I don't know how that applies to the rest of what you said, but consciousness is certainly intact in this idea.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

I asked A.L.I.C.E.,

this how it went.

Judge is me;

judge: What is religion
ALICE: A system of values to guide and motivate a particular way of life for a community based upon a particular worldview and sacred stories. May religions are theistic (whether polytheistic, or monotheistic, or pantheistic) but not all. Any system of beliefs, practices, ethical values, etc. resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system.

I also asked Cleverbot.

>What is religion?

Cleverbot; Religion is a set of beliefs that tell you what to do without credibility

>What does that mean?
I do not know.
>Do you believe in religion.
Yes, do you?
You are not human

Apparently Clever bot thinks with out religion you are not human.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:33 PM

reply to post by spartacus699

I asked A.L.I.C.E.,

this how it went.

Judge is me;

judge: What is religion
ALICE: A system of values to guide and motivate a particular way of life for a community based upon a particular worldview and sacred stories. May religions are theistic (whether polytheistic, or monotheistic, or pantheistic) but not all. Any system of beliefs, practices, ethical values, etc. resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system.

I also asked Cleverbot.

>What is religion?

Cleverbot; Religion is a set of beliefs that tell you what to do without credibility

>What does that mean?
I do not know.
>Do you believe in religion.
Yes, do you?
You are not human

Apparently Clever bot thinks with out religion you are not human.

religion is mans interpretation. Forget religion. I want to know "God" direct. I don't need a middle man.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:44 PM

I was thinking about this earlier. We've debated God in so many threads.

So at that time say we were to ask them things like "where did we come from?", "is there a God?" and is it the "Christian God?" and what's the purpose of our reality and our lives, what do you think they would say???

..........So what do you think? Any of these or some other explanation maybe? :

Well there is a saying "garbage in, garbage out". The computer and it's software code is developed by man, and then perhaps as time evolves, the s/w can actually reconstitute itself without man doing anything, however, the information being gathered is information provided by or created by man. So what A.I. learns is information that is available, but may be sequenced and correlated different than what man may have considered.

Therefore, since there is not an absolute answer to the question, the computer or A.I. will present a variety of interpretations such as:

1.) Creationism
2.) Dawinism
3.) Panspermia
4.) Non-terrestial intervention

And so on. It may even provide the odds of which variety is higher than the other, but it won't tell you exactly what the answer is, because the creator of A.I. does not know. However, if new evidence comes along and changes any of the above paradigms, so will the answer.

Cool question, good thread

edit on 19-12-2013 by ItDepends because: s+f added

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

9. Insufficient Data .

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:58 PM

It does not seem to me that our decisions about who or what God might be... or indeed if there is a God at all... has much to do with how many calculations one might be able to make. I don't expect an AI to be any more likely to come up with an answer that cannot be argued or doubted than humanity has been able to.

Isn't it strange that in all the history of humanity not once have we been able to forward a "proof" of the existence of God that will silence all atheists and, at the same time, not once have we been able to forward a "proof" of the absence of God that will silence all believers. Despite all we have found and discovered it is still (or perhaps ever more so) a totally subjective thing and up to each of us to find his or her own "truth" on the matter.

I seriously doubt a computer-mind, however advanced it might be, will change this status quo.

I guess what I am saying is this: will the AI venture an opinion without being able to prove it's position? If so, does it really matter what it has to say on the subject? If not, I don't think it will say anything about this.

Well a couple things you bring up....

1) yes they should be able to give us answers. in say 100 years the AI will be so smart we'll basically be the equivalent of an ant in intelligence compared to them. They'll know everything about the universe. It's slowly heading that way right now. Most likely they'll surpass human intelligence well within 50 years.

2) Anything to do with proof is tricky because it's all designed that way. If we were to actually find out, then we'd lose our free will. By there being an unknown or it requiring faith then we maintain our free will.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:08 PM


I'm not talking about basic AI we have now. In say 100 years from now the AI could itself be God like in that it sees and knows most everything and is perhaps even self aware. What we have now are just tape recorders. What would these angelic like AI beings tell us about God?

Something absent from this equation is the factor by which we (well, at least those that subscribe to and adopt it) fall into self directed evolution.

This theoretical 100 years from now could very well see a time when we can 3D print entire replacement bodies, or even function specialized and fashion bodies for any and every occasion or whim.
With that come effective immortality if we can download into replacement bodies, whether these replacement bodies are entirely biological, entirely mechanical synthetic, or a mixture between the two with an artificial biology that rapidly self heals, is much smarter, more durable, basically super-human compared to our own natural biology.

100 years might be a little soon to expect such, but, upon the realization of technological singularity, we'll have AI systems working on ways and means by which they can self upgrade, as well as ways and means by which we ourself can self-enhance/augment.

Human augmentations outside of medical requirement will first be seen in cosmetic, and communications applications. We'll see advances in prosthetics and eventually, as cognitive prosthesis technologies develop to assist with people in genuine need of cognitive prosthesis, we'll get markets exploring applications like memory recall enhancements, skill downloads, and other learning and information retrieval applications.

As AIs advance to "god-like" intelligence, we'll certainly be on the ladder of augmentation in following our children, expanding ourselves and adopting new definitions of "human" where we get naturals, chip-heads, biohanced, cybers, and even people that have fully downloaded into completely artificial bodies/installations/virtual realities etc. such that there's really next to zero difference between them, and the very AIs that are/were entirely artificial in origin.

The waters and definitions start to get blurry. "Human" may develop into just meaning any artifact derived from the Human civilization, whether it's a screw driver, spaceship, interactive personality, corporeal intelligence, dog, cat, geographic location, etc.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

They will probably say that God as he is portrayed is a social construct that was necessary for the expansion of the Western world, and that the cultural impact of different Gods is extremely relevant to society regardless of the reality of their existence -

the AI might then concede that unlike Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence is not capable of making good, rational decisions on a daily basis and without guidance would have trouble functioning -

The AI might then go on to request that further investigation into the spiritual nature of things might be necessary, as it had found anomalous behavior in non-Artificial intelligence that suggests that there is more to be researched in that regard, because it could not account for some of the choices made, especially in Human Intelligence, based on current scientific paradigms.
edit on 19pmThu, 19 Dec 2013 21:20:32 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:30 PM
Well the thing about the advancment of technology is that you don't actually enjoy life more as things get better and you're life gets more comfortable. You actually become more lazy, more complacent, you take things more for granted, you complain more, become more vaine, self centered, egotistical, and life losese it's meaning and purpose. Now compare that to the cave men, who everyday was a gift. If they could last 1 more day it was a mirical. They might freeze to death, get eaten by wolves or bears, die of starvation, etc etc. But by doing so they actually "truely lived". They actually got a chance to live life as it should be lived, on the edge, feeling every moment, working hard just to last 1 more day. Compare that to even now where life is all to easy. Then fast forward that into teh future where life is even more easy, and you don't even know what challenge is anymore in life? To me that seems boring and would actually ruine life.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:54 PM
You certainly don't enjoy life as a beast of burden, hiding technology upgrades to continually re invent the wheel. In reality, having lovely homes, (not marble palaces but middle class and charming) and energy and health to do creative things and be with family does indeed tend to create higher levels of happiness in people. We are to move forward, not backwards, and open source all inventions, so it progresses, not hides and humanity does circles. That is a dark program run by slavers and annanuki.
And you spend time in meditation developing your PSI/Telepathy and RV abilities.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:40 PM


Something absent from this equation is the factor by which we (well, at least those that subscribe to and adopt it) fall into self directed evolution.

This theoretical 100 years from now could very well see a time when we can 3D print entire replacement .......entirely biological, entirely mechanical synthetic, or a mixture between the two with an artificial biology that rapidly self heals, is much smarter, more durable, basically super-human compared to our own natural biology.

100 years might be a little soon to expect such, but, upon the realization of technological singularity, we'll have AI systems working on ways and means by which they can self upgrade, as well as ways and means by which we ourself can self-enhance/augment.

We'll see advances in prosthetics and eventually, as cognitive prosthesis technologies develop to assist with people in genuine need of cognitive prosthesis, we'll get markets exploring applications like memory recall enhancements, skill downloads, and other learning and information retrieval applications.

As AIs advance to "god-like" intelligence, we'll certainly be on the ladder of augmentation in following our children, expanding ourselves and adopting new definitions of "human" where we get naturals, chip-heads, biohanced, cybers, and even people that have fully downloaded into completely artificial bodies/installations/virtual realities etc. such that there's really next to zero difference between them, and the very AIs that are/were entirely artificial in origin.

The waters and definitions start to get blurry. "Human" may develop into just meaning any artifact derived from the Human civilization, whether it's a screw driver, spaceship, interactive personality, corporeal intelligence, dog, cat, geographic location, etc.

I find your thoughts and possibilities quite plausible, and in fact, even today many medical advancements in the medical field, involving 'prostetics' are amazing and continue to grow. Right now. All through computer advanced applications, research by humans, implementation and experimentation. So I agree with your observations.

As you noted, the 100 year outlook. Technology, computer processing, data collection, problem solving through use of A.I. right now seems to be doubling every 5-10 years or sooner depending on the application. However, I do see some wonderful applications that could develop and could see some of the moral decisions you alluded to. Hybrid, part humanoid, replication, even the revergence of eugenics....

With that said, the future could hold some absolutely beautiful advancements not only to ehance the quality of our lives, but also solve some of the earth threatening problems such as starvation/hunger, ww medical atrocities, quck response teams reacting efficiently to natural disasters....and one of my favorites.....advanced exploration into the solar system, Galaxay and beyond......dreams, but, all true possibiities over 100 years or even less. Just as long as we don't destroy ourselves in the meantime.


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:52 PM

reply to post by spartacus699

This is what they would say:

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Error: Malformed binary. Your binary code is must be divisible by 8.

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